View Full Version : What's this phenotype called?

04-21-2022, 02:32 PM
Hey, can you help me? what phenotype is this:


04-21-2022, 05:43 PM
Gracilised Cro-Magnon

04-21-2022, 05:44 PM
This picture is not enough to classify

04-21-2022, 08:13 PM
Gracilised Cro-Magnon

does not exist- and gracilization isnt a linear process. Apart from the broader nose, all things indicate Nordic-Med.

04-21-2022, 08:37 PM
typical british
borreby + keltic nordid.

a bit like Chris Martin but Chris Martin is more like a Kelt-Saxon to him

04-22-2022, 07:05 AM
you are too rude to classify your picture

04-22-2022, 07:25 AM
Mark Hamill-oid

04-22-2022, 01:47 PM
Gracilised Cro-Magnon

So some sort of reduced Brunn? turning into NOrth atlantid, but still with semi-reduced CM element.

does not exist- and gracilization isnt a linear process. Apart from the broader nose, all things indicate Nordic-Med.

I thought you were going to say he looks Funnelbeaker. And of course it exist. Just look at coon's Brunn plate, or upper paleolithic survivals.

Even the reverse image search is smart enough to give results such as Kevin Bacon(Brunn/NA) or Jesse Eisenberg(same) when searching this image.

04-22-2022, 02:34 PM
So some sort of reduced Brunn? turning into NOrth atlantid, but still with semi-reduced CM element.

I thought you were going to say he looks Funnelbeaker. And of course it exist. Just look at coon's Brunn plate, or upper paleolithic survivals.

Even the reverse image search is smart enough to give results such as Kevin Bacon(Brunn/NA) or Jesse Eisenberg(same) when searching this image.

And how do you know Funnelbeakrs looked? You would proabably classify them as "Brunn" influenced too, because they absorbed some of it.

this skull does not show any signs for robusticy? Isnt it as robust as the Danish mesolithic Maglemosian skull, where scientist thought it must be a female (but not a Cro-Magnon one)?

04-22-2022, 03:02 PM

and that reconstruction pretty much proves my point. He looks like Mark Hamil too btw.

And you said something similar here

Her look is certainly more Funnelbeaker than Steppe /Corded ware, but just pure speculation of course...
More Nordic version of Kim Bassinger, quite attractive

So what were you trying to say?

04-22-2022, 03:45 PM
Hey, can you help me? what phenotype is this:

https://i.ibb.co/nL0BrRg/download-1.jpg The phenotype (picture of you) is autistic mental retard + Slavic mong.

04-22-2022, 03:53 PM
The phenotype (picture of you) is autistic mental retard + Slavic mong.


04-22-2022, 03:57 PM

It seems that some ex-finnish member here had a backlash after I called their prime minister or whatever ugly. lol

It looks like a sock of kominta kinte or harkonen. Probably it's one of these two.

04-22-2022, 03:59 PM
It seems that some ex-finnish member here had a backlash after I called their prime minister or whatever ugly. lol

It looks like a sock of kominta kinte or harkonen. Probably it's one of these two.

I wouldn't want to be a Finngolian either.

04-22-2022, 05:45 PM
It seems that some ex-finnish member here had a backlash after I called their prime minister or whatever ugly. lol

It looks like a sock of kominta kinte or harkonen. Probably it's one of these two.You seem to know a lot about other members even though you have a freshly registered account. I suggest you refrain from labeling others as trolls or you will end up losing the one you just barely by the skin of your teeth managed to get approved.

04-25-2022, 01:57 PM
It's funny how this kind of phenotype always gets classified as borreby + something Nordid, or gracilized CM. Always gets these types of classifications. Well it's true though. We can also say it could be a progressive Borreby.
A perfect corded guy from TROE had a borreby father, which means the metrics preserved but it only underwent reshaping, to a more leptomorphic form. The cranial module being preserved and equaling that of a borreby, facial module also. It's just reshaping, nothing more. YOu will see that real southern european meds are still different from northern so-called gracile nordids, because those nordids still have a leftover CM, most of them.


Whatever makes you sleep at night Achmed.

You are right, maybe you are some crazed immigrant living in sweden. Only immigrants love that finnish PM/leader whatever because of the politics used.

Not only I know about them, they were quite popular, and everyone know they were acting like a jerk. There's no big surprise here.

May God(In your case, ALLAH) cure you of your mental illnesses. (It's still Ramadan until 1 of May btw, so beware be aware)

de Burgh II
04-25-2022, 02:20 PM
Simply North Atlantid.


04-25-2022, 02:29 PM

05-04-2022, 12:50 PM
Comment removed by author

05-04-2022, 01:08 PM
Whatever makes you sleep at night Achmed.

Nice one miss Dimbulb. I am a national conservative and as such harbor no love for islam.

Not only I know about them, they were quite popular, and everyone know they were acting like a jerk. There's no big surprise here.

My point was, how is it possible that you know so much about these banned former members when you yourself have a freshly registered account. Are you also a banned former member?

05-04-2022, 01:11 PM
I wouldn't want to be a Finngolian either.I'd rather be a fingolian than some Anglo Celto-Negroid hybrid like you or that fat troll 3StoogesDam. The carriers of my both my paternal and maternal haplogroups are indigenous to Europe. They are found in the first people that inhabited Europe 30000 years ago. My ancestry doesn't get more Euro than that. They were spreading blonde hair and blue eyes in Europe while your maternal ancestors were spreading their legs for Afro-Asian muds from Northern Africa. Next time try something better as an insult. :D


05-04-2022, 01:18 PM

05-04-2022, 01:59 PM
I'd rather be a fingolian than some Anglo Celto-Negroid hybrid like you or that fat troll 3StoogesDam. The carriers of my both my paternal and maternal haplogroups are indigenous to Europe. They are found in the first people that inhabited Europe 30000 years ago. My ancestry doesn't get more Euro than that. They were spreading blonde hair and blue eyes in Europe while your maternal ancestors were spreading their legs for Afro-Asian muds from Northern Africa. Next time try something better as an insult. :D


You're a Nordcuck/Finngolian hybrid-mutt. Why do you shame your Asian ancestors? By the way, my haplogroups are I2 and U5b1a. I am more European than you'll ever be, you ungrateful Mongoloid snownigger.

05-04-2022, 02:51 PM

05-04-2022, 03:26 PM
You're a Nordcuck/Finngolian hybrid-mutt. Why do you shame your Asian ancestors? By the way, my haplogroups are I2 and U5b1a. I am more European than you'll ever be, you ungrateful Mongoloid snownigger. Sweet little nigga why u mad? Your profile says you are a female. How can you have Y-DNA? Are you a fat Berber transvestite?

05-04-2022, 03:36 PM
Sweet little nigga why u mad? Your profile says you are a female. How can you have Y-DNA? Are you a fat Balkan transvestite?

I'm I2a2 which has a North-Western distribution. Why don't you post your Mongoloid potato head?

05-04-2022, 04:21 PM
I'm I2a2 which has a North-Western distribution. Why don't you post your Mongoloid potato head?So you're actually a guy masquerading as a female lol how original of you. You still are more nigga than me. According to My true Ancestry I trace most of my ancestry to Scandinavia (Swedish vikings 39.1%) and Kieven Rus (23.8%). The rest is Ostrogoth, Slav, Celt and Scythian. Where does yours come from, Britain via Iberia via North African Moors via Kunta Kinte?

05-04-2022, 04:40 PM
So you're actually a guy masquerading as a female lol how original of you. You still are more nigga than me. According to My true Ancestry I trace most of my ancestry to Scandinavia (Swedish vikings 39.1%) and Kieven Rus (23.8%). The rest is Ostrogoth, Slav, Celt and Scythian. Where does yours come from, Britain via Iberia via North African Moors via Kunta Kinte?

The moment you mentioned MTA you've outplayed yourself completely. Still more of a mutt than me. I'm not an Anglo, for the record.

09-13-2022, 12:39 PM

Interesting take. Do you think these kind of crosses can result into this phenotype>? Because I may agree with this classif. KN is often watered down in such mixes. And gets a rather Cm look.

09-14-2022, 04:46 AM
North Atlantid