View Full Version : Why do people not celebrate the 12 DAYS Of Christmas anymore- as in December 25th- January 5th?

12-01-2021, 03:06 AM
In the USA at least, if you wish someone a "Merry Christmas" even after December 26th, they will kind of look at you funny, and especially after January 1st, when the Christmas season is considered long over. In the church we recognize the season we are in now as "Advent". During Advent you are in preparation for the coming of Christ, and you are supposed to be fasting (not feasting). No decorations up just yet, and you are in preparedness. Growing up we never put up our Christmas tree until December 23rd.

But even church people and Christians seem to celebrate Christmas more the way secular/retail people do. Once December 25th comes, it is only 1 day of Christmas, and the "Christmas Season" starts the day after Thanksgiving. I don't see why this would be. Some people even get it backwards as to thinking the "12 days of Christmas" starts on December 13th. It does not. I suppose very few people celebrate 12 days of Christmas because it would be very expensive to give presents all the12 days, but I think an observance wouldn't be costly. Is that how they do it Europe?

12-05-2021, 04:48 AM
I believe Middle Eastern Christians do so. My Lebanese Maronite numbers take off their tree on the 7th because Christmas ends at that time for them.

12-05-2021, 05:49 AM
What difference does it make? It's only December 25 because the Christians appropriated the pagan Winter Solstice/Yule. I always preferred Christmas Eve anyway, Christmas Day is usually a nightmare and all the festive 'magic' has gone by noon and thereafter.

12-06-2021, 03:30 AM
What difference does it make? It's only December 25 because the Christians appropriated the pagan Winter Solstice/Yule. I always preferred Christmas Eve anyway, Christmas Day is usually a nightmare and all the festive 'magic' has gone by noon and thereafter.

That is INCORRECT! It was not an adaptation of Pagan festivals. Winter Solstice is on December 21st anyway.

12-06-2021, 03:33 AM
People already start celebrating it November 1st, what more do you want? 55 days of Christmas is too much as it is

12-06-2021, 03:46 AM
People already start celebrating it November 1st, what more do you want? 55 days of Christmas is too much as it is

But the REAL Christmas doesn't start until Christmas Eve really because the first 3 weeks are Advent.

12-06-2021, 03:49 AM
less is more, especially with the miserable mess of a so-called holiday it's become

12-06-2021, 03:51 AM
less is more, especially with the miserable mess of a so-called holiday it's become

Exactly, which is why people should not start Christmas Season so early as they do. It's ridiculous.

12-06-2021, 03:59 AM
That is INCORRECT! It was not an adaptation of Pagan festivals. Winter Solstice is on December 21st anyway.
Why do you put a Christmas tree up on Dec 23? What does it have to do with Jesus? Is Father Christmas and his sleigh/reindeer part of your family tradition? And all the other obvious pagan traditions?

12-06-2021, 04:39 AM
Exactly, which is why people should not start Christmas Season so early as they do. It's ridiculous.

I agree. Our local alternative rock station plays Christmas music now.

12-06-2021, 04:43 AM
What difference does it make? It's only December 25 because the Christians appropriated the pagan Winter Solstice/Yule. I always preferred Christmas Eve anyway, Christmas Day is usually a nightmare and all the festive 'magic' has gone by noon and thereafter.

You can have both if you prioritize. The best symbolism is a Christmas card that shows Santa Claus praying by the baby Jesus, which may sound silly, but it describes how many people see things (unless they're "Zeitgeist" fans).

12-06-2021, 04:48 PM
We Orthodox Christians celebrate in 24th(Christmas Eve) going to the Holy Liturgy, in 25th (On Christmas day) also.

6th January the Baptism of Our Lord.

After that the the Christmas period ends

12-06-2021, 04:55 PM
That is INCORRECT! It was not an adaptation of Pagan festivals. Winter Solstice is on December 21st anyway.

December 25 was the date of the winter solstice in the Roman calendar.[23][58] A late fourth-century sermon by Saint Augustine explains why this was a fitting day to celebrate Christ's nativity: "Hence it is that He was born on the day which is the shortest in our earthly reckoning and from which subsequent days begin to increase in length. He, therefore, who bent low and lifted us up chose the shortest day, yet the one whence light begins to increase."[59]

Linking Jesus to the Sun was supported by various Biblical passages. Jesus was considered to be the "Sun of righteousness" prophesied by Malachi: "Unto you shall the sun of righteousness arise, and healing is in his wings."[43]

Such solar symbolism could support more than one date of birth. An anonymous work known as De Pascha Computus (243) linked the idea that creation began at the spring equinox, on March 25, with the conception or birth (the word nascor can mean either) of Jesus on March 28, the day of the creation of the sun in the Genesis account. One translation reads: "O the splendid and divine providence of the Lord, that on that day, the very day, on which the sun was made, March 28, a Wednesday, Christ should be born".[3][60]
