View Full Version : Classify French councillor of (partial?) English descent Charles Rodwell

Tooting Carmen
04-04-2022, 08:54 PM
He is a councillor for Versailles. I am not sure how much English ancestry he has as such.

04-04-2022, 09:04 PM
He is a councillor for Versailles. I am not sure how much English ancestry he has as such.

Atlantid and subnordic

Tooting Carmen
04-04-2022, 09:05 PM
Atlantid and subnordic

Whether he is wholly or only partly of English descent, either way he certainly looks more English than French to me.

04-05-2022, 08:15 AM
Whether he is wholly or only partly of English descent, either way he certainly looks more English than French to me.

His look is probably very typical and common for northern France.

04-05-2022, 08:48 AM
Could be fully English or half, who knows. His French is native perfect, as in it hasn't been learned, so my guess is at least he was born there :


Look wise, there s something very English about him, eyes area and nose. Reminds me of Shmee (car youtuber) with less fat


04-05-2022, 08:28 PM
Sub-Nordic with Faelid influence.

Tooting Carmen
10-09-2023, 07:57 PM
Apparently he is an MP now:
https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/D4E03AQGggLnUYQ19RA/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/1681226232054?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=H-3xnXvGteCn6vbpXnEw9JdWWtdrzQCR-SBFeo3tFg8https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1241411385/photo/france-politics-parliament.jpg?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=6zJ-k06VAiin9Ho3wkrLLCCM-sA_KzY93OCEzsjtBmU=https://beymedias.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/1a8a0c7/2147483647/strip/false/crop/2000x1125+0+150/resize/1200x675!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fl-opinion-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fdd%2F09%2Feeca675938 be97eb48004bd03432%2Fan-257751.jpg