View Full Version : need help with these results ( turkey+lebanon)

11-07-2021, 07:29 AM
these are the results of my great aunt, who is supposedly half turkish half lebanese. I am not sure what to make of these results, I was hoping to get something more clear. I see a high caucasus percentage, is this common with someone from turkey or lebanon?

Anatolia, Armenia, & Mesopotamia 55%

Southern Levant 7%

Sephardic Jewish <2%

Northern Caucasus 17%

Southern Caucasus 9%

Arabian Peninsula <2%
Yemenite Jewish <1%
Mizrahi Jewish<2%

Greece & Balkans 5%


Ashkenazi Jewish<2%

11-07-2021, 12:56 PM
Yes, it is normal for Turkey, especially the Northeastern part of Turkey is very Caucasian. So it depends on where in Turkey she is from.