View Full Version : Classify spaniard girls,are they exotic?

12-18-2021, 02:27 AM
https://i.ibb.co/NZZ9dMz/Olive-skinned-women-in-Orihuela-Spain.jpg (https://ibb.co/zGGXTzw)

12-18-2021, 02:38 AM
Berid + Gracile Med and Alpinized Gracile Med

12-18-2021, 02:41 AM
They have very Mediterranid phenotypes, but nothing exotic for European standards.

12-18-2021, 02:50 AM
No, they are just tan.

12-18-2021, 03:02 AM
Ese es el estereotipo de la mujer española promedio. Bastante mediterraneas

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12-18-2021, 03:08 AM
Ese es el estereotipo de la mujer española promedio. Bastante mediterraneas

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Y sin embargo estas se ven mas Europeas que los estereotipos mas tontos sobre los looks de los españoles. Sin olvidar ademas, que tambien hay muchos españoles de aspecto mas pan-Europeo y menos mediterraneo que el de ellas.

12-18-2021, 03:18 AM
Y sin embargo estas se ven mas Europeas que los estereotipos mas tontos sobre los looks de los españoles. Sin olvidar ademas, que tambien hay muchos españoles de aspecto mas pan-Europeo y menos mediterraneo que el de ellas.Porque existe tanta confusión con respecto al aspecto de los españoles? En este foro me he dado cuenta que tienen una imagen bastante distorsionado por las regiones de que si los del norte son los más celta y godos (de aspecto más del nórdico mientras que los del sur son los que estan mezclados con árabes, moros, gitanos es una completa payasada los que piensan así aparte de que los españoles tienen muchas apariencias no existe uno estándar pero me da la impresión de que hay mucha gente que se parece a un Fernando Alonso, Auronplay o Alberto Contador, etc son caras muy comunes.
Con respecto a las muchachas del op se ven full del sur de europa

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Colonel Frank Grimes
12-18-2021, 03:35 AM
Porque existe tanta confusión con respecto al aspecto de los españoles? En este foro me he dado cuenta que tienen una imagen bastante distorsionado por las regiones de que si los del norte son los más celta y godos (de aspecto más del nórdico mientras que los del sur son los que estan mezclados con árabes, moros, gitanos es una completa payasada los que piensan así aparte de que los españoles tienen muchas apariencias no existe uno estándar pero me da la impresión de que hay mucha gente que se parece a un Fernando Alonso, Auronplay o Alberto Contador, etc son caras muy comunes.
Con respecto a las muchachas del op se ven full del sur de europa

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Because trolls post one extreme and people who think they're countering the trolls post the other extreme. What ends up happening is only the extremes typically get posted.

12-18-2021, 04:19 AM
Porque existe tanta confusión con respecto al aspecto de los españoles? En este foro me he dado cuenta que tienen una imagen bastante distorsionado por las regiones de que si los del norte son los más celta y godos (de aspecto más del nórdico mientras que los del sur son los que estan mezclados con árabes, moros, gitanos es una completa payasada los que piensan así aparte de que los españoles tienen muchas apariencias no existe uno estándar pero me da la impresión de que hay mucha gente que se parece a un Fernando Alonso, Auronplay o Alberto Contador, etc son caras muy comunes.
Con respecto a las muchachas del op se ven full del sur de europa

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Fernando Alonso would be more average. Though there are Spaniards like Alberto Contador, they are very minority, not the average, as some trolls make it out to be.

12-18-2021, 10:04 AM
Stupid photo for a stupid audience, picking two tanned girls and dark the photo to pass as olive skin

I can show Negroid skin from born pale British if I want, it's very easy modifying the contrast. only assholes don't know that color and brightness in photos is just perception


Grace O'Malley
12-18-2021, 11:12 AM
https://i.ibb.co/NZZ9dMz/Olive-skinned-women-in-Orihuela-Spain.jpg (https://ibb.co/zGGXTzw)

Just a personal opinion but the girl on the left is more "exotic" but the girl on the right not so much. Without the tan she could be Irish. They both look European to me though. The girl on the left leaning more towards the south and the one on the right a bit more north feature wise. Just a general impression.

12-18-2021, 11:23 AM
There are several aspects that serve various conflicting interests.

The current trend, and I believe it is the predominant one, would be to hide the European part of the South Americans, the most direct way would be to create confusion directly on the root and isolate Spain from its Western European environment.

In this thread I created you can see it clearly:

Representation of Spaniards recently arrived in America:



https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjSSrlC2-SMfovzibwPVe0hKnjAJjG_9ZXmSuYrAE2Fb4Hy0eEnUMlkfyJW CS-RhMV2adVE9EC8S8fFXeTaoHCgMHkG4YejUJSTk2Zjpg7eMb3na tEAk0LzHPLnCik0Mruolyk_sT9v-h8Q15LDok18f-DkWF28ia9Bbd4IT5HZG3_haEsKThFBYBbm=s960

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https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjW9atuwkljJL3O6HT8YGY_A94E9IGbOaE-Bp4iFvZ1PgWJ3bNzZvdg3eMiNIGBYq_8GAd0n5mv3S8g5_TZ9P z8zM92FkGg2hWDd5n9VIh8hX2ihy0RbeTH9Q1e7spC-YE9AoiknMLplqudy4KCCnt75pReyA9Z8msEiHws_ER5gj_W8S-T3kouRt_W=s521

Then we would have sporadic and apparently casual postings by Italian users who would open threads of Spaniards in relation to certain and specific European countries. The motivation is a real fear of Spain overtaking Italy economically and therefore taking Spain out of the Western European axis and relating it to other countries that are not either and may even be exotic to the West. Nor forget that the Italian language lost the race to the future unlike the Spanish language.

Advantages that an Italian user can count on to maintain certain credibility: Accepted and recognized ethnic minority in the United States. Its culture and history, do not forget that the Anglo world admires the Roman Empire, Italian culture, art and Italy geographically has on top of it what it has.

This thread would be a practical example:

Which peoples are lighter, Southern Slavs or Iberians?


There is also a certain misappropriation of some Brazilian users by system in throwing confusion about Spain. Motivation can be a strange and surrealistic amalgam of motives. The term Gal may not be Hispanic, so perhaps they use the operative mode of the United States to revalue their own country in front of the Hispanic world and try to reinforce their image as a black country, daring to throw confusion on the Hispanic roots.

European countries with aspirations. You see a lot more attempts at honesty but they can sign up for confusion at certain times if they think they will come out revalued mainly as always to influence opinion in North America.

We also have a type of Moroccan user generally; although most of them are quite honest in these matters, who would also be interested in revaluing the image of their own country, who knows, perhaps aspirations to access the EU, in short, to change the image of their country abroad and they find that Spain is an easy target to carry it out, simply with the argument of the famous 800 years they believe they have done most of the work.

All this is easily verified in the publications of images of Spaniards, tanned, ugly, photos with high contrast, publications even of people who are not from Spain or also of gypsies.

And the worst of all "Spaniards" who insinuate or pretend to create an Italian-style division in Spain believing that others will receive them with open arms, when they know perfectly well that it will make things even worse for all Spaniards.

There are also the cases of Spanish passport holders who do a great job but I have also seen some strange actions in relation to the country they supposedly defend, including attempts to glorify the north of Spain with the publication of Maria Castro's photo immediately.

This is basically what I have observed in recent years.

12-18-2021, 11:27 AM
No, they don't look exotic at all.

12-18-2021, 11:36 AM
La de la izquierda lo que tiene son ojos saltones, todavía más marcados gracias a la línea de ojos negra que se ha puesto.;)

12-18-2021, 11:41 AM

Grace O'Malley
12-18-2021, 11:58 AM
La de la izquierda lo que tiene son ojos saltones, todavía más marcados gracias a la línea de ojos negra que se ha puesto.;)

Yes the eyes definitely are a factor. She looks more Italian to me. Both are very pretty though.

12-18-2021, 02:57 PM
They could probably be exotic in Korea.

12-19-2021, 12:35 AM
Stupid photo for a stupid audience, picking two tanned girls and dark the photo to pass as olive skin

I can show Negroid skin from born pale British if I want, it's very easy modifying the contrast. only assholes don't know that color and brightness in photos is just perception

Another complexed and dumb olive picking Iberian who gets off to light skin (you guys are always from that part of the fucking world, wonder why)! These women you posted tan like blondies do - They fucking crisp and burn to a reddish bronze color (negroid my ass) & you can clearly fucking tell that they're northerners/Nordics!........The woman in OP are more in the olive-skinned range and would naturally tan to a more brown colour coz they are not blondes and are not type 1 skin colour! You're coping so hard about the fact that Spaniards would never tan like British people do (which is funny because most beautiful tans in the world come from your fucking area)! Again for pale/albino fetishist dumbasses like yourself:

Tanned pale people (Anglos, Scandinavians ...etc)

Tanned olive skinned or non-pale light skinned people (southern Europeans/MENAs and pretty much most of the world besides SSAs):

Big fucking difference. You will never mistake the two blonde British ladies for something exotic cos they clearly fucking look Nordic! Whereas people with a normal skin tone, yes normal, not albino, can be mistaken for something more exotic when they're tanned!

12-19-2021, 12:50 AM
Gracile Med. They are not exotic.

12-19-2021, 04:55 AM
Not Spanish

true Spaniards are blonde with blue eyes

12-19-2021, 04:57 AM
Not Spanish

true Spaniards are blonde with blue eyesSarcasm Detected

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12-19-2021, 06:01 AM
Just by their looks they look crazy ass hell. lol

12-19-2021, 07:46 AM

They represent very well the Spanish Levante and could perfectly pass for the north of Spain.


They are very beautiful and represent well the Spanish Levante, not as said above, the left of the south and the right of the north, it is absurd after almost 20 years in genetics millions of publications and results on Spain continue to impact on something like that.

They have a nice tan and dyed hair but I find it an indecency to pass it off on Wikipedia as a natural olive at least the degree it shows is sun.

Let's see what the girls from Orihuela are like.

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How long has the genetics issue been going on for? 20 years maybe. You are in evidence.

1. It bothers you that blond Spaniards are being published.
2. It bothers you that children or young Spaniards are published.
3. They try to ignore the publications of the natives.
4. Trying to pass tanned for natural tones.
5. Constantly through the networks they confuse our Spanish surnames with Jewish surnames when they know that in Spain there were no Hebrew surnames and the Jews had to adopt autochthonous surnames from Spain.

You are indecent.

Spain is a European country, modern and advanced and here we can have atypical people as in all countries but in general they are not going to find the exoticism they are looking for, they want to find it because of the converts perhaps, because of the 800 years of Muslim occupation? evidently it is more likely that those who stayed, a low number have ended up being Spanish

Spain is a European country, with a great history and all your efforts to rarefy or cast confusion on Spain will prove in vain. Spain is not a North African country, Spain is not a Latin American country, Spain is a European country, advanced, modern and with a more developed society than many countries of the continent.

The most coherent thing to do would be to send them to hell, but I won't do it.

Grace O'Malley
12-19-2021, 07:57 AM

They represent very well the Spanish Levante and could perfectly pass for the north of Spain.


They are very beautiful and represent well the Spanish Levante, not as said above, the left of the south and the right of the north, it is absurd after almost 20 years in genetics millions of publications and results on Spain continue to impact on something like that.

Let's see what the girls from Orihuela are like.

How long has the genetics issue been going on for? 20 years maybe. You are in evidence.

1. It bothers you that blond Spaniards are being published.
2. It bothers you that children or young Spaniards are published.
3. They try to ignore the publications of the natives.
4. Trying to pass tanned for natural tones.

Spain is a European country, modern and advanced and here we can have atypical people as in all countries but in general they are not going to find the exoticism they are looking for, they want to find it because of the converts perhaps, because of the 800 years of Muslim occupation? evidently it is more likely that those who stayed, a low number have ended up being Spanish and have transformed the majority.


Spain is a European country, with a great history and all your efforts to rarefy or cast confusion on Spain will prove in vain. Spain is not a North African country, Spain is not a Latin American country, Spain is a European country, advanced, modern and with a more developed society than many countries of the continent.

The most coherent thing to do would be to send them to hell, but I won't do it.

Children are too young and will change when fully grown. They are not representative. Children are also lighter than the adult population.

My personal view is that to get an accurate view of a population you have to post crowds. Videos are good as well because people can't accuse you of cherry picking. Posting crowd pictures give you an idea of what the general population looks like. So in short I don't take much heed of people posting multiple pictures with only one person. It is very easy to cherry pick a certain look. Post multiple crowd pictures and that gives you a much more representative snapshot of a population.

Sure people can have a false image of what a population look like but people should post crowd pictures not just single pictures. Or if you want to show a certain type of look but crowd pictures should also be included.

12-19-2021, 08:10 AM
I would believe what CV will say in that matter

12-19-2021, 08:28 AM
Children are too young and will change when fully grown. They are not representative. Children are also lighter than the adult population.

My personal view is that to get an accurate view of a population you have to post crowds. Videos are good as well because people can't accuse you of cherry picking. Posting crowd pictures give you an idea of what the general population looks like. So in short I don't take much heed of people posting multiple pictures with only one person. It is very easy to cherry pick a certain look. Post multiple crowd pictures and that gives you a much more representative snapshot of a population.

Sure people can have a false image of what a population look like but people should post crowd pictures not just single pictures. Or if you want to show a certain type of look but crowd pictures should also be included.

You don't pay attention to posts from 1 or 2 people when you are not interested when you are interested you do pay attention as in the photo of these two girls which clearly shows that their skin is affected by the sun and is not a good representation of a natural olive skin so Wikipedia should remove it.

Children are clearer than the adult population, where in India, in Pakistan? Obviously it bothers in the case of Spain for obvious reasons, but we will continue to publish of course, everything that bothers exclusively for Spain is a good indication of what foreigners wish to obviate or hide.


https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/219356719_1676570269196715_4210136919111840824_n.j pg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=5sndiITB380AX8gWk5n&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=00_AT91kHrtNuKqWK05nYjjyb9-CEwVbFyeRcQupbnvQQCfsg&oe=61C44048

https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/187829252_1633485556838520_7490712984635536130_n.j pg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=9mw2te0T3wYAX_-XyqX&tn=sjLruPtT9gvEhhGt&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=00_AT82caHnmYF2Z5vLraBELPyHugmzTXVYtTM-XsVo8b0TJA&oe=61E2C768

https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/235941347_1694706000716475_1963542944523781753_n.j pg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=4HuulIlAGpkAX9tg661&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-PFw8ChZK4uMkHuH6BnVmQ32W6TDPpPxBxxCAIHVz7eg&oe=61C44FF8


1- Wikipedia should remove the photo of the two girls as an example of natural olive skin because the girls are simply tanned as well as dyed.

2- Spain is a European country and we have no affinity with North Africa.

4- We are unique and unrepeatable, a European country and we have no affinity with other countries in the Mediterranean or elsewhere without ceasing to be European.

5- I doubt that the converts had a great impact on the phenotypes of Spain, rather the descendants of the converts would have been transformed into Spaniards.

6- We do not need the approval of any foreigner from another country in Europe, much less from other continents.

12-19-2021, 08:50 AM
Berid + Gracile Med and Alpinized Gracile Med


I would classify the second girl as Alpine-Med.

Grace O'Malley
12-19-2021, 08:53 AM
You don't pay attention to posts from 1 or 2 people when you are not interested when you are interested you do pay attention as in the photo of these two girls which clearly shows that their skin is affected by the sun and is not a good representation of a natural olive skin so Wikipedia should remove it.

Children are clearer than the adult population, where in India, in Pakistan? Obviously it bothers in the case of Spain for obvious reasons, but we will continue to publish of course, everything that bothers exclusively for Spain is a good indication of what foreigners wish to obviate or hide.


https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/219356719_1676570269196715_4210136919111840824_n.j pg?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=5sndiITB380AX8gWk5n&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=00_AT91kHrtNuKqWK05nYjjyb9-CEwVbFyeRcQupbnvQQCfsg&oe=61C44048

https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/187829252_1633485556838520_7490712984635536130_n.j pg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=9mw2te0T3wYAX_-XyqX&tn=sjLruPtT9gvEhhGt&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=00_AT82caHnmYF2Z5vLraBELPyHugmzTXVYtTM-XsVo8b0TJA&oe=61E2C768

https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/235941347_1694706000716475_1963542944523781753_n.j pg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=4HuulIlAGpkAX9tg661&_nc_ht=scontent-mad1-1.xx&oh=00_AT-PFw8ChZK4uMkHuH6BnVmQ32W6TDPpPxBxxCAIHVz7eg&oe=61C44FF8


1- Wikipedia should remove the photo of the two girls as an example of natural olive skin because the girls are simply tanned as well as dyed.

2- Spain is a European country and we have no affinity with North Africa.

4- We are unique and unrepeatable, a European country and we have no affinity with other countries in the Mediterranean or elsewhere without ceasing to be European.

5- I doubt that the converts had a great impact on the phenotypes of Spain, rather the descendants of the converts would have been transformed into Spaniards.

6- We do not need the approval of any foreigner from another country in Europe, much less from other continents.

Children are not developed. No one is going to take seriously someone who posts a lot of children. You take everything so personal and you think everything revolves around Spain. I don't think anyone posts children as representative. Children don't even have their final hair colour until they are older. I think at least post teenagers from 16 on if you must. Everyone knows Spain is European. I'm not giving approval for anything but this goes for all posters. Why would you not want to post crowd pictures? Do they not show what you want?

12-19-2021, 09:06 AM
Children are not developed. No one is going to take seriously someone who posts a lot of children. You take everything so personal and you think everything revolves around Spain. I don't think anyone posts children as representative. Children don't even have their final hair colour until they are older. I think at least post teenagers from 16 on if you must. Everyone knows Spain is European. I'm not giving approval for anything but this goes for all posters. Why would you not want to post crowd pictures? Do they not show what you want?

In my case, from the age of 12 the final hair color developed, perhaps due to puberty.

Grace O'Malley
12-19-2021, 09:25 AM
In my case, from the age of 12 the final hair color developed, perhaps due to puberty.

Yes puberty is when a lot of hormones kick in. Hair colour can change even in your 20s in some cases. Children will be lighter than the adult population. Many children are blond and get darker in their teens. That is a very common occurrence. Features aren't matured in children. Nothing wrong with posting some pictures of children but not to show things like hair colour, skin colour etc.

12-19-2021, 11:29 AM
Están muy bronceadas

12-19-2021, 01:13 PM
https://i.ibb.co/NZZ9dMz/Olive-skinned-women-in-Orihuela-Spain.jpg (https://ibb.co/zGGXTzw)

Gracile Med and Alpine-Med

12-19-2021, 03:36 PM
Gracile-Med + Alpine-Med

12-19-2021, 04:17 PM
I would believe what CV will say in that matter

Not blonde not Spanish. He taught me that.

12-19-2021, 04:48 PM
Most Spaniards aren't blond, but..

Not European looking not Spanish.

The two girls look European, then they look Spanish, but that's not their natural skin tone. They are very tanned.