View Full Version : Classify Avar woman from my village

11-18-2021, 12:00 PM
This old photo is from 1970s. She is on the left with her siblings and you can also give your ideas about them though they are quite young

Girls have red hair and green eyes while the older boy is dark and younger boy has reddish-chestnut hair with dark eyes


11-18-2021, 12:09 PM
Cro magnon and turanid and dinarid elements, Avars are very white for their location.

11-18-2021, 12:40 PM
Cro magnon and turanid and dinarid elements, Avars are very white for their location.

yes, but Northern Caucasus has place in steppes in southern Russia (and in former land of Cumans) so makes sense

I think girls have Uralid vibes too along with boys Turanid and CM, other opinions?

11-18-2021, 01:15 PM
Where your village located?

11-18-2021, 02:49 PM
Where your village located?

its in Yalova where my people migrated from Russia in early 1900s

natural wonders
11-18-2021, 02:57 PM
Mtebid phenotype

children could not be classified

Turul Karom
11-18-2021, 03:16 PM
Ladogan x Turanid are only options. Noses are too defined for Uralid and their skin is too pale for Uralid. The nose of a Uralid is "plump" while the noses of the girls are leaner with a round tip. Ladogan features Uralid traits without being darker skinned and having different noses and lighter hair on average. Eye sets and foreheads are Turanic.



Ancient, mostly Europid type of Northeastern Europe and Western Siberia associated with the ancient Kammkeramik culture. Probably played a role in the formation of modern Uralids and Baltids. Survives in people of the Ural region, especially Khanty, Mansi, and Chuvash. In low frequencies it extends west to Europe and east to the Altai.

Physical Traits:
Pale to fair skin, usually straight, sometimes wavy, blonde to dark brown hair, mixed eyes. Medium height, meso- macroskelic, endomorph to mesomorph. Meso- brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic. Mildly leptorrhine, often round-tipped nose. Relatively low, very wide face with a great interorbital distance and a wide, heavy mandible.

11-18-2021, 04:14 PM
I would guess her as a Turanid/Alpine blend.

11-18-2021, 05:08 PM
Ladogan x Turanid are only options. Noses are too defined for Uralid and their skin is too pale for Uralid. The nose of a Uralid is "plump" while the noses of the girls are leaner with a round tip. Ladogan features Uralid traits without being darker skinned and having different noses and lighter hair on average. Eye sets and foreheads are Turanic.



Ancient, mostly Europid type of Northeastern Europe and Western Siberia associated with the ancient Kammkeramik culture. Probably played a role in the formation of modern Uralids and Baltids. Survives in people of the Ural region, especially Khanty, Mansi, and Chuvash. In low frequencies it extends west to Europe and east to the Altai.

Physical Traits:
Pale to fair skin, usually straight, sometimes wavy, blonde to dark brown hair, mixed eyes. Medium height, meso- macroskelic, endomorph to mesomorph. Meso- brachycephalic, mildly hypsicranic. Mildly leptorrhine, often round-tipped nose. Relatively low, very wide face with a great interorbital distance and a wide, heavy mandible.

Thank you for your detailed reply:) Yes I checked again and they fall more into Ladogan type, especially the girls, with that skin complexion, leptorrhine noses and wide faces. The boy is darker but he can be Ladogan type as well with more dominant Turanid elements which applies to others too, esp with eye sets as you said

I would guess her as a Turanid/Alpine blend.

We all agree with Turanid elements :) Old black-white photo has changed the colours so Alpine or Dinarid might seem a bit relevant but she is a real redhead so I think Turul's and Oliver's suggestions for Ladogan and CM would work better

11-18-2021, 05:20 PM
That boy on the right here when he is a bit grown, with my maternal uncles in the middle and their cousin on the left:


I think two on the left have some Baltid features

11-18-2021, 05:35 PM
Has teh large face.

11-18-2021, 06:48 PM
Right girl: nordid and dinaro-armenoid elements, common avar look. like Shamil....also resembles me Ukrainians somewhat
Right boy: i know its circassian look but dont know its origis, probably a very alpinized pontid or something else originated from Persia/WestAsia, i'd expect way darker complexion. is he right?
left boy: circassian, with the so called eyefold, i have no certain opinion whether its turanic or not. maybe u know better? but looks more like Northern Europe judging by its aging.
left girl: the most georgian looking person on the photo... close to mtebid, so that means it has CM and alpinoid along with the Caucasid aka Mtebid.

theres no ladogan here.

11-18-2021, 06:55 PM
Very mainly alpinids. Maaruli people have a special place in my heart

11-18-2021, 06:59 PM
Mainly Mtbeids + Turanid contribution

11-18-2021, 08:11 PM
I dont see any Mtebid here. I know the mtebid type well since we have them in our village too among ones with Dargin origin mostly. Mtebid type do exist in Dagestan but not common among the Avars it belongs to lowland and southern regions more. When you compare these two types she looks Ladogan by far, esp the facial features as Turul says:

https://i.imgur.com/i6F0Vmz.png https://i.imgur.com/jzWVqEe.png

She has a mixed Ladogan Uralid Turanid type with those eyes and colours. Think freely

Very mainly alpinids. Maaruli people have a special place in my heart

Avar - Magarul (Maarul):D do you really know them? how?

11-18-2021, 08:58 PM
https://i.ibb.co/80fX504/gmmkk.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

She does look little bit like this my distant relative. These two and their children lived by themselves in little island of Lake Ladoga. The man in the picture drowned when the baby in the picture was still young, and she raised the children by herself, alone in that island.

11-18-2021, 09:05 PM
alpine pontid + slightly turanid
alpinid + turanid (too young to classify imo)
turanid + alpine pontid

i think i can pass as their relatives lol.

11-18-2021, 11:32 PM
Look like Russian/central Asian mix

11-18-2021, 11:54 PM
They don't seem to have anything especially Asian, beyond what might be misinterpreted from the alpinid, I think.

11-19-2021, 09:34 AM
https://i.ibb.co/80fX504/gmmkk.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

She does look little bit like this my distant relative. These two and their children lived by themselves in little island of Lake Ladoga. The man in the picture drowned when the baby in the picture was still young, and she raised the children by herself, alone in that island.

sad story, strong woman. I know how silent and strong Nordic women can be, and my grandmother was as silent and noble

that lady does look like this Avar woman, especially her facial shape, eyes and looks, and the mouth posture. This also proves the Ladogan-Uralid phenotype in her, thank you for sharing

alpine pontid + slightly turanid
alpinid + turanid (too young to classify imo)
turanid + alpine pontid

You mean North Pontid I assume. The only other phenotype that would apply to her other than Ladogan with Turanid influence is North Pontid except her wider face, and this is not even questionable

i think i can pass as their relatives lol.

you may, as far as I remember, though you have narrower face

Look like Russian/central Asian mix

true approach considering the origin of the Avars, White Hun mix with Sarmatians and Kimmerians

11-19-2021, 09:38 AM
Armenoid + East Europid

11-19-2021, 11:31 AM
You mean North Pontid I assume. The only other phenotype that would apply to her other than Ladogan with Turanid influence is North Pontid except her wider face, and this is not even questionable

you may, as far as I remember, though you have narrower face

yeah girls north pontid but boys just pontid imo. i don’t see ladogan tbh. (maybe first girl)

neither narrow nor wide but of course narrower than them.