View Full Version : Why are these two carabinieri dark brown skinned?

12-13-2021, 02:44 AM
One approaches the skin colour of southindians and ethiopians, obviously he doesnt look southindian or ethiopian but just focus on his skin colour, i think it is skin type V brown

The guy on right I think.

Do you think they can be really ethnic white italians?

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/264847816_4934076429983618_216802788553743118_n.pn g?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=rX-G8PJIZpYAX_RkdnF&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-vU0pPSUJlDNdd2k62CSzuqJafS7B_h1VqI0UGQQB6Ww&oe=61BBFE3C

12-13-2021, 02:46 AM
Ethiopians are darker.

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12-13-2021, 02:49 AM
Ethiopians are darker.

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I just googled ethiopians they really seem to be darker or most of them, but not all. Some seem to have this yellowish dark brown skin like I imagined them and like the carabinieri


but majority is really darker, i guess i exaggerated with ethiopian