View Full Version : State the main phenotypes among these Catalans

04-30-2022, 11:31 AM
They're the political representatives in the municipal council of Alcarràs, westernmost Catalonia.
Alcarràs is the town where the film in this other thread took place: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?362466-Classify-these-Catalans-Where-do-they-pass-as-a-group

I only included those bearing two Catalan surnames.

Jordi Janés Girós

Gerard Companys Pujol

Agustí Camarasa Pelegrí

Laia Sisó Sanjuan

Santi Ribes Dolcet

Marta Morreres Gòdia

Jordi Castany Camí

Dolors Gòdia Serra

Josep Siscart Arbonés

Cristiano viejo
04-30-2022, 12:28 PM
Many don't know this but Catalonia is overrun with Spanish immigrants brought by the Francoist dictatorship to colonize us and dilute the Catalan identity of Catalonia
And it worked :)

Having two Catalan surnames does not make you ethnic Catalan, Carles Puigdemont i Casamajó (your loved and evaded ex-president) has two Catalan surnames and his grandmother is Andalusian, why do you try to deceive the people? inferiority complex?

04-30-2022, 12:59 PM
Many don't know this but Catalonia is overrun with Spanish immigrants brought by the Francoist dictatorship to colonize us and dilute the Catalan identity of Catalonia, so people get the wrong impression about how Catalans are because they're are actually looking at Spaniard immigrants, specially in big cities.

For the sake of curiosity this is the rest of the municipal council. All of these have one Catalan surname and one Castilian/Aragonese surname.

They are part of the conventional Catalan phenotypic variety, what are you trying to demonstrate with this?

04-30-2022, 01:59 PM
They who? Spanish immigrants?
How are people from different ethnic groups coming from places a thousand kilometers away from Catalonia and with less Indo-European blood and several times more NA going to be part of the typical phenotypical Catalan variety?
Your statement is so godamn retarded.

You guys are so obssesed about us. Seriously stop because this is very cringy.

No, the people you published with mixed Catalan and Castilian/Aragonese surnames, these are people who have a look within the Catalan range.

In any case nobody goes with the genetic results marked on the forehead so it is irrelevant to have 5-10% less Indo-European.

04-30-2022, 02:11 PM

In this Spanish film from the 80s

There are many clear phenotypes, I don't see what some people are trying to prove here by equating the inhabitants of the Iberian peninsula with North Africans when there is a great genetic distance

04-30-2022, 03:36 PM

In this Spanish film from the 80s

There are many clear phenotypes, I don't see what some people are trying to prove here by equating the inhabitants of the Iberian peninsula with North Africans when there is a great genetic distance

Its because this forum has a lot of OWD and Anti-iberian trolls, IRL iberian inhabitants have nothing to do with untermensch sandniggas called "North Africans".

Everyone say about the NA input in W iberia, but none of TA members say something about non-euro inputs in other europeans (West Asian, Siberian, East Asian, SW Asian)...otherwise, anyone here would say that every european is "mongrel".

04-30-2022, 04:36 PM
Don't talk as if the Catalans I posted are Spaniards. You wouldn't like people calling for example Macron Spanish or Anne Hidalgo French.

I especially think that you should stop posting erroneous comments based only on prejudices, and doing cherrrypicking

Colonel Frank Grimes
04-30-2022, 04:37 PM
Don't talk as if the Catalans I posted are Spaniards.

By definition they are Spaniards. Rage against the dictionary and while you're at it the encyclopedia, also.

04-30-2022, 05:34 PM
Maybe but I'm not going to post mixed people in a thread about a specific ethnic group, but it Catalans, Estonians or Koreans.

That's about the same difference between Catalans and Occitans, between Occitans and the French and between Danes and Swedes and no one pretends they look the same because of this tiny difference. Furthermore you go from the 10-12% NA of Andalusians, Castilians and Galicians to the 1-3% of Catalans. These are enough genetic differences to affect the phenotype.
Seeing you live in Catalonia, albeit I'm sure in a city-ghetto with almost no Catalans, I bet you too can tell Catalans apart from Spaniards but don't dare to admit it.

I don't live in the city of Barcelona (in another place further inland), but I agree that there is a higher frequency of characteristics associated with continental Europe in Catalonia than in other areas of Spain, such as lighter hair or more "Germanic". But I still consider people with more Mediterranean characteristics as Catalans, otherwise people like Guardiola, Cesc Fabregas and Joan Laporta would be in a hole.

04-30-2022, 10:43 PM

04-30-2022, 11:43 PM