View Full Version : Classify half-English half-Indian actor Jassa Ahluwalia

Tooting Carmen
04-06-2022, 06:04 PM
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMmMxYTg1OTgtN2VjZS00ZDQxLWI1YzYtMTg0NDg2ODI4Zj Q3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA2NjY2NzQ0._V1_.jpghttps://www.famousbirthdays.com/faces/ahluwalia-jassa-image.jpghttps://c8.alamy.com/comp/2H3105P/jassa-ahluwalia-attending-the-instyle-ee-rising-star-party-at-100-wardour-street-ahead-of-the-baftas-london-2H3105P.jpg

de Burgh II
04-06-2022, 06:09 PM
Looks Prussian-Baltic looking.

Some kind of Alpine-Baltid blend. Doesn't look South Asian at all despite his name.

04-06-2022, 06:18 PM
Damn, I used to watch Art Attack, had no idea he was half Indian despite the very obvious name.
I don't see any Indid influence, though I do see a little bit of East Asian-like influence.
I'm not particularly knowledgable of Euro phenotypes, but some kinda Baltid if I had to guess.
He's cute.

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Tooting Carmen
04-08-2022, 10:25 PM
Anyone else?

04-08-2022, 10:50 PM
Interesting, I've seen a couple 'White passing' half Indian people before but usually there's a subtle hint of mixed ancestry, not with him.

He looks kind of Eastern European though, not Western European.

04-09-2022, 12:07 AM
He looks more East Asian/European mix, than anything else. I'd have guessed partly South Korean. I expect the East Asian comes through the Indian side.

Definitely doesn't look at all Indian or of that region.

04-09-2022, 01:02 AM
Alpinized East Baltid.

Tooting Carmen
04-12-2022, 10:02 PM

Tooting Carmen
05-11-2022, 04:25 PM

05-11-2022, 05:03 PM
Damn, I used to watch Art Attack, had no idea he was half Indian despite the very obvious name.
I don't see any Indid influence, though I do see a little bit of East Asian-like influence.
I'm not particularly knowledgable of Euro phenotypes, but some kinda Baltid if I had to guess.
He's cute.

Sent from my SM-M307F using Tapatalk

This guy used to host Art Attack? man I feel old when I used to watch it, it was Neil Buchanan

05-11-2022, 05:47 PM
He could be a Finnish F1 driver!

05-11-2022, 06:10 PM
SSA + northatlantid + alpine

05-11-2022, 06:39 PM
MI + John Newman