View Full Version : Classify US senator and two-time presidential primary candidate, Bernie Sanders

01-10-2022, 03:32 PM
I'm surprised he hasn't been classified here before. He's 100% Ashkenazi Jewish, with origins in Poland and Russia. The pics below are in roughly chronological order, except the last one.

On a note unrelated to taxonomy, he was my favorite primary candidate of the last two US presidential election cycles. It's a shame how the neolibs in the Democratic establishment knee-capped him.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6c/Bernie_Sanders_1959_High_School_Yearbook.jpg https://i.insider.com/5d7ea5be2e22af02bf7ede63?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp https://static01.nyt.com/images/2015/07/03/us/04Sanders-web-01/04Sanders-web-01-jumbo.jpg https://preview.redd.it/fn8alvrboz831.jpg?auto=webp&54a0b40b https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2017-09/2/15/asset/buzzfeed-prod-fastlane-01/sub-buzz-15821-1504378981-14.png https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5e5b4080fad04200080b0e64/16:9/w_2559,h_1439,c_limit/Gopnik-LovingBernie.jpg https://mediaproxy.salon.com/width/1200/https://media.salon.com/2015/12/young_bernie_sanders.jpg

As a teenager, second from the left, with his older brother and parents:

01-10-2022, 06:31 PM
Levantine is visible in his parents (mother more like father) but I'd say European side predominates in him

01-10-2022, 06:38 PM
on that 2nd and last (next to his parents) he looks Austrian as hell

01-10-2022, 06:57 PM
Levantine is visible in his parents (mother more like father) but I'd say European side predominates in him

Agreed. His mother looks quite Med to me, while his father seems to me to have a stronger Central Euro component.

Here are some more pics of his parents:

https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2019/07/AP19191537163956-e1563715405695.jpg https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/Q7t1VaLQjGzdOwi4uIsAPkez1Zw=/800x596/top/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/SQL2ZYGYJ7OA2JFIF6LQ2IXN7U.jpg https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/bernie-sanders-ht-jpo-190511_hpEmbed_9x10_992.jpg https://www.snopes.com/tachyon/2015/09/bernie-sanders-parents.png

01-10-2022, 07:04 PM
on that 2nd and last (next to his parents) he looks Austrian as hell

The studio posed headshot second from the top? Interesting! That's one of the photos where I would have said that his Jewish heritage seems the most visible.

What about that photo do you think makes him look Austrian that is lacking from the other photos?

01-10-2022, 07:22 PM
The studio posed headshot second from the top? Interesting! That's one of the photos where I would have said that his Jewish heritage seems the most visible.

What about that photo do you think makes him look Austrian that is lacking from the other photos?

He looks the most "Central" (German + Slavic + "Med") on that pics.

On the others he is in range as well, a bit more Western but reminds me of a friend actually

01-10-2022, 07:34 PM
On the others he is in range as well, a bit more Western but reminds me of a friend actually

So something like Swiss, Northern Italian, or Central-Eastern French?

01-10-2022, 08:03 PM
So something like Swiss, Northern Italian, or Central-Eastern French?

Exactly that.