View Full Version : Classify dark Brit Davy Jones from The Monkees

12-14-2021, 06:55 PM
Of Welsh descent unsurprisingly

12-14-2021, 07:38 PM
Alpine-Med? Fits best as South French?

Edit: forgot he was dead. He looked more regular British/Welsh as an older man

12-14-2021, 07:40 PM

12-14-2021, 07:56 PM
Alpine-Med? Fits best as South French?

Edit: forgot he was dead. He looked more regular British/Welsh as an older man

Yeah i have noticed that some darker Brits do tend to look more British as they get older, it is odd.

12-14-2021, 07:57 PM
those ancient Italians!

12-14-2021, 08:08 PM
He looks Iberian

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12-14-2021, 08:14 PM
He looks Iberian

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Maybe even passes in Lebanon but at the end of the day he looks like what he looks, English and Welsh.

12-14-2021, 08:16 PM
Yeah i have noticed that some darker Brits do tend to look more British as they get older, it is odd.

its more evident because the hair is grey instead of dark brown and the features tend to mature (less facial softness)

on that pic he looks like Val Kilmer without the Baltid- pre PIE Westeuro look

12-14-2021, 08:24 PM
its more evident because the hair is grey instead of dark brown and the features tend to mature (less facial softness)

on that pic he looks like Val Kilmer without the Baltid- pre PIE Westeuro look

Plenty of Spaniards/Italians go grey but i agree on the facial softness part being more a trait of proper Med Meds, anyway the robustness means he does not look Med in his older years.

12-14-2021, 08:34 PM
Plenty of Spaniards/Italians go grey but i agree on the facial softness part being more a trait of proper Med Meds, anyway the robustness means he does not look Med in his older years.

because they are not from Britain/Wales, my point is more things get more evident, if someone does not age too badly

12-14-2021, 08:35 PM
Plenty of Spaniards/Italians go grey but i agree on the facial softness part being more a trait of proper Med Meds, anyway the robustness means he does not look Med in his older years.

because they are not from Britain/Wales, my point is more things get more evident, if someone does not age too badly

12-14-2021, 08:40 PM
because they are not from Britain/Wales, my point is more things get more evident, if someone does not age too badly

Yeah though there are exceptions like Sean Connery who looked more British when he was younger, i suppose that is the way genetics and ageing works.

12-14-2021, 08:45 PM
Yeah though there are exceptions like Sean Connery who looked more British when he was younger, i suppose that is the way genetics and ageing works.

Yeah, Sean Connery is a good example, he looked British younger as long he has his eye brows under control lol i do think he still looked like some Scots though even older

There is another Scottish actor who looks like a cross of Sean Connery and Clint Eastwood, John Fraser

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZTVmMzlhYzUtODEzNS00M2IzLTllODUtOTQ3ZTE0ZGUwOG YxL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjU5OTg5NDc@._V1_.jpg

Tooting Carmen
12-14-2021, 09:16 PM

12-15-2021, 12:41 AM
Of Welsh descent unsurprisingly

Dark? Doesn't look dark to me.

12-15-2021, 12:52 AM
Dark? Doesn't look dark to me.

Agree, though the Spanish would claim he is dark for this country lol

12-15-2021, 02:36 AM
Agree, though the Spanish would claim he is dark for this country lol
:confused: You called him a dark Brit in the thread title? He was objectively on the dark end of the spectrum. 'PhenotypeMaster' is another troll.

12-15-2021, 02:54 AM
Lol dark. He looks Anglo, especially short Anglo-Canadians that are a dime a dozen. Brits aren't Scandinavians or Balts. You could even say he's an Anglo-Norman instead of an ancient Anglo-Saxon.


12-15-2021, 03:05 AM
Lol dark. He looks Anglo, especially short Anglo-Canadians that are a dime a dozen. Brits aren't Scandinavians or Balts. You could even say he's an Anglo-Norman instead of an ancient Anglo-Saxon.

OK. And Vlade Divac is not a dark Serb, just average.

12-15-2021, 03:20 AM
OK. And Vlade Divac is not a dark Serb, just average.

Well of course. The Balkans is southern Europe.

12-15-2021, 03:28 AM
Well of course. The Balkans is southern Europe.
Yep, and the average Balkanite looks heavily Turkish/Middle Eastern. Glad that's cleared up.

12-15-2021, 03:29 AM
:confused: You called him a dark Brit in the thread title? He was objectively on the dark end of the spectrum. 'PhenotypeMaster' is another troll.

Well dark as in hair and eyes, he is in the darker 10% or so of the spectrum but otherwise light in general for a lot of central and southern Europe, fairly normal for northern Europe.

12-15-2021, 03:32 AM
Yep, and the average Balkanite looks heavily Turkish/Middle Eastern. Glad that's cleared up.


12-15-2021, 03:41 AM
Well dark as in hair and eyes, he is in the darker 10% or so of the spectrum but otherwise light in general for a lot of central and southern Europe, fairly normal for northern Europe.
Otherwise? He was darker skinned than average too, especially coming from Manchester. Light for Central Europe and normal for Northern Europe? Don't be ridiculous. His colouring was normal for Southern Europe.

12-15-2021, 03:52 AM
Otherwise? He was darker skinned than average too, especially coming from Manchester. Light for Central Europe and normal for Northern Europe? Don't be ridiculous. His colouring was normal for Southern Europe.

Not really, he is comparable in skin colour to some of the Beatles or Ian Brown of the Stone Roses also from Manchester, i would say that NW England has considerable Welsh influence, he would be a bit darker for Scotland or maybe parts of east England but certainly not the South or indeed a lot of parts of Northern Europe like the Benelux or Poland.

12-15-2021, 04:09 AM
Not really, he is comparable in skin colour to some of the Beatles or Ian Brown of the Stone Roses also from Manchester, i would say that NW England has considerable Welsh influence, he would be a bit darker for Scotland or maybe parts of east England but certainly not the South or indeed a lot of parts of Northern Europe like the Benelux or Poland.
They looked more average in skintone. Jones was heavily tanned in The Monkees, to an extent that most Britons are incapable of. I remember thinking he was pretty dark when watching their TV show as a kid (do you remember that rubbish?). But overall his features were those of a dark Briton or Frenchman.

12-16-2021, 01:42 AM
Otherwise? He was darker skinned than average too, especially coming from Manchester. Light for Central Europe and normal for Northern Europe? Don't be ridiculous. His colouring was normal for Southern Europe.

His skin is literally pink, what are you on about?

12-16-2021, 04:01 AM
His skin is literally pink, what are you on about?
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.454d9db03976be7f06a02ba84d30fbd3?rik=JcZTHMTe%2f JKOfQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.sitcomsonline.com%2fphotopost %2fdata%2f708%2fdj5.JPG&ehk=Oq6u5w5Z5rnZYS%2fFPseYMd6Hz1GXC2PAEtSL0T0cx2I% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.d5651aa793a1a90587170f15fc67a5b8?rik=yvg21TxHvTS ZDg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages4.fanpop.com%2fimage%2fphot os%2f17300000%2fDavy-Jones-the-monkees-17378484-500-375.jpg&ehk=oasLlpobmWnMPAdaM0FAN7GLz7iE3xSKCJ%2fNx0OEEmw% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9617a1a813552a017de80c63428dd888?rik=c4xSJa7XTMv mow&riu=http%3a%2f%2fmonkees.coolcherrycream.com%2fima ges%2fseason-2%2f44-hitting-the-high-seas%2fw%2f0934-davy.jpg&ehk=5TeStbQjQAXogZ3o%2bfjBdZdvAyWaKrZ7CHah0V3m6Lo% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Maybe that's not considered dark in your favela, but it is for Anglo-Celtic people, extremely so. He looked like a bloody Mexican in The Monkees.

12-16-2021, 05:41 PM
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.454d9db03976be7f06a02ba84d30fbd3?rik=JcZTHMTe%2f JKOfQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.sitcomsonline.com%2fphotopost %2fdata%2f708%2fdj5.JPG&ehk=Oq6u5w5Z5rnZYS%2fFPseYMd6Hz1GXC2PAEtSL0T0cx2I% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.d5651aa793a1a90587170f15fc67a5b8?rik=yvg21TxHvTS ZDg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages4.fanpop.com%2fimage%2fphot os%2f17300000%2fDavy-Jones-the-monkees-17378484-500-375.jpg&ehk=oasLlpobmWnMPAdaM0FAN7GLz7iE3xSKCJ%2fNx0OEEmw% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9617a1a813552a017de80c63428dd888?rik=c4xSJa7XTMv mow&riu=http%3a%2f%2fmonkees.coolcherrycream.com%2fima ges%2fseason-2%2f44-hitting-the-high-seas%2fw%2f0934-davy.jpg&ehk=5TeStbQjQAXogZ3o%2bfjBdZdvAyWaKrZ7CHah0V3m6Lo% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0
Maybe that's not considered dark in your favela, but it is for Anglo-Celtic people, extremely so. He looked like a bloody Mexican in The Monkees.

You must be colourblind and its ironic that you're Australian. You should know better than anyone what a tan is, Davy Jones is very clearly white.

Cristiano viejo
12-16-2021, 06:01 PM
Dark as Monkeys.

Richard Alvarez
07-22-2024, 03:17 PM
He would not pass in Spain, despite his pigmentation. Looks very Anglo.

07-24-2024, 07:36 AM