View Full Version : What Are some environmental factors that determine phenotypes?

12-17-2021, 07:56 PM
I’m curious.

12-17-2021, 08:13 PM
As far as skull shape, realistically for most people, not much is gonna affect it. You is what you is.

There are practices like cradling in infancy, although I will say that both of my children slept on their fronts as infants, and one has notable occiput projection, while the other is nearly planno-occipital.

You also have things like disfigurement from injury, and I suppose that poor nutrition could have an impact. But again, for the majority of us, it's genetics that rule the day.

Now, things like weight gain can confuse one's perception of a classification/phenotype. So diet and exercise is indeed an environmental factor, or more specifically it's a behavioral impact.

12-18-2021, 01:14 AM
Highlands and plains easily show the difference between height and skin colour! People in the mountains are taller, hairier and tanner, and those in the plains are shorter and fucking lighter!........Unless if it's a bushy and scrubby savannah, and that's where people can be tall and less hairier!