View Full Version : 2 men: What is your ethnicity?

11-18-2021, 01:29 AM
What do you think is their ethnicity or nationality and where could they pass?

Thanks in advance

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjE0AlOjhibIDAbMY_7IATgozzal3PV32FYLYcLZfXaKi GzR4HG0cr0QFobBf4VnRnI6ZOkilm57F4aVh5uiqiJ7CbJ1tyO rT-ExelPNGVuQmr5Fu0Py0PiFa1Zy9c2SfR2sMXFOtcQyxSMXxZlE NcH1odaiWfdAA_w-Kv8UVQG-B6Z4mxOqrm2smDp=s221

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEg6EtfPSc3OxVjmgnw97K7X2Re7m_hr1e7ohkkXz_a7B3 4IEPtKagC0Sw4aV52GClgMAwvGOx78CkTWbwAwQg9a1Y72fWlj TfPkJibHICc7bN4XU4VYK9aMXFXEw5d6T7xA40gWRhXfApr675 k0P9dspU0QBpVIxkopNxCCRjYUPEvu6VuXw44gHEEX=s230

11-18-2021, 01:34 AM
Amazing image quality lol. I’d say they look south Central American they look like something out of narcos

11-18-2021, 01:49 AM
Amazing image quality lol. I’d say they look south Central American they look like something out of narcos


11-18-2021, 01:51 AM
Keep posting your impression, tomorrow I will solve the mystery

11-18-2021, 03:41 AM
Could pass in India, Bangladesh, Nepal

Sent from my SM-M307F using Tapatalk

11-18-2021, 04:22 AM
1. Mestizo
2. Amerindian

11-18-2021, 02:27 PM
I think that with the answers you can already get a first impression. Thank you for your cooperation.


- I’d say they look south Central American they look like something out of narcos
-Could pass in India, Bangladesh, Nepal
-1. Mestizo
2. Amerindian

Well, they have done it again:


https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjlpMvgwnGMxkvr-CkkW7f_NSUAqg5b127QyxxtQYNcBANgIwfAI4UMj2rDQ2vd79P kN-goM9xABH3xxQYg9kMa4X59uz7LvzgjqAFh6dzBDNvETLBMfE9v kxsX46TRHnX_E1XhcctnveqvUioUhqNYohY3-1zXhhxi-3g9MvbqUzuQB0JgG4AJ-_7e=s595

Francisco Pizarro:

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEicRyfv-UFRW1Gk_0xatQcMs85gEacHj4bFtshdSFqSmc72FQQ6RZkoDk8 75JvUbCG3ZgV-AREEbC-0WsYU0AMOpQVzKiODaRrIuYd0kGYuZadkf5oopd8FHrnSKF6Ov 8cRU0E0BdTzLpzdxAoBguOfnRfEq9xTTTc3JidwvxsUlZtWwAr f6Mp0Qitl=s513

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjE0AlOjhibIDAbMY_7IATgozzal3PV32FYLYcLZfXaKi GzR4HG0cr0QFobBf4VnRnI6ZOkilm57F4aVh5uiqiJ7CbJ1tyO rT-ExelPNGVuQmr5Fu0Py0PiFa1Zy9c2SfR2sMXFOtcQyxSMXxZlE NcH1odaiWfdAA_w-Kv8UVQG-B6Z4mxOqrm2smDp=s221

Jesuit Monk

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjW9atuwkljJL3O6HT8YGY_A94E9IGbOaE-Bp4iFvZ1PgWJ3bNzZvdg3eMiNIGBYq_8GAd0n5mv3S8g5_TZ9P z8zM92FkGg2hWDd5n9VIh8hX2ihy0RbeTH9Q1e7spC-YE9AoiknMLplqudy4KCCnt75pReyA9Z8msEiHws_ER5gj_W8S-T3kouRt_W=s521

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEg6EtfPSc3OxVjmgnw97K7X2Re7m_hr1e7ohkkXz_a7B3 4IEPtKagC0Sw4aV52GClgMAwvGOx78CkTWbwAwQg9a1Y72fWlj TfPkJibHICc7bN4XU4VYK9aMXFXEw5d6T7xA40gWRhXfApr675 k0P9dspU0QBpVIxkopNxCCRjYUPEvu6VuXw44gHEEX=s230

1. Alleged attack on the identity of Spaniards
2. Alleged attack against one's own image
3. Allegedly a way of hiding the European part of today's South Americans.

Pizarro kills with his own hands Yupanki
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhB8RlpAyIyjJeOVXJd4Q0EOC41__0Y_fAqiZnxN6biUP CeVGHg5EC8I1R8fkMt0fZAGDK0846UuFPu6A-KS1RMxb0_42RYYvoYMnsmB7MUx-OgR2mKpjCKFdj3kDNqKQkZmeMC43OcmO8TnR6OM1kR3GMjUVlc BdLROXXuoD6vSxlcz132zL8AKcj8=s608

Genre: Documentary reality


In addition to the manipulation and misrepresentation of the identity and self-image of the Spaniards in this TV program, the treatment given in the script to the history of Spain would be contemptuous, degrading, humiliating and totally subjective, an issue that is not repeated when the same TV program deals with other topics of history: Vikings, Anglos, Romans, ancient Greeks or any other.

You have no shame, nor have you ever known it.


11-18-2021, 10:54 PM

11-18-2021, 10:57 PM
Why are you asking my ethnicity galop.

11-18-2021, 11:01 PM
Why are you asking my ethnicity galop.

Ah, you're here!


11-18-2021, 11:37 PM
They look latino

11-19-2021, 12:00 AM
Why are you asking my ethnicity galop.

He used Google translator or similar to make his threads, and automatically translated from Spanish "2 hombres ¿Cuál es su etnia?" by ""2 men , What is your ethnicity?" instead of "their ethnicity".

Next time change "su" by "de ellos" Gallop, and for 2nd person singular use always "tu" or "de tí" and not the formal "usted", because although it sounds strange in Spanish, misunderstandings will be avoided with the automatic translator.

11-19-2021, 12:11 AM
I don't use Google Translator

11-19-2021, 12:14 AM
I don't use Google Translator

Well, another similar one, I use "google translator" as a generic for "online automatic translators".

Yo los uso también en muchas ocasiones por pereza, Gallop, no es un crimen.

11-19-2021, 12:25 AM
Well, another similar one, I use "google translator" as a generic for "online automatic translators".

Yo los uso también en muchas ocasiones por pereza, Gallop, no es un crimen.

But if I have it posted here that I use a translator like so many other users. I'm not biased about it, just that it's not Google's.

11-19-2021, 02:33 AM
