View Full Version : TNP a better way?

04-09-2009, 04:34 AM
Once upon a time (In a galaxy far far away?:rolleyes:)there was a wonderful forum called The Nordish Portal, dedicated to Nordish culture and preservation. However, there is no equivalent anymore, as Apricity seems to be primarily a newer Skadi.

From the Mission statement; Here at The Apricity we believe in the importance of preservation (ethnic, cultural and spiritual) of all the European peoples.

For this reason The Apricity forum will accept as members any interested persons of full European descent.

Nothing wrong with that, except a Nordish-focused forum is sorely needed, and the following, also from the Mission Statement, would seem to call for a Nordish focus.

However, The Apricity forum has a Germanic and Northern European orientation.

Yet we have arguments whether ugly swarthy women are even European in the "Beautiful Euro Women" thread, clearly not an appropriate "Nordish Orientation" topic. So the mission statement perhaps needs to be clarified? And hopefully (In my opinion) be given a much stronger Nordish focus, as was the case with TNP. At TNP, anti-Nordish posters were simply booted off, was this a good idea? I thought so.:thumb001:

04-09-2009, 04:45 AM
We should ban all Nordish posters and start promoting as The Swarthcity.

04-09-2009, 04:51 AM
Were it a strictly Nordish forum, I don't think I'd be here.

04-09-2009, 06:35 AM
Mikey. Welcome to the future. It's swarthy.

We're not going to change, this is not TNP. It's Apricity.

04-09-2009, 06:45 AM
The Nordish Portal, unlike Apricity, was exclusively a Loki's creation and so the decision to put it down for good was entirely up to him.

There is a forum with an exclusively Northern European orientation and that is Nordfolk. As you probably know, Americans are not welcome there though. Note also that Nordfolk is the primary reason tNP doesn't exist anymore, as it was created with the specific intent to poach members away from tNP by an ex-tNP admin.

04-09-2009, 07:23 AM
There is a forum with an exclusively Northern European orientation and that is Nordfolk.

That's just a WoW guild though, not a political/racial discussion forum. I can't really tell since it's not in English.

AFAIK there is no racial/political discussion forum aimed at 'nordish' people.

Skadi is perhaps the closest thing, and that is why I left StormFront to post there instead, but they for example include Austria (55% nordish) while excluding Ireland (100% nordish) , Poland (70% nordish), the Baltics (95% nordish) and Russia/Belorus/Ukraine (53% nordish)


04-09-2009, 08:18 AM
There is a forum with an exclusively Northern European orientation and that is Nordfolk. As you probably know, Americans are not welcome there though.
Never heard of it actually, but nobody ever tells me anything:rolleyes2:

04-09-2009, 08:19 AM
Mikey. Welcome to the future. It's swarthy.

The future is what we make it:)

04-09-2009, 08:50 AM
I agree with Psychonaut, I probably wouldn't be here either if it was a strict Nordish forum.

04-09-2009, 09:12 AM
Never heard of it actually, but nobody ever tells me anything:rolleyes2:


I don't speak whatever language that is, and I canceled my WoW account about 7-8 months after the game came out. Took up way too much of my time.

04-09-2009, 09:33 AM
Mikeys idea is good ---- i like it!!! :) But some people love mixed and more darker people from south Europe and i dont think they will change that..... :rolleyes2: It is bad because Nordish people are supreme. A norwegian or swede who marries a romanian or italian is doing something wrong. Nordish people can only stay Nordish if they stick to Nordish people!! Europe has a super good border --- the alpes. The humans south the alpes are a bad influence to Nordish people! Friendship and trade is okay but not more.

04-09-2009, 10:00 AM
The Apricity is fine as it is and - no offence Mikey, this is not directed personally at you,

Why is it that in every forum there's always people who want to change it according to their own wishes? :rolleyes:

I mean -and no offence again, this is not personal- the owners visualise their own forum in a certain way.
This is their conception, it is their creation. This is how they want it to be.

They don't put a gun to anyone's head to join. By joining each forum, you agree upon a certain set of rules and you also agree to accept the orientation, whatever it may be in each case.

I am not lecturing here --I know this is known stuff, I just think we've all gotten so tired having to deal with complaints and grievances all the time...

So much as I would hate to lose you because you know how much I am fond of you (:)), I'd have to say in such cases that if someone doesn't like the orientation of a certain forum, they can always leave, instead of trying to push their own way...

The same goes for you Inese - no offence again, I like you too (:)), but you can't always have your way, just because a trivial argument about a Romanian actress arose.

A Romanian actress that by general consensus is perfectly acceptable as a European because Romania is a country with many gyspies living in it, but not a country of gypsies.

I am sure we can all find a million examples of ethnically Romanian people to post that have no gypsy blood in them, but then we'd make a ridicule out of the subject.

Anyway, TNP was great (I might even say that at some periods I enjoyed it more than any other internet forum), the idea of a forum dedicated to the Nordish race in general was amazing, as nothing like that existed to that point, but now it is gone and the Apricity is another thing. :)

P.S. in the same as the aforementioned manner I have left several fora myself, quietly, with no dramas and not so much as an announcement to a single soul - I just logged out and never visiter again :)

Why? Because at some point I stopped agreeing with the orientation, or stopped liking the situation, and I felt there was no need to make an issue about it. And of course there was no need to ask for the forum orientation to be changed for me - the universe does not revolve around me, and I am also grateful to the owners for the hospitality for as long as I was there. No dramas, do hard feelings. :)

04-09-2009, 10:07 AM
A norwegian or swede who marries a romanian or italian is doing something wrong.

Inese, for heaven's sake this is an internet forum! It's not a dating service bringing norwegians and romanians together :p

I wonder how does this logic follow, that if an internet forum is european in orientation, all of the sudden, norwegians and romanians or italians are going to intermarry... Unless we believe in the Butterfly Effect, I can hardly think there is a connection there... :p

04-09-2009, 10:13 AM
Mikeys idea is good ---- i like it!!! :) But some people love mixed and more darker people from south Europe and i dont think they will change that..... :rolleyes2: It is bad because Nordish people are supreme. A norwegian or swede who marries a romanian or italian is doing something wrong. Nordish people can only stay Nordish if they stick to Nordish people!! Europe has a super good border --- the alpes. The humans south the alpes are a bad influence to Nordish people! Friendship and trade is okay but not more.

Inese, you are aware that there are Germanic speaking people in northern Italy, aren't you?

Look at wiki's listing of Italian skiiers, looks like a German telephone directory.


04-09-2009, 10:52 AM
It is bad because Nordish people are supreme.

Good to see noone generalising! A few thousand years ago the Greeks and Romans thought blonde hair and blue eyes were a mark of stupidity, and if you want to start arguments about supremacy then people will start comparing the cultural achievements of Italy and Greece with those of the nordic countries (i.e. the most "nordish") and we all know who wins that argument. Might be an idea to learn a touch of humility.

04-09-2009, 10:53 AM
A few thousand years ago the Greeks and Romans thought blonde hair and blue eyes were a mark of stupidity

Source? :confused:

04-09-2009, 10:56 AM
Once upon a time (In a galaxy far far away?:rolleyes:)there was a wonderful forum called The Nordish Portal, dedicated to Nordish culture and preservation. However, there is no equivalent anymore, as Apricity seems to be primarily a newer Skadi.

TNP was a good concept, and a real fun forum to run and be a part of. There are a few practicalities that made it tricky to run .. one being how to decide who is allowed, and who is not. I am sure this precise dilemma is plaguing Nordfolk these days (which is, by the way, different in orientation than TNP was ... TNP was subracially based, whereas Nordfolk is country-specific).

At TNP we even had a section where prospective new members had to post images of themselves before being admitted. A panel would then decide whether they were acceptable or not.

Later on I realised that running such a concept may be practical in real life, but not really for an internet forum. I mean, anyone can find images of a blonde, blue-eyed person, and post it to be passed off as its own -- and then be admitted.

Interestingly enough, the majority of Apricity's posters are of Northern European descent -- which is what I expected anyway. The atmosphere is not much different than TNP's was, except that Apricity is more laid-back and actually more fun to be a part of. :) I don't think it is necessary to get upset about a few pics of Mediterranean women in a thread. :D

04-09-2009, 10:58 AM
I would also like to ask, who are the aforementioned "anti-nordish" posters...? :confused:

I mean, to this day, I haven't read a signle anti-nordish post on Apricity (unless there was one and I missed it) :icon_ask:

04-09-2009, 11:37 AM
Inese, you are aware that there are Germanic speaking people in northern Italy, aren't you?

Look at wiki's listing of Italian skiiers, looks like a German telephone directory.

Yes i am aware....And you are aware that this part is southtyrolia??? It is a part of Austria the Italians have stolen it and dont give it back!!:rolleyes: It is not Italian it is Austrian and Germanic.

Good to see noone generalising! A few thousand years ago the Greeks and Romans thought blonde hair and blue eyes were a mark of stupidity, and if you want to start arguments about supremacy then people will start comparing the cultural achievements of Italy and Greece with those of the nordic countries (i.e. the most "nordish") and we all know who wins that argument.
If the thought blonde haur and blue eyes are a mark of stupidity then they was wrong!! :D Maybe they learned the truth after the Goths destroyed rome and wandered trough the city!!! The antice south european empires all falled down after the northern Europeans decided to fight a little!! ;)

Who wins the argument??? The inventor of electricity was no greek or roman, the inventor of cars and planes not too...All big inventions in the last 2000 years were not made by southern europeans!!! The last important greece person was some one like Plato or aristoteles , and since then nothing important came from this region....(Absinthe not directed at you!!)

Heeeey i accept the board orientation but if there is a poll i can say my opinion, or not??

04-09-2009, 11:43 AM
If the thought blonde haur and blue eyes are a mark of stupidity then they was wrong!! :D

It is wrong because it is historically inaccurate -such a notion did not exist, at least to my knowledge.

Maybe they learned the truth after the Goths destroyed rome and wandered trough the city!!! The antice south european empires all falled down after the northern Europeans decided to fight a little.

Oh come on Inese, no reason for oversimplification of compex historical processes.

who wins the argument??? The inventor of electricity was no greek or roman, the inventor of cars and planes not too...All big inventions in tle last 2000 years were not made by southern europeans!!!

That is .... oh dear. I cannot even express myself in words. :p

So the invention of light bulbs and cars is more important than philosophy, astronomy and mathematics? :D

And in any case: what's with the pissing contest? Why downplay the importance of anyone's achievements?

Each nation has contributed something, and they are all important. I don't see why you feel the need to discard ancient wisdom and civilization in favor of recent germanic inventions. Are they mutually exclusive? :confused:

04-09-2009, 11:47 AM
Yes i am aware....And you are aware that this part is southtyrolia??? It is a part of Austria the Italians have stolen it and dont give it back!!:rolleyes: It is not Italian it is Austrian and Germanic.

Erm, no. Cimbrian is a Germanic language and this is spoken near Verona in the Veneto district which is deep inside northern Italy.

Anyway, it's the other side of the Alps which isn't an unpenetrable barrier.

04-09-2009, 11:49 AM
That is .... oh dear. I cannot even express myself in words. :p

So the invention of light bulbs and cars is more important than philosophy, astronomy and mathematics? :D
Hm philosophy is much blah blah blah and the one philosoph says something other than the other philosoph... And mathematics is useless i always hate it!!! :D :tongue *lol* Ok mathematics is important but i dont need it. And not every mathematic is from greece?? Some arab had a brain too before they become muslims and decided to stop thinking. :rolleyes2:

And in any case: what's with the pissing contest? Why downplay the importance of anyone's achievements?
No pissing contest but if southern europeans invented some things thousands year ago this is no reason to mix with them today, hmm?? My opinion.

04-09-2009, 11:52 AM
No pissing contest but if southern europeans invented some things thousands year ago then this is no reason to mix with them today, hmm?? My opinion.

Ever heard of Marconi? Without him we probably wouldn't be typing away here posting our opinions.:rolleyes:

04-09-2009, 11:54 AM
Hm philosophy is much blah blah blah and the one philosoph says something other than the other philosoph... And mathematics is useless i always hate it!!! :D :tongue *lol* Ok mathematics is important but i dont need it. And not every mathematic is from greece?? Some arab had a brain too before they become muslims and decided to stop thinking. :rolleyes2:

You may hate mathematics (I have to admit I was never good at it myself), but by common consensus, mathematics are the most fundamental science of all.

And all other sciences are using mathematics. Also, cars planes and electricity would not be able to function without mathematics :)

I also did not say that every mathematician was a greek. I mention mathematics as a contribution of the ancient world, without which the modern world would not have advanced. :)

No pissing contest but if southern europeans invented some things thousands year ago then this is no reason to mix with them today, hmm?? My opinion.

My goodness, Inese, you make me want to chew on my eyeglasses!! :D Who on earth said anyone has to mix with anyone?! :eek:

I said, acknowledging the individual contributions of every nation. Why on earth would that mean I'm forcing you to mix with them? :confused:

*bangs head on wall :p

04-09-2009, 11:58 AM
Absinthe for you... :banghead:

04-09-2009, 11:58 AM
Mikey. Welcome to the future. It's swarthy.

We're not going to change, this is not TNP. It's Apricity.

Not that I have any influence on the matter, but that's exactly how I feel too. TNP was great, but it's over. The Apricity is just as good if not better.

04-09-2009, 11:58 AM
Thanks!! http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/smilies/banghead.gif

The Lawspeaker
04-09-2009, 11:58 AM
Hm philosophy is much blah blah blah and the one philosoph says something other than the other philosoph... And mathematics is useless i always hate it!!! :D :tongue *lol* Ok mathematics is important but i dont need it. And not every mathematic is from greece?? Some arab had a brain too before they become muslims and decided to stop thinking. :rolleyes2:
Modern Philosophs are germanic - heidegger, nitsche or schopenhauser!?? No greece!! :D
Yes but they wouldn't have gotten very far without Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Marcus Aurelius, and later on Saint Thomas Aquinas and so many others that have laid the very foundations of philosophy would they ?
And that system of government you are enjoying today: democracy.. if it wouldn't have been for the Athenians (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athenian_democracy) it wouldn't exist ! (Did you know the word has been derived Greek: δημοκρατία - dēmokratía which literary means popular government or rule of the people.)?
And that the idea of a republic and a constitution are Roman ?
Err.. and Arab mathematics is essentially based upon classical Greek principles- o.k they invented the 0 themselves. Alright then..
And let me refrain from going on eternally about the architectural, culinary and scientific innovations that were drawn from a classical Greek, Roman or Italian mind.... I am sure you have seen Tuscany ? If not- DO VISIT IT.;)

But I agree with one of your earlier posts: I agree South Tyrol is Austrian and Germanic and not Italian. But then again Burgenland was nicked by Austria from Hungary so hey what the hell ? Years of Austrian migration doesn't change a thing does it: it's still Hungarian land ?

No pissing contest but if southern europeans invented some things thousands year ago this is no reason to mix with them today, hmm?? My opinion.
That isn't what she is saying is she ? But please remember: those people are your European brothers.

04-09-2009, 12:16 PM
I'm sorry but I'm not even sure I know why you posted such a poll to begin with Mikey. :confused: I mean it is quite clear that this is a forum for the preservation of ALL European ethnicities and cultures, whatever shape or form that may take. I drop into the Beautiful European Women's thread pretty frequently and unless I've missed something lately, I've not seen any arguing per se. We all look different given our respective ethnic backgrounds, and egads yes!, some of us are even "Euro-mutts" (!!! :rolleyes:) and this of course will dictate our preferences with respect to the notion of 'beauty' to a large degree but come on....why even have such a poll on this forum? I guess I don't understand your motivation in asking such a question in the end. :confused: Care to elaborate perhaps?


04-09-2009, 12:37 PM
I'm sorry but I'm not even sure I know why you posted such a poll to begin with Mikey. :confused:

He misses tNP.

04-09-2009, 12:40 PM
He misses tNP.
Don't we all... :)

04-09-2009, 01:06 PM
Yeeeees Absinthe and Tristan it is okay...:p But my opinion is that the basics came from the south european region and all improvement from the northern european regions.

Philosophy: Greece philosopers---- Aristoteles, Plato and more --- developed the basics but who improved it and extend it further??? Northern Europeans!!! Nietsche, Schopenhauser, Kant or Hegel....:thumb001:

Mathematics: Southern Europeans and arabs made the basics....who improved it more and more? Northern Europeans ---- Gauß, Newton, Heisenberg, bernoullie, Einstein, Blaise Pascal, LaPlace, Vieta....

Astronomy: Greece and arabs made the basics.....who flies to the moon, finds out about the structure of universe, sends satellites and find black holes, other sattelites??? Northern Europeans ---- Copernicus, Kepler, Fraunhofer, Herrschel....

What the southern europeans found out thousands year ago is not enough for today!! Without northern europeans and their genetical advantage we would look to the stars and say "this looks like a big bear" but not knowing that it are suns like our sun, far away and how they are made....understand?

The southern european finds iron and says "Hui this is iron , maybe it is useful!". The northern european uses the iron and build machines and technology, flies to the stars. That is the difference!!

My family says that nordish people are less than 2% of world population!!! Pale, Blonde, blue eyed human like me and many other nordish people are total minority and we become less and less!!! We must preserve us and this is my reason why i am against mix with southern europeans or non-europeans. My family is proud to be from the best of mankind and i have the same opinon. If we mix we lose. okay?? :coffee: We are special!!

04-09-2009, 01:09 PM
No arguing against all that you said, it's just that:

We must preserve us and this is my reason why i am against mix with southern europeans or non-europeans.

You keep mentioning that, whoever said anything about mixing?

This is what we've been trying to tell you!

We don't argue in favor of mixing european ethnicities, but in favor of the celebration of european cultures individually :)

04-09-2009, 01:16 PM
Please Absinthe , understand the men: If they say this or that romanian or southern actress looks beautiful than they never say "No!" if the actress asks for a one night stand or more....

If i see men talking about beautiful darker complexed or mixed people then i know what is going on!!! Okay some less would not join the bed of them but the big part would never say "No!". That is my problem: Some men of the board would join Alexandra Lara , Shakira, Penelope Cruz.... in bed without thinking. And if they think and join the bed none-the-less the problem is more large!!

04-09-2009, 01:21 PM
Ok, Inese, I give up, you win, because you managed to exhaust the opponent :)

04-09-2009, 01:27 PM
It is no contest i dont want to win!!! Do we share opinions or not?? :confused:

Oh i know that i sound stupid my english is super crap but read between the lines...no need for exhausting!! :embarrassed

04-09-2009, 01:29 PM
Can I be the dumb one here. With very little experience on Forums (I have only actively belonged to one other my whole life and that was Nordfolk), I have to ask.

Do most people on Apricity come from other forums? Or end up here like me, banned from somewhere else? Also, what exactly is meant by Nordish?

I am grateful to have been invited to this Forum after a not so happy experience at NoFo. I think at NoFo (besides being American) my lack of Forum experience or just being naive about things affected people's perception of me there in a negative way...
Sorry if this was off-topic...

04-09-2009, 01:32 PM
Can I be the dumb one here. With very little experience on Forums (I have only actively belonged to one other my whole life and that was Nordfolk), I have to ask.

Do most people on Apricity come from other forums? Or end up here like me, banned from somewhere else? Also, what exactly is meant by Nordish?

I was first here and then found way to Skadi. It is very friendly and nice but Skadi is for Germanic only --- i am not Germanic enough from my own view to be there and i respect that so i stay here. People told me of Nordfolk i joined and made a hello-thread but society there is too special i dont think i fit in. So i am here!! :p

04-09-2009, 01:43 PM
I was first here and then found way to Skadi. It is very friendly and nice but Skadi is for Germanic only --- i am not Germanic enough from my own view to be there and i respect that so i stay here. People told me of Nordfolk i joined and made a hello-thread but society there is too special i dont think i fit in. So i am here!! :p

Sorry for the off-topic -- but I'm very curious. How did you find us, since you registered when we were still small and relatively unknown? :)

04-09-2009, 01:47 PM
For forums like these, European & European-descent is the most workable basis. Then if Slavs, Celts, Meds, English, Nordics etc want to take pot shots at each other, that has to be dealt with whenever it crops up. Skadi tears itself apart adhering to the Germanic focus. As someone before me said, Ireland was excluded yet Austria included; what sane Englishman would feel closer kinship to Austrians than to Irish.

04-09-2009, 02:43 PM
Sorry for the off-topic -- but I'm very curious. How did you find us, since you registered when we were still small and relatively unknown? :)
I looked google for european preservation forum and found apricity as one of first results!! :cool:

04-09-2009, 02:46 PM
I looked google for european preservation forum and found apricity as one of first results!! :cool:

Great to know :thumb001:!!

04-09-2009, 02:55 PM
Equally off topic;

Please Absinthe , understand the men: If they say this or that romanian or southern actress looks beautiful than they never say "No!" if the actress asks for a one night stand or more....

If i see men talking about beautiful darker complexed or mixed people then i know what is going on!!! Okay some less would not join the bed of them but the big part would never say "No!". That is my problem: Some men of the board would join Alexandra Lara , Shakira, Penelope Cruz.... in bed without thinking. And if they think and join the bed none-the-less the problem is more large!!

Are you saying that;

Northern and southern Europeans should not mix, and that in admiring women from the opposite end of Europe to his own a man is admitting that he would mix with that woman?

If this is what you are saying I would agree with you, I can tell that a spaniard may be good looking, but I do not consider them beautiful, neither would I post a "wow" post if someone put them up for my consideration. I feer that we are no naturaly coded to be as picky as you/I would desire.

04-09-2009, 03:02 PM
I looked google for european preservation forum and found apricity as one of first results!! :cool:

Indeed (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=european+preservation+forum&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=)!! :cool:

I think the fact that we have included "Cultural & Ethnic European Preservation" directly to our forum name, it has improved our SEO considerably.

04-09-2009, 03:11 PM
Indeed (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=european+preservation+forum&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=)!! :cool:

I think the fact that we have included "Cultural & Ethnic European Preservation" directly to our forum name, it has improved our SEO considerably.

Yay :clap:! Thank me :p!

04-09-2009, 03:39 PM
Indeed (http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=european+preservation+forum&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq=)!! :cool:

I think the fact that we have included "Cultural & Ethnic European Preservation" directly to our forum name, it has improved our SEO considerably.

Yes but on German google it has only rank 2!! :D I used german google to search.


The Lawspeaker
04-09-2009, 03:43 PM
On Dutch Google it is firmly in the winning place at number 1 (http://www.google.nl/search?source=ig&hl=nl&rlz=1G1GGLQ_NLNL292&=&q=european+preservation+forum&btnG=Google+zoeken&meta=lr%3D), oddly enough Stormfront isn't far behind it...

04-09-2009, 03:51 PM
I wouldn't want The Apricity to change one jot. I love it just the way it is, even if there are arguments. It makes the forum interesting. Plus, I enjoy hearing about other cultures out there, as it makes me appreciate my own as well. Plus, as Europeans, and the descendents of European immigrants to the New World, we all share a common plight. The willing absorption of new migrants who do not share our cultures, by our respective countries, for selfish policital agendas that do not serve the native, resident population. We all share this, whether we're from Greece, Germany, England, America, or Australia. We're seeing the creeping of the refugees from war torn, Third World countries, who do nothing to assimilate into their new homes, we have to assimilate to their foreign cultures, and we need to cater to their difficulties. We all share this, so we are brothers and sisters in a sense, or if you prefer cousins. The Apricity helps us to remember this, and to not be so insular as to forget the perils of other fellow European countries, or their former colonies. Which, if you have a forum for only people of Nordish descent, is all too easy to become. I say keep The Apricity just the way it is! We're all in this together.

04-09-2009, 06:37 PM
Don't we all... :)

Well perhaps for those of you who have had the pleasure of being there, but not all of us have had the pleasure. So I only know of this place and it's a pretty damn good one.

I guess my overall query is if it ain't broken, why fix it?

04-09-2009, 06:54 PM
Please Absinthe , understand the men: If they say this or that romanian or southern actress looks beautiful than they never say "No!" if the actress asks for a one night stand or more....

If i see men talking about beautiful darker complexed or mixed people then i know what is going on!!! Okay some less would not join the bed of them but the big part would never say "No!". That is my problem: Some men of the board would join Alexandra Lara , Shakira, Penelope Cruz.... in bed without thinking. And if they think and join the bed none-the-less the problem is more large!!

Geez Inese I'm sorry but it sounds to me as though you have a very very low opinion, not only of people in general but of men in particular. I dunno, if I were a man I would feel pretty slighted by your very assumption that a man can only think with a certain other part of his anatomy and not with the head that's on his shoulders. People in general can admire beauty in whomever they see in this world; it doesn't mean they want to jump in bed with them and have a one-night stand. Can you give the fine men on our board here a bit more credit perhaps? :rolleyes:

04-09-2009, 07:18 PM
Aemma hear me please i am younger than most of you but i have made enough bad experiences to come to my opinion!! I went trough enough shit in my life before moving and most men think with their.....you know what. But not all men are like this --- i know --- and that is why i am here. :) I dont hate men , just ask my board friends from here like Tristan or Sigurd!! But trust must be earned and i am cautious!! I am no man hater okay!!? But it is not the norm if you say most man make difference between saying "this girl is beautiful!" and going to bed with her. If they have the oportunity to do....most do!

But it is not the original topic...:lightbul:

04-09-2009, 09:50 PM
Nordish rules! :D But then again I'm part Huguenot and I've got some distant Portugese, sooooooo if this were TNPish I'd be permabanned ammirite? :D

But seriously, the Apricity is fine the way it is, and from what I've seen the majority of the people here are Nordish, and those that aren't still have the common tie of fighting unwanted immigration from backwash countries.

Also, it's possible that a lot of "Nordish" people may or may not have distant Iberian, Gallic, or other un-Nordish ancestry from way back, soooo it's not that big of a deal, the "Nordish" issue IMO.

04-09-2009, 10:13 PM
Some men of the board would join Alexandra Lara , Shakira, Penelope Cruz.... in bed without thinking.

WTF!!? Shakira? Who put Shakira in the thread?

As for Penelope Cruz, well she is Spanish. Alexandra Lara is Romanian.

The last time I checked, Spain and Romania were in the European scope and thus are acceptable to have hot steamy sex with.

Mmmmmmm! Hot swarthy women. :kiss2001:

04-09-2009, 10:21 PM
Nordish rules! :D But then again I'm part Huguenot and I've got some distant Portugese, sooooooo if this were TNPish I'd be permabanned ammirite? :D Please check out this thread. (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=34372):;)

But seriously, the Apricity is fine the way it is, and from what I've seen the majority of the people here are Nordish, and those that aren't still have the common tie of fighting unwanted immigration from backwash countries. Yes, I think they would be banned if they supported it.

Also, it's possible that a lot of "Nordish" people may or may not have distant Iberian, Gallic, or other un-Nordish ancestry from way back, soooo it's not that big of a deal, the "Nordish" issue IMO.Yeah. Most of us would rather not think about it.:wink

TNP was my introduction into racialist/preservationist fora. I found it while looking for SNPA. SNPA's url was nordish.com & TNP's was nordish.net. From there it was onto Skadi, the Althing, the Apricity & an assortment of other odd fora.

04-09-2009, 10:52 PM
The last time I checked, Spain and Romania were in the European scope and thus are acceptable to have hot steamy sex with.

Mmmmmmm! Hot swarthy women. :kiss2001:
Hmmm okay....:rolleyes2: You are a good prove of my opinion about brain and testicles...and you show the real brain in your avatar too!! *lol* :embarrassed
You are a proud english when i read your posts and signature!! How do you want preserve your country when have sex with spanish and romanian people??? Happy swarthy united kingdom of the future...?? Proud english and putting the penis everywhere into , i see no sense in it ---- incompatible!

04-09-2009, 11:00 PM
How do you want preserve your country when have sex with spanish and romanian people?

Let me get this straight. I can't eat kebabs as it may be considered treasonous towards European preservation? I can't remark upon other European women's beauty in case my over enthusiastic loins overcome my brain and compel me to miscegenate with them?, etc...

So what can I do?

04-09-2009, 11:11 PM
Hmmm okay....:rolleyes2: You are a good prove of my opinion about brain and testicles...and you show the real brain in your avatar too!! *lol* :embarrassed


04-09-2009, 11:13 PM
I'm part Huguenot...
Actually, the Huguenot's are the best refugees, we ever had in Denmark. Many of them sought refuge in the Danish city of Fredericia, and their descendants, whom I happen to know some of, are notable because of their nordic features. An example is Danish TV host, Henriette Honoré:


She could be your little sister, Barrel!

Enough about Huguenot's.

I liked the tNP very much. The Nordish concept had a strong appeal to Scandinavians, who were looking for an identity away from the multicultural sh*t hole, they have been forced to live in. Also the tNP was the only international forum that had a Scandinavian section with active posters! So far I have never seen equal levels of Scandinavian activity on big fora like Stormfart and Skadi with their thousands of members.

I want the worst critics to stop being immature and understand that we are all a part of Apricity. If you are a nordicist, give Apricity a nordicist touch by posting quality posts instead of just whine in I-Want-It-My-Way threads. Prove to be an intellect above average and people will start listening. Show your intellectual strenght instead of your ability to whine like a spoiled little girl.

04-09-2009, 11:15 PM
So what can I do?
You are married and have children or not!?? :) Stay true to your family and dont lick your tongue if you see swarthy women...re-press the lust?!! Eat fish and chips and no döner.

04-09-2009, 11:30 PM
I'm disappointed in this poll - I won't even bother to vote. If the door was open just for those who are exclusively Nordish, I wouldn't even be here. Would people honestly think that Nordish people are the only Germanics in existence? :rolleyes2:

Why is it that someone always has to whinge about the pros and cons of a current forum? Why is there always a comparison to something from the past? If something from the past were so bloody great, then it wouldn't be the past now, would it?

Everything evolves, including forums. I like Apricity just fine. And for those others who aren't happy with it - why don't you start one of your own, outlining your own selection criteria, and see how far you get with it? I wish you luck, but this is petty.

04-09-2009, 11:30 PM
So if I was footloose and fancy free and I met Penelope Cruz, I couldn't have any sexual relations with her whatsoever?


04-10-2009, 12:04 AM
Please check out this thread. (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=34372):;)

^Lol, I had viewed that right before I posted :D. I just had to do it. It was so scandalous. :D

04-10-2009, 12:26 AM
So if I was footloose and fancy free and I met Penelope Cruz, I couldn't have any sexual relations with her whatsoever?


Why don't you two make a new thread for this? it's interesting and doesn't really belong here.

04-10-2009, 01:20 AM
Nordish rules! :D But then again I'm part Huguenot and I've got some distant Portugese, sooooooo if this were TNPish I'd be permabanned ammirite? :D

Not to stray off topic, but hundreds of thousands of Huguenots fled France and settled in the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia, and England, and were eventually absorbed into the native populations. At one point, 25% of the inhabitants of Amsterdam were of French origin, with a similar number in Berlin, and 75% of modern English people are estimated to have Huguenot ancestry. They are also a key component in the Afrikaners, and in the New Netherland settlement of North America. This is without taking into consideration that, particularly in the applicable period, these Huguenot refugees were likely no less Nordish than the indigenous peoples of the nations in which they settled.

04-10-2009, 01:26 AM
Not to stray off topic, but hundreds of thousands of Huguenots fled France and settled in the Netherlands, Germany, Scandinavia, and England, and were eventually absorbed into the native populations. At one point, 25% of the inhabitants of Amsterdam were of French origin, with a similar number in Berlin, and 75% of modern English people are estimated to have Huguenot ancestry. They are also a key component in the Afrikaners, and in the New Netherland settlement of North America. This is without taking into consideration that, particularly in the applicable period, these Huguenot refugees were likely no less Nordish than the indigenous peoples of the nations in which they settled.

75%? Do you have any links to that? I'd like to read it :thumb001:

04-10-2009, 01:38 AM
75% of the English may have Huguenot ancestors but that was 300-years ago. 10 generations removed - your have 1024 ancestors at the 10th generation from yourself. So 75% of the English have at least one of those 1024 being a Huguenot refugee. 75% of the English having Huguenot ancestors sounds like a huge contribution to the English genepool but it isn't really.

04-10-2009, 02:47 AM
At TNP we even had a section where prospective new members had to post images of themselves before being admitted. A panel would then decide whether they were acceptable or not.

That's why I never joined. I imagine you did indeed get a lot of fake pics.

04-10-2009, 02:52 AM
75%? Do you have any links to that? I'd like to read it :thumb001:

Right here (http://books.google.ca/books?id=7cw9AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=Huguenot+blood+in+English&source=bl&ots=PnbP0YRdvL&sig=n8d6pZPiK9_tQufDSo-wkhcafjI&hl=en&ei=DrTeSYOuG5PnnQeVxYCtCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1). :thumbs up

04-10-2009, 02:57 AM
Right here (http://books.google.ca/books?id=7cw9AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=Huguenot+blood+in+English&source=bl&ots=PnbP0YRdvL&sig=n8d6pZPiK9_tQufDSo-wkhcafjI&hl=en&ei=DrTeSYOuG5PnnQeVxYCtCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1). :thumbs up

Nice one, time to read me thinks! :thumb001:

04-10-2009, 07:17 AM
Anyway, TNP was great (I might even say that at some periods I enjoyed it more than any other internet forum),

So lets drive a stake thru' it's heart so it never comes back, Yarrrggghhhh!!;)

the idea of a forum dedicated to the Nordish race in general was amazing, as nothing like that existed to that point, but now it is gone and the Apricity is another thing. :)

So because TNP had a problem(s) (I assume) that was insurmountable at the time (I'm assuming again) and it went away, we should give up and not try to resurrect it, or something very similar?

04-10-2009, 07:25 AM
Hmmm okay....:rolleyes2: You are a good prove of my opinion about brain and testicles...and you show the real brain in your avatar too!! *lol* :embarrassed
You are a proud english when i read your posts and signature!! How do you want preserve your country when have sex with spanish and romanian people??? Happy swarthy united kingdom of the future...?? Proud english and putting the penis everywhere into , i see no sense in it ---- incompatible!

I REALLY like Inese:):thumb001:

04-10-2009, 08:44 AM
:lightbul: I think if you want to ressurect tNP then you should start another forum, with all these rules that you want to impose.

As it is, I think TA is great and don't see any need to change it. Just because you believe your ideas would make it better, it wouldn't neccessarily be so for all the other people who are part of this community :)

04-10-2009, 10:37 AM
Why should TA become something it is not?

04-10-2009, 11:32 AM
So lets drive a stake thru' it's heart so it never comes back, Yarrrggghhhh!!;)

It's something that was..... time moved on and circumstances have changed. It would be a bit like an organising an ABBA reunion tour. It just wouldn't be the same.

So because TNP had a problem(s) (I assume) that was insurmountable at the time (I'm assuming again) and it went away, we should give up and not try to resurrect it, or something very similar?

Nothing is stopping anybody from starting up such a venture. If there's a gap in the market, entrepeneur/s willing to do the slogwork and a sufficient level of "Nordish" public interest there's no reason why it couldn't succeed.

Speaking for myself (and judging by comments of some of the other ex-tNP ppl here), I enjoyed my time at tNP but privately felt that in some regards it was a bit restrictive, narrow in scope and serious. This wasn't a huge problem for me, I accepted that there were also positives to be gained from such an arrangement but overall I think Apricity's format is a bit more workable (imo).

My view is that Europeans from the territories which are already defined in Apricity's country sections have enough similarities and shared heritage to bind them and that by trying to regionalise this and to concentrate on subsections is counterproductive. Creating divisions between us makes no sense to me - those are the tactics of divide and rule and we're not in a position to be too picky about who passes the test and who doesn't. We're all faced with a common problem and existential threat and need to work together.

Threads like these are great, it gives people an opportunity to discuss (and hopefully resolve) their differences and to learn from other points of view.

04-10-2009, 11:33 AM
It would be a bit like an organising an ABBA reunion tour.


04-10-2009, 12:30 PM
We're not going to change, this is not TNP. It's Apricity.
& Eldritch
TNP was great, but it's over. The Apricity is just as good if not better.

Originally Posted by Arctic Queen
He misses tNP.
& the athénienne
Don't we all... :)

Originally Posted by Frigga'sSpindle
I wouldn't want The Apricity to change one jot.
& Ulex
I liked the tNP very much. The Nordish concept had a strong appeal to Scandinavians, who were looking for an identity away from the multicultural $#!+ hole, they have been forced to live in. Also the tNP was the only international forum that had a Scandinavian section with active posters!

there is one addition to the apricity i await (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=10041#post10041). :nod:

there are so many nordish portal posts
to which i wish to link

and even more fantastic images.

04-10-2009, 12:45 PM
there are so many nordish portal posts
to which i wish to link

and even more fantastic images.

You could link to your posts at Skadi and toss a bone their way, LOL!!!! :D

04-10-2009, 01:26 PM
I do not think that The Apricity should change its orientation back to "Nordish preservation". That is for two reasons: People's varying definition of "Nordish" and the odd implications which that very issue may have in dividing a nation.

For example, some people see Blonde/Red Hair & Blue Eyes as the prime definer for being "Nordish". In that case, you'd be including my mother (blonde/blue) and my uncle (reddish/blue), but excluding my auntie (dark blonde or light brown/hazel), though all were born to the same parents.

Other people define "Nordish" as a loose construct of subracial types which could be grouped together as "generally Northern European"; we generally agreed that North-CM spectrum (Borreby, Faelid, Brünnid, Baltid) and the N. & W. Neolithic spectrum (Nordid, Atlantonordoid intermediates, Atlantid [however, arbitrarily not Atlantomediterranid proper]) as well as peripheric mixtures (Subnordid, Norid) were include therein. One problem here is a gradual alpinisation of Borrebies as you move south, as well as a gradual over-dinarisation of Keltic-Nordids as you move south.

There was an issue there on TNP for the most part. On one hand, this allowed Nordid Spaniards to be within the definition of the board --- whilst f.ex. Dinarid or Alpinid Germans were not excluded because it seemed to be seen as arbitrary to exclude them by association. This is perhaps in my assessment another part why TNP fell a slight bit short of its full potential. Mohammed Suicmez, the guitiarist of Necrophagist, a blonde and pred. Nordoid Turk would be permitted whilst Friedrich Ludwig "Turnvater" Jahn, a pred. Dinaroid famous German would be a borderline case.

Yet a third group of people consider the "Nordish" definition to be synonymous with "Northern European", which is how Nordfolk came along. In a way, this is the definition I go by because it is the culturally most valid and sound, it includes the entire spectrum north of the "Second Proto-IE Division" (minus the Slavics, which split earlier than the other four "Northerners" IMO), i.e. Germanics, Celtics, Fennics and Baltics [note that I consider Fennics, i.e. Finns and Estonians as culturally Indo-European and thus related, their language is a different matter altogether; I consider them closer in relation to Baltics than to socalled "Volgaic Finns" with whom they mainly share a language but little more].

Definitions 2 & 3 are why I was a cherished and active member of TNP, BTW. :tongue Definition 1 I consider arbitrary because it'd again create the absurdity of splitting families where eye/hair is differently pigmented due to maximum/minimum pigment addition between parents both on a primary & secondary level of genetics --- because you may well be a strong carrier of the blondism gene whilst it does not manifest in yourself but may well in your children, a matter of primary and secondary genetics.

Finally, Definition 2 & 3 are both valid, but should be used in conjunction and should be weighed with each other to decide whether to consider a certain individual as ethnic and racial kinfolk.

Inese, you are aware that there are Germanic speaking people in northern Italy, aren't you?

But none of them South of the Alps. Whilst a good deal of them is south of the Alpine watershed, none of them are outwith the wider stretches of the Alps. The southern end of the Alps per se is at the German/Italian language border near Salurn; the southern end of the Alpine foothills is at Lake Garda, boundary of Welschtirol.

A better point should thus instead be made for Styrians who are technically south of the Alps, because the Eastern Alpine Foothills make a bend north. If you're going to split hairs then at least be accurate and make a good argument.

Erm, no. Cimbrian is a Germanic language and this is spoken near Verona in the Veneto district which is deep inside northern Italy.

First of all, Cimbrian speakers are down to approx. 2,000. As such, they are hardly a numerous group. Important and interesting, but not particularly numerous. There are always exceptions to the rule.

Secondly, they can hardly be counted as being of continuous settlement. Despite the small distance to the German language border (approx. 100 km/60 miles) --- their archaic speech and somewhat removed traditions make a better case that they are to be seen as a Germanic Enclave, much like the Siebenbürgen Saxons, Donauschwaben and Landler in Romania/Hungary.

Therefore, they can be seen as kinfolk who have kept their line pure outwith the general area, but they cannot be used as an argument of continuity or lack thereof.

Skadi tears itself apart adhering to the Germanic focus. As someone before me said, Ireland was excluded yet Austria included; what sane Englishman would feel closer kinship to Austrians than to Irish.

The Irish question is a particular question, and as a general rule we are more lenient towards those with substantial Celtic heritage than to those with substantial other non-Germanic heritage, taking well into account the varying degrees of traditional intermixture, especially in the British Isles, which oft does not make them readily separable.

On the other hand - the Englishman and the Austrian are a bad example. I shall give you a better one ... encountered here in Austria: In school, we had an Italian boy and a Swedish girl. Even though the Italian was much more geographically proximate, he was seen as a foreigner whilst the Swedish girl was not. This is probably because of the existence of a Germanic continuum distinct from other groups.

I do grant you however, that margins are less defined between Northern-IE in general and that there are overlaps due to historical and cultural notions which are shared. It can be argued that the Balt is closer to the Celt than to the Slav, due to a number of intra-IE splits, which I believe occured as follows:

First Proto-IE Split: Western vs. Eastern Split --- European vs. Hettitic-Iranic-Afghanic-Indic <<<I will not consider the latter branch in subdivisions due to a lack of knowledge>>>
Second Proto-IE Split: Northern vs. Southern Split --- Celtic-Germanic-Baltic-Fennic-Slavic vs. Romanic-Hellenic-Albanic split
Southern First Intermediate Split Albanic vs. Romanic-Hellenic split
Northern First Intermediate Split: Slavic vs. Celtic-Germanic-Baltic-Fennic split
First Intra-Southern Split: Romanic vs. Hellenic
First Intra-Slavic Split: North/East Slavic vs. South-Slavic
First Intra-Northern Split: Fenno-Baltic vs. Celto-Germanic
Second Intra-Southern Split: West-Romanic vs. East-Romanic
Eastern Second Intra-Northern Split: Fennic vs. Baltic
Western Second Intra-Northern Split: Celtic vs. Germanic
Germanic-Baltic Approximation and subsequent Re-Split
Second Intra-Slavic Split: North/East Slavic vs. West Slavic
Germanic-Celtic Approximation
Several further Intra-Celtic and Intra-Germanic splits.

This BTW also results in Germanics being a lot closer to both Celtics and Baltics in culture and mentality than f.ex. Romanics and Hellenics are between each other, too.

04-10-2009, 10:14 PM
It's something that was..... time moved on and circumstances have changed. It would be a bit like an organising an ABBA reunion tour. It just wouldn't be the same.

But the Singing Swedes came back as Amon Amarth:D:cool:

The Lawspeaker
04-11-2009, 09:31 PM
You are married and have children or not!?? :) Stay true to your family and dont lick your tongue if you see swarthy women...re-press the lust?!! Eat fish and chips and no döner.
We have a saying in my country about sex and very roughly translated you would get something like this: it's alright to get hungry when being out of the house- as long as you have dinner at home ^_^
I am quite sure that he follows the diet his wife prescribes him :D

Anyways he was just making a witty comment ;) so don't get wound up about it.

04-11-2009, 10:38 PM
Inese, for heaven's sake this is an internet forum! It's not a dating service bringing norwegians and romanians together :p

Really? Bugger. I may have to "leave, quietly, with no dramas and not so much as an announcement to a single soul - just log out and never visit again" :wink

who flies to the moon, finds out about the structure of universe, sends satellites and find black holes, other sattelites???
Ah, I'm delighted to hear you've overcome your Russophobia! :thumb001: Tsiolkovsky, Korolyov, Gagarin, Isaev, Grabin... :D

The southern european finds iron and says "Hui this is iron , maybe it is useful!".
Where did this Med learn (very very bad) Russian swearwords?!? :p

what sane Englishman would feel closer kinship to Austrians than to Irish.
Especially when these Styrians are coming over here nicking ooer lassies! :mad:;)

First Proto-IE Split: Western vs. Eastern Split --- European vs. Hettitic-Iranic-Afghanic-Indic <<<I will not consider the latter branch in subdivisions due to a lack of knowledge>>>
Second Proto-IE Split: Northern vs. Southern Split --- Celtic-Germanic-Baltic-Fennic-Slavic vs. Romanic-Hellenic-Albanic split
Southern First Intermediate Split Albanic vs. Romanic-Hellenic split
Northern First Intermediate Split: Slavic vs. Celtic-Germanic-Baltic-Fennic split
First Intra-Southern Split: Romanic vs. Hellenic
First Intra-Slavic Split: North/East Slavic vs. South-Slavic
First Intra-Northern Split: Fenno-Baltic vs. Celto-Germanic
Second Intra-Southern Split: West-Romanic vs. East-Romanic
Eastern Second Intra-Northern Split: Fennic vs. Baltic
Western Second Intra-Northern Split: Celtic vs. Germanic
Germanic-Baltic Approximation and subsequent Re-Split
Second Intra-Slavic Split: North/East Slavic vs. West Slavic
Germanic-Celtic Approximation
Several further Intra-Celtic and Intra-Germanic splits.

This BTW also results in Germanics being a lot closer to both Celtics and Baltics in culture and mentality than f.ex. Romanics and Hellenics are between each other, too.
Good Gods, there's a shed load of errors in there! It's not even worth trying to salvage anything from the wreckage... Baltic and Slavonic are ridiculously close.

04-11-2009, 10:48 PM
My family says that nordish people are less than 2% of world population!!! Pale, Blonde, blue eyed human like me and many other nordish people are total minority and we become less and less!!! We must preserve us and this is my reason why i am against mix with southern europeans or non-europeans. My family is proud to be from the best of mankind and i have the same opinon. If we mix we lose. okay?? :coffee: We are special!!

Well first off not all Nordish people are blond hair blue eyed, there's rufous brown(such as myself), red hair, then grey blue, light mixed, and blue eyes, at least that's according to the SNPA that includes types like Bruenn, Borreby, N. Atlantid, etc... as Nordish even though they aren't always blond hair blue eyes. Your statement sounds a bit too much like Hitler's fetish to make much scientific sense, and lets not get into the genetics debate DNA is finding links between "Nordish" and non-Nordish Europeans i.e. Northern, Northwestern, and Central Europe have similar SNP clusters and haplogroup frequencies even though they are a hodgepodge of phenotypes i.e. frequent Alpinoidism, UP types, and the Neolithic types all co-existing, sharing the same DNA.

Hypothetical situation follows:

For instance an Alpinoid and a Hallstatt Nordoid take a 23 and Me DNA test, they score near identical to identical ancestral backgrounds, and while they're at it they take Haplogroup tests and their haplogroups are the same. Ya dig? Nordish type does not equate pure blood or different ancestry from an Alpinoid, etc...

and even amongst family, my kin are a hodgepodge of phenotypes ranging from Phalid, to Borreby, to Bruenn, to Paleo-Atlantid, to straight up Alpinoid, yet we share the same Northern, Northwestern, and Central European blood.

04-11-2009, 10:58 PM
We have a saying in my country about sex and very roughly translated you would get something like this: it's alright to get hungry when being out of the house- as long as you have dinner at home ^_^
I am quite sure that he follows the diet his wife prescribes him :D

Anyways he was just making a witty comment ;) so don't get wound up about it.

Our translation is along similar lines:

Read from the menu but eat at home. :D Inese, Nobody's going to be unfaithful just because you don't mind eyeing off a bit of candy - as long as you don't act on it, that's the difference!

04-12-2009, 12:24 AM
We have a saying in my country about sex and very roughly translated you would get something like this: it's alright to get hungry when being out of the house- as long as you have dinner at home ^_^
I am quite sure that he follows the diet his wife prescribes him :D
Hmm yes it is a saying but when someone is hungry the posibility rise that he wants something to eat now!!!! And when he is not at home he takes a snack --- you know what i mean!! :rolleyes2: My experience with men is if the thing between the legs rises the mind makes a pause often....

Ah, I'm delighted to hear you've overcome your Russophobia! :thumb001: Tsiolkovsky, Korolyov, Gagarin, Isaev, Grabin... :D
Good joke, but it is what it is a joke!!!:bored0: The Russian stole everything from the Germans after war like USA did too!!! They deported german scientists to Russia and the rockets of the Germans and all the plans for the technology!!!! Russian found much technology in eastern germany. Russians are always good in stealing things you know??? Trafemünde!!
USA and Russians stole from the German and needed help from German scientists for their spaceplans. Chief of Apollo moon mission was German SS member Werner von Braun! Says everyhing i think!

Where did this Med learn (very very bad) Russian swearwords?!? :p
What do you mean and do you call me med or what??? Hui is a expression in German for surprise and in baltic it is used also...

Good Gods, there's a shed load of errors in there! It's not even worth trying to salvage anything from the wreckage... Baltic and Slavonic are ridiculously close.
We are more related with Germanic and German culture --- i speak for Latvia. Slavs and Russians always want to say that they are close related with us but it is their dream because they have a minority complex ---- they are often mongrels (russian!) and there are the nordic balts with the elegancy!! Centuries they want to assimilate but we resist, Russians are like borg!! Go to my country latvia and ask the real native people (exclude Russian in Latvia) which folk they like more: Russian or German. And which culture they like more: Russian or German. The result will be more than 80% for German i can tell you!!! :thumbs up

Well first off not all Nordish people are blond hair blue eyed, there's rufous brown(such as myself), red hair, then grey blue, light mixed, and blue eyes, at least that's according to the SNPA that includes types like Bruenn, Borreby, N. Atlantid, etc... as Nordish even though they aren't always blond hair blue eyes.
I dont trust this SNPA system okay....you are not Nordish for me sorry!!! I dont say i dislike you but you are not of my kind! Not all nordish people must be blue eyed and blonde but face structure must be similar --- you look total different to us, more celtic and the direction. You say it is bruenn and i say that bruenn is not nordish.
Nordish is beyond system of celtic germanic or baltic!! People from both 3 groups can be Nordish and that is the thing what is important for me --- i only want to do relationship with nordish people. My family opinion says that Nordish people are the best and we are so less in the world that we must do everything to save us , and it means that we should not have children with not Nordish people. Blonde hair is recessive and blue eyes are recessive , our harmonic face structure is recessive also. When we mix with darker not-Nordish european we lose our genetic code ---- washed out with time!! :(

Your statement sounds a bit too much like Hitler's fetish to make much scientific sense, and lets not get into the genetics debate DNA is finding links between "Nordish" and non-Nordish Europeans i.e. Northern, Northwestern, and Central Europe have similar SNP clusters and haplogroup frequencies even though they are a hodgepodge of phenotypes i.e. frequent Alpinoidism, UP types, and the Neolithic types all co-existing, sharing the same DNA.
Hitler fetish it is not interesting for me!! And this DNA discussion is over-rated and over-used!! Pig and human have 98% the same genes!! But there is a big difference!! :cool: What is important for me is the look and the ideal...

Hypothetical situation follows:

For instance an Alpinoid and a Hallstatt Nordoid take a 23 and Me DNA test, they score near identical to identical ancestral backgrounds, and while they're at it they take Haplogroup tests and their haplogroups are the same.
:confused::confused: I am not familar with tests like this but if haplogroups are the same it does not change the reality that our recessive trait get lost if i mix with not nordish people. Same ancestral background??? Maybe all human are from Africa but this is no reason to mix with black or asian!!??

and even amongst family, my kin are a hodgepodge of phenotypes ranging from Phalid, to Borreby, to Bruenn, to Paleo-Atlantid, to straight up Alpinoid, yet we share the same Northern, Northwestern, and Central European blood.
Hmm hey please see what yo say: You say you share the same Northern, northwestern and central european blood!!! So what you say??? You are mixed heritage!! And that is the point because i say i dont want not nordish heritage in my family, only northern.

I know many dont like to hear this but my opinion is my opinion and i say it without shame because pride is important.

04-12-2009, 12:28 AM
For instance an Alpinoid and a Hallstatt Nordoid take a 23 and Me DNA test, they score near identical to identical ancestral backgrounds, and while they're at it they take Haplogroup tests and their haplogroups are the same. Ya dig? Nordish type does not equate pure blood or different ancestry from an Alpinoid, etc...

Eh? I don't think anyone really considers Alpinids to even be peripherally Nordish. Alpinid types are most common to regions where R1b predominates, whereas Nordish types are more commonly I1a and R1a. My understanding of autosomal tests (like 23andme) show that the clusters are more or less in synch with European geography, which means that folks from the Alps (Alpinids) will probably not be clustering with Nordish types from Scandinavia.

04-12-2009, 12:30 AM
I think that this is just a difference in opinion, and nobody is about to change anybody's mind, I have to say that I side with Inese here, it wouldn't be good if I said I thought Vin Diesel was gorgeous would it? Even though there is no chance of a sexual relationship happening. If I were to start thinking that way it would only be a matter of time before I started acting that way.

04-12-2009, 12:32 AM
Eh? I don't think anyone really considers Alpinids to even be peripherally Nordish. Alpinid types are most common to regions where R1b predominates, whereas Nordish types are more commonly I1a and R1a. My understanding of autosomal tests (like 23andme) show that the clusters are more or less in synch with European geography, which means that folks from the Alps (Alpinids) will probably not be clustering with Nordish types from Scandinavia.

I know the Alpinids are not Nordish, that was my point that a non-Nordish Alpiniod is capable of having an identical SNP identity and Haplogroup identity as a Nordish, and SNP's and Haplogroups are not phenotype specific like you state or at least that was the impression that I had gotten from my research.

04-12-2009, 12:34 AM
I know the Alpinids are not Nordish, that was my point that a non-Nordish Alpiniod is capable of having an identical SNP identity and Haplogroup identity as a Nordish, and SNP's and Haplogroups are not phenotype specific like you state or at least that was the impression that I had gotten from my research.

Is it? That's quite a bold statement to make without some sort of evidence to back it up.

04-12-2009, 12:37 AM
Hmm hey please see what yo say: You say you share the same Northern, northwestern and central european blood!!! So what you say??? You are mixed heritage!! And that is the point because i say i dont want not nordish heritage in my family, only northern.

I know many dont like to hear this but my opinion is my opinion and i say it without shame because pride is important.

Well to each their own I suppose. I have a bias as well when it comes to making mating arrangements, I actually prefer Upper Paleolithic types like Bruenn and Borreby as opposed to gracile Nordoids lol. My point with the Central, Northwestern, and Northern spiel was that the impression I had from what I had read on various fora about human biodiversity and the articles provided there in was that the Northern, Northwestern, and Central Europeans are genetically similar despite physical phenotypic difference, and that these physical phenotypes were a result of adaptation to environment by isolation, for example a Northern and Central European can have the same genetic ancestors yet look different due to their respective physical adaptations.

Is it? That's quite a bold statement to make without some sort of evidence to back it up.

Can you provide evidence to the contrary? I have yet to see a study that confirms phenotype correlation with SNP and Haplotype identity.

For instance I know of people who are Bruenn, a non-Nordish type according to Inese, that have I1 DNA, but not a Nordish phenotype.

I'll find the SNP cluster maps that have Central, Northern, and Northwestern Euro's clustering together despite the phenotypic variations.

Here we go:

This one shows the British Isle's, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands cluster in the same group:


In this it shows that Great Britain, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany cluster together:

In both maps the British Isle's seem to cluster closest to the Dutch, Danish, and Belgians.

04-12-2009, 12:50 AM
Good joke, but it is what it is a joke!!!:bored0: The Russian stole everything from the Germans after war like USA did too!!! They deported german scientists to Russia and the rockets of the Germans and all the plans for the technology!!!! Russian found much technology in eastern germany. Russians are always good in stealing things you know??? Trafemünde!!
USA and Russians stole from the German and needed help from German scientists for their spaceplans. Chief of Apollo moon mission was German SS member Werner von Braun! Says everyhing i think!

You're confused again... what a surprise. :rolleyes:

The Soviets / Russians got their hands on some of the German rocketry technology but it's well-documented and accepted that the vast majority of German expertise, equipment and personell ended up in the West meaning they mostly went to the USA.

The Soviets / Russians had been making significant progress by themselves in this field and didn't make as much use of German technology as was thought. Granted they were behind in other areas such as the development of jet turbines but a handy present from Rolls Royce soon enabled them to correct that problem! :D

By contrast, the US were incapable of progressing their Space Program engineering efforts (too many expensive and catastrophic failures) and eventually made a political decision to include the Nazis in order to close the gap with the Soviet Union. The US were the ones who had to borrow from the Germans in this case, not the Soviets / Russians.

Not that it is necessarily a 100% correct historical account of events but the US film "The Right Stuff" should give you some insight into these events.

04-12-2009, 12:53 AM
I dont trust this SNPA system okay....you are not Nordish for me sorry!!! I dont say i dislike you but you are not of my kind! Not all nordish people must be blue eyed and blonde but face structure must be similar --- you look total different to us, more celtic and the direction. You say it is bruenn and i say that bruenn is not nordish.
Nordish is beyond system of celtic germanic or baltic!! People from both 3 groups can be Nordish and that is the thing what is important for me --- i only want to do relationship with nordish people. My family opinion says that Nordish people are the best and we are so less in the world that we must do everything to save us , and it means that we should not have children with not Nordish people. Blonde hair is recessive and blue eyes are recessive , our harmonic face structure is recessive also. When we mix with darker not-Nordish european we lose our genetic code ---- washed out with time!! :(

It's no secret that I previously sympathized with your adherence to Nordicism, but you are out of your mind if you think only blonde, blue-eyed, Nordid/Halstatt individuals can be classed as Northern European, or "Nordish". Your exclusion of Celtic Bruenn types is in itself pure hypocrisy, given that most hailing from your region of the world are, to various degrees, of a Baltic phenotype, some showing distinct Mongoloid traits, which are absent in the Celtic peoples, Bruenn or otherwise. That's without taking into consideration that you've completely misconstrued the definition of the Nordish race.

Hmm hey pleas esee what yo say: You say you share the same Northern, northwestern and central european blood!!! So what you say??? You are all mixed!! O.o I say i dont want nothwestern or central european blood in my family, only northern.

Northern European, in the context you're using it, is extremely broad and ambiguous. For example, you're advocating the mixture of Norwegians and Latvians, so long as the subjects are of similar appearance and colouring. By this same logic, a Norwegian inter-marrying with another Germanic, such as a Dutchman or Austrian, would be undesirable, as these are "mixed" North-Western and Central Europeans respectively. :rolleyes: In reality, that violates a fundamental and, in my opinion, far more important element of European preservationism; the maintenance of ethnic and meta-ethnic groups. Ethnicity is far more important to the preservation of European peoples than phenotype.

For the record, I would prefer a Celt or Germanic of "mixed" North-Western or Central European blood in my family over a "Nordish" Balt any day. ;)

04-12-2009, 12:56 AM
My experience with men is if the thing between the legs rises the mind makes a pause often.

A wise man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Connolly) once said, "it isn't that all men are arseholes, just you are an arsehole magnet."


The Russian stole everything from the Germans after war like USA did too!!! They deported german scientists to Russia and the rockets of the Germans and all the plans for the technology!!!! Russian found much technology in eastern germany.Oh the heartache! I suppose Germany simply tiptoed through east Europe doling out pretty pink flowers to everyone they saw! Why did the Russians do such nasty things in return?

Slavs and Russians always want to say that they are close related with us but it is their dream because they have a minority complex I assume you meant inferiority complex (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferiority_complex)?

This feeling may be manifested in withdrawal from social contacts or excessive seeking for attention, criticism of others, overly dutiful obedience, fear and worry.

Two peas in a pod?

...it wouldn't be good if I said I thought Vin Diesel was gorgeous would it?

I should say so, Thrym, darling. Considering Mr. Vin Diesel is one of those mixed race fellows.

Not much point for being on a European preservation site otherwise. :p

04-12-2009, 12:59 AM
Can you provide evidence to the contrary?

Alpinids are native to the Alpine regions and are generally not present at all in Scandinavia, correct? When we look at autosomal clusters, do we see that the Alpine nations cluster with the Scandinavian nations? Not really. For Americans of mixed ancestry it might be common for all morphotypes to be present in one family, but in Europe, this is not the case. I'm pretty sure that most native Scandinavian families will display Scandinavian morphotypes, whereas Alpine families will display morphotypes fitting with their region. This being the case, when we look at the autosomal maps and see that the clusters in this case are regional as well, it would only make sense to assume that Scandinavian morphotypes would correspond to the Scandinavian clusters, and Alpine morphotypes would correspond to the Alpine clusters.


I have yet to see a study that confirms phenotype correlation with SNP and Haplotype identity.

Right, which is why I was wondering why you were equating Hallstatts with Aplinids.

For instance I know of people who are Bruenn, a non-Nordish type according to Inese, that have I1 DNA, but not a Nordish phenotype.

Most people consider Bruenns to be one of the Central Nordish types. This is the opinion of the SNPA at any rate.

04-12-2009, 01:04 AM
Alpinids are native to the Alpine regions and are generally not present at all in Scandinavia, correct? When we look at autosomal clusters, do we see that the Alpine nations cluster with the Scandinavian nations? Not really. For Americans of mixed ancestry it might be common for all morphotypes to be present in one family, but in Europe, this is not the case. I'm pretty sure that most native Scandinavian families will display Scandinavian morphotypes, whereas Alpine families will display morphotypes fitting with their region. This being the case, when we look at the autosomal maps and see that the clusters in this case are regional as well, it would only make sense to assume that Scandinavian morphotypes would correspond to the Scandinavian clusters, and Alpine morphotypes would correspond to the Alpine clusters.


Check the maps I posted, it shows Central European(Alpish nations) to cluster with the British Isle's and Scandinavia

Right, which is why I was wondering why you were equating Hallstatts with Aplinids.
I was saying that Alpish people may cluster with Hallstatts on DNA plots

Most people consider Bruenns to be one of the Central Nordish types. This is the opinion of the SNPA at any rate.
That's what I would think but some seem to think that Bruenn's like me are not Nordish :D

Also even on the map you posted the Brits, the Danes, the Dutch, Belgians, and Germans all have overlap into each other, thus making them one cluster.

You did see my chart posts didn't you?

04-12-2009, 01:08 AM
That's what I would think but some seem to think that Bruenn's like me are not Nordish :D

Also even on the map you posted the Brits, the Danes, the Dutch, Belgians, and Germans all have overlap into each other, thus making them one cluster.

Well, don't worry about "some people." You'd be hard pressed to travel in the North without encountering CM types like Bruenns and Borrebys. :thumb001:

My comments were strictly directed at your statements about Alpinids.

04-12-2009, 01:11 AM
Thanks a bunch, Mikey. You've caused quite a stir in that now some members on here are advocating to what they believe to be Nordish. Racial factions all the way! Great job!

Inese, you have a lot to learn and a hell of a lot of history to read, in English. It will improve your vocabulary and grammar to no end.
I suggest you start doing it - now!

I thought this was a forum based on European preservation - aren't we supposed to be on the same side here? :(:mad:

04-12-2009, 01:12 AM
Well, don't worry about "some people." You'd be hard pressed to travel in the North without encountering CM types like Bruenns and Borrebys. :thumb001:

My comments were strictly directed at your statements about Alpinids.

Check out those maps though, it shows how Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the British Isle's, and Denmark genetically cluster together into one group of overlaps. The gradient seems to be one going from NW to SE, and the Northern Peninsula/Scandinavia is divided S to NE, a gradient showing the distribution of Euro genes and Asiatic genes.

04-12-2009, 01:28 AM
Thanks a bunch, Mikey. You've caused quite a stir in that now some members on here are advocating to what they believe to be Nordish. Racial factions all the way! Great job!

Inese, you have a lot to learn and a hell of a lot of history to read, in English. It will improve your vocabulary and grammar to no end.
I suggest you start doing it - now!

I thought this was a forum based on European preservation - aren't we supposed to be on the same side here? :(:mad:

In a way it's good to get disagreements into the open so that they can be discussed, debated and resolved. We don't necessarily have to agree on everything but we should be able to "agree to disagree" on issues where we don't have any common ground. The ones who can't do that are lunatic fringe material.

As you say, I'm also all for European preservation and being on the same side and am not going to nitpick over the finer details of who / what is superior and more racially pure. It's an unresolvable juvenile debate for delinquents.


The Lawspeaker
04-12-2009, 08:27 AM
For heaven's sake people ! What's up with this Nordish obsession huh ? Let me remind ayou that this is a European forum (o.k leaves me to wonder why the Russki's are on it but still ?) and not a Nordish forum And yes you have a Northern Europe and a Southern Europe and not every European, Northern or Southern, is perfectly Nordish, let alone the colonials. But it doesn't make them superior or inferior....

Mikey- thank you very much for stirring up trouble. Perhaps that Stirpes or Nordfolk would have been more suitable for you since those idiots nitpick all the time and as a consequence they stopped growing or being of any significance.

Inese- you really should think about this stuff. And really start working on your English mmkay :) (As I should, perhaps, start working to improve my German). And I seriously begin to wonder what kind of horrible, immature boys you have dated.... pfff

So if I was footloose and fancy free and I met Penelope Cruz, I couldn't have any sexual relations with her whatsoever?

Penelope Cruz... nah I have seen better..

04-12-2009, 11:50 AM
Ok now i am a little bit angry!! :mad:

It's no secret that I previously sympathized with your adherence to Nordicism, but you are out of your mind if you think only blonde, blue-eyed, Nordid/Halstatt individuals can be classed as Northern European, or "Nordish".
Why i am out of my mind when i write my opinion?? I say i dont think the other system is good because it mixes everything together and if we mix everything together in some generations there will be no pale, blonde, blue-eyed people with soft skin structure ---- because of the recessive genes!! Darker hair is dominant, darker skin is dominant, brown eyes are dominant and much more!!! :rolleyes2: I am sure the harsh face structure of bruenns is dominant too!!
Nordish means nordish and alpines or bruenn are not really nordish but product of inner european mixing. There are nordish germanics and non-nordish germanics. nordish celtics and non-nordic celtics. I care most for the nordish part and less if the heritage is germanic or celtic!!

Your exclusion of Celtic Bruenn types is in itself pure hypocrisy, given that most hailing from your region of the world are, to various degrees, of a Baltic phenotype, some showing distinct Mongoloid traits, which are absent in the Celtic peoples, Bruenn or otherwise. That's without taking into consideration that you've completely misconstrued the definition of the Nordish race.
Baltic phentoype is the most nordish phenotype on earth!!! Together with the finns and estonian we are the most light-complexed and blonde people on earth , not even our near friends Germanics reach this rate of blue eyes and blonde hair you know??? Mongoloid traits??? Yes you can thank the Russian in our countries for that!! The brought the wole shit to us!! Celtic bruenn is no element of Nordish people for me. Many differences between them and us. I dont say they are bad but i say we should not mix because we are in a negative situation.

Northern European, in the context you're using it, is extremely broad and ambiguous. For example, you're advocating the mixture of Norwegians and Latvians, so long as the subjects are of similar appearance and colouring.
Yes!! Because both are often nordish and are special.

By this same logic, a Norwegian inter-marrying with another Germanic, such as a Dutchman or Austrian, would be undesirable, as these are "mixed" North-Western and Central Europeans respectively. :rolleyes:
It is no sin but if a person do it he must know that his genes get washed-out and the trait of the family lost. :( It is nothing for me..

In reality, that violates a fundamental and, in my opinion, far more important element of European preservationism; the maintenance of ethnic and meta-ethnic groups. Ethnicity is far more important to the preservation of European peoples than phenotype.
Nordish trait are facts and ethnicies are a little bit of a construct. Clear difference between celtic, germanic and baltic is not easy dont you think?? :rolleyes2: People dont know differences and call themselfes "Celtogermanic"!!! :cool: But clear differences are visible with traits.

For the record, I would prefer a Celt or Germanic of "mixed" North-Western or Central European blood in my family over a "Nordish" Balt any day. ;)
You can make what you want but i say it is nothing for me. If all people do like you think in some generations the only blondes on the world are bottle-blondes!!!

A wise man (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Connolly) once said, "it isn't that all men are arseholes, just you are an arsehole magnet."
The next insult, super thank you!! What are you then? The living Magnet field of the earth? :embarrassed You know nothing!! :mad: Are you one of the people who think that persons who get raped are responsible themselfes because they are so beautiful that it is their fault if other get sexual thoughts and lust?? Oh so many arsehole magnets on the world....:rolleyes2:

Oh the heartache! I suppose Germany simply tiptoed through east Europe doling out pretty pink flowers to everyone they saw! Why did the Russians do such nasty things in return?
You can discuss it with Hors. He will gladly agree i am sure!

inferiority complex[/B] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferiority_complex)?
Yes i meant inferiority complex , my mistake.

[I]This feeling may be manifested in withdrawal from social contacts or excessive seeking for attention, criticism of others, overly dutiful obedience, fear and worry.
And the next insult ---- you are saying more or less direct i have an inferiority complex!!?? You are so friendly to me, did Penelope Cruz rejected you and now you need a ventile?? I say you something: I am posting my opinion!! Other people here love to criticise my opinion.

Inese, you have a lot to learn and a hell of a lot of history to read, in English. It will improve your vocabulary and grammar to no end.
I suggest you start doing it - now!
I do my best but i learn english for not many years!! But i can understand the most and can express myself not bad!! I am fluent in two languages --- Latvian and German --- and getting better in English and can understand a little bit Russian and Dutch. Which languages can you talk besides english Mrs head teacher who is more than double as old than me?? Enough time to learn other languages!! :icon_rolleyes:
And talk about history: You have the nickname brynhild. What have you to to with the Nibelung saga?? It is nothing british. And your avatar shows Germania the national symbol of Germany. What has it to to with Britain or your Australia?? Dont say i should learn history if you use this and that randomly --- thank you!!:rolleyes:

In a way it's good to get disagreements into the open so that they can be discussed, debated and resolved. We don't necessarily have to agree on everything but we should be able to "agree to disagree" on issues where we don't have any common ground. The ones who can't do that are lunatic fringe material.
Rater "lunatic fringe material" (thanks for next insult) than arrogant pukes!!

04-12-2009, 12:06 PM
It's not an insult, it's a fact.

Reasonable people compromise out of necessity. One can't be completely rigid in one's views and actions and expect not to get into conflict about it. Like I said, there are cases where views between people differ and cannot be reconciled but in such cases normal people would agree that their views differ, there is little common ground but that they will respect and accept the other side's point of view and accommodate it even though they don't hold the same views. The ones who don't are the fanatics.

Holding supremacist views can also be problematic particularly when there is little empirical evidence to back up or prove them. Elements in a number of European (and none-European) cultures have over the years convinced themselves that they're the center of the universe, intelligence, racial superiority and whatever else it is they believe in, quite often with disastrous end results. Just because they choose to believe it doesn't necessarily make it so.

04-12-2009, 12:30 PM

Sorry, what was that? Apparently my old age doesn't remember anything that was spoken about 5 minutes ago...

04-12-2009, 01:48 PM
Reasonable people compromise out of necessity. One can't be completely rigid in one's views and actions and expect not to get into conflict about it. Like I said, there are cases where views between people differ and cannot be reconciled but in such cases normal people would agree that their views differ, there is little common ground but that they will respect and accept the other side's point of view and accommodate it even though they don't hold the same views. The ones who don't are the fanatics.
Read the thread and say who attacks whom!! :rolleyes2: I said my opinion about Nordish without attacking or insulting anyone and then other came and say i am "lunatic fringe material", "out of my mind" , a "magnet for arseholes" and that i have a "inferiority complex"!! :mad:

I am not the hyprocrite okay!? Some can not respect and accept my view and get verbally abusive!!

Go on ---- talk about respect and aceptance and call me lunatic fringe material at the same time!!! It is like complain about the dirty city while let the own dog poo in the park... :rolleyes: Super logical , when i grow up i want to be so wise as you --- NOT!!!

04-12-2009, 02:00 PM
Ok Inese please calm down.

Holy crap...what a useless thread this has become. :(

Anyway folks, just a friendly reminder to keep the personal attacks out of your arguments please. If you have a point to make about the subject and its validity or not, attack it but not each other please.


04-12-2009, 02:02 PM
Read the thread

I did but I'm not sure you understood what you read.

I said my opinion about Nordish without attacking or insulting anyone and then other came and say i am "lunatic fringe material",

I didn't accuse YOU personally of being lunatic fringe material. I said people who refuse to accommodate other's views are. Decide for yourself which category you fall into.

I am not the hyprocrite. Some can not respect and accept my view and get verbally abusive!!

I disagree. You have said much more "abusive" things to me on other threads than some of the comments which were directed at you here. If you cannot handle verbal abuse you'd be well advised to refrain from making it yourself.

When people are verbally abusive (and yes I'm referring specifically to you in this case) they can't complain when they are fed their own medicine. You'll need to decide whether:

- you are prepared to hand out and receive verbal abuse.
- you would rather not receive or hand out verbal abuse.

You can't have it both ways.

Anyway, none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes. View this as constructive criticism. You can only become a better person if you learned some lessons from it. :D

04-12-2009, 02:29 PM
The living Magnet field of the earth?

A what, now?

you are saying more or less direct i have an inferiority complex?

Pretty much. All you ever post about is "Russians do this", "Russians do that", Slavs are this..., blah blah blah".

Okay! You don't like Russians. But this is a European board and Russians are European.

Deal with that fact.

04-12-2009, 03:04 PM
I am sure the harsh face structure of bruenns is dominant too!!

Damn straight it is because rugged = better :D Everyone wants some Bruenn love :D

Nordish means nordish and alpines or bruenn are not really nordish but product of inner european mixing.

Prove it. I have yet to read a single anthropological or biodiversity related article that states that.

Baltic phentoype is the most nordish phenotype on earth!!!

If you are going to go on Nordish frenzy learn your studies, the old school, and may I state severely OUTDATED anthropologists tended to believe the Hallstatt Nordoid to be the ideal, not Baltics. :D and crazy Guenther liked the Dalo-Nordoids/Phalids :D

Sorry but I just have to say this:

I like big Celts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny, when a Bruenn walks in with that giant giant waist and a sgian dubh in your face, you get sprung. :D

04-12-2009, 03:11 PM
Hmm yes it is a saying but when someone is hungry the posibility rise that he wants something to eat now!!!! And when he is not at home he takes a snack --- you know what i mean!! :rolleyes2: My experience with men is if the thing between the legs rises the mind makes a pause often....

Funny thing is that I have that experience with women, as soon as they're shown interest by a decent looking male they bend backwards and wait for penetration. What I am trying to say is that both men and women are like that, not all but too many in my opinion. Here in Sweden you see blonde women holding hands with africans quite often. And white men being led by asian women. It sickens me...

04-12-2009, 03:34 PM
Funny thing is that I have that experience with women, as soon as they're shown interest by a decent looking male they bend backwards and wait for penetration. What I am trying to say is that both men and women are like that, not all but too many in my opinion. Here in Sweden you see blonde women holding hands with africans quite often. And white men being led by asian women. It sickens me...

I have this experience with women: In my case they like to get all close to you, lead you on, leech off of you, then blow you off because their interest was all an elaborate prank, then they go off with a racially mixed or negroe individual and I'm left in shame. :( Men are soooooo evil. :D

04-12-2009, 04:31 PM
Inese, you're very sure of your views and willing to defend them, which is admirable. I've got one question for you though: where are you getting your definition of Nordish? I know you've expressed that you're no fan of the SNPA, so where are you getting your information? Just curious. :)

04-12-2009, 05:05 PM
People dont know differences and call themselfes "Celtogermanic"!!! :cool: But clear differences are visible with traits.

Erm, the reason why we call ourselves Celto-Germanic is because we are Celto-Germanic. :rolleyes:

04-12-2009, 05:33 PM
Erm, the reason why we call ourselves Celto-Germanic is because we are Celto-Germanic. :rolleyes:

I agree with that, and forgot to mention that earlier lol. Celto-Germanic being a people influenced by both Celtic and Germanic cultures and ancestries.

04-12-2009, 07:53 PM
Pretty much. All you ever post about is "Russians do this", "Russians do that", Slavs are this..., blah blah blah".
This is a lie most of my posts have nothing to with it!! :rolleyes2:

Okay! You don't like Russians. But this is a European board and Russians are European.

Deal with that fact.


It is new that Europe borders to Mongolia , Kazachstan, China and Japan!! :rolleyes: You should deal with the facts!! But hmm i understand there are beautiful Russian girls you find attactive and this is the reason why Russians are all European!! :icon_yawn: The most multicultural mongrel country on the Eurasian continent.

I was teached that Europe ends at carpats or at least Ural mountains.

Inese, you're very sure of your views and willing to defend them, which is admirable. I've got one question for you though: where are you getting your definition of Nordish? I know you've expressed that you're no fan of the SNPA, so where are you getting your information? Just curious. :)
Latvian enviroment and my family thinks the a-like!!! :) We are proud of what we are!! My opinion is that we are special and reality shows that we are right ---- most people are not nordish and we are less than 2% of world population!! And not only 2% .....we are becoming less every day!! I say again: We have recessive traits and there is no room for mixing around. The SNPA system i was reading has a other focus. Acording to SNPA system it could be that there are no natural blue eyed and blonde Europeans with soft face structure any more on the planet but SNPA says Nordish people would go on exist!! I say without natural Nordish traits there are no Nordish people! Germanic is no synonim for Nordish. Some Germanics are nordish and some not. Some Baltic are nordish and some not. Some Celtic are nordish and some not. In a world without blond blue-eyed Europeans with light and soft complexion there is no Nordish people. Germanic / Baltic / Celtic "yes" but not Nordish.
My focus is Nordish okay??

Erm, the reason why we call ourselves Celto-Germanic is because we are Celto-Germanic. :rolleyes:
And what is the border??? Germanic tribes never called themselfes Germanic in old history it started with the Romans calling them "Germanics". And Celtic is a definition from the greek people!?? Where Celtics lived in Central Europe the Germanics came from the north and mixed. Do you think all Celtics in Central Europe died instantly after see the Germanics coming?? :cool: lol ^_^ And what is with Britain??? Celtic, Picts, Anglo Saxon...

I like Germanic and Celtic people they are our friends as Baltics but more important for me are the Nordish traits and all three group share a part of the whole!!

04-12-2009, 07:57 PM
And what is the border??? Germanic tribes never called themselfes Germanic in old history it started with the Romans calling them "Germanics". And Celtic is a definition from the greek people. Where Celtics lived in Central Europe the Germanics came from the north and mixed. Do you think all Celtics in Central Europe died instantly after see the Germanics coming?? :cool: lol ^_^ And what is with Britain??? Celtic, Picts, Anglo Saxon...

Geez, you're hard work. My ancestry is mainly Welsh but with Cornish, English and a bit of Irish. Now what does that make me? ;)

04-12-2009, 08:03 PM
Some Germanics are nordish and some not. Some Baltic are nordish and some not. Some Celtic are nordish and some not. In a world without blond blue-eyed Europeans with light and soft complexion there is no Nordish people. Germanic / Baltic / Celtic "yes" but not Nordish.
My focus is Nordish okay??

Ah I see the problem in this thread, the definitions are different that is all, I'm a red head I could define celtic as having red hair (rather extreme and I don't btw) And then say I shouldn't breed with anyone other than those with red hair (I believe it is recessive to blond?) I'm not quite that anal, but I wouldn't wish to mix with a southern European, I'm not picking on them I'm already mixed with the North.

And what is the border??? Germanic tribes never called themselfes Germanic in old history it started with the Romans calling them "Germanics". And Celtic is a definition from the greek people. Where Celtics lived in Central Europe the Germanics came from the north and mixed. Do you think all Celtics in Central Europe died instantly after see the Germanics coming?? :cool: lol ^_^ And what is with Britain??? Celtic, Picts, Anglo Saxon...

I think we call in celto-germanic for convenience I suppose germano-celtic would be just as accurate.

04-12-2009, 08:04 PM
Geez, you're hard work. My ancestry is mainly Welsh but with Cornish, English and a bit of Irish. Now what does that make me? ;)
Everything but not nordish i think!! ;)

04-12-2009, 08:05 PM
Everything but not nordish i think!! ;)

Oh good, so Inese is a happy bunny then? :)

04-12-2009, 08:05 PM
Geez, you're hard work. My ancestry is mainly Welsh but with Cornish, English and a bit of Irish. Now what does that make me? ;)

yeah, and me a Scots Irish, Anglo, German, Dutch, Swedish hillbilly :D

04-12-2009, 08:08 PM
Oh good, so Inese is a happy bunny then? :)
Why happy??? I can only say if one is nordish (for my ideals!!) if i see photos and see the person --- if the person has the nordish traits or not you know??. It could be that you have nordish traits but posibility is low because you are very mixed in inner-european circles. This maybe washed out the Nordish traits because they are recessive.

04-12-2009, 08:46 PM
This is a lie most of my posts have nothing to with it!! :rolleyes2:

It all started way back even in your own introduction thread!! :eek:


When speaking about a horrifying skull what was it you said? Let's see:


41 posts out of 200 posts have been about Russians, Russia, USSR, Slavs, etc..., whilst I also counted another 10 which referenced Russia.

A whole quarter (1/4) of all your posts on The Apricity about Russia.

So was I lying or are you simply to involved with your inferiority complex to notice your love affair with Russia?

You should deal with the facts!!

What facts? You haven't stated any since you started posting in this thread.

But hmm i understand there are beautiful Russian girls you find attactive and this is the reason why Russians are all European!!

There you go again with your insults at me and at men. Yet you found it offensive when I quoted a Big Yin truth at you?

I was teached that Europe ends at carpats or at least Ural mountains.

You were taught wrong.

04-12-2009, 09:12 PM
Damn if this is the Nordish ideal then I'm glad I'm not Nordish:



That last one looks like a part Filipino that I had the displeasure of meeting. :P

04-12-2009, 09:15 PM
It is new that Europe borders to Mongolia , Kazachstan, China and Japan!! :rolleyes:

I'm fascinated to learn that Russian cities like St Petersburg don't border Baltic Regions and Finland? :confused:


Perhaps you meant that Finland and the Baltics aren't European? :confused:

You should deal with the facts!!

He did, with extreme prejudice.

I was teached that Europe ends at carpats or at least Ural mountains.

Even if that were true (is it really?), that still includes Western Russia where a very substantial part of the Russian population live.

04-12-2009, 09:17 PM
41 posts out of 200 posts have been about Russians, Russia, USSR, Slavs, etc..., whilst I also counted another 10 which referenced Russia.

A whole quarter (1/4) of all your posts on The Apricity about Russia.
Okay and what did you say??? :

Pretty much. All you ever post about is "Russians do this", "Russians do that", Slavs are this..., blah blah blah".
Is "all you ever post" now the same as 1/4??? :rolleyes2: You invent mathematic new.... I stay to my sentence that you lied because 3/4 of my posts have nothing to do with Russian!! And again in many posts i talk about Russians because people ask about or because the topic is about Russian or their relationship with us Baltics!!

What facts? You haven't stated any since you started posting in this thread.
You are ignorant i expressed my personal view on the topic , it is my right! :mad:

There you go again with your insults at me and at men. Yet you found it offensive when I quoted a Big Yin truth at you?
Oh yes i have the complex....i am not the one who finds it exiting to throw in some codescending comments to feel better in his position. "Religion: I am god" ---- Shows your upish style. :(

You were taught wrong.
I dont was taught wrong. It is a comon sense that Europe ends at least at the Ural mountainor earlier.... Hm but again it is nothing new that russophiles like to broad the European border as wide as there are people they find beautiful! When Putin , Medwedew or Maria Sharapowa was born in kamtschatka kamtschatka would be the heart of Europe for some people!! O.o

And Barreldriver the first photo is not a real Balt!
Wait I looked the source: Name of the man in Marko Kempainnen!! It is a finnish name! Finnish are no balts, they are finno ugrics!! Do you want to mislead people??

04-12-2009, 09:18 PM
I'm fascinated to learn that Russian cities like St Petersburg don't border Baltic Regions and Finland? :confused:


Perhaps you meant that Finland and the Baltics aren't European? :confused:

Funny you should mention that, isn't she Latvian? and isn't Latvia a Baltic nation?

04-12-2009, 09:24 PM
I dont was taught wrong. It is a comon sense that Europe ends at least at the Ural mountainor earlier... But again it is nothing new that russophiles like to broad the European border as wide as there are people they find beautiful! When Putin or Medwedew was born in kamtschatka kamtschatka would be the heart of Europe for some people!!

From Wikipedia (admittedly not a scientific resource but probably good enough for the purposes of the discussion).

Europe (IPA: /ˈjəːɹəp/, /ˈjuɹəp/) is, by convention, one of the world's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Eurasia, Europe is generally divided from Asia to its east by the water divide of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, and by the Caucasus Mountains to the southeast.[1] Europe is washed upon to the north by the Arctic Ocean, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and to the southeast by the Black Sea and the waterways connecting it to the Mediterranean.

European Russia refers to the western areas of Russia that lie within Europe, comprising roughly 3,960,000 km², and spanning across 40% of Europe. Its eastern border is defined by the Ural mountains and in the South it is defined by the border with Kazakhstan. This area includes Moscow and St. Petersburg, the two largest cities of Russia.

Roughly 78% of the entire Russian population lives in European Russia, at an average of 27 persons per square kilometre (10.5 per square mile).[1] However, 75% of Russia's territory lies within Asia and accommodates only 22% of its population at 2.5 persons per square kilometre (0.95 per square mile).[1] The term "European Russia" was used in the Russian Empire to refer to traditional East Slavic territories under Russian control, including modern Belarus and most of Ukraine (Dnieper Ukraine).

Now please remind me again.... what do beautiful Russian ladies have to do with Russian demographics and the geography of the European continent? :confused:

04-12-2009, 09:30 PM
http://home.cc.gatech.edu/teams-class/uploads/8/flogging%20dead%20horse.jpg :D

04-12-2009, 09:30 PM
Your source says that the border are the Ural mountains and that 75% of Russia are in Asia!! Tell it Wat Tyler he says its wrong taught!
The source of you proves everything i said. :wink And many of the Western Russians who life in "Europe" western of Ural are heavily mixed with non European asians , they a mongrels.

04-12-2009, 09:48 PM
Your source says that the border are the Ural mountains and that 75% of Russia are in Asia!!


I was teached that Europe ends at carpats or at least Ural mountains.

Tell it Wat Tyler he says its wrong taught!

According to the source the Urals form the border of Europe and Asia but you mentioned the Carpathians in addition to the Urals thereby introducing erroneous information to your claim. Therefore you were mistaken and Wat correctly pointed this out.

The source of you proves everything i said. :wink


You claimed that Russians aren't "European" yet 78% of Russia's population live in the European Zone of Russia not to mention the fact that many are ethnically European. Of course not all Russian Federation citizens are ethnically "European" or Slavs but when we refer to Russians we generally mean that to be ethnic Russians and not RF citizens (who could be of many diverse ethnic backgrounds).

And many of the Western Russians who life in "Europe" western of Ural are heavily mixed with non European asians , they a mongrels.

There has of course been some mixing which took place in varying proportions. The same thing happened in other parts of Europe which were for example under Mongol or Ottoman control. Are we now going to start claiming that everything east of Vienna should also be discarded as "non-European"? :confused:

The Lawspeaker
04-12-2009, 09:49 PM
Apart from the fact that may or me not be mongrels (it's actually of little to no relevance to me) are they European in culture ?

And no--- keep your chess players and Tchaikovsky' since the arts were (and are) the playground of the Europeanised elite. They question is- is the average farmer or city dweller a European, a modern European.. when it comes to culture ?

When I read Russian Journal by Andrea Lee which was written in the later years of the USSR (1978-1979) a picture arises of a society that has only recently left the stages of being rural, superstitious and in a sense even backward with believes that cannot be seen as modern European.

Remember that, apart from the elite, Russia as late as 1917 was still in the Middle Ages !

04-12-2009, 09:50 PM
What-mouths?!?!? :confused:

What do you mean and do you call me med or what???
I was referring to your little sketch of an Italian kicking a chunk of Iron.

Hui is a expression in German for surprise and in baltic it is used also...
I'm sure you're familiar with the Russian use of an identically sounding word, no? Stupid young teenagers write it on walls. Looks like XYN... ;) They also use it when they're surprised, but it has a little more meaning than your variant, if you see what I mean. Rather anatomical, indeed. :D

Slavs and Russians always want to say that they are close related with us but it is their dream
Yawn. Okay, you don't like them, but don't spread lies about your ethnic history, please. Look in any good Latvian dictionary, and in the etymology section you'll find, after the cognates in Lithuanian and Old Prussian, a huge list of Slavonic parallels.

Or actually, you might not, if you read ones written after 1991, when anti-Russian became all the rage... Wouldn't surprise me if they doctor the linguistics out there. :rolleyes:

For heaven's sake people ! What's up with this Nordish obsession huh ? Let me remind ayou that this is a European forum (o.k leaves me to wonder why the Russki's are on it but still ?)
DOn't be absurd. They're not Africans or Asians.

I am fluent in two languages --- Latvian and German --- and getting better in English and can understand a little bit Russian and Dutch.
V takom sluchae, milaya, uspokoites nemnozhko! Eto vso rezultat prostogo nedopominaniya. Nichego vazhnogo. :)

And talk about history: You have the nickname brynhild. What have you to to with the Nibelung saga?? It is nothing british.
Now now! It bloody well is!!!
Our ancestors also knew and loved this legend. We just called the hero Sigefrith, not Siegfried, Sigemund not Siegmund! Our Volsungs or Walsungs were called Waelsings. There's a town near me called Walsden, named after the patriarch of Sigefrith's family, and there's a Walsingham in Norfolk. It's part of Common Germanic heritage, not just the property of the Continental Germanics!

Actually, one of the most important ancient pieces of artwork depicting scenes from this saga, the Norse gravestone at Heysham, is found in MY county! :thumbs up

ANyway, Inese. Good for you that you stick to your own kind. Don't lecture us about our slightly different moral systems. We're hardly the worst sorts in the world, and nobody here is advocating anything beyond Europe! I personally prefer Northern Europeans to Southerners in matters amorous, but I extend my 'North' a lot more eastward than you do! I don't deny that there are some weird looking types in Russland, but they're not the vast majority, by any means. Subjectively speaking, I actually find you Balts more alien looking at times, especially those among you with the big square heads! :p

The Lawspeaker
04-12-2009, 09:53 PM
DOn't be absurd. They're not Africans or Asians.
No. Not in blood. But in culture ? I seriously doubt whether they can be called fully European at all..

04-12-2009, 09:57 PM
No. Not in blood. But in culture ? I seriously doubt whether they can be called fully European at all..

What about Germans who go to David Hasselhoff concerts? :D

The Lawspeaker
04-12-2009, 09:59 PM
What about Germans who go to David Hasselhoff concerts? :D
:D Nah even drunk Russians are more civilized then that:D

04-12-2009, 10:05 PM
Apart from the fact that may or me not be mongrels (it's actually of little to no relevance to me) are they European in culture ?
Indubitably. They're Slavonic in culture, which is a major plank in the European ethnocultural spectrum.

And no--- keep your chess players and Tchaikovsky' since the arts were (and are) tthe playground of the Europeanised elite.
That sort are the ones I have least in common with. You're talking here about that false veneer which was stretched across all our societies, and is no more a real part of England or the Netherlands than it is a part of Russia. It's a nasty echo of snobbish Habsburg and Bourbon times. NOT a central part of what dictates 'Europeanness' or not.

They question is- is the average farmer or city dweller a European, a modern European.. when it comes to culture ?
I don't visualise much of worth when I hear 'Modern European'. I think of a list of vices and perversions that have distanced us from our real ancestral roots.

When I read Russian Journal by Andrea Lee which was written in the later years of the USSR (1978-1979)
I don't know this book. Who is she, and what are her allegiances? Writing about Russia is usually an exercise in cliche for tired liberal journalists who know that exoticism sells, and cultivating an artificial sense of superiority in the modernised reader is always popular. :rolleyes2:

a picture arises of a society that has only recently left the stages of being rural, backward and in a sense even superstitious with believes that cannot be seen as modern European.
I know a great deal about Russian superstition. There's NOTHING there that you can't find even in urban Manchester, never mind amongst my cousins in rural Ireland. House-spirits, talismans, tempting Bad Luck, ghosts, it's pan-European.

Remember that, apart from the elite, Russia as late as 1917 was still in the Middle Ages !
You are being unpleasantly snobbish about countryfolk in general here. How is Mediaeval Europe 'un-European', anyway? I don't like the 'Europe' you've dreamt up for yourselves, full of self-satisfied cynical cosmopolites who sneer at peoples who've retained the cultural distinctiveness that they themselves have lost. That's not the Europe I live in.

04-12-2009, 10:08 PM
AH, I get it now! Inese just confused the Carpathians with the Caucasus! That's all!

Shows what happens when you abandon good old Soviet teaching methods... ;)

04-12-2009, 10:09 PM
I don't know this book. Who is she, and what are her allegiances? Writing about Russia is usually an exercise in cliche for tired liberal journalists who know that exoticism sells, and cultivating an artificial sense of superiority in the modernised reader is always popular. :rolleyes2:

You just reminded me of that ghastly hag Anne Applebaum.... :eek:

04-12-2009, 10:12 PM
You are ignorant i expressed my personal view on the topic , it is my right! :mad:

There you are then. I was correct.
You were expressing your views on the matter and not the facts.

I'm glad we could finally agree on something.

And by the way, since my last post, you have referred to the Russians in two more of your posts to bring your total up to 53 out of 202 posts.

I wonder if you can go a whole month without mentioning them? :D

04-12-2009, 10:12 PM
AH, I get it now! Inese just confused the Carpathians with the Caucasus! That's all!

Shows what happens when you abandon good old Soviet teaching methods... ;)

Bet that wasn't the only new truth they're being taught in their new and shiny revisionist history and geography books. :p

04-13-2009, 12:30 AM
Super you are all doing so mature but you make fun of me :mad: ---- RoyBatty, WatTyler and Oswiu!! And the other adults thank the posts to show that you have good fun!! Sick , it makes me so angry! You want me to cool down but on the other side you like to tease around!! It is unfair , extreme unfair. Is this neeeded?? I have a other opinion about Nordish people and preservation rules but i think some people have a problem with themselfes if a younger person like me expresses a opinion. Please accept my opinion will you!!?? And the "best" is making fun about my language and english sentences... :coffee: Then i say come on let us talk in Latvian or German we will see who laughs over whom because of mistakes and wrong grammar. O.o How good were you all in the age of 17 in foreign languages??? Of course you were all masters with full diploma and everything hmmm??? :rolleyes2: Dont treat me like a idiot i am not a doll and i never wanted a argument but i will not retreat from my sight on preservation and on Russians because i have most experience with them!

Tristan sent me a message that a moderator says i should read the board rules. I answer the moderator that he should read them himself about fair treatment of other boardusers regardles of age heritage or gender!!

According to the source the Urals form the border of Europe and Asia but you mentioned the Carpathians in addition to the Urals thereby introducing erroneous information to your claim. Therefore you were mistaken and Wat correctly pointed this out.
No false he said the whole sentence is wrong and ill taught --- this included the part with the Ural as the border.

ANyway, Inese. Good for you that you stick to your own kind. Don't lecture us about our slightly different moral systems.
Don´t lecture me how i should think about ethnics and Russians!! I read what others think but my focus is more on the side of the visible traits how often should i repeat it??

I personally prefer Northern Europeans to Southerners in matters amorous, but I extend my 'North' a lot more eastward than you do!
Hm i hope your next friend is not from Japan because you must extend the "north" of Europe a little bit more eastwards then

I don't deny that there are some weird looking types in Russland, but they're not the vast majority, by any means. Subjectively speaking, I actually find you Balts more alien looking at times, especially those among you with the big square heads! :p
This is russian influence in Latvia!! Look on my school photo and count how many big square heads you find ---- not many because we had not much Russians in Kurzeme region.

Bet that wasn't the only new truth they're being taught in their new and shiny revisionist history and geography books. :p
Oh yes the Sovjets and Russian imperialists were super friendly and loved the people everywhere!!! I wonder why your country wanted to defend Europe against USSR influence with atom bombs if the Russians are so friendly and bring only love and objective history facts to other countries!!! :mad: You should have welcomed them with open arms , the bringers of love and historic truths....:rolleyes:
I say you one thing your country has not experienced 1 second of sovjet opression and influence!! Not 1 second! But my country and family experienced decades over decades of sovjet and russian opression and influence. You can write as overwening as you want but you must accept that the stupid girl from the stupid worthless baltic country has more experience than you with Russians and their kind and culture.

04-13-2009, 12:42 AM
I was never a member of tNP, so am not one to really comment, but I think with the decline of Skadi/Althing and the sorry decline of Stirpes, there is not a forum aimed specifically about the European plight. And one which includes our American and Canadian friends either.

I'm glad we have the Apricity around. Free of extreme Hitler worship and pseudo-scientific voodoo warriors exclaiming great swathes of history which doesn't belong to them. I should mention the lack of members here at the Apricity who seem to rely on hair and eye colour for racial classification is one big relief to boot.

Three cheers for the Apricity. :drink2:

04-13-2009, 12:54 AM
Super you are all doing so mature but you make fun of me :mad: ---- RoyBatty, WatTyler and Oswiu!! And the other adults thank the posts to show that you have good fun!! Sick , it makes me so angry! You want me to cool down but on the other side you like to tease around!! It is unfair , extreme unfair. Is this neeeded??

Inese, Inese ... :) you work yourself up too much about this. Your opinions are welcome and valid. People will challenge them though. The trick then is to remain calm, and respond with a cool head. That will be the most effective, and will promote your views the best. :wink

04-13-2009, 12:58 AM
Super you are all doing so mature but you make fun of me :mad:
Okay, we are perhaps a little guilty of that, but you make it too easy for us. Stop getting mad, and making inflammatory comments that invite refutation.

You can write as overwening as you want but you must accept that the stupid girl from the stupid worthless baltic country has more experience than you with Russians and their kind and culture.
If you have had as much experience as I have with Russkies, then you're a very naughty girl! :wink:p Really though, I've spent more than a third of your lifetime, nearly half, living with them on the most intimate terms, and I like them! They are possible to be liked, if that doesn't amaze you! :(

04-13-2009, 01:05 AM
I don't like Russians myself. They use to have thousands of nuclear armed warheads pointed at my country. They nearly started WWIII, more then once. They seem to like to bully other countries, either militarily or by cutting by threatening to cut off energy supplies. I can't imagine it is very nice living next door to them.

04-13-2009, 01:12 AM
Inese, Inese ... :) you work yourself up too much about this. Your opinions are welcome and valid. People will challenge them though. The trick then is to remain calm, and respond with a cool head. That will be the most effective, and will promote your views the best. :wink

I might also add to Inese that you can cut the inflammatory remarks because they aren't warranted. Some of us are trying to help you, not insult you! Being old does have its advantages - at least we listen!

04-13-2009, 01:12 AM
I don't like Russians myself. They use to have thousands of nuclear armed warheads pointed at my country. They nearly started WWIII, more then once. They seem to like to bully other countries, either militarily or by cutting by threatening to cut off energy supplies. I can't imagine it is very nice living next door to them.

No offence, Æmeric, but you could swap 'Russians' and insert 'Americans' and that paragraph would still be a legitimate pov.

04-13-2009, 01:13 AM
I don't like Russians myself. They use to have thousands of nuclear armed warheads pointed at my country. They nearly started WWIII, more then once. They seem to like to bully other countries, either militarily or by cutting by threatening to cut off energy supplies. I can't imagine it is very nice living next door to them.

You're talking about a state there, not a people, and I'm sure I needn't tell you about the nature of that state, nevermind who exactly was responsible for how it turned out... Nor do you need it spelt out how such arguments could be used as easily to damn all Americans! Just go to Stirpes for daily examples!

04-13-2009, 01:25 AM
Yes, the anti-Americanisms. Say something negative about the Russians & they will pop up. But why is that during the Cold War people were trying to get away from the Russian dominated sphere into the American? We didn't need an iron curtain, maintained with deadly force, to keep people in. On the contrary we need one to keep people out.

04-13-2009, 01:38 AM
But why is that during the Cold War people were trying to get away from the Russian dominated sphere into the American?

Much of that was to do with a deliberate policy to propagate America as something it wasn't quite like in reality, especially through film. The Soviet mistake was to allow its people to become too naive and fall for this. Lots of Russians have expressed this notion to me. And one Ukrainian in particular comes to mind, who used to have trouble with the Organs for subscribing to foreign journals and the like. He's a committed Communist now!

04-13-2009, 01:54 AM
They showed a lot of American films in Soviet Russia did they? That doesn't explain why it was necessary to turn Russia & all the nations dominated by Russia into virtual prisons to keep people from leaving. The vast bulk of the populace of Britain didn't pack up & move to California in the grim years of austerity after WWII & it wasn't because of armed guards at the ports. And just what is there to admire about the contemporary Russian state? That they will stand up to little nations like Georgia or threaten other nations such as Estonia?:rolleyes2:

04-13-2009, 02:07 AM
Super you are all doing so mature but you make fun of me :mad: ---- RoyBatty, WatTyler and Oswiu!! And the other adults thank the posts to show that you have good fun!! Sick , it makes me so angry! You want me to cool down but on the other side you like to tease around!! It is unfair , extreme unfair.

We're all a bit guilty. Myself for teasing you a bit (ok I admit it), you for making wild and inaccurate statements. Peace :)

I have a other opinion about Nordish people and preservation rules but i think some people have a problem with themselfes if a younger person like me expresses a opinion. Please accept my opinion will you!!??

Personally I don't have a problem accepting your opinions (I don't necessarily agree with them but I have no objection to you having them). Where I draw the line is when you make statements which aren't correct for example "Russians are not Europeans" etc.

And the "best" is making fun about my language and english sentences... :coffee: Then i say come on let us talk in Latvian or German we will see who laughs over whom because of mistakes and wrong grammar. O.o How good were you all in the age of 17 in foreign languages??? Of course you were all masters with full diploma and everything hmmm??? :rolleyes2:

Your English isn't bad. It needs work of course but you'll get there. I wish my German were as good as your English.

Dont treat me like a idiot i am not a doll and i never wanted a argument but i will not retreat from my sight on preservation and on Russians because i have most experience with them!

Respect is earned. People here are (as far as I can tell) highly intelligent, well educated and not naive or easily bamboozled. If you'd stick more to the facts instead of presenting your opinions as facts you wouldn't make yourself as much of a target for ridicule. For example, if you don't like Russians then fine.... say you don't like them but don't say that they're "Mongols" or "not European" or that "Russia isn't European". Stick to the facts and you'll be OK.

Tristan sent me a message that a moderator says i should read the board rules. I answer the moderator that he should read them himself about fair treatment of other boardusers regardles of age heritage or gender!!

Calm down, take it easy, don't get so upset. :)

No false he said the whole sentence is wrong and ill taught --- this included the part with the Ural as the border.

I think he said "they taught you wrong"? True, you were partially correct but 1/2 right is still 1/2 wrong.

Don´t lecture me how i should think about ethnics and Russians!! I read what others think but my focus is more on the side of the visible traits how often should i repeat it??

Nobody's lecturing you about what your opinions of them should be.

Hm i hope your next friend is not from Japan because you must extend the "north" of Europe a little bit more eastwards then

They're a very strange and fascinating culture. :)

Oh yes the Sovjets and Russian imperialists were super friendly and loved the people everywhere!!! I wonder why your country wanted to defend Europe against USSR influence with atom bombs if the Russians are so friendly and bring only love and objective history facts to other countries!!! :mad: You should have welcomed them with open arms , the bringers of love and historic truths....:rolleyes:

Show me a single country of "love and historic truth" and I'll drink a bottle of Tabasco sauce.

I say you one thing your country has not experienced 1 second of sovjet opression and influence!! Not 1 second! But my country and family experienced decades over decades of sovjet and russian opression and influence. You can write as overwening as you want but you must accept that the stupid girl from the stupid worthless baltic country has more experience than you with Russians and their kind and culture.

You're spending a lot of time equating the Soviet Union with Russia but it's not really the same thing is it? Latvia's biggest nemesis was Comrade Stalin and he was not a Russian now was he?

I don't live with the Russians but I do know a few and I'm not unfamiliar with the culture. My experience with it has been excellent. I guess mileage varies. You're not stupid and your country isn't worthless. Just try to be more accurate and see the bigger picture instead of being consumed by hatred for something you can't change or wish away. Russia and Latvia are stuck with one another.

04-13-2009, 02:33 AM
They showed a lot of American films in Soviet Russia did they? That doesn't explain why it was necessary to turn Russia & all the nations dominated by Russia into virtual prisons to keep people from leaving. The vast bulk of the populace of Britain didn't pack up & move to California in the grim years of austerity after WWII & it wasn't because of armed guards at the ports. And just what is there to admire about the contemporary Russian state? That they will stand up to little nations like Georgia or threaten other nations such as Estonia?:rolleyes2:

I don't think anybody are denying that the Soviet leadership at times made poor decisions or that "the system" could be repressive or unfair but it wasn't all bad either. Mileage varied, same as anywhere else.

Estonians are a nation of closet-Nazi whiners. I don't mind the fact so much that they're Nazis but it irks me how they pretend NOT to be Nazis and are forever portraying themselves as "victims". They were heavily involved in genocide campaigns under German command, particularly in what is today Belarus. They made their own bed to sleep in.

Georgia's headbaboon (Soros picked Saakashvili, the Rose Revolutionary) was armed and encouraged by the US and NATO to attack South Ossetia as part of a larger geostrategic campaign to drive Russia out of the Caucasus.

It was a logical continuation of a program which had years earlier started with Adzharia to "unify" Georgia. The only problem was that South Ossetia and Abkhazia (those are the regions where ethnic Ossetians and Abkhazians live) aren't really Georgian territories. Over the course of history they fell under the control of a number of different Empires. Comrade Stalin (evil dictator as any good Western history book will teach us) redrew the map to arbitrarily add Abkhazia and SO to Georgia. This didn't matter much inside the USSR but it obviously became a huge problem after the USSR dissolved seeing as these territories are neither Georgian nor Russian.

Furthermore, if the argument is presented that Abkhazia and SO belongs to Georgia one can equally argue that Georgia belongs to the Russian Empire. The fact is that both those territories split from Georgia, roughly around the same time that Georgia split from the USSR. Georgia's claim to them is dubious to put it mildly. Saakashbaboon's US funded and Ukraine supplied military adventure came to an abrubt halt after launching an attack on SO and the Russian peacekeepers who were stationed there. Georgia provoked the war. They were very lucky that Russia let them off the hook with a minor reprimand. I can assure you that had somebody attacked US forces and citizens in the way that Georgia did that they would have been leveled with the ground.

Regarding "standing up to little nations", I didn't realise that Panama, Grenada, Iraq or Lebanon were superpowers.

This Cold War era cartoon sort of sums up the era.

04-13-2009, 12:16 PM
If you have had as much experience as I have with Russkies, then you're a very naughty girl! :wink:p Really though, I've spent more than a third of your lifetime, nearly half, living with them on the most intimate terms, and I like them! They are possible to be liked, if that doesn't amaze you! :(
I have enough experience with Russians i had to live with them for nearly my complete life before we moved to Germany!! There is no bigger city were there are not many Russians!! Most population of Riga and Daugvapils are Russians and most crime in our countries are done by Russian people okay?? :rolleyes2: Naughty Girl you say?? Yes i am so naughty maybe i am responsible myself that Russian beaten me , stabbed my father with a knife and blackmailed my family and tried to rape me on the streets at night when i was younger --- not talking about the many touchings of Russian who think of us as dirty bitches by nature!! Just read how Hors things of Baltic people and Baltic woman --- it is no single opinion!! You know nothing of my experience with Russian not even 5%. Life my live with them and you hate them with every drop of blood in your veins!!!

It is not my problem if you are kind of Richard Gere from the movie "Pretty Woman" who runs trough Russian cities to have many "intimate terms" with Russians , but you life in a bubble if you think living with Russians is so nice!! :coffee: You are a man of western Europe people in Russia know you have money to spend so they threat you well because people who feel uncomfortable dont spend money and dont stay!!! But the people who are not from Western Europe , wo have not much money feel the pure hate of the Russians daily!! The want to opress everything and want to takeover our country...:mad: The things that Hors says is comon sense in russian thinking!!

Much of that was to do with a deliberate policy to propagate America as something it wasn't quite like in reality, especially through film. The Soviet mistake was to allow its people to become too naive and fall for this.
Really i cant find words when i read how you write about USSR and Russians. How should i stay calm??? Stalinism and USSR costed the live of more than 20 million people in the countries affected by the Russian regime , tenthousands of Latvians were deported and killed during and after the war!! They never came back they were exchanged with Russians who came from East Russia to our Baltic countries to washdown our culturar and ethnic clean sphere!! They took us our sovereignity , our rights or rules and punished every atempt to say a own free opinion about the political leadership! Have you forget that the USSR was a totalitarian dictature --- more inhuman than Nazi Germany??? You forget everything because you as a rich British with money finds Russian woman who make you nice eyes if they see your pocket :rolleyes2:

Respect is earned. People here are (as far as I can tell) highly intelligent, well educated and not naive or easily bamboozled. If you'd stick more to the facts instead of presenting your opinions as facts you wouldn't make yourself as much of a target for ridicule. For example, if you don't like Russians then fine.... say you don't like them but don't say that they're "Mongols" or "not European" or that "Russia isn't European". Stick to the facts and you'll be OK.
My opinion is my view of facts. You read the "facts" about Russians and i saw the reality of facts about Russians nearly daily when i moved out of my small town in western Latvia!

Okay i dont go on argueing about it....i want peace and no debate!! My opinion is super clear and i will stop it if you stop to make fun of me or try to lecture me about i should think about Russian and Nordish people will you!?? My view is my view and your view is your view we will find no compromis and so we stop okay??? But i will defend my country against Russian and Russian lovers any time because it is a sin to remain silent when people are spread wrong things about people who do so much harm in past and current.

04-13-2009, 12:23 PM
Interesting how this thread has developed:

TNP a better way? >>> Are Russians human?

04-13-2009, 12:30 PM
I said i stop it if the other stop too okay?? Go on with topic it was not my intension to start arguments.

04-13-2009, 12:33 PM
I said i stop it if the other stop too okay?? Go on with topic it was not my intension to start arguments.

Well arguments are fine to be honest, as long as they are presented civilly and reasonably. :)

04-13-2009, 01:06 PM
54 out of 205 posts about Russia(ns). Let's start again, shall we? :)

04-13-2009, 02:01 PM
54 out of 205 posts about Russia(ns). Let's start again, shall we? :)

I think I've gone longer without posting pictures of myself than Inese has gone without posting about Russian's.

04-13-2009, 02:37 PM
I said i stop it if the other stop too okay??


54 out of 205 posts about Russia(ns). Let's start again, shall we? :)

I think I've gone longer without posting pictures of myself than Inese has gone without posting about Russian's.


04-13-2009, 03:05 PM
They showed a lot of American films in Soviet Russia did they?
During Perestroika, yes. Earlier on, there were a few, it wasn't nearly so sealed up as you might think from what we get told today. And there were always means of getting hold of things even before hand. Unfortunately, the charm of the illicit didn't help. :(

That doesn't explain why it was necessary to turn Russia & all the nations dominated by Russia into virtual prisons to keep people from leaving.
I'm sure America would be better off today if a certain sort of emigrant hadn't found their way over there from Eastern Europe. You'll always get traitors and malcontents, especially when the enemy offers such rewards as it did in those days.

The vast bulk of the populace of Britain didn't pack up & move to California in the grim years of austerity after WWII & it wasn't because of armed guards at the ports.
Actually though, a great deal of quality people left Britain in those years. Mostly to the Dominions, rather than the USA, and the cost it has had is not really talked about.

And just what is there to admire about the contemporary Russian state? That they will stand up to little nations like Georgia or threaten other nations such as Estonia?:rolleyes2:
Roy has dealt with these particular cases sufficiently. Spasibo bolshoe, Tovarisch, blagodaryu! ;)

Estonians are a nation of closet-Nazi whiners. I don't mind the fact so much that they're Nazis but it irks me how they pretend NOT to be Nazis and are forever portraying themselves as "victims".
To be fair, they're far from all like this. It's just the official line over there. I know plenty who are more sensible. The fact that I know them is a result of their having Russian connections, sure, but there's still a lot of people who come under this umbrella.

They were heavily involved in genocide campaigns under German command, particularly in what is today Belarus. They made their own bed to sleep in.
I didn't know that. I don't like casting blame around for the sort of thing that happened in those days, but it's important to be honest about it. Care to share?

Georgia's headbaboon (Soros picked Saakashvili, the Rose Revolutionary) was armed and encouraged by the US and NATO to attack South Ossetia as part of a larger geostrategic campaign to drive Russia out of the Caucasus.
Absolutely. One of the most shameless disgusting things I've witnessed in world politics.

I have enough experience with Russians i had to live with them for nearly my complete life before we moved to Germany!!
Ah, I didn't realise you were an immigrant too... ;)

You know nothing of my experience with Russian not even 5%.
I'm truly sorry for your experiences, but they are the result of a rushed dismantling of an empire, not of any particular traits in a given people.

It is not my problem if you are kind of Richard Gere from the movie "Pretty Woman"
Actually, I shouldn't make such allusions as I have done. I don't behave in the way you infer at all. I exaggerate for comic effect, but I've only really had three Russian girlfriends in eight years. :embarrassed

Have you forget that the USSR was a totalitarian dictature --- more inhuman than Nazi Germany???
Ho ho! HIGHLY debatable!!!

Remember this though - who is responsible for Bolshevist Russia?!? Who financed Lenin and co. in 1917? Who allowed the leaders to travel from Switzerland via Germany and Scandinavia back into Petrograd to cause trouble? Your beloved GERMAN Empire. The Kaiser or one of his henchmen likened Lenin's sealed train to "sending a dangerous infectious bacterium into the enemy, inside a pill," or something like that. Disgusting behaviour, and typical of a certain idiotic attitude of Sieg at all costs... Near destroying a great European people for passing gain... :mad:

But i will defend my country against Russian and Russian lovers any time because it is a sin to remain silent when people are spread wrong things about people who do so much harm in past and current.
Nobody has attacked Latvia. Just your simplistic notions. And isn't Germany your country now? :cool:

I said i stop it if the other stop too okay?? Go on with topic it was not my intension to start arguments.

04-13-2009, 03:21 PM
I didn't know that. I don't like casting blame around for the sort of thing that happened in those days, but it's important to be honest about it. Care to share?

Here's one source of some info on the topic.


04-15-2009, 02:22 PM
I agree with Inese on the importance of Nordish preservation.

On topic, I think however that Inese overestimates the recessiveness of Nordish genes. This is regardless of your own definition of Nordish, be it the stricter Nordic blue-eyed blonds only, or the wider SNPA working definition, which includes central and peripheral Nordish types.

Using an example in my family, my aunt has brown hair and eyes, yet all three of her children are (platinum) blond, and two out of three are blue-eyed.

Disclaimer: do NOT read this as an exhortation to mixing.

04-15-2009, 02:25 PM
Using an example in my family, my aunt has brown hair and eyes, yet all three of her children are (platinum) blond, and two out of three are blue-eyed.

Same here. Even though I'm your typical swarthy Frenchie, my son ended up with light brown hair and blue eyes. :thumb001:

04-15-2009, 04:12 PM
Yes but children are often blonde or light brown , the question is do they stay blonde when they grow up!?? Because many children get dark hairs when they get older and for me it is a little bit like losing the nordishness because of recesivenes of the nordic traits ---- that is why the darker hair and eye complexion become dominanter and visible with time!! :( Too much mixing with non nordish traits in the past. You know that nordish traits are holy for me!! :)

04-16-2009, 08:19 AM
the importance of Nordish preservation.

Cultural preservation without an at least intermediate emphasis on racial matters is useless, much like Racial preservation without an at least intermediate emphasis on cultural matters is useless.

Next, racial preservation must be seen with a grain of salt, as one must seek to preserve the average trend visible in one's family line for it to be racial preservation --- if a freak incidence (by re-emergence) of a Nordid from a löng line of Alpinids were to go for a Nordid spouse, then that wouldn't be preservation, then that would still be "Northing up".

On the other hand, a person where certain traits have recombined to diverge from the racial mean traditionally observed in his wider family, would not be "mixing" if he approached this mean again by his choice of spouse.

In terms of primary genetics, a person can receive anything from the minimum to the maximum of dominant genes of their parents. Therefore, two people who have dark-blonde/blue-green pigment may have children ranging anything from white-blonde/clear-blue to middle-brown/middle-brown.

In terms of secondary genetics, however, a person can be a carrier of a gene. This is on one hand also why some genetic diseases which haven't occurred in a family for several generations and may no longer be known may suddenly re-appear if both spouses are recessive carriers of that gene. It is also the reason why in all these freak incidences where a mixed-race couple has an "one black, one white" set of twins, each of the children, regardless of their appearance usually carries forth some traits of the other race.

Secondary genetics influences the Blondism mutation in as far as that it is usually assumed that Blondism needs to be found in the grandparental generation on both sides to allow a child to be blonde. The link need to necessarily be in direct line, but at least in that generation. If it surfaces in that generation, it means that all others must as a rule at least be carriers.

This "secondary genetics type" point affects my paternal side much: There, I have a blonde great-grandparent on either grandparent's side (=1/2) who were both brown/brown. My gran also had a blonde sibling, my grandfather had in fact two of them. This resulted in an increased likelihood of blonde/blue pigment, which came to bear in one of my aunties (3 children). All others became bearers, and all but my uncle (2 children) had at least one child with advanced Blondism, and others with intermediate blondism, regardless of whether they chose a light or dark partner, conducive sample applying (7/5/5/3 children respectively). The children of the blonde/blue aunt are no lighter than those of the other siblings. The incidence were also higher if it were a dominant gene rather than a recessive mutation --- but I do not believe that it is as instable as generally assumed.

For my own case this makes me a strong carrier of the gene, regardless of my own intermediate pigment (brown/green). To maintain the line of that genetic mutation, my choice of a spouse would have to likewise be at least a bearer of the gene. If I indeed went for let's say a woman of medium-blonde hair where both parents were blonde, then the hair pigment (on Eumelanine levels) of my children could be anywhere along the scale (including white-blonde) on primary genetics, whilst secondary genetics ("strong carrier genetics") would predispose them to a higher likelihood of receiving the mutation.

The gene for red hair is on the other hand dominant, as it is not a mutation. It just means that Phomelanine is much stronger than Eumelanine. Auburn people have high incidences of both. This makes the gene much more likely to randomly re-emerge after several generations. However, again the likelihood that it will re-emerge at all is relatively small, as the amount of people who actually have the genetic predisposition towards red hair is relatively small, and further to make it "pure ginger", the general pigment level must also be small. This does not include non-genetic incidences of Rufoism such as found amongst Aborigines, that has another cause.

I have intermediate to high incidences of both in my family, thus am a strong-enough carrier of both, thus stride to preserve at least one of these genetic traits, in tradition with how my family has kept it. This is better served with women of light and intermediate pigment than those of dark pigment, which is luckily also my preference.

On general body-morphological terms one would also have to consider which would be most favourable. In terms of wider "intra-Nordish racial blending" one would have to consider: "Do I want my sons to be high-jumpers or weight-lifters? Do I want my daughters to be lean tall fashion models or big-bosomed matrons with childbearing hips?" and consider accordingly whether an emphasis towards the Neolithic or the Cro-Magnid types is most favourable.

On the other hand, all this is highly hypothetical: Most people have a natural drive which at healthy level determines a partner which is far enough outside one's gene pool to stabilise genetic strengths/weaknesses but close enough inside one's gene pool not to taint the general character of their own genetic make-up ("incest shyness") ... miscegenative streaks I consider a perversion and defect where this "incest-shyness" is so over-developed that it attracts them to those manifestly outside their gene pool ---- and as a result of that defect, you get Swedish-Ethiopian mixes rather than Franconian/Hessian mixes. :wink

04-16-2009, 08:20 AM
Yes but children are often blonde or light brown , the question is do they stay blonde when they grow up!?? Because many children get dark hairs when they get older and for me it is a little bit like losing the nordishness because of recesivenes of the nordic traits

Still unexplained, this one. I know people who started with dark blonde hair as a child and kept it till adulthood, whilst others started at white blonde and were pitch-black by the time they were 20. I personally believe that there is some other genetic force at play for "re-darkening", perhaps to do with hormone levels, but I would need to do some reading for that.

And just because you're gold blonde at 25 or 30, doesn't mean you are till old age. My own mother, a blonde Nordid/CM mix mistaken in her youth as a local on holiday in Sweden, was VERY blonde till she hit about 30 - she is now in her mid-40s and I'd call it somewhere between "sandy brown" and "light brown" these days.

The question of blondism and how long its immediate manifestation in primary and secondary dominance lasts is still largely unexplained and there may be varying factors at play.

04-16-2009, 03:14 PM
Still unexplained, this one. I know people who started with dark blonde hair as a child and kept it till adulthood, whilst others started at white blonde and were pitch-black by the time they were 20. I personally believe that there is some other genetic force at play for "re-darkening", perhaps to do with hormone levels, but I would need to do some reading for that.

And just because you're gold blonde at 25 or 30, doesn't mean you are till old age. My own mother, a blonde Nordid/CM mix mistaken in her youth as a local on holiday in Sweden, was VERY blonde till she hit about 30 - she is now in her mid-40s and I'd call it somewhere between "sandy brown" and "light brown" these days.

The question of blondism and how long its immediate manifestation in primary and secondary dominance lasts is still largely unexplained and there may be varying factors at play.

Funny you should mention that considering how my hair color has violently changed over the years. I started out white blond, then it gradually darkened to sandy brown, then to chestnut brown, then to auburn, now it's a rufous red color :P

04-16-2009, 03:28 PM
Yes but children are often blonde or light brown , the question is do they stay blonde when they grow up!?? Because many children get dark hairs when they get older and for me it is a little bit like losing the nordishness because of recesivenes of the nordic traits ---- that is why the darker hair and eye complexion become dominanter and visible with time!! :( Too much mixing with non nordish traits in the past. You know that nordish traits are holy for me!! :)

It is more the rule rather than the exception for hair color to get darker over the years unfortunately :(. Especially for males. I remember reading testosterone levels have something to do with it.

All in all we can't say for sure it is a consequence of mixing in the past.

Still unexplained, this one.

The question of blondism and how long its immediate manifestation in primary and secondary dominance lasts is still largely unexplained and there may be varying factors at play.

I'd really like to know.

04-16-2009, 03:34 PM
I remember reading testosterone levels have something to do with it.

I guess that could explain why swarthy women often have moustaches. :D

04-16-2009, 04:09 PM
Still unexplained, this one. I know people who started with dark blonde hair as a child and kept it till adulthood, whilst others started at white blonde and were pitch-black by the time they were 20. I personally believe that there is some other genetic force at play for "re-darkening", perhaps to do with hormone levels, but I would need to do some reading for that.
Hm yes maybe but i am very sure that it has to do with mixing with non-nordic traits too!!! Hear , if all blue eyed pale blond people only mix with others of their kind in history it is impossible that children are born with brown or black hairs or dark eyes i think! :embarrassed

And just because you're gold blonde at 25 or 30, doesn't mean you are till old age.
All people get grey hairs when they get old , that is normal! But not the color change of many people when they become 20 or 30..

I guess that could explain why swarthy women often have moustaches. :D
Dont insult the taste of Wat Tyler --- lol!!! ^_^:rolleyes: :D

04-16-2009, 04:19 PM
Dont insult the taste of Wat Tyler --- lol!!! ^_^:rolleyes: :D

Shut up and grow a pair.

04-16-2009, 04:37 PM
Good on making fun about others but oversensitive if other make a little non evil joke about you --- How i like that people.....:rolleyes2:

04-16-2009, 04:41 PM

I said i stop it if the other stop too okay?? Go on with topic it was not my intension to start arguments.

Three times now. Three times you have gone against your own words and kept on with the little jibes at me.

What's it to be, Inese? shutting up or continuing with the 'whinge and crying to BFs' routine?

04-16-2009, 04:47 PM
The small joke was a positive intension to start get along better with you!! --- sometimes people make small jokes or side kicks to break the ice okay??? But i see that you have no humour so yes i will ignore you now everywhere!! :coffee: You can remove the stick from the place where your "pairs" are...O.o

04-16-2009, 04:56 PM
The small joke was a positive intension to start get along better with you!! --- sometimes people make small jokes or side kicks to break the ice okay??? But i see that you have no humour so yes i will ignore you now everywhere!! :coffee: You can remove the stick from the place where your "pairs" are...O.o

Fine. That didn't make any sense, but may I add that your English is getting better, but why do you constantly do this???????????????????????????????????????

How many questions are actually posed in your sentences?????????

04-16-2009, 07:07 PM
All people get grey hairs when they get old , that is normal! But not the color change of many people when they become 20 or 30..

Mine did, I'm 19 nearly 20 and my hair changed color. Went from being more of a brown tone to having a rufous predominance.:D The tone is highly specific to the lighting, sometimes it looks darker sometimes lighter, I have very multitonal hair, but it does change in the weirdest fashions.

04-16-2009, 07:48 PM
Wat, I'm afraid to say that you really took that one over-sensitively. Listen - I think she just made a little jab, all in good humour here. So we build our reputations, but as a man you got to take it with a bit of humour and perhaps a shrug if you don't find it funny.

If I took offense at all cheeky but friendly jokes my associates, friends and even foes direct at me, I'd never have a moment of peace and quiet. Cool down a bit, if a joke cuts thrice then you just have to take it calmly. To be honest I laughed when I read it, since it's so evidently a running joke, even if it's getting old. :D

Just take it with Cornish indifference, pal. :cool:

Other than that: nothing wrong with a Bulg-aryan woman with a moustache, perhaps a bit stingy at kissing and all ... I strongly prefer my women unbearded, but if that's what you're after, then well ... de gustibus non disputandum, innit? :wink

04-16-2009, 07:53 PM
Thanks for advice, but Inese is saying one thing and doing another.

I couldn't care less for the insinuations of who I think is beautiful as quite frankly: 'Meh!", but I do care for little whines and complaints from people on her behalf and for me to come to an agreement, only for them to be rescinded by continual jibes about me, directed at me.

Inese can continue to ignore me. It's the best thing all round.

04-16-2009, 08:10 PM
I was a blonde - does that mean I've lost my nordishness? :eek:

Grow a head you lot, you are what you are and the changing colour of a person's hair doesn't alter anything else! :mad:

04-16-2009, 08:13 PM
Last pics of me for two weeks at least, I swear. :D:D
At 17-18 years of age, dark brown:

This just ruined it for me. Unsubscribe. :D

04-16-2009, 08:15 PM
This just ruined it for me. Unsubscribe. :D

You too, eh?

I had to put eye drops in to keep my eyes from bursting into flames.

04-19-2009, 02:21 AM
Shut up and grow a pair (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=33068#post33068).

I was brought up around women my entire life and have had more punch ups with them than I have men.
I have no qualms in hitting a woman if the situation called me to do so and don't think any lesser of a man who does hit a woman.

It is the nature by which the punch is first thrown that I have troubles with.

04-23-2009, 05:02 AM
Well, the poll has closed after 2 weeks, and it seems that almost 3/4th of the membership prefers to discuss how swarthy mustachioed women can be and still be European. Marvelous...:rolleyes2:

And for those of you who chose to respond to the comments of the very Nordish, very lovely, and very pro-Nordish member Inese by ridiculing her English skills, perhaps you "gentlemen" would be more at home with diablo blanco at this forum:coffee:


04-23-2009, 05:04 AM
Well, the poll has closed after 2 weeks, and it seems that almost 3/4th of the membership prefers to discuss how swarthy mustachioed women can be and still be European. Marvelous...:rolleyes2:

Your poll was biased anyways.

04-23-2009, 05:19 AM
... the very Nordish, very lovely, and very pro-Nordish member Inese ...

I protest this denigration of the term Nordish. Most real Nordish people in real life are sensible and civilized.

04-23-2009, 08:20 AM
if all blue eyed pale blond people only mix with others of their kind in history it is impossible that children are born with brown or black hairs or dark eyes i think! :embarrassed

Well you "think" incorrectly; please stop making these awful, completely unscientific and unsupported statements. Trying to talk with authority when you clearly don't have the slightest grasp of genetics just makes you look foolish.

Well, the poll has closed after 2 weeks, and it seems that almost 3/4th of the membership prefers to discuss how swarthy mustachioed women can be and still be European. Marvelous...:rolleyes2:

And for those of you who chose to respond to the comments of the very Nordish, very lovely, and very pro-Nordish member Inese by ridiculing her English skills, perhaps you "gentlemen" would be more at home with diablo blanco at this forum:coffee:


Very mature, you're an asset to the forum, really, like one of those immigrants who turn up in a country and after a while start loudly complaining because the natives won't roll over for you.

04-23-2009, 08:24 AM
Here's an 'eye color calculator' based on parental and grand-parental eye colors:


05-06-2009, 09:05 PM
Well, the poll has closed after 2 weeks, and it seems that almost 3/4th of the membership prefers to discuss how swarthy mustachioed women can be and still be European. Marvelous...:rolleyes2:

You ignorant Nerdicist pansy, mustaches and female facial hair are White European traits! :mad:

The Lawspeaker
05-06-2009, 09:10 PM
"mumbles something about ignorance, Med, troll and GTFO"

05-06-2009, 09:29 PM
Time to drag this out again methinks :D

05-07-2009, 03:02 AM
I heavily doubt this is the real DiabloBlanco, instead probably someone is having the laugh of his life. If it is though, it's clearly time to send him more "Kurdish Aryan Warriors". :wink

05-07-2009, 08:26 AM
"mumbles something about ignorance, Med, troll and GTFO"

How about bad spelin? :D

05-07-2009, 11:12 AM
I heavily doubt this is the real DiabloBlanco,

No sheet :D