View Full Version : Free People - The microchip, prophetic Christian song

12-28-2021, 07:25 PM
Rock song by some Orthodox monks from 2001.

Beyond any ideology or religion, it suprises me how knowledgeable they were about technological advancements considering that we barely even had internet back in 2001. Far More educated than the average pleb today.


Lyrics Original

Tο ξυπνητήρι σου χτυπά, ξεκίνησε η μέρα
και κάτω από το δέρμα σου, σου λέω καλημέρα
Μπορεί να φαίνομαι μικρό, μα είμαι όμως κάτι
που θα σφυρίζει στο μυαλό και δε θα κλείνεις μάτι.
Σηκώνω τα τηλέφωνα, πηγαίνω και ψωνίζω
και όλες τις ανάγκες σου, εγώ τις κανονίζω
Σκοτώνω τη συνείδηση, στη σκέψη βάζω φόρο
και τη ζωή σου κυβερνώ από ’να δορυφόρο.

Eίμαι ένα τσιπάκι τόσο δα
που θα σ’ οδηγήσει στη σκλαβιά
Πάρε ό,τι ποθείς στον κόσμο αυτό
μου αρκεί να ζεις χωρίς Θεό.

Πολλά θα γίνουν γύρω σου χωρίς να έχεις γνώμη
κι από παντού θα κλείσουνε της ξεγνοιασιάς οι δρόμοι
Θα γίνω ο προστάτης σου, στα χέρια μου όλοι οι νόμοι
και άνεργοι θα μείνουνε παντού οι αστυνόμοι.

Τα πάντα ξεπουλήθηκαν και άντε να μιλήσεις
σε μένανε λογοδοτούν του κόσμου οι κυβερνήσεις.
Μερόνυχτα είμαι ξάγρυπνο σε παίζω σαν τα ζάρια
και έχω κι έναν κωδικό: τα τρία τα εξάρια!

Eίμαι ένα τσιπάκι τόσο δα
που θα σ’ οδηγήσει στη σκλαβιά
Πάρε ό,τι ποθείς στον κόσμο αυτό
μου αρκεί να ζεις χωρίς Θεό.

Μονάχος σου με διάλεξες μα όμως πήρα φόρα
μια δύναμη σατανική σε ωθεί στην κατηφόρα
Χωρίς να το αντιληφθείς σου έχω γίνει πάθος,
για δάκρυα είναι πια αργά, το έκανες το λάθος!

Σε φάγανε τα internet και οι πληροφορίες,
απ’ τα αρχεία μου περνούν χιλιάδες ανομίες.
Υπόσχομαι ασφάλεια, την δήθεν άνεσή σου
μαζί με την Ελευθερία σου θα χάσεις την Ψυχή σου.

Eίμαι ένα τσιπάκι τόσο δα
που θα σ’ οδηγήσει στη σκλαβιά
Πάρε ό,τι ποθείς στον κόσμο αυτό
μου αρκεί να ζεις χωρίς Θεό.


Your alarm clock is ringing, the day has started
and under your skin, I say good morning
I may look small, but I am something
that will whistle in your mind and you will not sleep.
I pick up the phone, I shop for you
and all your needs, I arrange them all
I kill the conscience, I put a tax on the thought
and I rule your life from a satellite.

I am a very small microchip
that it will lead you to slavery.
Take whatever you desire in this world,
as long as you live without God.

Many things will happen around you without your opinion
and the carefree routes will be closed everywhere.
I will become your protector, in my hands all the laws
and all the policemen will become unemployed.

Everything is sold out and you cannot speak
to me, the governments of the world are accountable.
Day and night I am awake I play you like dice
and I have a code: the three sixes!

I am a very small microchip
that it will lead you to slavery.
Take whatever you desire in this world,
as long as you live without God.

You were the one who chose me, but I took on
a satanic force that pushes you downhill.
Without realizing it, I have become your passion,
it is too late for tears, you made the mistake!

The internet and information consume your life,
thousands of illegalities pass through my database.
I promise security, your supposed comfort
along with your freedom you will lose your soul.

I am a very small microchip
that it will lead you to slavery.
Take whatever you desire in this world,
as long as you live without God.

12-28-2021, 07:34 PM
small chip on that clip is too big for κωδικό-vaccine/κωβίκο-vaccine, the second form would be even better

12-28-2021, 07:42 PM
small chip on that clip is too big for κωδικό-vaccine/κωβίκο-vaccine, the second form would be even better

It was pentium 2 vaccine back then hahah, but ask some random guy today how a microchip may look like.

These were monks, modernists see these people as uneducated.

12-28-2021, 08:04 PM
We are almost there, Faklon at least you can seek refuge in mount Athos.

12-28-2021, 08:07 PM
Another one, I learned to live free - 2000


Forward people, let us unite,
the new order calls us
to become products
of the same machine.
You will eat, drink and sleep, they
will control you wherever you go,
you will live to work
and pay them.

I don't want a big boss
because I learned to live free
and on the streets I will shout it.

Keep the faith strong
the great ideals,
the Fatherland can not be sold,
the Church can not die
and History can not be forgotten.

The atheist culture
makes treaties and agreements .
You are no longer a person
just a number.

Leaders, Tycoons and Bankers,
TV channel CEOs,
teach our children
the "right" way!

I don't want a big boss
because I learned to live free
and on the streets I will shout it.

Keep the faith strong
the great ideals,
the Fatherland can not be sold,
the Church can not die
and History can not be forgotten.

They talk about peace
and they bomb,
the policemen of the people and the "humanists"
provide us with threats .

Love, truth, justice,
modernity consumes them all,
don't give up, my brother,
there is also a God.

I don't want a big boss
because I learned to live free
and on the streets I will shout it.

Keep the faith strong
the great ideals,
the Fatherland can not be sold,
the Church can not die
and History can not be forgotten.

12-28-2021, 08:15 PM
is he still alive? we need him, would be great leader
edit: or just took 3rd booster?

12-28-2021, 08:26 PM
is he still alive? we need him, would be great leader
edit: or just took 3rd booster?

He broke the band because the media turned it into a joke business (shocking monks singing rock), later he left the monastery and married.

Now they say that he continues to play rock and live a religious life. I don't know much more.

01-22-2022, 02:36 PM
Um, we didn't "barely have Internet " in 2001. We just didn't have useless social media . Forums like this one were popular.

Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk

01-22-2022, 09:17 PM
Um, we didn't "barely have Internet " in 2001. We just didn't have useless social media . Forums like this one were popular.

Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk

Maybe in the US, not in Greek monasteries. I ​used to make an extra buck by downloading songs via Limewire and selling CDs in my school, most kids were unaware of the process.

Still, my point is not that they prophesied something completely unseen (the Matrix was already out), but that they were educated and capable to understand technology and its dangers. Are modern people really that educated?