View Full Version : Regarding dark eye circles: If any, are there genetic groups in Northwestern Europe with this?

02-11-2022, 12:05 AM
Sorry if my question seems confusing, I'm new to this forum and don't really know anything about Taxonomy. But I was recently thinking about this: I noticed a pattern with some German (Or in my case, German/Swiss) people who have somewhat dark eye circles. So I'm wondering if any classified groups in Germany (or Northwestern Europe) tend to have this trait more? Or perhaps I'm overthinking this, and this trait could be seen in most all ethnicities? I'm not sure.

It's just that, the look of the eyes seem very familiar. I myself have these sort of eyes, it's a bit purple-ish underneath them, and slightly puffy eye bags. Gives off the impression of being either tired or grumpy or both.
I won't link a picture to myself, but I found a picture of 1. A fitness Youtuber, and 2. A musician, because I felt like they also had this trait.


02-11-2022, 12:12 AM
I have them. Mine don’t look purplish, more so brownish but my skin tone is more on the olive side.
My ethnic background is mostly NW European but I haven’t really noticed this to be common amongst other NW Euros, more so Indian and Middle Eastern.

02-11-2022, 12:13 AM
It's mostly common in Arabs.

02-11-2022, 01:10 AM
No. In Europe, dark under-eye circles are a Mediterranean trait. The reason you might find it among some of the German/Swiss is because they're located adjacent to Southern Europe, thus this kind of influence can be found.