View Full Version : Young and aging population in the world. Maps

black hole
04-25-2022, 09:36 PM

You ask why?

black hole
04-26-2022, 04:35 PM


black hole
04-26-2022, 04:39 PM


Turks and Albanian Kosovars have highest birth rate

In Europe


The UK, France, Sweden, Belgium have highest birth rate because of immigrants from Asia and Africa

black hole
04-26-2022, 04:51 PM


Latinos and Aframs have highest rate

In Russia


Chechens, Ingush people and Tyvans have highest birth rate

black hole
04-26-2022, 05:12 PM

Afghanistan and Somalia

black hole
04-26-2022, 05:27 PM
Young and aging population in Russia.


from most to least


1 Chechnya
2 Ingushetia
3 Tyva
4 Dagestan
5 Yakutia


1 Pskov oblast
2 Penza oblast
3 Ryazan oblast
4 Tula oblast
5 Tambov oblast


04-27-2022, 07:04 PM
Turks and Albanian Kosovars have highest birth rate

It is ethnic Kurds in Turkey, actually.


Albanians emigrate from Kosovo toward west Europe in large number, and their birth rate fell dramatically in last 30 years.

black hole
04-27-2022, 07:11 PM
It is ethnic Kurds in Turkey, actually.


Albanians emigrate from Kosovo toward west Europe in large number, and their birth rate fell dramatically in last 30 years.

It is a global problem - low birth rate in the world, in modern society people tend to have one child or they do not even want to have a child(see USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, Japan, Australia and other first and second world), in conservative so-called backward countries it is opposite, fertility rate is growing fast.
In that map Turks are secular compared to Kurds, even Albanian Tosks are westernized and have liberal views compared to those primitive Ghegs living in Kosovo.

04-27-2022, 07:33 PM
It is a global problem - low birth rate in the world, in modern society people tend to have one child or they do not even want to have a child(see USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, Japan, Australia and other first and second world), in conservative so-called backward countries it is opposite, fertility rate is growing fast.
In that map Turks are secular compared to Kurds, even Albanian Tosks are westernized and have liberal views compared to those primitive Ghegs living in Kosovo.

Yes, but do not think that Albanians in Kosovo are imune on modernisation and westernisation. It is not traditional society as it was few decades ago.

This is, for example, popular Albanian singer from Kosovo, promoting slut behaviour.


I would even say that tiny Serb community that remained in Kosovo, is more religious, traditional and with higher birth rate, than Albanians nowadays.

black hole
04-27-2022, 07:55 PM
Yes, but do not think that Albanians in Kosovo are imune on modernisation and westernisation. It is not traditional society as it was few decades ago.

This is, for example, popular Albanian singer from Kosovo, promoting slut behaviour.


I would even say that tiny Serb community that remained in Kosovo, is more religious, traditional and with higher birth rate, than Albanians nowadays.

That is why western satanists killed Serbian children and transplanted their organs around the world, they do not care neither about Serbs nor Albanians. I heard that in Kosovo was a secret American laboratory in the 90s, where human organs of Serbian corpses and dead people by UCK criminals were sold, they want Serbs to escape from their home, to reduce their population, by killing them(physically, spiritually through media, through vaccine weapons, through guns etc). Recent times as I understand that Albanians are nothing, only USA, German and UK secret organization crime groups play important role, that is why they needed Kosovo as their micro satellite state.

Sorry for off-topic, guys.

04-28-2022, 03:18 AM
Regarding Serbia, it has been for decades, that it's only cities from my region (Sandzak) and Presevo (where Albanians are majority) that have population growing (positive birth rates compared to deaths), while the rest of Serbia is unfortunately losing population :-(


Тутин, Нови Пазар и Прешево - светле тачке на мрачној демографској мапи Србије

Чињеница да једино Тутин, Нови Пазар и Прешево имају позитиван природни прираштај од свих општина у Србији проистиче из старосне структуре становништва у тим местима, наводи Бјелобрк из РЗС.

04-28-2022, 03:14 PM

These three municipalities majority populated by Sandžak Muslims and Albanians have the highest emigration abroad in Serbia.

So there is no population grow.

Tutin and Novi Pazar are the municipalities from which the largest percentage of the population leaves, according to the research of four teams within the project "Data for a better understanding of the depopulation process", TV N1 reports today.

New findings on population movements in Serbia and economic migration abroad were recently presented by four research teams, winners of the project "Data to a better understanding of the depopulation process". The data show that Tutin and Novi Pazar are currently the two municipalities with the most pronounced depopulation trend.

Data on population movement were obtained by analyzing data from mobile operators, the database of supply and demand for jobs abroad and Facebook.

"We have learned that Tutin and Novi Pazar are currently the two municipalities with the most pronounced depopulation trend, which is not yet visible in official data," said Irena Cerovic of the United Nations Development Program.


04-28-2022, 03:31 PM
^ I am myself a diasporan and I always said that we were highly overrepresented in diaspora compared to the rest of Serbia, especially in Germany nowadays. There is no family without someone abroad that bring back money, this is why people still live despite >50% unemployment rate ( http://crm.siepa.gov.rs/municipalities-srb/municipality.php?place=novi-pazar ) lolllll