View Full Version : Classify young farmers from Northern Ireland

12-21-2021, 07:56 PM
a mix of British types mainly and old stock Irish

https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51782164_2096411857062374_5869661147489107968_n.jp g?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=2Gq52cmzh68AX87qlFH&tn=oN9TMgevVNsPq_pD&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT-gRFId9cgdK9aRFpcJGsp6kYsXQSxDVwrW_7vctGk4ng&oe=61E7D89D
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51807939_2096411697062390_491808652001280000_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=mV-nIZjkTuQAX-yXazg&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT-NMDwWHvFN3sS0QRJCHWvUjx91x7Xrp7qYan9DYv3azg&oe=61E9CA54
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/52286671_2096412980395595_6921101718876848128_n.jp g?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=5vhluGxmOVoAX8m6Neo&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT8ia8FAV4f0WSFpROsWlmKM18wrlTB25uv9bQ_VLJ6V dg&oe=61E9BF2E
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51762273_2096411417062418_6989784001196064768_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=TIYdcsymhpEAX-XhnLf&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT9Cfy7GspyqnYyDxPqUT_jjWA2ee0JHuDmeyw6fw3Y5 3g&oe=61E8EDB6

The one on the left has the very typical Irish facial features and nose tip
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51658837_2096412827062277_5274116975021260800_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=eLAwzH7a2ukAX_AHA-l&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT8miV_IK6wNoVX6LlbQ4TAi6VivGsJiayvO2KXlV8uo IQ&oe=61E8F55C
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/52562643_2096413673728859_991517501206560768_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=CMaPlhg1bEsAX-c-Btt&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT9yyg5nvJym3_BQCtkqPN_UaHOeuP1rv9ElFNYE9r5g gg&oe=61E87AA0

12-21-2021, 08:08 PM
People from first pic looks Iberian

Enviado desde mi SM-A022M mediante Tapatalk

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2021, 08:12 PM
Brunns and KNs mainly though with some quite Medish types here and there.

12-21-2021, 08:14 PM
People from first pic looks Iberian

Enviado desde mi SM-A022M mediante Tapatalk

Descendants of slave labour on the plantations

12-21-2021, 08:15 PM

12-21-2021, 09:30 PM
a lot of the typical robust types with Keltics and one woman on the first pic in the middle who could pass in Southeuro otherwise no Med whatsoever.

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2021, 09:35 PM
a lot of the typical robust types with Keltics and one woman on the first pic in the middle who could pass in Southeuro otherwise no Med whatsoever.

She's precisely the type of woman who, if anything, is over-represented on British TV because such looks are seen as 'beautiful' and 'exotic':

Jessica Wright (more natural photo than most)

Lucy Mecklenburgh

Kym Marsh

12-21-2021, 09:45 PM
She's precisely the type of woman who, if anything, is over-represented on British TV because such looks are seen as 'beautiful' and 'exotic':

I actually think she could be mixed, while many celebs from Britain i ve seen overuse make up (all three are good examples) , but there is a bit of a bias for "(North) Atlantids" (but not only)" in TV, and generally people get picked because of looks

12-21-2021, 09:47 PM
a mix of British types mainly and old stock Irish
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51807939_2096411697062390_491808652001280000_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=mV-nIZjkTuQAX-yXazg&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT-NMDwWHvFN3sS0QRJCHWvUjx91x7Xrp7qYan9DYv3azg&oe=61E9CA54

Look at the guy, to your right, in the front row. He looks like the country singer who won on "American Idol".

12-21-2021, 10:17 PM
I actually think she could be mixed, while many celebs from Britain i ve seen overuse make up (all three are good examples) , but there is a bit of a bias for "(North) Atlantids" (but not only)" in TV, and generally people get picked because of looks

Naa, she has the typical slightly robust facial features seen in Ireland, looks more Balkan than say Portuguese

12-21-2021, 11:25 PM
She's precisely the type of woman who, if anything, is over-represented on British TV because such looks are seen as 'beautiful' and 'exotic':

Jessica Wright (more natural photo than most)

Lucy Mecklenburgh

Kym Marsh

Well they're certainly prettier than the stereotypical Brits lol

Tooting Carmen
12-21-2021, 11:39 PM
Well they're certainly prettier than the stereotypical Brits lol

Define 'stereotypical Brits'.

12-21-2021, 11:42 PM
Define 'stereotypical Brits'.


Grace O'Malley
12-22-2021, 09:36 AM
Here's some more pictures from the Young Farmers' Clubs of Ulster







https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/50601719_2074259385944288_7447461737801973760_n.pn g?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=PqL2mtrNAKQAX8grc3y&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT_I_3ZVCnRo5MIqtJ4KR_PpEJoeMXX2a6z-5nEe-joR4Q&oe=61E715F0

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/48371184_2017594701610757_4006346713479512064_n.jp g?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=pOFORB6X-csAX-lRBaw&_nc_oc=AQk7a_lZjeWt2lQxUpt6aRfaE4YcYty43ItN6GhCW5a dz6FjVGwharpQQHE2zg3i4OQ&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT8oaSCl9EFKAXBxT7lUVw4jfKygihVH29WubjJolzih WQ&oe=61EA0F2F

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/11889484_910918915611680_4983960500435855530_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=19026a&_nc_ohc=ZtInB1U59l4AX8J3ZiC&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT9UMB2nnnKDEUOM8u_Os5S0cz7PpAYAaRiy-9qVYzUcmw&oe=61EA6971

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/1546281_852264124810493_5389412716533518262_n.jpg? _nc_cat=104&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=19026a&_nc_ohc=A9RMlEKWqF4AX86GMVf&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT-ajfu394KUVOehj0gjxdyJBcOyEKW1IApqsWlN5_Ebzg&oe=61EA4F05

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/10952882_810975408939365_5833494887892716078_n.png ?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=19026a&_nc_ohc=VoCFlBYYmkMAX_gbxdH&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT9GOiUazxLzF6KnhUFgHoxS3XZd1gOf-byGIeLXDhVNHw&oe=61E7491D

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/1548046_667363699967204_443372943_o.jpg?_nc_cat=11 1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=19026a&_nc_ohc=9WOXqd5jSRgAX9hkuzg&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT9S5b_JEpQ1QjsWcOsW0ViMsAmBDRcDy0uLL4xorLlf cw&oe=61E825AE

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/920324_550106188359623_1912881059_o.jpg?_nc_cat=10 5&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=hruHP_SynSAAX-040e0&tn=TnEoa0cfAjU7dvn1&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT8I_S2NmDcMgScy8fZRICznRN_tEC4s6UB5B8aWpgZW 8A&oe=61E9CE3C

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/1560504_627598660610375_727894382_n.jpg?_nc_cat=10 9&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=19026a&_nc_ohc=7leWjrkuBbAAX-Quvpp&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT8Plj-j_nKaLrS9NbUVym7x5SQVKhjVHAUfupbUEwfvWg&oe=61EA8A49

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/1264959_580419441994964_227152353_o.jpg?_nc_cat=10 8&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=19026a&_nc_ohc=mAsVHQfHXtsAX_zvO6a&_nc_oc=AQmwcEhemmsZB0i6jiJuIStle7XAkWg5ka3Lph8m9GF L690ZehaqLFj0ThlYsYj_WRo&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.xx&oh=00_AT9HUjd0i9yCkpancTz7xJwW6tULM0WzLncfTOaS071u fg&oe=61E7A33A


12-22-2021, 09:44 AM
Some look stereotypically irish, other are Atlanto-Meds and even pass in Central Euro

Grace O'Malley
12-22-2021, 09:47 AM
https://scontent-lcy1-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/51782164_2096411857062374_5869661147489107968_n.jp g?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=cdbe9c&_nc_ohc=2Gq52cmzh68AX87qlFH&tn=oN9TMgevVNsPq_pD&_nc_ht=scontent-lcy1-2.xx&oh=00_AT-gRFId9cgdK9aRFpcJGsp6kYsXQSxDVwrW_7vctGk4ng&oe=61E7D89D

Middle girl reminds me of Brendan's O'Carroll's daughter.


Grace O'Malley
12-22-2021, 09:57 AM
This looks like the same girl.



12-22-2021, 01:24 PM
This looks like the same girl.



Corrina as a name is common in some Balkan countries, is it also typical in Ireland?

12-23-2021, 02:35 AM
Corrina as a name is common in some Balkan countries, is it also typical in Ireland?

Not typical but I know one.

12-23-2021, 03:06 AM
This girl on the left i think could pass in Ukraine or somewhere

12-23-2021, 05:24 AM
Very similar to British Americans: after English ancestry Protestant Irish comes second. Notice how rare blondes are past childhood... Pigmentation is at same level as Western Hungarians and Northern French. MUCH darker haired than English people, as anthropologists long observed...

Grace O'Malley
12-24-2021, 06:59 AM
Corrina as a name is common in some Balkan countries, is it also typical in Ireland?

I wouldn't place too much emphasis on a first name. My first name isn't Irish nor my daughters. Her surname is of Norman origin or Flemish.

Grace O'Malley
12-24-2021, 07:03 AM
Very similar to British Americans: after English ancestry Protestant Irish comes second. Notice how rare blondes are past childhood... Pigmentation is at same level as Western Hungarians and Northern French. MUCH darker haired than English people, as anthropologists long observed...

I'd say native Irish ancestry i.e. originally Catholic far outweighs Irish Protestant or Scotch-Irish ancestry in the US.

12-24-2021, 12:47 PM
I wouldn't place too much emphasis on a first name. My first name isn't Irish nor my daughters. Her surname is of Norman origin or Flemish.

I take your Point, just like Camilla Parker Bowles is not Spanish! that said the name Corrina is not typical at all, at least in the UK.

12-24-2021, 01:33 PM
More big heads and more dark hair than the English Farmers, as usual. Largely 'Paleo' and Brunn types, not many KNs for Ireland, but for whatever reason the farmer groups across the UK seem to be on the more broad-faced side compared to the average population.

12-24-2021, 01:41 PM
More big heads and more dark hair than the English Farmers, as usual. Largely 'Paleo' and Brunn types, not many KNs for Ireland, but for whatever reason the farmer groups across the UK seem to be on the more broad-faced side compared to the average population.

Interesting point, maybe broad faces tend to be found in more manual "on the land" professions? like builders and tradesmen etc, i always think of office workers being narrower faced. Or it could be that farmers exhibit more purely British looks having been less mixed than the general population though i think your observation is right and interesting.

12-24-2021, 01:45 PM
Very similar to British Americans: after English ancestry Protestant Irish comes second. Notice how rare blondes are past childhood... Pigmentation is at same level as Western Hungarians and Northern French. MUCH darker haired than English people, as anthropologists long observed...
I don't think founding stock Americans are that Irish/Insular Celtic looking at all. Not compared to Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, or even much of England. But I'll let others comment on that.

12-24-2021, 01:55 PM
Interesting point, maybe broad faces tend to be found in more manual "on the land" professions? like builders and tradesmen etc, i always think of office workers being narrower faced. Or it could be that farmers exhibit more purely British looks having been less mixed than the general population though i think your observation is right and interesting.
I don't know or care to speculate why, but it seems instinctively that urbanisation tends to gracilisation. I don't think it has much to do with deep ancestry since cities were mostly populated by people from the surrounding countryside from the Industrial Revolution.

12-24-2021, 02:16 PM
Anglo/colonial Americans look a lot more blonde/Germanic than any brits to me. They also lack the more extreme Brythonic looking phenotypes like brunn and keltid nord which are very prevalent here even in SE England.

12-24-2021, 03:17 PM
Anglo/colonial Americans look a lot more blonde/Germanic than any brits to me. They also lack the more extreme Brythonic looking phenotypes like brunn and keltid nord which are very prevalent here even in SE England.

Most are largely of English ancestry though. If you look at "high school students" (youngest adults are always the most relevant for classification) from South Carolina (where the overwhelming majority of Whites is of British, mostly English, ancestry) you get a LOT more blondes:


12-24-2021, 03:23 PM
Most are largely of English ancestry though. If you look at "high school students" (youngest adults are always the most relevant for classification) from South Carolina (where the overwhelming majority of Whites is of British, mostly English, ancestry) you get a LOT more blondes:


It’s hard to tell for sure. Many of them plot as southern English or so but then a German/Irish mix would also plot there. It’s also possible that modern English people are a lot more Irish/Scottish admixed than the English of the colonialist era hence the difference in looks. I don’t see many Anglo American’s who have an extreme island look comparable to say Will Poulter for example.

The faces of the non Mexicans in your photos above don’t look that familiar really.

12-24-2021, 03:31 PM
Anglo/colonial Americans look a lot more blonde/Germanic than any brits to me. They also lack the more extreme Brythonic looking phenotypes like brunn and keltid nord which are very prevalent here even in SE England.
According to the ToeKneeHwin study White Southerners are less light-haired/blond than English, actually between English and Scottish, which makes sense. I've never noticed much difference in pigmentation between Anglo/British groups worldwide; there's a much more noticeable difference IMO within the British Isles. Agree that Anglo-Americans lack some of the extreme British phenotypes found more strongly across the UK and Australia/NZ though.

12-24-2021, 03:33 PM
It’s hard to tell for sure. Many of them plot as southern English or so but then a German/Irish mix would also plot there. It’s also possible that modern English people are a lot more Irish/Scottish admixed than the English of the colonialist era hence the difference in looks. I don’t see many Anglo American’s who have an extreme island look comparable to say Will Poulter for example.

The faces of the non Mexicans in your photos above don’t look that familiar really.

I imagine the majority of British Americans now have German, Italian or Scandinavian admixture, am not an expert on American family trees but i would be surprised if there are many of wholly British origin. extreme island looks would suggest wholly British origins, even Brit/French mutts don't tend to have those stereotypical British looks.

12-24-2021, 03:39 PM
According to the ToeKneeHwin study White Southerners are less light-haired/blond than English, actually between English and Scottish, which makes sense. I've never noticed much difference in pigmentation between Anglo/British groups worldwide; there's a much more noticeable difference IMO within the British Isles. Agree that Anglo-Americans lack some of the more extreme British phenotypes found more strongly across the UK and Australia/NZ though.
I am surprised honestly, maybe they are just more photo-bleached due to the high levels of sun unlike here. Do you have a link to the study?

12-24-2021, 03:42 PM
I imagine the majority of British Americans now have German, Italian or Scandinavian admixture, am not an expert on American family trees but i would be surprised if there are many of wholly British origin. extreme island looks would suggest wholly British origins, even Brit/French mutts don't tend to have those stereotypical British looks.

White Americans with a recent ancestor from somewhere like Germany usually identify as German-American not British. So self identified Anglo/British Americans are probably overwhelmingly British (look at Toddy Frent) But there was some Germans, Scandinavians and Dutch among the very early settlers so it’s possible many do have such admix.

12-24-2021, 03:45 PM
I am surprised honestly, maybe they are just more photo-bleached due to the high levels of sun unlike here. Do you have a link to the study?

12-24-2021, 03:50 PM
Compare with Polish farmers.


12-24-2021, 03:55 PM
Compare with Polish farmers.


Not a big sample but Poles seem to have narrower foreheads and smaller eyes.

12-24-2021, 04:38 PM
A high school team from Kentucky

A golf team from Kentucky, look very English
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.c0a1985fc2737ebc9a296a5b70d6d978?rik=YmHNl7yR0vd COg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.trinityrocks.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f10%2fe0552THSGolf-69.jpg&ehk=CU9cCU%2b6tHQz228uuF7IrN0AkKP0dhbs5blCfNkX3%2f 4%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

A Mississippi Tennis team

An Athletics team from North Carolina

A Swimming Team from North Carolina

From Virginia
https://d193frjqb908ar.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJmaWxlcy5taWxlc3BsaXQudXMiLCJrZXkiOi J1c2VyX2ZpbGVzXC8xOTJcLzY2MzU0XC9sYWtlYnJhZGRvY2tn aXJsc2luZG9vcnN0YXRlbWVldC5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZX NpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYyMCwiZml0IjoiY292ZXIiLCJwb3Np dGlvbiI6ImNlbnRlciIsImhlaWdodCI6MzQ5fX19?Expires=1 640367397&Signature=n4~mGDHtPUyflJ~j1nnmWpqThSSX7FkzN1HNcnpq eeFwshXdo5O6W~XKk29v6DnLPdt02vjIoa4S3byZ89~XZwIqNG vmlOHdNe54Zjp9yuBgeJ33HbvwGCnJQn2wfVSCw~PASImqQ2th GpXhGaWRarC8MS9b~XmFUoFBT0hKkifR5w71ov-DqZQdJRFtpUnRFtwoapmfGexjAjVn5TCwWCnmIyz-Lt90AEhOz7idV9Z2H0VpJbjvwdgh1SaR7-igftefGdTulucOZJRe-LAA3S6f1aWw7NXQaVIYQ9vNI1N5jZ2JXEqlAQQyNR~FjFfTeUg SBNxs~Fz~DGV0i24laA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJT7QBXJV435KU6MQ
https://d193frjqb908ar.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJmaWxlcy5taWxlc3BsaXQudXMiLCJrZXkiOi J1c2VyX2ZpbGVzXC8xOTJcLzU3NTA4XC9ncmVhdGFtZXJpY2Fu LWNoYW50aWxseWJveXMuanBnIiwiZWRpdHMiOnsicmVzaXplIj p7IndpZHRoIjo2MjAsImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIiwicG9zaXRpb24i OiJjZW50ZXIiLCJoZWlnaHQiOjM0OX19fQ==?Expires=16403 67432&Signature=oZNou112tXEFtEH6sk8FHw~Hxy-P7F8QM1m67emwPFHqmjVIAjwt83r89YO2m8jr2vpLnOQ0vzX9k pIgYK22nhr4KnRjH86-ijL7wM3JcTuKei5stHXVFq9YVyxJaL-krIC5wzKqzkbo3UJTUdBO2mAHtAiG24koqiblwKYIRgFs0bC-qnP90NY78Dr~q6PgKQytBtS--iXJQTB7R0HW-jxXUt4XhvNEQDUr0-w~wvBIK7R7ihFK~aUr9zYjRh0IFBLxdncAkd3HzJfxNmk2pEQA 2-JjSeogyAbNMldXeT8vPCCQ9M5ndNU7E1GkhwL0AZll3CLckSSJ Nhc~Cz844Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJT7QBXJV435KU6MQ

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e31e14e7742e9606cb9f3dcce9a347ab?rik=4%2buhYO7FU qBlfA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages1.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb 20090514104703%2fwikiality%2fimages%2f2%2f25%2fKap paAlphaOldSouth1.jpg&ehk=Gz2R6Qnv7gMYHZ76imIfxsRSczDNmoEmAzf8c%2fkKkC8% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

I think they look pretty British/English overall. A lot is made of how different Americans are but there's also a bit of exaggeration.

12-24-2021, 06:45 PM
A high school team from Kentucky

A golf team from Kentucky, look very English
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.c0a1985fc2737ebc9a296a5b70d6d978?rik=YmHNl7yR0vd COg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.trinityrocks.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f10%2fe0552THSGolf-69.jpg&ehk=CU9cCU%2b6tHQz228uuF7IrN0AkKP0dhbs5blCfNkX3%2f 4%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

A Mississippi Tennis team

An Athletics team from North Carolina

A Swimming Team from North Carolina

From Virginia
https://d193frjqb908ar.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJmaWxlcy5taWxlc3BsaXQudXMiLCJrZXkiOi J1c2VyX2ZpbGVzXC8xOTJcLzY2MzU0XC9sYWtlYnJhZGRvY2tn aXJsc2luZG9vcnN0YXRlbWVldC5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZX NpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYyMCwiZml0IjoiY292ZXIiLCJwb3Np dGlvbiI6ImNlbnRlciIsImhlaWdodCI6MzQ5fX19?Expires=1 640367397&Signature=n4~mGDHtPUyflJ~j1nnmWpqThSSX7FkzN1HNcnpq eeFwshXdo5O6W~XKk29v6DnLPdt02vjIoa4S3byZ89~XZwIqNG vmlOHdNe54Zjp9yuBgeJ33HbvwGCnJQn2wfVSCw~PASImqQ2th GpXhGaWRarC8MS9b~XmFUoFBT0hKkifR5w71ov-DqZQdJRFtpUnRFtwoapmfGexjAjVn5TCwWCnmIyz-Lt90AEhOz7idV9Z2H0VpJbjvwdgh1SaR7-igftefGdTulucOZJRe-LAA3S6f1aWw7NXQaVIYQ9vNI1N5jZ2JXEqlAQQyNR~FjFfTeUg SBNxs~Fz~DGV0i24laA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJT7QBXJV435KU6MQ
https://d193frjqb908ar.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJmaWxlcy5taWxlc3BsaXQudXMiLCJrZXkiOi J1c2VyX2ZpbGVzXC8xOTJcLzU3NTA4XC9ncmVhdGFtZXJpY2Fu LWNoYW50aWxseWJveXMuanBnIiwiZWRpdHMiOnsicmVzaXplIj p7IndpZHRoIjo2MjAsImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIiwicG9zaXRpb24i OiJjZW50ZXIiLCJoZWlnaHQiOjM0OX19fQ==?Expires=16403 67432&Signature=oZNou112tXEFtEH6sk8FHw~Hxy-P7F8QM1m67emwPFHqmjVIAjwt83r89YO2m8jr2vpLnOQ0vzX9k pIgYK22nhr4KnRjH86-ijL7wM3JcTuKei5stHXVFq9YVyxJaL-krIC5wzKqzkbo3UJTUdBO2mAHtAiG24koqiblwKYIRgFs0bC-qnP90NY78Dr~q6PgKQytBtS--iXJQTB7R0HW-jxXUt4XhvNEQDUr0-w~wvBIK7R7ihFK~aUr9zYjRh0IFBLxdncAkd3HzJfxNmk2pEQA 2-JjSeogyAbNMldXeT8vPCCQ9M5ndNU7E1GkhwL0AZll3CLckSSJ Nhc~Cz844Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJT7QBXJV435KU6MQ

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e31e14e7742e9606cb9f3dcce9a347ab?rik=4%2buhYO7FU qBlfA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages1.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb 20090514104703%2fwikiality%2fimages%2f2%2f25%2fKap paAlphaOldSouth1.jpg&ehk=Gz2R6Qnv7gMYHZ76imIfxsRSczDNmoEmAzf8c%2fkKkC8% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

I think they look pretty British/English overall. A lot is made of how different Americans are but there's also a bit of exaggeration.

Some of them look basically British but a lot do show signs of Euro admixture, their features are more rounded, the whole expression is different really, even the SE English groups have those facial features that are only really associated with the English, the ones in your post look more French, Italian, Low countries influenced.

12-24-2021, 07:00 PM
A high school team from Kentucky

A golf team from Kentucky, look very English
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.c0a1985fc2737ebc9a296a5b70d6d978?rik=YmHNl7yR0vd COg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.trinityrocks.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2018%2f10%2fe0552THSGolf-69.jpg&ehk=CU9cCU%2b6tHQz228uuF7IrN0AkKP0dhbs5blCfNkX3%2f 4%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

A Mississippi Tennis team

An Athletics team from North Carolina

A Swimming Team from North Carolina

From Virginia
https://d193frjqb908ar.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJmaWxlcy5taWxlc3BsaXQudXMiLCJrZXkiOi J1c2VyX2ZpbGVzXC8xOTJcLzY2MzU0XC9sYWtlYnJhZGRvY2tn aXJsc2luZG9vcnN0YXRlbWVldC5qcGciLCJlZGl0cyI6eyJyZX NpemUiOnsid2lkdGgiOjYyMCwiZml0IjoiY292ZXIiLCJwb3Np dGlvbiI6ImNlbnRlciIsImhlaWdodCI6MzQ5fX19?Expires=1 640367397&Signature=n4~mGDHtPUyflJ~j1nnmWpqThSSX7FkzN1HNcnpq eeFwshXdo5O6W~XKk29v6DnLPdt02vjIoa4S3byZ89~XZwIqNG vmlOHdNe54Zjp9yuBgeJ33HbvwGCnJQn2wfVSCw~PASImqQ2th GpXhGaWRarC8MS9b~XmFUoFBT0hKkifR5w71ov-DqZQdJRFtpUnRFtwoapmfGexjAjVn5TCwWCnmIyz-Lt90AEhOz7idV9Z2H0VpJbjvwdgh1SaR7-igftefGdTulucOZJRe-LAA3S6f1aWw7NXQaVIYQ9vNI1N5jZ2JXEqlAQQyNR~FjFfTeUg SBNxs~Fz~DGV0i24laA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJT7QBXJV435KU6MQ
https://d193frjqb908ar.cloudfront.net/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJmaWxlcy5taWxlc3BsaXQudXMiLCJrZXkiOi J1c2VyX2ZpbGVzXC8xOTJcLzU3NTA4XC9ncmVhdGFtZXJpY2Fu LWNoYW50aWxseWJveXMuanBnIiwiZWRpdHMiOnsicmVzaXplIj p7IndpZHRoIjo2MjAsImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIiwicG9zaXRpb24i OiJjZW50ZXIiLCJoZWlnaHQiOjM0OX19fQ==?Expires=16403 67432&Signature=oZNou112tXEFtEH6sk8FHw~Hxy-P7F8QM1m67emwPFHqmjVIAjwt83r89YO2m8jr2vpLnOQ0vzX9k pIgYK22nhr4KnRjH86-ijL7wM3JcTuKei5stHXVFq9YVyxJaL-krIC5wzKqzkbo3UJTUdBO2mAHtAiG24koqiblwKYIRgFs0bC-qnP90NY78Dr~q6PgKQytBtS--iXJQTB7R0HW-jxXUt4XhvNEQDUr0-w~wvBIK7R7ihFK~aUr9zYjRh0IFBLxdncAkd3HzJfxNmk2pEQA 2-JjSeogyAbNMldXeT8vPCCQ9M5ndNU7E1GkhwL0AZll3CLckSSJ Nhc~Cz844Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJT7QBXJV435KU6MQ

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.e31e14e7742e9606cb9f3dcce9a347ab?rik=4%2buhYO7FU qBlfA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimages1.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb 20090514104703%2fwikiality%2fimages%2f2%2f25%2fKap paAlphaOldSouth1.jpg&ehk=Gz2R6Qnv7gMYHZ76imIfxsRSczDNmoEmAzf8c%2fkKkC8% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

I think they look pretty British/English overall. A lot is made of how different Americans are but there's also a bit of exaggeration.

There was a recent surnames map I've posted some time ago, showing how well over 90% of people living in Appalachian mountains having British (largely English) surnames. A sample from that region is completely comparable to that of England but even there people look different from British Isles (blonder, more robust featured, more germanic). Some show mestizoid phenotypes caused by distant admixture with native amerindians...

It's simply genetic drift caused by small founder population or maybe at that time (400ya) England had very little immigrants from Ireland/Scotland/Wales so they were more Germanic.

12-24-2021, 08:04 PM
Some of them look basically British but a lot do show signs of Euro admixture, their features are more rounded, the whole expression is different really, even the SE English groups have those facial features that are only really associated with the English, the ones in your post look more French, Italian, Low countries influenced.
I suppose. Even White Southerners have some non-British ancestry on average, and many are not British.

More pics:

Softball Team from Virginia
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.00620ff8093b40f2a6d905cedfdda5bc?rik=ZwIZhXVUT8E i%2bw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.riponathletic.com%2f~%2fmedia %2fImages%2fTSC%2fCoaches+Connection%2fTeam+Photos %2f2016%2f2016+Central+High+School+Softball+Team+-+Woodtock+VA.ashx%3fla%3den&ehk=ldaMiTeBr1Pvwx3KH%2bkRrPSg%2f0Azi7dSfB0cKflBfi M%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

High School Rugby Team from Virginia

Lacrosse Team from Kentucky

Womens Rugby team from Arkansas

12-24-2021, 08:11 PM
Some of them look basically British but a lot do show signs of Euro admixture, their features are more rounded, the whole expression is different really, even the SE English groups have those facial features that are only really associated with the English, the ones in your post look more French, Italian, Low countries influenced.
Yup, they have rounder faces and stronger jaws. Also better teeth and skin which isn’t ghostly. I could see them in the Low Countries for sure.

12-24-2021, 08:15 PM
The High School Rugby Team from Virginia passes the best imo.

12-24-2021, 08:24 PM
Yup, they have rounder faces and stronger jaws. Also better teeth and skin which isn’t ghostly. I could see them in the Low Countries for sure.

There something polished about the look of young Americans, not really to my taste tbh but in general they are quite attractive, the English youth seem to have a more natural down to earth sort of look which i like.

12-24-2021, 08:26 PM
There something polished about the look of young Americans, not really to my taste tbh but in general they are quite attractive, the English youth seem to have a more natural down to earth sort of look which i like.

It's all the high fructose corn syrup, gmos and hormones they consume.

04-13-2023, 12:29 PM
Look at the photographs linked by Creoda. It dawns on me that Anglo-Celtic Americans have their own look that sets them apart from English, Irish, Northern Irish, Scottish, and Welsh. Many people, from the Appalachians (especially) and Dixie, have roots in all five countries of the British Isles. Perhaps they have a robust hybrid vibe that gives them a distinct look where they would look like a tourist, rather than a native, in the aforementioned countries.

04-13-2023, 03:33 PM
Look at the photographs linked by Creoda. It dawns on me that Anglo-Celtic Americans have their own look that sets them apart from English, Irish, Northern Irish, Scottish, and Welsh. Many people, from the Appalachians (especially) and Dixie, have roots in all five countries of the British Isles. Perhaps they have a robust hybrid vibe that gives them a distinct look where they would look like a tourist, rather than a native, in the aforementioned countries.
I will post a gallery of Young Farmers from Oklahoma I saved a while ago, to compare. They look more unique than these IMO, who mostly wouldn't look out of place in Britain.

04-13-2023, 04:22 PM
Anglo/colonial Americans look a lot more blonde/Germanic than any brits to me. They also lack the more extreme Brythonic looking phenotypes like brunn and keltid nord which are very prevalent here even in SE England.

Definitely more Germanic, but I don't agree they're lighter haired, or lighter at all. Brits are probably one of the lightest Northern Euro nation, lighter than the Germans or even the Dutch from what I've seen IRL.

04-14-2023, 02:55 AM
I will post a gallery of Young Farmers from Oklahoma I saved a while ago, to compare. They look more unique than these IMO, who mostly wouldn't look out of place in Britain.

Nah, I think that they would stick out a bit but not too much. They look more like German Americans or Polish Americans than British natives or Irish natives.