View Full Version : Wanna hear some advice from the old ppl of TA

12-08-2021, 03:20 AM
With old, I mean +35 yrs old...

Since I'm quite young, only 19 for the time being, wanna hear your thoughts about life in general, what I should expect from it and how I should deal with the challenges that life may impose upon me.

12-08-2021, 03:27 AM
A new study by U.S. Trust has found that perceptions of the onset of old age vary widely among different generations. Millennials, for example, say that you are old once you turn 59. Gen Xers, on the other hand, hold a slightly more generous view, saying that old age begins at 65. When it comes to boomers and the silent generation, both agree that you’re not really old until you hit age 73.



12-08-2021, 03:46 AM
I'm only 34. Sorry I can't help.

12-08-2021, 03:46 AM
With old, I mean +35 yrs old...

Since I'm quite young, only 19 for the time being, wanna hear your thoughts about life in general, what I should expect from it and how I should deal with the challenges that life may impose upon me.

I'm around middle age which is not old. My advice is to read books on Marxism since it is a general theory to understand the world you live in the Capitalist class has a vested interest on feeding you propaganda through the schools and media etc... After reading books on Marxism you should be able to figure out everything else for yourself. Don't take the attitude that books are for 'nerds' or 'geeks' or an outdated means to understand the world since google (capitalist pigs), wikipedia (coopted by big pharma), facebook (capitalist pigs), newspapers and TV/Radio are all compromised.

Pirate the books if you have to since this is a battle royale of the classes stealing books is worthy means to an end :





12-08-2021, 03:54 AM
I'm around middle age which is not old. My advice is to read books on Marxism since it is a general theory to understand the world you live in the Capitalist class has a vested interest on feeding you propaganda through the schools and media etc... After reading books on Marxism you should be able to figure out everything else for yourself. Don't take the attitude that books are for 'nerds' or 'geeks' or an outdated means to understand the world since google (capitalist pigs), wikipedia (coopted by big pharma), facebook (capitalist pigs), newspapers and TV/Radio are all compromised.

Pirate the books if you have to since this is a battle royale of the classes stealing books is worthy means to an end :





Already read about marxism before, like, read the entire Anti-Dühring.

How is that advice really? Like, I meant advice about shit like dating, making friends, social interactions, getting a job... things of that sort, y'know?

12-08-2021, 03:55 AM
I'm only 34. Sorry I can't help.


12-08-2021, 04:25 AM
Not 35 but I've been through some hard times. Plus I feel like an old fart.

-Life is what you make of it. Look at your hardships as a lesson and learn from them.
-Don't get lost in your thoughts. Dwelling and moping around will lead you nowhere.
-What's meant to be, will be. Forcing something to happen (relationships, career advancement, etc.) will only end in disappointment. Things should always balance and fall into place.

12-08-2021, 05:56 AM
I'm old (35)...

Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously.

12-08-2021, 11:27 PM
I'm in Generation X. That's equivalent to 80-years-old on this forum. One thing that I learned is that it rains and shines on both the righteous and the wicked, and much of it comes down to luck. Bad things *do* happen to good people, so don't expect life to be like a Frank Capra movie from the 1940s.

12-10-2021, 06:08 AM
Don't rely on having good health beyond your early 60's. You might very well live to be 80 years old and still be in excellent shape, and that would be great, but this isn't something to count on. At some point after people hit 60, many of them will develop chronic health conditions; these conditions can progress to the point where it takes plenty of time each day just to take medications, and maybe do other things, in order to simply be functional. In addition, the side effects of the meds you take can slow you down.

I'm not trying to discourage you, it's just that people need to know these things.

For these reasons, I would plan my career so that I could retire at age 60; if your health holds up and you can keep right on working, great.

You're very fortunate to be only 19 years old. You have a full 40 years ahead of you, and so you can act accordingly. :)

12-10-2021, 06:16 AM
Already read about marxism before, like, read the entire Anti-Dühring.

How is that advice really? Like, I meant advice about shit like dating, making friends, social interactions, getting a job... things of that sort, y'know?

Because Marxism is the closest thing to a theory of everything you are going to get. Theory tells you something is the case but not what do to if it is the case but theory informs practical action.

12-10-2021, 06:31 AM
Already read about marxism before, like, read the entire Anti-Dühring.

How is that advice really? Like, I meant advice about shit like dating, making friends, social interactions, getting a job... things of that sort, y'know?

Marxism should inform you about friendships, getting a job etc.. you can't be that dumb can you ?

1.)Friendships are superficial and shallow and based around material gain unless they are made in combat or political action and that will always be a case unless Communism is achieved.

2) Marxism should inform you about your job : your employer will be constantly trying to increase the amount taken from you as a worker in surplus labor or surplus value. He can do this in several ways: for example, by reducing your worker’s wages; this means you as a worker has less proportion of the day to yourself, and a greater proportion for the employer. The same result is achieved by “speeding up” or intensifying the labour – that you produce to keep in a smaller proportion of the working day, and you therefore work a larger proportion for your employer. The same result, again, is achieved by lengthening the working day, which increases the proportion of the working day spent in working for the employer. On the other hand, the you as a worker fight to improve your own position by demanding higher wages and shorter hours and by resisting “speeding up.” Hence the continuous struggle between the capitalists and the workers.

So, therefore, you should always be agitating for workers rights, socialism , and join unions or whatnot.

3.) Dating is a commercial thing under Capitalism that Marxism can inform you about Dating is obvious too but I don't feel like spelling it out here.

How is that not advice ?

12-10-2021, 07:39 AM
Not 35 but I've been through some hard times. Plus I feel like an old fart.

-Life is what you make of it. Look at your hardships as a lesson and learn from them.
-Don't get lost in your thoughts. Dwelling and moping around will lead you nowhere.
-What's meant to be, will be. Forcing something to happen (relationships, career advancement, etc.) will only end in disappointment. Things should always balance and fall into place.Village elder

12-10-2021, 07:46 AM
Wear sunscreen. Oh wait, you're Brazilian, never mind.


12-10-2021, 07:51 AM
At 45, all I will say is it seems like I was 25 not that long ago. Time flies too fast.

12-10-2021, 02:12 PM
With old, I mean +35 yrs old...

Since I'm quite young, only 19 for the time being, wanna hear your thoughts about life in general, what I should expect from it and how I should deal with the challenges that life may impose upon me.

Since I don't know you very much, and I don't really know how you are actually, I can't advise you in a precise way.

But what Ellethwyn said is a very good advice that works for everyone.

Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't take yourself so seriously.

12-10-2021, 04:18 PM

12-10-2021, 05:46 PM
Appreciate common sense. Learn what "good sense" means.
Influences have a beginning and an end. When you have years added to your life, you can see that some things "are neither here, nor there." That is, your environment will have changed enough times that you'll discover what once had authority in a certain place and time, has it no more, socially speaking. Influences can be strong, but every one of them eventually will vanish behind you.
Strive as young as possible to "figure out how the world works." That is, learn what motivates the street hustler... Determine the difference between a whore and a lady.
Alcohol can bring your life to ruin, it messes with your proper judgment- short-term and long-term.

12-10-2021, 06:16 PM
-Worry is the biggest time waster
-Your 20s are gonna fly by
-When you turn 30, you will still feel ,act ,and look young, even though society thinks your youth is now over. You may even be treated as no longer relevant by younger peers.
-Same thing goes when you turn 40
-God, family, and friends (in that order) are suddenly more important than anything else
-Some dreams don't come true and that's not necessarily a bad thing

12-10-2021, 07:51 PM
Wear sunscreen. Oh wait, you're Brazilian, never mind.

Wdym? I don't get out that often... only get out to go to the gym (literally 4 minutes from my house) and to meet friends (most of the times at night already).

That's why I'm neotenous and pale:


Basically look like a castizo vampire irl

12-11-2021, 02:53 AM
Wdym? I don't get out that often... only get out to go to the gym (literally 4 minutes from my house) and to meet friends (most of the times at night already).

That's why I'm neotenous and pale:

Basically look like a castizo vampire irl
Don't worry, it was just a crap 90s music reference.

12-11-2021, 03:06 AM
Appreciate common sense. Learn what "good sense" means.
Influences have a beginning and an end. When you have years added to your life, you can see that some things "are neither here, nor there." That is, your environment will have changed enough times that you'll discover what once had authority in a certain place and time, has it no more, socially speaking. Influences can be strong, but every one of them eventually will vanish behind you.
Strive as young as possible to "figure out how the world works." That is, learn what motivates the street hustler... Determine the difference between a whore and a lady.
Alcohol can bring your life to ruin, it messes with your proper judgment- short-term and long-term.

I never drank alcohol, like, in my entire life.

12-11-2021, 02:21 PM
I never drank alcohol, like, in my entire life.

So, a good advice for you could be: drink some alcohol.:)

12-11-2021, 03:49 PM
I don't qualify as old but my advice is: don't spend too much time here and go read the Classics.