View Full Version : What vehicle numbers in your region or country denotes ?

02-19-2022, 06:27 PM
You may quote examples to explain .

02-19-2022, 06:27 PM
In India , the vehicle numbers are in following format for eg. :

"UK 07 AG 9999"
"UK 07 AH 0001"
"MH 01 GK 3387"
"PB 02 CJ 1038"

, where the first two alphabets denotes the state under which the vehicle is registered , next two digits denotes that state's city in whose RTO (Regional Transport Office) the vehicle is registered , next two alphabets denotes the registration series running at the time of application/allotment and last four digits denotes the number of that series allotted to the vehicle (after "9999" , next series starts from "0001" in alphabetical order) .

So , in "UK 07 AG 9999" :
UK = state of Uttarakhand
07 = city of Dehradun
AG = registration series running at the time of application/allotment
9999 = number allotted to the vehicle from the series AG

"MH 01 GK 3387" :
MH = state of Maharashtra
01 = city of Mumbai
GK = registration series running at the time of application/allotment
3387 = number allotted to the vehicle from the series GK

The vehicle number bears the full details (name,address etc.) of the vehicle owner in respective RTOs . Also , there are certain unique registration numbers (like "0001" , "1000" , "0786" etc.) for which one has to pay extra charges to fetch them .