View Full Version : Why is You Tuber Frank James so popular ?

12-12-2021, 03:41 AM
People really like this guy and I don't know why. Something about him is very off putting to me. He seems like he could be a Ted Bundy or some kind of serial killer but that aside, his videos really aren't that great. He is considered "good looking" when he is rather average at best, and sort of goofy. Why does he have such a large female fan base? I have been on You Tube for 14 years and my views are mostly male viewers and I get mostly negative feedback and no compliments.

He claims to be an INFJ when he really isn't one! He is more likely an INFP or ENFP. He mistypes people. He typed me as an ISFJ when I am an ISFP and he doesn't have any good typing system skills at all but asks random questions.

He has an almost CULT following, where people defend him to death, (he can do no wrong) and all of his girl fans are full of hyperbole about how wonderful he is.
He does personality skits, but after 3 years of this, it's getting old and stale . He is gaining subs closing in on the 900 k mark. What is so special about him?



Colonel Frank Grimes
12-12-2021, 03:53 AM
I think you want to fuck him.

12-12-2021, 03:56 AM
I think you want to fuck him.

No. He's a loser. I want a nice Christian woman.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-12-2021, 03:57 AM
Why does he have such a large female fan base? I have been on You Tube for 14 years and my views are mostly male viewers and I get mostly negative feedback and no compliments.

You don't bring anything new to the table with your music.

Check out my niggas Slint. They were just teens when they wrote their music but they brought something new to the table.


12-12-2021, 03:59 AM
You don't bring anything new to the table with your music.

Check out my niggas Slint. They were just teens when they wrote their music but they brought something new to the table.


Sounds like a discorded garage band.

I bring plenty "new". It's not about being new, it's about having your personality and showcasing that .Making the music have personality. I have done that with my alt country novelty songs and I switch to my choir boy voice, it's something inspired!

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-12-2021, 04:04 AM
Sounds like a discorded garage band.

You clearly don't have an ear for music.

I bring plenty "new". It's not about being new, it's about having your personality and showcasing that .Making the music have personality. I have done that with my alt country novelty songs and I switch to my choir boy voice, it's something inspired!

The era of Richmondbread is over. The area of Black Francis is upon us.


12-12-2021, 04:07 AM
You clearly don't have an ear for music.

The era of Richmondbread is over. The area of Black Francis is upon us.


I do have an EAR

1.No melody
2.No singing
3.Can't hear the lyrics

"New" doesn't mean good.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-12-2021, 04:10 AM
I do have an EAR

1.No melody
2.No singing
3.Can't hear the lyrics

"New" doesn't mean good.

Look, sir. My father was considered a musical prodigy when he was young and so I clearly know better.

Pixies is one of the very few bands that people listen to and can't hear influences from other bands. You need to be unique like the Pixies.

12-12-2021, 04:13 AM
Look, sir. My father was considered a musical prodigy when he was young and so I clearly know better.

Pixies is one of the very few bands that people listen to and can't hear influences from other bands. You need to be unique like the Pixies.

They aren't unique. Sounding bad is not being unique. Being original is taking your influences and re spinning them using your own personality to convey the music.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-12-2021, 04:21 AM
They aren't unique. Sounding bad is not being unique. Being original is taking your influences and re spinning them using your own personality to convey the music.

Bad? Nigga, you crazy. Pixies are not only unique but one of the most influential bands. Nirvana's Nevermind album is basically a Pixies album.

12-12-2021, 04:26 AM
Bad? Nigga, you crazy. Pixies are not only unique but one of the most influential bands. Nirvana's Nevermind album is basically a Pixies album.

How are they unique? Where is the warmth? Personality? Nothing. Johnny Cash and Elvis were that. Not off key Garage Rock bands.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-12-2021, 04:32 AM
How are they unique? Where is the warmth? Personality? Nothing. Johnny Cash and Elvis were that. Not off key Garage Rock bands.

Where is your warmth and your personality?! How dare you.

I call upon Slayer to rain blood on you LIVE.


12-12-2021, 04:35 AM
Where is your warmth and your personality?! How dare you.

I call upon Slayer to rain blood on you LIVE.


What does this have to do with Frank James?

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-12-2021, 04:39 AM
What does this have to do with Frank James?

I'm trying to make this thread less gay, dude.