View Full Version : Does he pass as Filipino?

Rafael Passoni
01-03-2022, 04:30 AM
Somewhat hot video alert!
Fabio Ide:

"His mother Ana Maria is Portuguese, German, Italian and Spanish descent while his father Luis is Japanese."
Also, good looking hapa.

01-03-2022, 04:36 AM
Looks mixed filipino

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01-03-2022, 06:18 AM
i think he could pass as pure fillipino, if i compare their faces of the following persons, i would not doubt they all belong to the same ethnic group, both are pretty much more austronesians. so even if he is mixed, he passes obviously way more as someone who is a filipino or paleo mongoloid than caucasoid, and this is how i mostly judge things. i guess the combination between a neo mongoloid + caucasoid could turn into paleo mongoloid/austronesian esque features.


https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDViYTYwNmQtZThiOS00NmFlLThmZTktZmQ3NmM4ZTU1Yj djXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI5NjIyMw@@._V1_.jpg

and also this guy, virtually pure filipino, i doubt barely 2% would alter his phenotype much

01-03-2022, 06:28 AM
i think he could pass as pure fillipino, if i compare their faces of the following persons, i would not doubt they all belong to the same ethnic group, both are pretty much more austronesians. so even if he is mixed, he passes obviously way more as someone who is a filipino or paleo mongoloid than caucasoid, and this is how i mostly judge things. i guess the combination between a neo mongoloid + caucasoid could turn into paleo mongoloid/austronesian esque features.


https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDViYTYwNmQtZThiOS00NmFlLThmZTktZmQ3NmM4ZTU1Yj djXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI5NjIyMw@@._V1_.jpg

and also this guy, virtually pure filipino, i doubt barely 2% would alter his phenotype much

First one in the 23andme video looks sort of Caucasoid admixed racially ambiguous. I'm shocked he hardly any score Euro despite looking like that. The guy should upload his 23andme to gedmatch, because his Euro might be more hiding under the Filipino/Austronesian category.

01-03-2022, 08:57 AM
hmm i dunno, if anything its the second guy with the beard that looks like he should have more european than he has, not just because of the facial hair but also his lower jaw, but i guess some fillipinos can have such looks. The first one looks similar to his cheyenne, sometimes it seems austronesian and native americans can overlap, atleast those who are of a more paleomongoloid stock.

01-03-2022, 10:11 AM
hmm i dunno, if anything its the second guy with the beard that looks like he should have more european than he has, not just because of the facial hair but also his lower jaw, but i guess some fillipinos can have such looks. The first one looks similar to his cheyenne, sometimes it seems austronesian and native americans can overlap, atleast those who are of a more paleomongoloid stock.

Actually the first one with the 23andme video looks more Nepali than like a Cheyenne to me. Anyway I think he could have more Euro admix, but its probably hidden under the Austronesian/Philippine category.

By the second guy with the beard, you mean the second one with the 23andme?

Do you have DNA results of the second one with the white shirt?

01-03-2022, 10:51 AM
i meant the second one with 23andme, his jaw and beard makes him look more european than he is in my eyes. the second guy i posted with the white shirt is the same guy as OP posted: Fabio Ide, he is half white, half japanese, hence why i said hapas can sometimes give of pseudo mongoloid looks.

i thought this guy was somewhat mixed too because of his high nosebridge and bead, but he is 100% asian, not sure how reliable myhertiage is though


01-03-2022, 11:19 AM
i meant the second one with 23andme, his jaw and beard makes him look more european than he is in my eyes. the second guy i posted with the white shirt is the same guy as OP posted: Fabio Ide, he is half white, half japanese, hence why i said hapas can sometimes give of pseudo mongoloid looks.

i thought this guy was somewhat mixed too because of his high nosebridge and bead, but he is 100% asian, not sure how reliable myhertiage is though


Thanks for clarifying. His jaw and his beard does give a more Euro mixed vibe indeed, but I have seen some full blood Chinese or Japanese who can look like him. Reiterating my other point, he probably score a bit more Euro, if he uploaded his result to Gedmatch.

When did you say hapas can give a pseudo Mongoloid look in the previous sentence before?

What ethnicity is the last guy that speak German? MyHeritage isn't that good as 23andme or AncestryDNA, he should upload his results to them or gedmatch. Because he could actually have some Caucasoid admix.

01-03-2022, 11:23 AM
sorry i meant paleo mongoloid, not pseudo mongoloid. i mean having traits like stronger brows, less pronounced eyefolds and often more beardgrowth. This was regarding the guy OP posted who is half japanese half white and looks vaguely filipino, some hapas look just half-half, but others look somehow paleomongoloid to me.

the guy and his GF are vietnamese, i doubt he has caucasoid in him, i know myheritage is bad, but i think it would have been able to detect something caucasoid in him if anything would be worth mentioning.

01-03-2022, 11:29 AM
sorry i meant paleo mongoloid, not pseudo mongoloid. i mean having traits like stronger brows, less pronounced eyefolds and often more beardgrowth. This was regarding the guy OP posted who is half japanese half white and looks vaguely filipino, some hapas look just half-half, but others look somehow paleomongoloid to me.

the guy and his GF are vietnamese, i doubt he has caucasoid in him, i know myheritage is bad, but i think it would have been able to detect something caucasoid in him if anything would be worth mentioning.

I see. Yes some hapas can look paleo-mong indeed.

Well he score around 21.2% Thailand and Cambodian and then around 5.2% Philippine, Indonesian and Malaysian, there could be some Indian admixture hiding in both categories. So it's possible he has some Caucasoid admix (Iran_Neolithic+some Steppe as that's the Western admixture of South Asians) from Thailand/Cambodian and Philippine/Indo/Malay portions of his DNA if they also contain South Asian admixture.

The only way to know though is if someone can ask him to upload his results to Gedmatch or better DNA testing companies.

01-03-2022, 11:35 AM
Yeah, I think he can