View Full Version : Classify Rita Hayworth

Mopi Licinius Crassus
02-07-2022, 07:07 AM
born Margarita Carmen Cansino

Her father, Eduardo Cansino, from Andalucia, was of Romani descent, her mother, Volga Hayworth, was an American of Irish and English descent





02-07-2022, 12:38 PM
Atlantid + Brunn

08-30-2022, 07:32 PM

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjli3cTtjExrPVhANvn0GBQWU7QY_2a2IaKYh56Cg8fG5 FZ6d06x6LWN1Hw_SQPFN6uxecAmqgB9SA2nb5RfHTfeI_9VA3E 57Qlb3M26RTbJlh4dAjm2wpxHOwZHMBhxxCWw0dk7gIz5yATBz log5PNwFSfvoTXRNDbVdquwOlBpilQgE0_a7aY4GK9/s512/eduardocansino-1-Enhanced-Colorized.jpg

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgyrxfrGQrVgXqM27E4e2_I-F901KARxmmvGmmlUxZ_nvNIxFt_CUvKSPz4np_xx6QpHAB9v6M 9GLeIF8Hl4sHlTMboCeVhK4sMk3XgX1c6PeqPJ9_DvyYnLfi9c AZhTt2aoMwIiqF_WqwRkPMVJKUc4VIe0BQv-KhSe1f2mRegsNlrLok4d8Wn1ksN/s900/MARGARITACANSINO.jpg

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEju6rtdMyt9MUbxF7vrzFS0FEww_n6r4cRj3tHzK6-QtEWEaTDNfLWLAoQSb8yVSQYs6mnK_Cc5zwVzc4HLxDvouu6dy gglQV4YFSGnMo311BdzFETEe3qDtmcRHNE0-3DJ1F_f8LgaRIcq0wQ2wOmyJY0LrxdXM25_JAFdr3BIW_GMwu-K3h2dBnIM/s1800/MARGARITACANSINO-Colorized-Enhanced.jpg

She has a resemblance to this other anonymous Andalusian girl

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhXDdh-ly1MAo34jprtrRxsKOErlA0U1Ppnj7qjQ0cQZ6FgXop-n_uizPqBEOlCPegBwyUvqDAg7ty6Zm1DcJabMXDsAA1tKKz4R4 8IsnTqWiSuaKQdh2AZMk-vH7S7iNxpMHl3ths-HaYJlxsjHhZloB1dtdLcvtFkA_s4a0v_PQvAIs2aQZ-Yltch/s512/flamencastres-0-Colorized-Enhanced.jpg

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiTZihuYlbdX48POXRheK_j9tILKi5Ma-WBoHz-98FfuW_Fm1s4bHeOvRK5k00Shjz4mPSXbP4bWBZkuK7HgfkE47 hTOUclA6Z53R893oxe8YHeJ8wGjtiPfJ_h889vHuJmP9VGzhDm JEa5h6WZQkdKVF6H9lQK9hWCEwyzvm6Rtx73r83wRkWM0NNS/s1740/flamencastres-Colorized-Enhanced.jpg

08-30-2022, 08:37 PM
On Convento Street, right in the premises now occupied by a PP headquarters, was the cake factory of her relatives: the Cansino family. As this media has been able to confirm, the remaining relatives of Rita Hayworth are very distant and have little memory of the actress, beyond the stories told to them orally by their ancestors. Namely: a deceased grandmother who was a first cousin of the American actress and a grandfather who was a first cousin of the grandfather of the Hollywood diva... Distant relationships that tell us that Rita Hayworth's grandfather lived in Castilleja de la Cuesta. Specifically in a house that would later become the bakery of the Prieto brothers.

Some of these antecedents were investigated and published years ago by the flamenco critic Manuel Bohórquez in his blog 'La Gazapera'. "Rita Hayworth's grandfather was a second-rate guitarist, but he had his recognition accompanying artists. His father, Eduardo, was a bolero school dancer," recalls Bohórquez, who even got access to Rita Hayworth's grandfather's baptismal certificate. The guitarist's father, the great-grandfather of the diva of 'Gilda', was "a famous horse breeder" descendant of Sephardic Jews and related to the father of the Sevillian writer Rafael Cansino Assens, as his son confirms to this media.

Rafael Cansino Assens

Daughter and granddaughter of dancers
Going back to Antonio Cansino, grandfather of the myth, it must be said that Rita's roots were always artistic. The aforementioned Antonio was first a dancer and then a guitarist. He had an academy in Seville and another in Madrid. In his youth, he married a dancer he met in Triana (Seville). Both emigrated to America accompanied by his son Eduardo. His daughter, Margarita Dolores de Cansino, did not become Rita Hayworth until her arrival in Hollywood, when the head of Columbia, Harry Cohn, wanted to use her mother's surname and erase all traces of Spanish in her name.

The actress never visited Castilleja, according to the memory of some relatives. The first time she was in Spain, when she was already a star, she stayed in Madrid. "Father Oliver, a Jesuit who painted very well and was a friend of her grandfather, visited her in America expressing the complaints of her Spanish relatives, who did not know her," Manuel Rosales Cansino told journalist Antonio García Borrego in an interview. Rosales Cansino was Rita's distant cousin and passed away a few years ago. There is almost no family left of the artist and the most recent testimonies that are kept are recorded for a television program of Canal Sur called 'Andaluzas universales' that does not even appear in the archives. Vanitatis has been able to access the transcript of that interview and to unravel some anecdotes.


Rafael Cansino, who also owns a movie theater and is a distant cousin of Rita's, as he himself comments in the report.


uncle iroh
08-31-2022, 04:41 PM
med + dinarid