View Full Version : Classify Blond Turkish footballer

11-19-2021, 05:43 PM
Is he pan-european looking? Where can he pass?

https://www.aslanarenasi.com/images/haberler/2021/01/ismail_cokcalis_kimdir_kac_yasinda_ve_nereli_galat asaray_a_transfer_olacak_mi_h19301_c7d17.jpg

11-19-2021, 05:45 PM

11-19-2021, 06:00 PM
Proto-iranid + north-pontid. (?).

11-19-2021, 06:05 PM
Proto-iranid + north-pontid. (?).No 100% anatolid :)

Redmi Note 7 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

11-19-2021, 06:06 PM
100% Lehistan-oid ->>> https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakub_Kosecki

11-19-2021, 06:10 PM


11-19-2021, 06:11 PM
north pontid + something else (more blonder than north pontid)

11-19-2021, 06:13 PM
He is more Germanic than a swarthy German Gracile-Med

11-19-2021, 06:47 PM
He is more Germanic than a swarthy German Gracile-Med

Ur retarded definitely. If that swarthy German is ethnically German he’s 1000% more German and white than any blond or brunette Turk arab east or south or north or any other ethnic group of Europe or Asia.

11-19-2021, 07:17 PM
He is more Germanic than a swarthy German Gracile-Med

He is not German at all, to begin with..

11-19-2021, 07:21 PM
He has a typical Turkish face, but is very blond, more blond than blond Turks

11-19-2021, 08:24 PM
Hallstatt/North Atlantid mix, what do you think Immanenzo?

Tooting Carmen
11-19-2021, 08:51 PM

11-19-2021, 08:56 PM
Hallstatt/North Atlantid mix, what do you think Immanenzo?

Tired of that posting "unusual" light types. Looks simply like a light local Med type and he passes as such in Southeurope mostly and to some degree Central

11-20-2021, 02:11 AM
Nordid + Berid

11-20-2021, 02:12 AM
A fucking Baltic look that meets a Greek and Anatolian look.

11-20-2021, 02:33 AM
Dont look British, top of head and jaw/chin too narrow

11-20-2021, 02:47 AM
I've seen this face a lot in Hungary

11-20-2021, 03:12 AM
Hallstatt/North Atlantid mix, what do you think Immanenzo?

Bro why do you pick on him in every blond classification. :D

11-20-2021, 03:52 AM
Not in Albania.

Is he full turk? Looks half Dutch or something

11-20-2021, 03:57 AM
Depigmented Congoid. The lips and nose give it away

11-20-2021, 05:30 AM
Is he full turk? Looks half Dutch or something


01-11-2022, 11:03 AM
Tired of that posting "unusual" light types. Looks simply like a light local Med type and he passes as such in Southeurope mostly and to some degree Central

"local med type"" lmao retard. Had enough of your biased classifications,

What about Fedor Smolov, or Aleksandr Korkorin? Do they look bulgarian and greek too?
Sometimes I feel there's too much of a bias against southern types that are actually passable as northern. If OP didn't give his ancestry, I bet majority would guess him as EE.

He looks eastern polish and western ukrainian to me, even Russian, if it wasn't for the lower lips and nostrils.

Someone ITT said north pontid + something unknown. That would be a neo danubian, or some med type that simulates the baltid look possibly. And I agree with the albanian guy, he does look half Dutch, to normal people he does. One of those nordo-med leaning neo danubians. Yeah, he could also pass as canadian with french ancestry those "infantilized atlantid" types.

01-11-2022, 01:56 PM
"local med type"" lmao retard. Had enough of your biased classifications,

What about Fedor Smolov, or Aleksandr Korkorin? Do they look bulgarian and greek too?
Sometimes I feel there's too much of a bias against southern types that are actually passable as northern. If OP didn't give his ancestry, I bet majority would guess him as EE.

He looks eastern polish and western ukrainian to me, even Russian, if it wasn't for the lower lips and nostrils.

Someone ITT said north pontid + something unknown. That would be a neo danubian, or some med type that simulates the baltid look possibly. And I agree with the albanian guy, he does look half Dutch, to normal people he does. One of those nordo-med leaning neo danubians. Yeah, he could also pass as canadian with french ancestry those "infantilized atlantid" types.

Dont cry too loud, you are biased as well and keep pounding your propaganda. Smolov looks like 75 % Med with that component you allegedly despise "Baltid/Volgid/Uralid" or whatever, less "white" than Kezman or that Turkish footballer. In fact you dont despise it, you just need it in the right packaged form (- you dont like fat West Alpines, Brunns, Borrebies etc. either 100 % NW Euros...)

Suddenly it became an insult to be metrical Med- while look at the "people who look Spanish" thread- why dont you cry there people missing the higher Whg and Steppe in those dark haired Welsh, Dutch etc, ? Because mixed and put in a similar shape, you need to look 2-3 times or more to recognize differences and it does become biased through cherry picking some facial features and knowing the nationality, thats the nature of passifications.

01-11-2022, 02:19 PM
«You look Gypsy. I'm blond hair.»

01-11-2022, 03:38 PM
Hallstatt Nordic mixed with something else.

01-11-2022, 03:43 PM
Dont cry too loud, you are biased as well and keep pounding your propaganda. Smolov looks like 75 % Med with that component you allegedly despise "Baltid/Volgid/Uralid" or whatever, less "white" than Kezman or that Turkish footballer. In fact you dont despise it, you just need it in the right packaged form (- you dont like fat West Alpines, Brunns, Borrebies etc. either 100 % NW Euros...)

Suddenly it became an insult to be metrical Med- while look at the "people who look Spanish" thread- why dont you cry there people missing the higher Whg and Steppe in those dark haired Welsh, Dutch etc, ? Because mixed and put in a similar shape, you need to look 2-3 times or more to recognize differences and it does become biased through cherry picking some facial features and knowing the nationality, thats the nature of passifications.

kezman looks like a pontidbaltidalpinid turanid mutt(your balkan temper is showing, no wonder why you picked this serbina guy to compare with the russian), definitely not white, see, there's the problem, you think hooded eyes or chinkoid small eyes are more european, therfor even a turanid shitskin from volga is whiter in your book than someone like Paul McCartney, again.

There's no insult to be metrically med, it actually means nordid if depigmented(+some soft facial tissue change), otherwise hallstatt nordids from Sweden and elsewhere are indeed middle easterners as you say, as much as your beloved shitty vuralic race is east asian in origin then, metrically ASIAN-AUSTRALIAN-ABO, not EUROPEAN. Don't mix the incorrect paleos with europe please, but I do think even the ainus(who are australian abos displaced in the north lmao) are seen as whiter than nordids in your book/propaganda poster probably.

You are turks' saviour man, you are indirectly calling them as white, see ektoreinpektore who upboats your posts))))

I agree, smolov is almost pred North POntid. While you are at it, you might also call Bieber or Paul Wesley as med shifted middle easterners and less white than your uRaLic asian types that you hype so much for, without you noticing they are also paleo, come on imanenzo, just admit you hate meso-leptomorphic types, this is why you lust so much for robusticity like a homosexual. Just drop it.

01-11-2022, 03:45 PM
Hallstatt Nordic mixed with something else.

It's probably pre-slavic, now that I think about it. The preslavic one from centraleast europe.
This fotballer in no way doesn't have any foreign ancestors. I bet he is from devisirme. Like many other light featured turks.

01-11-2022, 03:47 PM
It's probably pre-slavic, now that I think about it. The preslavic one from centraleast europe.
This fotballer in no way doesn't have any foreign ancestors. I bet he is from devisirme. Like many other light featured turks.

Pre-Slavic = Coon's Neo-Danubian. This guy is not Neo-Danubian in any sense.

He closely resembles this guy classified as Nordic by Coon:


01-11-2022, 03:50 PM
Pre-Slavic = Coon's Neo-Danubian. This guy is not Neo-Danubian in any sense.

He closely resembles this guy classified as Nordic by Coon:



Yes it does. If you would actually measure him, you would see he's actually in between that plate you showed now and plate 32 3 + that american jewish plate last fig what was it 45? tha bald man who gets classified as nordo-alpine.

That jewish nordic guy isn't anything more than a more lepto version of plate 32/3, just to remind you that.

01-11-2022, 03:52 PM
...Wait for my next topic.

01-11-2022, 03:57 PM

Yes it does. If you would actually measure him, you would see he's actually in between that plate you showed now and plate 32 .
If you agree with me that he is mostly Nordic then we have nothing to discuss here.

that american jewish plate last fig what was it 45? tha bald man who gets classified as nordo-alpine
Do you mean that man with golden blond hair, blue eyes, long head and long, narrow face? Yeah, he is Nordic. Agrippa forgot to tell you not to confuse fatness with Alpine admixture.

01-11-2022, 04:04 PM
If you agree with me that he is mostly Nordic then we have nothing to discuss here.

Do you mean that man with golden blond hair, blue eyes, long head and long, narrow face? Yeah, he is Nordic. Agrippa forgot to tell you not to confuse fatness with Alpine admixture.

plate 45

And 32 3, dont forget to check that too.

They're both short faced actually, near ((this one is from plate 45 guy)118 mm borderline on 138mm bizygo(not that long narrow face you see in cordeds and other nordids). I just know it because I measured similar people irl.

Don't get fooled they are long faced, it's a misconception, types like these can trick you they're fully nordid, but they aren't, they have their paleo mix going on, unnoticeable in some pics.

Ezio Auditore
01-11-2022, 04:13 PM
fits in iberia well.

01-11-2022, 04:22 PM
They're both short faced actually, near ((this one is from plate 45 guy)118 mm borderline on 138mm bizygo(not that long narrow face you see in cordeds and other nordids). I just know it because I measured similar people irl.
Both of these dimensions are within the Nordic spectrum. Take 3 or 4mm to account for the soft tissue and he falls in the mean of Nordic cranial series from Iron Age Sweden, Denmark, Poland, among others (all 114mm-116mm total facial height). Around 134-135mm bizygomatic breadth measured on the skull is also perfectly Nordic. His Nordic variety is clearly of Keltic inspiration given his clearly low cranial vault, but this is unimportant.

Don't get fooled they are long faced, it's a misconception, types like these can trick you they're fully nordid, but they aren't, they have their paleo mix going on, unnoticeable in some pics.
No "Paleo" admixture, you've proven again that you have no clue how Upper Paleolithic Europeans looked like.

01-11-2022, 04:25 PM
I agree, smolov is almost pred North POntid. While you are at it, you might also call Bieber or Paul Wesley as med shifted middle easterners and less white than your uRaLic asian types that you hype so much for, without you noticing they are also paleo, come on imanenzo, just admit you hate meso-leptomorphic types, this is why you lust so much for robusticity like a homosexual. Just drop it.

i actually said Mccarthney looks EEF because people said Al Pacino looks very exotic "South Italian/ West Asian" which i dont think its true.

being a biased passificator at times but metrics are mattering only relative- but i found a Brit that looks like Smolov and the turkish footballer a bit:

https://fashionunited.de/XLyviia9utjxAjb7_fub6D5nZ4yG1ekB-tlvsOrPB9g/resize:fill:694:463:1/gravity:ce/quality:70/aHR0cHM6Ly9zdGF0aWMuZmFzaGlvbnVuaXRlZC5jb20vMjAxOT AyL1NhbHZhdG9yZS1GZXJyYWdhbW8tMS5qcGc
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQqz0pJXjshqM67JYXlGGXGcdIz4tbrR ASpzni2twdddqxOjtZR6xHeB4PhrPoxK0lN1cU&usqp=CAU

01-11-2022, 04:28 PM
Both of these dimensions are within the Nordic spectrum. Take 3 or 4mm to account for the soft tissue and he falls in the mean of Nordic cranial series from Iron Age Sweden, Denmark, Poland, among others (all 114mm-116mm total facial height). Around 134-135mm bizygomatic breadth measured on the skull is also perfectly Nordic. His Nordic variety is clearly of Keltic inspiration given his clearly low cranial vault, but this is unimportant.

No "Paleo" admixture, you've proven again that you have no clue how Upper Paleolithic Europeans looked like.

Keltic inspiration lol, you have this in the east as well, without being keltic, it's just CM, not necesarily keltic.
And how do you know you can take 3 mm or 4? The flesh near the zygmoatic arches isn't that thick.

Yes (OP)he does have paleo mixture, nose isn't exactly straight, neither are the lips, this is not even a med trait ffs. Same with that jewish man. But it's usually hidden.

01-11-2022, 04:52 PM
And how do you know you can take 3 mm or 4? The flesh near the zygmoatic arches isn't that thick.
1.5mm of soft tissue on each zygomatic arch is being too lenient given how he is clearly on the obese scale (86kg at 170cm).

Yes (OP)he does have paleo mixture, nose isn't exactly straight, neither are the lips, this is not even a med trait ffs. Same with that jewish man. But it's usually hidden.
"But it's usually hidden". In other words, it is usually wishful thinking on your part.

01-11-2022, 04:55 PM
1.5mm of soft tissue on each zygomatic arch is being too lenient given how he is clearly on the obese scale (86kg at 170cm).

wow, you are clearly good at this... wHAT about chris farley?

no, but I was saying guys like Austin Butler have definitely some reduced CM in their type, even if they have leptomorphic metrics. He won't be a match to Norb, he's like a german paleo compared to norb, but even norb has a CM going on his face.