View Full Version : White Europeans: An endangered species?

04-08-2009, 11:12 AM
Europe is a dying continent. I say this not as a criticism, but rather as a statement of fact. In Europe, an acute failure to produce the next generation has created a looming demographic crisis.

According to research by both the CIA and the U.N., every single member of the European Union has a birthrate significantly below the replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman. In the CIA World Factbook, Germany had a birthrate of 1.36 children per woman in 2007, and Spain and Italy had birthrates of 1.29. At such low levels of fertility, within 100 years, those three nations would have populations 80 percent lower than they are today. And Germany, Italy and Spain are far from alone: Every single industrialized country in Europe has a birthrate below 1.9 children per woman. The average birthrate of the European Union as a whole is approximately 1.5 children per woman — and that number is artificially inflated by the presence of millions of highly fertile non-European immigrants in the major urban centers of Europe.

Even if one ignores the statistical noise presented by the inclusion of millions of outliers, Europe faces a serious problem. Without a major shift in the current fertility trends, industrialized Europe will see its native population decline by about three-fourths over the 21st century. No civilization has ever recovered from such a population decline, and never before has such a decline been entirely voluntary.

Europeans are not becoming less fertile as a consequence of war, or famine, or disease, but rather as a consequence of their Western, consumerist lifestyles.
Some, such as social critic Mark Steyn, have suggested that European civilization is in the middle of committing voluntary demographic suicide, and it’s not hard to see why: A civilization that is producing a tiny succeeding generation and shows no signs of attempting to remedy the problem is violating fundamental Darwinist principles of gene propagation.

There is, of course, a counterargument: Europe’s population has not been declining. In fact, most European nations have shown modest population growth thanks to a huge influx of immigrants from developing nations.

Some economists have argued that because the infertility of Europeans is balanced by the high fertility of its immigrants, there will be no noticeable effects from the failure of Caucasians in Europe to produce offspring. :rolleyes: If the population as a whole remains stable, the argument goes, economic growth will not be affected, and the European quality of life will likely remain constant. Europe could thus theoretically solve its demographic woes by promoting immigration. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately, there are some major holes in that argument. Labor capital is not stable: Native Europeans tend to be highly educated and possess a varied skill set due to Europe’s laudable educational system, while the immigrant populations replacing the native populations are by and large less well educated. Crime levels are also not holding constant, and in Europe there has been an anti-immigrant backlash resulting from the widespread perception that immigrants are responsible for the increase in crime. There is also an 800-pound gorilla in the room: Given present trends, within about a century, Europe will cease to be a white, Christian continent.

No one wants to talk about racial or religious issues, but it merits consideration that the vast majority of immigrants to the European Union are Muslims from North Africa, the Middle East and Turkey. By the year 2150, barring a major shift in either native European fertility rates or immigrant nationality, Europe will be a largely Muslim continent with whites and Christians as minorities composing less than 20 percent of the population. Much of Europe has come to terms with that possibility, but a significant portion of the population is uncomfortable about the prospect of a change in Europe’s continental character, warranting wider spread support for xenophobic political parties across the continent.

Europe is divided as to what to do. While the common plans seems to be to encourage immigration and simply ignore the long run, some nations, especially those without enough immigrants to compensate for the declining fertility of natives, like Russia, have started offering cash incentives to women to have more children. These plans have met with very limited success in societies where raising a child costs a small fortune.

An increasing number of Europeans, however, are demanding change, and are willing to accept a declining population and the consequent economic effects in order to preserve what they see as their heritage. In Amsterdam, women have written editorials decrying the pressure native European women have felt from immigrant communities to cover themselves in public. In France, an extremist xenophobic political party came in second place in the 2002 presidential elections as a result of rising fear about the future of France.

Throughout Europe, proposals to limit immigration from the developing world to highly skilled foreigners have been floated in debate. It seems that Europe has decided that it wants to do something about this perceived problem, but is unwilling to do the one thing that would resolve the long-term demographic situation in a manner that would benefit both native Europeans and immigrants: reproduce.

Trevor Wagener is a freshman in Pierson College.

Source (http://www.yaledailynews.com/articles/view/23784)

04-08-2009, 02:06 PM
Immigration is one of the prime reasons (along with Socialism & Feminism) for the decline of the birthrate among the native Europeans. Without the immigrants there would be less competition for jobs & housing. More people who want a child will have one, those wanting the 2nd, 3rd or 4th will be able to swing it. Children have become a luxury item for many in the West.

04-08-2009, 02:22 PM
Immigration is one of the prime reasons (along with Socialism & Feminism) for the decline of the birthrate among the native Europeans. Without the immigrants there would be less competition for jobs & housing. More people who want a child will have one, those wanting the 2nd, 3rd or 4th will be able to swing it. Children have become a luxury item for many in the West.

I think you hit the nail on the head.

04-08-2009, 02:27 PM
Europe could thus theoretically solve its demographic woes by promoting immigration.

Theoretically Europe could simply not rely upon immigration to stem its declining birth rates and resolve to radically change the social system by which people currently follow.

04-11-2009, 06:44 PM
I'm staggered that the Yale Daily news published that article...:eek:

04-12-2009, 06:55 PM
Immigration is one of the prime reasons (along with Socialism & Feminism) for the decline of the birthrate among the native Europeans. Without the immigrants there would be less competition for jobs & housing. More people who want a child will have one, those wanting the 2nd, 3rd or 4th will be able to swing it. Children have become a luxury item for many in the West.

I agree, a major reason is the economic factor. I'll explain.

Up till about a generation or so ago, property was still relatively affordable in the typical country for citizens on "typical" income. The same applied with regards to prices for food, energy, schooling, clothing etc.

While today we are *seemingly* better off than before (because hey after all we can now afford to buy all sorts of gadgets and imported Chinese junk) in real terms we've become poorer because we're priced out of the property market, struggle with food and energy bills and the costs of bringing up a child (not to mention being able to make time for them due to work demands and the obsessive drives towards higher productivity) are exhorbitant.

The end result is that unless people who are average wage earners receive substantial state support wrt housing and child benefits it becomes too expensive to have more than 1 or 2 children. To sustain a population level requires roughly 3 children per couple (when one takes all factors into account such as emigration, premature deaths, some people remaining childless and so forth).

- The next question would be "but how did life suddenly become so expensive?" and a major reason here is because of the extended run on the property markets which bubble-inflated economies.

- The next question would be "but how did property become so expensive?" and here my belief is because banks deliberately made cheap loans available while in countries like the UK the Govt raided pension funds. This encouraged people to invest in 2nd and 3d properties in order to invest for their retirement, it increased demand for property and prices inflated.

- Why were all these "cheap money and loans" made available? Was it all a coincidence or was there some sort of master plan at work? Who knows.....

One should also note that the IMF and World Bank have for years been instrumental in acting as agents for Corporations to gain control over 3d world country infrastructure and resources by offering cheap loans to 3d world countries and convincing them to take the money (not difficult when dealing with the average corrupt dictator) and to then make those loans conditional on "opening up" and "liberalising" the economy for "foreign investors" to take over infrastructure, mines, various other assets and factories. Often these countries would knowingly be guided into positions from which they were unable to keep up with debt repayments, thereby effectively making them credit slaves for life.

- Now.... Immigrants and asylum seekers in the West typically don't care about these aforementioned issues because the welfare systems (particularly in Europe) support and house them. They're often also less concerned with the costs of education since they get incorporated into the welfare system. Who needs a good job when you can have a career in collecting good welfare payments?

So imo time constraints, lack of funds and suitable affordable housing as well as perhaps an over-emphasis on material wealth as well as the promotion of feminazism in certain circles have all contributed towards Europe's indigenous population decline.

Whether all this happened by accident or design could be an interesting debate.

04-14-2009, 09:56 AM
Immigrants also played a role in the housing crisis. Sure, there's still relatively cheap housing available in western countries, just in places nobody wants to live, certainly not where any sensible person would want to raise a family. When blacks/immigrants moved in and took over areas of western cities, this caused 'white flight' to outlying areas which drove up the housing prices in those areas.

04-14-2009, 10:24 AM
Whether all this happened by accident or design could be an interesting debate.
There's no debate as far as I'm concerned ;). The Globalist Marxist Agenda (read: NWO) which has spread like cancer to every conceivable area of society, wants to create a post-modern world where all traditions, boundaries and liberties are exchanged for a new dual-class world - a small group of self-proclaimed 'intellectual elite' and a mass of faceless (identity-less) 'worker bees'.

One of their methods for doing this is to price people out of their homelands. To do this they must price people out of the housing market and villify all of the cultural connections people previously had with their homeland. This has been planned for decades, if not centuries.


As for me, my fiance and I would love to have kids, but despite both of us being highly qualified, we struggle to support ourselves - let alone a child. And I refuse to bring a child into the world unless I know for certain that I can give them a good upbringing. I'm hoping we'll find a way soon though.

04-14-2009, 02:29 PM
The term "white" is completely unnecessary in this thread and should be restricted to the Americas alone, where some hold onto the failed belief that such a term still holds merit.

04-15-2009, 06:19 AM
If the population as a whole remains stable, the argument goes, economic growth will not be affected, and the European quality of life will likely remain constant. Europe could thus theoretically solve its demographic woes by promoting immigration.

While the percentage of true Europeans slowly but surely decreases until there are none left :mad:

C'mon people, time to get breeding! :tongue

04-15-2009, 07:25 AM
There is also an 800-pound gorilla in the room: Given present trends, within about a century, Europe will cease to be a white, Christian continent.

...By the year 2150, barring a major shift in either native European fertility rates or immigrant nationality, Europe will be a largely Muslim continent with whites and Christians as minorities composing less than 20 percent of the population. Much of Europe has come to terms with that possibility, but a significant portion of the population is uncomfortable about the prospect of a change in Europe’s continental character, warranting wider spread support for xenophobic political parties across the continent.

Trevor Wagener is a freshman in Pierson College.
Whoever Trevor Wagoner is, I sense that he would fit in at this forum. I mean, if he allowed himself to be intellectually honest he would. He sees the problem with clear eyes, I think, but he still voices these P.C. platitudes like "xenophobia" and "labor supply" as much bigger problems than the End of European Mankind; the latter is almost an afterthought. You can't blame him, as he is only 18 or 19 (assuming he's a regular "freshman" and not a G.I.-bill 25-year-old), and he's just parroting what the Ruling Ideology in which he grew up has taught him to say. I'm sure most of us were once like that.

As for me, my fiance and I would love to have kids, but despite both of us being highly qualified, we struggle to support ourselves - let alone a child. And I refuse to bring a child into the world unless I know for certain that I can give them a good upbringing. I'm hoping we'll find a way soon though.I think a lot of people feel that way too. It's often not economic, but that people are terrified of raising a child in this cultural climate. Cultural climate as the threat to "good upbrining". The child may turn out as a "whigger" or worse; totally corrupted by pop-culture.

The Lawspeaker
04-18-2009, 11:16 PM
With our incredibly low birth rates it would be an idea for the government to give people incentives and days off to spend with their spouses. Just so they would procreate.

Time to...as we say would say here "unite that what is necessary with that what is pleasant"....
In the literal sense of the word...