View Full Version : Pro-War propaganda in our media

03-25-2022, 03:07 PM
Incessant propaganda in favour of war with Russia in our American and European media...this has been on the increase over the last few years, and is reaching fever pitch now.

How are you guys coping with all this? Those among us who are wise, can see the trajectory of probabilities increasing by the day towards full scale hot war between America/NATO and Russia. And unfortunately the target audience of all this propaganda -- the average American and European citizen -- is more and more influenced to accept war with Russia as inevitable, and even desirable.

It seems that no de-escalation is allowed, instead such ideas are usually labelled as "Russian propaganda" or "disinformation".

All I can say, is stand strong and read between the lines, see the agenda of these evil people, and don't go along with it. Oppose it wherever you can
Even at personal cost.


03-25-2022, 03:17 PM
I'm sick and tired of the damn propaganda.
For those of you living outside of the US or any western country, consider yourself lucky, we're constantly being bombarded 24/7 up our arse with war propaganda.

My strategy is to avoid these channels (CNN, BBC, Sky News, MSNBC and even Newsmax/ FOX as much as possible). I managed to get RT on my TV, so I watch them at times (to get a different perspective). The tech companies WON'T control what I watch!