View Full Version : Classify the hapa looking nordic David Bromstad

04-19-2022, 11:44 AM
Born in Minnesota, USA to a father of Norwegian ancestry and a Swedish/German mother.

Does he look like this because of Asian admixture or because some Nordics evolved typical mongoloid traits on their own (e.g. slanted eyes) because of the cold environment of Scandinavia?

Tooting Carmen
04-19-2022, 11:48 AM

04-19-2022, 12:31 PM

You mean that Scandinavians have a deep-ingrained Sami-like DNA, or that he has a recent Sami ancestry?

I have a lot to say on this matter based on K36 results.

Classification Atlanto-Lappid.

04-19-2022, 12:42 PM
You mean that Scandinavians have a deep-ingrained Sami-like DNA, or that he has a recent Sami ancestry?

I have a lot to say on this matter based on K36 results.

Classification Atlanto-Lappid.
Don't hold yourself back.

04-19-2022, 12:43 PM
You mean that Scandinavians have a deep-ingrained Sami-like DNA, or that he has a recent Sami ancestry?

I have a lot to say on this matter based on K36 results.

Classification Atlanto-Lappid.

I would have said the same.

Btw i m curious as well.

04-19-2022, 12:57 PM
Reminds me of the lead singer from the band A-ha

04-19-2022, 01:12 PM
Corded + NW Siberian

04-19-2022, 01:19 PM
looks whiter than average iberian.

04-19-2022, 01:20 PM
I would have said the same.

Btw i m curious as well.

Fennoscandian is a pseudo-slanty component.

Ignore wacky names like "French" or "Iberian", they are made for easier association.


04-19-2022, 01:23 PM
This proves Scandinavians or Nordics aren't Germanic. They are mutuated mongoloid snow niggers.

04-19-2022, 01:25 PM
This proves Scandinavians or Nordics aren't Germanic. They are mutuated mongoloid snow niggers.

Scandinavians are the most Germanic.

It also helps to distinguish Germanic Brits from Insular Celts.

https://sun9-79.userapi.com/s/v1/if2/XAisvocqRs5f2WW-1okw2s589FrE2PDAc1HPKul7W8zchoDxkj2TkUr6RTfEaSdtCC INnp1j6oa9FIFz9eJmJNiL.jpg?size=652x886&quality=95&type=album

04-19-2022, 01:35 PM
I was going to say that he looks quite close to him or benedict cumberbatch:

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzY0NjgxNzc4Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjEwNjUzOQ@@._ V1_UX500_.jpg

He got classified as KN too, put in the KN examples. or North ATlantid with atypical eyes.

Eye area may look weird, but face base and skull shape is more caucasoid than 99% of continental european gorid or Baltic Turanids.

This proves Scandinavians or Nordics aren't Germanic. They are mutuated mongoloid snow niggers.

They're eastern shifted than the KN dark haired pale skinned (type I fitzpatrick) celtic people for sure though...

04-19-2022, 02:27 PM
I was going to say that he looks quite close to him or benedict cumberbatch:

Eye area may look weird, but face base and skull shape is more caucasoid than 99% of continental european gorid or Baltic Turanids.

^^ Turanics and East Asian can be long headed as well.

In fact some can be pin-heads as well (btw she is attractive on some pics)
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDRkY2Q3YjQtOGUwMC00NTg0LTliM2ItMmNhYjAxM2RlZT A4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDY3OTcyOQ@@._V1_.jpg

face base and skull shape of OP is Mediterranean, while even doli mesolithic "Aurigancien" skulls like Combe Cappelle and Chancelade had affinities with Eskimos.
French with a cephalic index of 96. Old doli Eurafrican vs brachy Eurasian debatte is only good for trolling and cherrypicking weird individuals.

04-19-2022, 02:32 PM

SO you're watching Joe ROgan as well? hahaha

I already knew that memeflag, tell me something new. But this is the truth after all, you don't need to show off anything. He still looks more western than a short-faced alpinid-dinarid-turanid from somewhere eastern europe.

And those long faced east asians can indeed be closer to meds phenotype if they had different noses and eyes. I agree with this.

04-19-2022, 02:36 PM
SO you're watching Joe ROgan as well? hahaha

I already knew that memeflag, tell me something new. But this is the truth after all, you don't need to show off anything. He still looks more western than a short-faced alpinid-dinarid-turanid from somewhere eastern europe.

And those long faced east asians can indeed be closer to meds phenotype if they had different noses and eyes. I agree with this.

similar to me?

04-19-2022, 02:54 PM
Metrically more Nordic than 99% of TA

04-19-2022, 02:55 PM
Fennoscandian is a pseudo-slanty component.

Ignore wacky names like "French" or "Iberian", they are made for easier association.


Interesting. But is this pseudo-slanty Fennoscandian component partially mongoloid or purely native European which evolved typical traits found among Asian populations? We know that for example the genes coding for light skin are different in Europeans and East Asians so the same could happen with slanted eyes. This guy is 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 Swedish and 1/4 German and apparently has no Sami ancestry, so what's the chance that at most 1% mongoloid genes make him phenotypically hapa? These "Asian" traits must be native to Europe.

04-19-2022, 03:16 PM
Interesting. But is this pseudo-slanty Fennoscandian component partially mongoloid or purely native European which evolved typical traits found among Asian populations? We know that for example the genes coding for light skin are different in Europeans and East Asians so the same could happen with slanted eyes. This guy is 1/2 Norwegian, 1/4 Swedish and 1/4 German and apparently has no Sami ancestry, so what's the chance that at most 1% mongoloid genes make him phenotypically hapa? These "Asian" traits must be native to Europe.

Mesolithic North Europeans looked chinky, but were genetically West Eurasian.

Spin it how you like.

04-19-2022, 03:42 PM
horse walk's into a bar
bartender say's
so why the long face

04-19-2022, 03:46 PM
Nordic lol .... mongoloid admixture is visible

true nordic people look this https://image.noelshack.com/minis/2022/16/2/1650383184-nuevo-imagen-de-mapa-de-bits-3.png (https://www.noelshack.com/2022-16-2-1650383184-nuevo-imagen-de-mapa-de-bits-3.jpg)

04-19-2022, 03:51 PM
Nordic lol .... mongoloid admixture is visible

true nordic people look this https://image.noelshack.com/minis/2022/16/2/1650383184-nuevo-imagen-de-mapa-de-bits-3.png (https://www.noelshack.com/2022-16-2-1650383184-nuevo-imagen-de-mapa-de-bits-3.jpg)

And that's still less leptoprosopic than him, contrary to le mighty REAL caucasoid metrics.

04-19-2022, 03:59 PM
Its his browridge region that makes him look that way

04-19-2022, 04:00 PM
Genghis definitely involved

04-19-2022, 04:01 PM
Its his browridge region that makes him look that way

No, it's his sellion/nose area, it's actually flat. It was normal convex it will look like the "keltic-nordic" guy I posted, or benedict cumberbatch. But in this case, it's quite flattened, this is why it appears like that.

04-19-2022, 04:09 PM
No, it's his sellion/nose area, it's actually flat. It was normal convex it will look like the "keltic-nordic" guy I posted, or benedict cumberbatch. But in this case, it's quite flattened, this is why it appears like that.
Definitely that aswell. But he does have high-set brows, there's a large distance between his eyes and eyebrows and a big chunk of fat hooding in-between which looks strange

04-19-2022, 04:23 PM

he oldest evidence to date of the presence of haplogroup Q is Europe are Q1a2-L56 samples from Mesolithic Latvia tested by Mathieson et al. (2017), from Mesolthic western Russia tested by Saag et al. (2021) (L54+), and from the Khvalynsk culture (5200-4000 BCE), excavated in the middle Volga region and tested by Mathieson et al. (2016). The Khvalynsk culture is ancestral to the Yamna culture, which represents the Late Copper Age and Early Bronze Age homeland of the Proto-Indo-European speakers. Q1a2 could have travelled alongside haplogroup R1a-Z284 (via Poland) or R1b-U106 (via the Danube) to Scandinavia, or have been present there since the Mesolithic, as in Latvia. Both scenarios are possible as modern Scandinavians belong to two distinct branches of L56: Y4827 and L804. In either cases, all modern carriers of each branch seem to descend from a single ancestor who lived only some 3,000 years ago, during what was then the Nordic Bronze Age.

The maternal equivalents of that Siberian Q1a2 in prehistoric Eastern Europe are probably mtDNA haplogroups C4a and C5, which have been found Mesolithic Karelia (north-western Russia), in the Neolithic Dnieper-Donets culture in Ukraine, and in the Bronze Age Catacomb culture in the Pontic Steppe. Nowadays mtDNA C is mostly found among Siberians, Mongols and Native Americans, who happen to share Y-haplogroup Q1a2 on the paternal side. The analysis of prehistoric genomes from Eastern Europe did confirm the presence of a small percentage of Amerindian-related autosomal admixture.

Oddly enough, the L804 branch, which descends from the same Northeast Siberian branch as the Native American M3, is now found exclusively in Germanic countries, including Scandinavia, Germany, Britain and northern France. Like the other Scandinavian branch (L527>Y4827), its genetic diversity suggests that this lineage expanded from a single ancestor living approximately 3,000 years ago, presumably in Scandinavia, in what would have been the Nordic Bronze Age. At present it remains unclear when and how Q1a2-L804 reached Europe in the first place, but it might have been a very long time ago, during the late glacial period or the Mesolithic period. It may well have arrived at the same time as Q-Y4827. Alternatively, L804 might have come as a minor lineage accompanying haplogroup N1c1 from Mongolia until it reached Northeast Europe during the Neolithic period, some 7,000 years ago.


04-19-2022, 04:25 PM
Please restrain from posting about haplogroups.

04-19-2022, 04:30 PM
These are sourced studies, moreover it is logical to find traces of Asian haplogroups in Scandinavia since the Nordic peoples have been in contact with Finno-Ugric tribes.

04-19-2022, 04:46 PM
These are sourced studies, moreover it is logical to find traces of Asian haplogroups in Scandinavia since the Nordic peoples have been in contact with Finno-Ugric tribes.

My only problem is your focus on haplogroups instead of autosomal dna.

04-19-2022, 05:32 PM
He does not look HAPA to me, but I can see a minor Mongoloid influence in his phenotype.

04-19-2022, 05:58 PM
I could believe he was hazara in the first picture(just looks somewhat more central asian with goatee)

04-19-2022, 07:01 PM

04-19-2022, 07:37 PM
Reminds me of the lead singer from the band A-ha

This guy looks way more Mongoloid.

04-19-2022, 07:40 PM
He does not look HAPA to me, but I can see a minor Mongoloid influence in his phenotype.

Oh come on, there’s definitely HAPA individuals who resemble him.

04-19-2022, 08:16 PM

he oldest evidence to date of the presence of haplogroup Q is Europe are Q1a2-L56 samples from Mesolithic Latvia tested by Mathieson et al. (2017), from Mesolthic western Russia tested by Saag et al. (2021) (L54+), and from the Khvalynsk culture (5200-4000 BCE), excavated in the middle Volga region and tested by Mathieson et al. (2016). The Khvalynsk culture is ancestral to the Yamna culture, which represents the Late Copper Age and Early Bronze Age homeland of the Proto-Indo-European speakers. Q1a2 could have travelled alongside haplogroup R1a-Z284 (via Poland) or R1b-U106 (via the Danube) to Scandinavia, or have been present there since the Mesolithic, as in Latvia. Both scenarios are possible as modern Scandinavians belong to two distinct branches of L56: Y4827 and L804. In either cases, all modern carriers of each branch seem to descend from a single ancestor who lived only some 3,000 years ago, during what was then the Nordic Bronze Age.

The maternal equivalents of that Siberian Q1a2 in prehistoric Eastern Europe are probably mtDNA haplogroups C4a and C5, which have been found Mesolithic Karelia (north-western Russia), in the Neolithic Dnieper-Donets culture in Ukraine, and in the Bronze Age Catacomb culture in the Pontic Steppe. Nowadays mtDNA C is mostly found among Siberians, Mongols and Native Americans, who happen to share Y-haplogroup Q1a2 on the paternal side. The analysis of prehistoric genomes from Eastern Europe did confirm the presence of a small percentage of Amerindian-related autosomal admixture.

Oddly enough, the L804 branch, which descends from the same Northeast Siberian branch as the Native American M3, is now found exclusively in Germanic countries, including Scandinavia, Germany, Britain and northern France. Like the other Scandinavian branch (L527>Y4827), its genetic diversity suggests that this lineage expanded from a single ancestor living approximately 3,000 years ago, presumably in Scandinavia, in what would have been the Nordic Bronze Age. At present it remains unclear when and how Q1a2-L804 reached Europe in the first place, but it might have been a very long time ago, during the late glacial period or the Mesolithic period. It may well have arrived at the same time as Q-Y4827. Alternatively, L804 might have come as a minor lineage accompanying haplogroup N1c1 from Mongolia until it reached Northeast Europe during the Neolithic period, some 7,000 years ago.


Q and R are both siberian, not a novelty,they diverted only 28 000 years ago, both are brother clades.Both were introduced to eastern Hunter gatherers by ANE only R became more common for unknown reason, possibly by chance . Scandinavians indeed have quite a lot of ANE blood Q got there via steppe herders(indo europeans) nothing new under the sun.

04-19-2022, 08:28 PM
He does not look Hapa, which is a term East Asians living in Hawaii appropriated from Native Hawaiians, who are Polynesian.

I think maybe 12.5% Asian ancestry could be believeable but definately not 50% but I wouldn't assume he wasn't fully European if I saw him.

12-09-2022, 10:17 PM
Reminds me of the lead singer from the band A-ha

The lead singer from a-ha doesn’t look this extreme…

12-09-2022, 10:23 PM
Nordid + Lappid

Marshall Theodore
12-09-2022, 10:24 PM
This proves Scandinavians or Nordics aren't Germanic. They are mutuated mongoloid snow niggers.


Cristiano viejo
12-09-2022, 10:33 PM
Member of the Mongolian Facade for sure.

12-09-2022, 10:35 PM
Member of the Mongolian Facade for sure.

And lighter than most Spaniards

Cristiano viejo
12-09-2022, 10:36 PM
And lighter than most Spaniards

Only in your dreams.

Jingle Bell
12-09-2022, 10:44 PM
N. Atlantid + Lappid

12-09-2022, 11:20 PM
North Atlantid + a bit of Lappid

12-10-2022, 12:49 AM
atlantid + minor pseudo siberian

12-10-2022, 12:55 AM
North Atlantid + a bit of Lappid


12-10-2022, 12:55 AM
atlantid + minor pseudo siberian

Why does it have to be pseudo?

12-10-2022, 02:06 AM
Corded Nordic + Mongoloid

12-10-2022, 11:08 AM

Long face, man

12-14-2022, 06:56 PM

To answer your question from your notification. My view is not biased because of my knowledge about his supposed ancestry.

12-14-2022, 07:43 PM
To answer your question from your notification. My view is not biased because of my knowledge about his supposed ancestry.

OK let's say you are unbiased, why do you think he's mostly North Atlantid?

12-14-2022, 09:10 PM
Damn, he looks more Asian than me.

12-14-2022, 10:55 PM
asianized Atlantid

This proves Scandinavians or Nordics aren't Germanic. They are mutuated mongoloid snow niggers.


12-15-2022, 01:21 AM
Damn, he looks more Asian than me.

LOL it would be interesting to see his DNA results.