View Full Version : What do you think of these Languages?

01-04-2022, 10:39 AM
Do those language sound good to you at all? Or very strange and alien? Do you notice any superficial similarities with other languages in terms of their pronounication, speech melody etc. what language sounds best to you, and which one worst? Or do you not like these languages at all? I find native american languages incredibly hard to follow, i can easier read, pronounce or recognize japanese words, austronesian or even uralic words than native americans, they have very complicated languages with a vastly different tone and structure than most other languages IMO. I wonder why that is? What makes languages become simpler and less polysynthetic?

Lakota Language (go to 1:30 for sample text) I find Lakota easier to comprehend than most ohter languages of north america, it seems less prone for really long words


Cheyenne Language (skip to min 1) Cheyenne is a good example what i mean, their words are insanely long, sometimes the translation is twice as long as in english and takes very long to speak and the language seems very slow


Zapotec Language (skip to about 1 min. to hear a text, this is the only analytic language of the bunch, rare feature among amerindian languages actually) I think i like this more because of the more familar structure it shows you can readily see the words in it.


Shipibo Language (go to Min 1 for sample text) It sounds tonal to me which is a feature i find weird tbh, reminds me a bit of Sinid languages in certain way but some words are also pronounced similar to Portugese


Mapuche Language (go to min 1) Again and like for the previous shipibo but minus tones, i think it is easier to comprehend than most other amerindian languages, it seems that its mostly the north american languages that show such extreme polysynthetic tendencies and thus seem very hard to comprehend


01-05-2022, 02:03 AM
The Cheyenne language is painfully slow. I like Lakota and Mapuche the most. Shipibo was annoying to me, but I think mostly just because of the guy's tone.