View Full Version : Who looks more robust/unreduced out of these persons from TROE?

04-17-2022, 03:08 PM
And who looks more "gracile", you can order them if you wish.

04-17-2022, 06:31 PM
no 3 most robust, no 6 most gracile, classic Neolithic type

04-17-2022, 06:39 PM
1, 2, 3, 4, 7 robust
5, 6 gracile microcephalic Nordics
7 most robust
6 most gracile

04-18-2022, 01:03 AM
Number 2 (the Chuvash guy) looks the most robust.
Good example of a sub-Uraloid.

04-19-2022, 01:54 PM
5, 6 gracile microcephalic Nordics



Why? Don't you know their skull metrics?

04-19-2022, 04:59 PM
Number 1 and 2 are the most robust imo. 2 has the most masculine jaw, mouth area, philtrum etc but his eye area and supraorbital region is infantile and not deep-set, the cranium and maxillary bones in profile view are lacking aswell. 1 on the other hand has a masculine eye region but is a bit more gracile in the other aspects

04-21-2022, 02:07 PM
Number 1 and 2 are the most robust imo. 2 has the most masculine jaw, mouth area, philtrum etc but his eye area and supraorbital region is infantile and not deep-set, the cranium and maxillary bones in profile view are lacking aswell. 1 on the other hand has a masculine eye region but is a bit more gracile in the other aspects

lol, his philtrum is rather short, doesn't match that of Brunns, and it looks flattened. I agree his face from sideprofile looks like he's been hit with a shovel, trait of most suburaloids and asians perhaps.


Do you really believe those nordid guys are smaller skulled (I mean neurocranium) than an alpine or a borreby? You stil didn't argument why they should be microcephalic? so do you know their metrics?

04-21-2022, 03:12 PM
Man, such a forum with lotsa anthropologists. But only a few cared to reply this thread :)

I'll bring the actual metrics soon. If you don't know about their measurements. ACtual measurements, not broscience lookism lol.

04-22-2022, 01:41 PM
Here's my ordering:

2<1<3<=6<=4<5<7 (most robust/unreduced)

5 and 6 aren't microcephalic btw. I don't know why is this agenda against nordid types. They look more unreduced and bigger than an alpine or balto-uralid for example. Especially the kelto-nordids.

6's head module is 358
5's rivals with that of borrebies lol, 373 cephalic module!!
while the baltid guy(1) has a lower cephalic module: 362, but 5 is still more robust looking than him, mainly because of larger facial module(bizygo + T.F.H) and even height(it is specified in the metrics)
even seventh guy has a smaller cranial module: 370. So, the biggest head module belongs to 5, 373. Lol, token is calling him microcephalic lol. does he actually know his metrics? This is why I asked him, it seems he left the boat.
But I put 7 as most robust because he has a larger facial module(294) though, bizygo = 153 mm T.F.H = 141 mm(rivaling with that of Cordeds) a true chad. Even though in that image his eye tilt is slightly neutral negative(contrary to incel propaganda as if a positive eye is more chad robust lol). Again, how are those keltic nordids bigger headed than a baltid? hahaha. It seems keltic nordids are some sort of brunn influenced phenotypes then! :@

04-23-2022, 03:41 PM
5 looks the most Neanderthal out of them all. But he still has a positive chin, only that his chin is tall, giving the side profile the < arrow look.

5's head length is literally 211 mm and Head breadth is 162 mm(longer skulled than the baltid guy, but has the same head breadth), how's that gracile again?

These metrics would make the baltids and suburaloids look like reduced phenotypes.

04-25-2022, 02:17 PM
Now the relevant metrics for each one:

1. H.L: 200 mm
H.B: 162
Bzg: 148
Bg: 104
UFH: 69
NB: 33
H 164 cm

CM: 362
FM 272
3.HL - 188
HB 154
TFH 129
Bzg 143
Bg 111
UFH 80
NH 59
NB 38
H 167

CM 342
FM 272

4.HL 192
HB 167
TFH 130
Bzg 148
Bg 122
UFH 83
NH 61
NB 38
H 175

CM 359
FM 278

5. HL 211
HB 162
TFH 136
Bzg 145
Bg 111
UFH 78
NH 63
NB 37
H 181

CM 373 (1)
FM 281

6. HL 202
HB 156
TFH 127
UFH 72
Bzg 142
Bg 106
NH 60
NB 36
H: 171

CM 358
FM 269

7.HL 204
HB 166
TFH 141
Bzg 153
Bg 121
UFH 78
NH 62
NB 46
H: 167

CM 370
FM 294 (1)

I couldn't find data for the second one.