View Full Version : Saudi Arabia BEHEADS 81 In Unprecedented Execution

03-16-2022, 02:23 PM

Thank god we increase our oil imports from Saudi Arabia

The war in Yemen that lead into literal genocides is also not important.

Long live the good western side

03-16-2022, 02:36 PM
Not that I have a problem with a nation having capital punishment, maybe the guys deserved it. its about the western hypocrisy that is so ridiculous.

Thats the most disgusting aspect of the west to me.

03-16-2022, 02:37 PM
Too bad we don't hang people, or execute in public, anymore.

03-16-2022, 02:46 PM
Not that I have a problem with a nation having capital punishment, maybe the guys deserved it. its about the western hypocrisy that is so ridiculous.

Thats the most disgusting aspect of the west to me.

"Offences ranged from joining militant groups to holding "deviant beliefs", the ministry said in a statement. [...]There are prisoners of conscience on Saudi death row, and others arrested as children or charged with non-violent crimes"


03-16-2022, 02:51 PM
"Offences ranged from joining militant groups to holding "deviant beliefs", the ministry said in a statement. [...]There are prisoners of conscience on Saudi death row, and others arrested as children or charged with non-violent crimes"


Im a ethno-pluralist, its per se none of my business.

I try to highlight the fact that the west is claiming it bases partnerships on human rights situation and by that portrays itself as good force.

Or uses excuses to be hostile towards Russia that can be used on half of its allies.

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 03:00 PM
Im a ethno-pluralist, its per se none of my business.

I try to highlight the fact that the west is claiming it bases partnerships on human rights situation and by that portrays itself as good force.

Or uses excuses to be hostile towards Russia that can be used on half of its allies.

Good points. Domestically, Saudi Arabia is many times more repressive than Russia, while its bombing campaign of Yemen has been going on for much longer than Russia's invasion of Ukraine. You may dismiss this claim, but one good reason to wean ourselves off oil in the West is to thus stop being in thrall to these awful tyrannies.

03-16-2022, 03:07 PM
Good points. Domestically, Saudi Arabia is many times more repressive than Russia, while its bombing campaign of Yemen has been going on for much longer than Russia's invasion of Ukraine. You may dismiss this claim, but one good reason to wean ourselves off oil in the West is to thus stop being in thrall to these awful tyrannies.

I dont identify with the West, as a German id have no problem with being as energy independent as possible idealistically, but also wouldnt mind to import resources from the cheapest and most reliable supplier as it was the case with Russia, Nordstream 2 would help us as German citizens alot.

Comparing Russia to Saudi Arabia especially pre-Ukraine war is generally silly, Russia doesnt even have capital punishment unlike the USA, which again I wouldnt even care about. Each to their own.

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 03:11 PM
I dont identify with the West, as a German id have no problem with being as energy independent as possible idealistically, but also wouldnt mind to import resources from the cheapest and most reliable supplier as it was the case with Russia, Nordstream 2 would help us as German citizens alot.

Comparing Russia to Saudi Arabia especially pre-Ukraine war is generally silly, Russia doesnt even have capital punishment unlike the USA, which again I wouldnt even care about. Each to their own.

Well it's been suggested that one reason behind this war is that the Americans view Nordstream 2 as a threat to their own energy sales and interests in Europe. And no, Russia is not Saudi Arabia, but make no mistake - long before this invasion, the Putin regime was murdering dissidents overseas and journalists at home. (I was in Salisbury not that long after the infamous poisoning episode).

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 03:15 PM
Also, it is ludicrous and hypocritical how much the West denounces Iran while being in thrall to the Saudis - the latter are, at an absolute minimum, equally theocratic and repressive as the former.

03-16-2022, 03:16 PM
Well it's been suggested that one reason behind this war is that the Americans view Nordstream 2 as a threat to their own energy sales and interests in Europe. And no, Russia is not Saudi Arabia, but make no mistake - long before this invasion, the Putin regime was murdering dissidents overseas and journalists at home. (I was in Salisbury not that long after the infamous poisoning episode).

Again, what is with Assange and Snowden?

At least Russia doesnt claim to be the beacon of freedom and democracy.

No sane mind stands behind hypocrites and I dont stand behind Russia blindly and without criticism.

Putin failed to stop social liberalism in Russia big times, I just hope that the isolation can lead to a from a right-wing view, fruitful development in terms of social policies, but who knows.

03-16-2022, 03:18 PM
Also, it is ludicrous and hypocritical how much the West denounces Iran while being in thrall to the Saudis - the latter are, at an absolute minimum, equally theocratic and repressive as the former.

Iran is treating religious and ethnic minorities better than most western orientated democracies.

Are you aware of the Chinese genocide in Indonesia? And how the war criminals are heroes there?


Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 03:21 PM
Again, what is with Assange and Snowden?

At least Russia doesnt claim to be the beacon of freedom and democracy.

No sane mind stands behind hypocrites and I dont stand behind Russia blindly and without criticism.

Putin failed to stop social liberalism in Russia big times, I just hope that the isolation can lead to a from a right-wing view, fruitful development in terms of social policies, but who knows.

Even taken on its own terms, the notion that Russia is a beacon of traditional morality against the decadent West is a joke. When it comes to abortion, divorce, alcoholism, suicide, childlessness, Russia is as bad if not worse than most Western countries. And Assange and Snowden may have been mistreated, but they weren't murdered.

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 03:23 PM
Iran is treating religious and ethnic minorities better than most western orientated democracies.

Arabs, Sunnis, Kurds and Alevis might dispute that. Still, women and religious minorities are undoubtedly freer in Iran than in the KSA.

Are you aware of the Chinese genocide in Indonesia? And how the war criminals are heroes there?


No, but I am aware of the genocide against West Papuans.

03-16-2022, 03:26 PM
Even taken on its own terms, the notion that Russia is a beacon of traditional morality against the decadent West is a joke. When it comes to abortion, divorce, alcoholism, suicide, childlessness, Russia is as bad if not worse than most Western countries. And Assange and Snowden may have been mistreated, but they weren't murdered.

Assange and Snowden had to flee as dissidents to escape the possible death penalty.

And yes, Russia isnt a country of tradiotionalism, but it suggests that Putin passed any policies that lead to the degenerate factors, which he did not.

I criticise that he did not combat these trends enough.

He achieved good results on alcoholism
And actively attacked trends of sexualization of children and a progressive definition of gender, equality and progress.

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 03:29 PM
Assange and Snowden had to flee as dissidents to escape the possible death penalty.

And yes, Russia isnt a country of tradiotionalism, but it suggests that Putin passed any policies that lead to the degenerate factors, which he did not.

I criticise that he did not combat these trends enough.

He achieved good results on alcoholism
And actively attacked trends of sexualization of children and a progressive definition of gender, equality and progress.

It is a false choice to choose between wholesale authoritarianism and the spread of Californian psychobabble/therapy culture.

03-16-2022, 03:51 PM
It is a false choice to choose between wholesale authoritarianism and the spread of Californian psychobabble/therapy culture.

Well I respect you for even calling out the "Californian psychobabble/therapy culture".

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 04:08 PM
Well I respect you for even calling out the "Californian psychobabble/therapy culture".

It is a bogus distraction method used to blind us, or at least stop us talking about, real inequalities of wealth and power, often caused by those very same California-based corporations. Never mind that a CEO may earn 200 times that of his/her cleaner, let's all be kind and say what our preferred pronouns are!

03-16-2022, 04:13 PM
It is a bogus distraction method used to blind us, or at least stop us talking about, real inequalities of wealth and power, often caused by those very same California-based corporations. Never mind that a CEO may earn 200 times that of his/her cleaner, let's all be kind and say what our preferred pronouns are!

Yea I evolved to open my mind to class struggle and I think im not even that far away from you anymore economically. Still think within limits competition, private ownership, self-initiative and hard work should be benefited.

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 04:45 PM
Yea I evolved to open my mind to class struggle and I think im not even that far away from you anymore economically. Still think within limits competition, private ownership, self-initiative and hard work should be benefited.

(1) Monopoly capitalism as we have now is precisely the opposite of true competitiveness - large corporations should be forcibly broken up and proper competition and markets could return (if they were ever there in the first place). (2) Whatever their many faults, Fascist regimes - Peronist Argentina, Falangist Spain and Portugal, Fascist Italy and even (ahem) Nazi Germany itself were more-or-less right about the economy - you privatise the small and the rural and socialise the big and the urban.

03-16-2022, 04:56 PM
Yea I evolved to open my mind to class struggle and I think im not even that far away from you anymore economically. Still think within limits competition, private ownership, self-initiative and hard work should be benefited.
I believe that wealthy people have way too much money and that is unjust, but I'm not sure if more economic leftism is good idea as it could accelerate dysgenics. Maybe the wealth that is comes from taxing wealthy people should be redistributed to middle income people instead of low income people.

03-16-2022, 04:58 PM
Saudi Arabia is based! I love Saudi Arabia!

03-16-2022, 05:17 PM
I believe that wealthy people have way too much money and that is unjust, but I'm not sure if more economic leftism is good idea as it could accelerate dysgenics. Maybe the wealth that is comes from taxing wealthy people should be redistributed to middle income people instead of low income people.

Its very complicated, to keep it simple: its about balancing the reward for being productive in a amount that motivates people and same time to not punish people that are simply not capable or had a disadvante to be not as productive. Otherwise you fuel division,criminality and classism.

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 05:28 PM
Its very complicated, to keep it simple: its about balancing the reward for being productive in a amount that motivates people and same time to not punish people that are simply not capable or had a disadvante to be not as productive. Otherwise you fuel division,criminality and classism.

Inasmuch as there is a best economic system, it is probably that of Singapore: on the one hand there is relatively low taxation and regulation, but at the same time the State owns all the major services and industries (including banks), as well as having shares in several other companies, and the profits from those shares are reinvested into the country to pay for its services and infrastructure.

03-16-2022, 05:32 PM
Inasmuch as there is a best economic system, it is probably that of Singapore: on the one hand there is relatively low taxation and regulation, but at the same time the State owns all the major services and industries (including banks), as well as having shares in several other companies, and the profits from those shares are reinvested into the country to pay for its services and infrastructure.

Im not sure if nationalization is necessarly better than regulate a privately owned industry that is in competition.

03-16-2022, 05:32 PM
I dont identify with the West
You dont identify with the west but i have to identify with the east, if dont want to bear it im OWD, whatever that means.

Anyways, i fully support execution of murderers and rapists. (Sometimes after a non-human involved automated torture session depending on the severity of the crime.)

Tooting Carmen
03-16-2022, 05:35 PM
Im not sure if nationalization is necessarly better than regulate a privately owned industry that is in competition.

It depends. IMHO a privatised 'national' airline is alright, given that the sky is empty and thus you can have proper competition between several airlines on the same routes. However, for railways this concept is a nonsense, since usually there is only one set of tracks between destinations i.e. a natural monopoly.

03-18-2022, 08:59 AM
Too bad we don't hang people, or execute in public, anymore.

Esp.our politians and media deserve a rope on their necks...

03-18-2022, 04:36 PM
Server killed my middle-class post, but stop shaming headless people.