View Full Version : Classify villagers from Gilgit Pakistan

04-11-2022, 01:48 PM
Some interesting looks here, the man in the hat at 3 mins has facial features very similar to Prince Charles


04-11-2022, 03:32 PM
Looks like a mix of Indians and Iranians.

04-11-2022, 03:46 PM
Looks like a mix of Indians and Iranians.

They dont look very Indian to me, i see quite a bit of overlap with Pamir people in Afghanistan and Tajikistan

04-11-2022, 04:02 PM
i see quite a bit of overlap with Pamir people in Afghanistan and Tajikistan

Really, but the South Asian vibe is visible of them.

04-11-2022, 04:05 PM
Really, but the South Asian vibe is visible of them.

Of course, they seem quite varied, probably most similar to northern Afghans i think.

04-11-2022, 05:09 PM
oh yeah i can see the Prince Charles in him- pretty much so, but its obvious you ll find overlapps because of Steppe (CHG/ Iran N especially in this case) and Anatholian Farmers probably too (generic Mediterranids in this case).

04-11-2022, 06:10 PM
oh yeah i can see the Prince Charles in him- pretty much so, but its obvious you ll find overlapps because of Steppe (CHG/ Iran N especially in this case) and Anatholian Farmers probably too (generic Mediterranids in this case).

Basically the facial features seen in the royals like Charles, Diana, Kate Middleton would originate from the area around Iran, i think Coon said that the Irano Afghan type contributed heavily to todays Keltic, Corded type etc.

04-12-2022, 12:58 AM
Of course, they seem quite varied, probably most similar to northern Afghans i think.

No not at all, they don't look northern afghan , rather they look like a good mixture between Pamiris + some type of Indus population similar to kohistanis / gujjars which gives them that "south Asian " vibe-ish that Afghans lack .









Afghan talibans




Jalalabad ( probably one of the only cities which is quite close to Pakistan geographically , culturally and to some extent historically )



Badakhshan ( fayzabad)


04-12-2022, 04:01 AM
Really, but the South Asian vibe is visible of them.

Yeah they look like a mixture of pamiri and Indus type which if you look at their geographic location, makes perfect sense. Hence why they have types that are very similar to Afghans but simultaneously have that south Asian Vibe which is most likely represented by some Indus admixture .

04-12-2022, 11:31 AM
These people appears to seem like wakhi people, considering the caps the women wears in video? THey also live in Gojal, northern Hunza, where wakhi lives

Theyre very related to tajiks of Badakhshan(at least ones closer to Wakhan, like Ishkashim and even more east). Some also have kyrgiz ancestry, considering there lives kyrgiz in northern Afghanistan and also northernmost parts in Wakhan and Baltistan.

They sort of reminds me of these tajiks from Charikar, Parwan, Afghanistan:


04-12-2022, 11:49 AM
These people appears to seem like wakhi people, considering the caps the women wears in video? THey also live in Gojal, northern Hunza, where wakhi lives

Theyre very related to tajiks of Badakhshan(at least ones closer to Wakhan, like Ishkashim and even more east). Some also have kyrgiz ancestry, considering there lives kyrgiz in northern Afghanistan and also northernmost parts in Wakhan and Baltistan.

They sort of reminds me of these tajiks from Charikar, Parwan, Afghanistan:


They are essentially a mixture of some sort of pamirid based population + Indus type population . If you look at their autosomal results , they come out quite south Asian shifted. Some of the older men do look like they can pass in panjshir or badakhsan or laghman.



04-12-2022, 11:52 AM
They are essentially a mixture of some sort of pamirid based population + Indus type population . If you look at their autosomal results , they come out quite south Asian shifted.

Are you refering to ethnic burushos or ethnic wakhis?

Hunza are indeed quiet south asian shifted, with some tibetan ancestry.
Wakhis on the other hand(which the people in the video should be) are really close to south eastern badakhis(both AFG + TJK), since theyre sort of the same ethnicity.

THough wakhis appears to have some hunza ancestry themselves(and vice versa), making them more south asian shifted, so i guess youre right that they have some "indus type"-ancestry

04-12-2022, 12:08 PM
Are you refering to ethnic burushos or ethnic wakhis?

Hunza are indeed quiet south asian shifted, with some tibetan ancestry.
Wakhis on the other hand(which the people in the video should be) are really close to south eastern badakhis(both AFG + TJK), since theyre sort of the same ethnicity.

THough wakhis appears to have some hunza ancestry themselves(and vice versa), making them more south asian shifted, so i guess youre right that they have some "indus type"-ancestry

Ethnic burushos. I thought the people in the video were burushos based on a quick skim through the video based on the white hats but looking a little closer and they are in indeed wakhis.

04-12-2022, 12:12 PM
Ethnic burushos. I thought the people in the video were burushos based on a quick skim through the video based on the white hats but looking a little closer and they are in indeed wakhis.

Im not 100% sure now if they indeed are entirely wakhis. I tried to look up headwear of burusho women, and saw same hats. But then again, it might just be people who by mistake uses pictures of wakhis(this headwear is very popular amongst wakhis).

Also saw this video, where the people's clothings looks similiar, and video is 100% wakhis:


04-12-2022, 12:13 PM
Ethnic burushos. I thought the people in the video were burushos based on a quick skim through the video based on the white hats but looking a little closer and they are in indeed wakhis.

Double post

04-12-2022, 12:18 PM
Im not 100% sure now if they indeed are entirely wakhis. I tried to look up headwear of burusho women, and saw same hats. But then again, it might just be people who by mistake uses pictures of wakhis(this headwear is very popular amongst wakhis).

Also saw this video, where the people's clothings looks similiar, and video is 100% wakhis:


No they are indeed wakhis , but , I must say they do seem to have some affinity to other Pakistani groups compared to Afghan/ Tajik wakhis who don't at all. I guess its equivalent to Afghan pashtuns and Pak pashtuns , the latter showing some affinity to other Pakistani groups that Afghans lack . Is it pyschological ? I don't know but pak pashtuns definitely do have more affinity to the Indus ( atleast those a little further out from the Border regions )

04-12-2022, 12:22 PM
Im not 100% sure now if they indeed are entirely wakhis. I tried to look up headwear of burusho women, and saw same hats. But then again, it might just be people who by mistake uses pictures of wakhis(this headwear is very popular amongst wakhis).

Also saw this video, where the people's clothings looks similiar, and video is 100% wakhis:


Okay I think I got why they have some south Asian affinity, it's because the region they are from ( Gojal) is quite far out east from where most wakhis reside next to the Afghan border .

04-12-2022, 12:25 PM
No they are indeed wakhis , but , I must say they do seem to have some affinity to other Pakistani groups compared to Afghan/ Tajik wakhis who don't at all. I guess its equivalent to Afghan pashtuns and Pak pashtuns , the latter showing some affinity to other Pakistani groups that Afghans lack . Is it pyschological ? I don't know but pak pashtuns definitely do have more affinity to the Indus ( atleast those a little further out from the Border regions )

Well, wakhis do mingle with other muslims. And there do live dard muslims not too far from them, the khowars from example Shigar(which is right next to Hunza, and the shigaris, the khowars, are shias themselves, like the wakhis and pamiris in general).

This is also the reason why khowars are rather central asian shifted compared to other dards genetically(though they can also have some uzbek ancestry and even Kyrgiz too, i think?). Also the reason why wakhis can be more genetically south asian shifted compared to even eastern badakhshis

Shigar people:


04-12-2022, 12:39 PM
Well, wakhis do mingle with other muslims. And there do live dard muslims not too far from them, the khowars from example Shigar(which is right next to Hunza, and the shigaris, the khowars, are shias themselves, like the wakhis and pamiris in general).

This is also the reason why khowars are rather central asian shifted compared to other dards genetically(though they can also have some uzbek ancestry and even Kyrgiz too, i think?). Also the reason why wakhis can be more genetically south asian shifted compared to even eastern badakhshis

Shigar people:


Yeah the OP video is based on wakhis from Gojal which is quite close to other pak groups like baltis etc hence why they show some south Asian influence although not that much . Being Shia Muslims also play a part true .