View Full Version : Language difficulty ranking for english speakers

12-26-2021, 05:25 PM
I found it curious, Romance languages are relatively easy for English speakers to learn, about 24 weeks of intense study. German is a bit more complicated and the Slavic languages are the worst.



12-31-2021, 08:11 AM
This is stupid. English isn't more related to French than Bulgarian is. Yes, it has loads of loanwords from Oil language(s) but so does Japanese from Chinese. Common grammar concepts between Romance and English come from common root (Aryan language) or convergent evolution (erosion of case system). English/French/Bulgarian have distant shared origin and evolved similarly but they are very different languages...

IMHO if you know English you can learn Germanic languages quite easily: Frisian, Low Franconian (Dutch), Low Saxon (Platt) are very closely related and High German comes second.