View Full Version : Indoor Football Teams - Portugal vs Spain. Compare and contrast.

02-14-2022, 10:08 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/855xBXqT/26081809adf4195287e920b5c1d285a0d0065003.jpg (https://postimg.cc/5HhPfg4r)

https://i.postimg.cc/TwBGyXhz/0b483d66-ab62-4ce2-ab2a-29e0ef405741-16-9-aspect-ratio-default-0.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

btw Portugal won and made itself consecutive European Champion with a World Championship in the middle of this trophies. :)

02-14-2022, 10:41 PM
Portugal has slightly more berid influence otherwise much the same.

Tooting Carmen
02-14-2022, 10:47 PM
Portugal has slightly more berid influence otherwise much the same.

Something like that.

02-14-2022, 10:50 PM
Seems like we're seeing different things ... but ok.