View Full Version : List the reasons why Znenammi is your favorite member

05-04-2022, 02:38 PM

05-04-2022, 02:53 PM

05-04-2022, 03:24 PM

05-04-2022, 03:33 PM

Read Machiavelli while you're in scotland..

05-04-2022, 03:35 PM
Znenammi owns a vast collection of Classics.

05-04-2022, 03:57 PM
The insanelly high IQ.
And the extreme madness.
and the extrme hotness.

05-04-2022, 03:59 PM
The insanelly high IQ.
And the extreme madness.
and the extrme hotness.

Wow, impressive.

05-04-2022, 04:06 PM
His almost imperceptible presence.

05-04-2022, 04:09 PM
Good feelings

05-04-2022, 04:27 PM
Read Machiavelli while you're in scotland..

Reading books damaged my eyes

05-04-2022, 04:49 PM
A norse godess who played the devil

05-04-2022, 04:52 PM
A norse godess who played the devil


05-04-2022, 04:57 PM
Reading books damaged my eyes

You don't seem to read a lot..... you are always on theaprisitty

05-04-2022, 04:59 PM

I think in a movie called ''power rangers''.

05-04-2022, 05:00 PM
I think in a movie called ''power rangers''.

Perhaps, man..
You se to know the uknown.

05-04-2022, 05:06 PM
i liked you in kill bill.

05-04-2022, 05:09 PM
I don't know you so I can't list any reasons.

05-04-2022, 05:09 PM
i liked you in kill bill.

Other members are not understanding what's going on..

05-04-2022, 05:10 PM
I don't know you so I can't list any reasons.

How? I know you since the times of anthroscape. !

05-04-2022, 05:13 PM
Other members are not understanding what's going on..

They are too intelligent for us dummies...

05-04-2022, 05:15 PM
They are too intelligent for us dummies...

Yes, dear ubermensch.., i know...i know..

05-04-2022, 06:08 PM
You don't seem to read a lot..... you are always on theaprisitty

Most of my work/studies is on PC, so yeah

05-04-2022, 06:11 PM

05-04-2022, 06:27 PM

I was just memeing, thought you could pick it up, you've failed unfortunately.



Good feelings


05-04-2022, 06:27 PM

05-04-2022, 06:30 PM
He is my favourite member because...I like his avatar image...and...his name starts with the letter z.

05-04-2022, 06:33 PM
Who are you?

05-05-2022, 11:26 AM
How? I know you since the times of anthroscape. !

And? Do you think we're all supposed to remember you?

05-05-2022, 11:31 AM
And? Do you think we're all supposed to remember you?

Those who have been enlightenment by my ex cathedra posts should remember me.
I wasn't a top posted, although I generally started/participated in the interesting intellectual debates.

06-13-2022, 03:41 PM
I must have a 'secret' admirer who tries to access to znenammi's account..

06-13-2022, 07:25 PM
I must have a 'secret' admirer who tries to access to znenammi's account..

I think you might have some internal issues rather.

Mopi Licinius Crassus
06-13-2022, 07:39 PM
arranges meet ups with the old anthroscape gang :cool:

Mopi Licinius Crassus
06-13-2022, 07:47 PM
arranges meet ups with the old anthroscape gang :cool:

06-13-2022, 08:09 PM
I think you might have some internal issues rather.

Nah, el roy. I tried to login and i had to wait the usual 15 minutes when someone fails to insert the correct password for 5 consecutive times..

06-13-2022, 08:09 PM
I think you might have some internal issues rather.

Nah, el roy. I tried to login and i had to wait the usual 15 minutes when someone fails to insert the correct password for 5 consecutive times..

06-13-2022, 10:10 PM
Yes, dear ubermensch.., i know...i know..

Since you are not a Marxist you should logically be a fan of Schopenhauer :

To show your intelligence and discernment is only an indirect way of reproaching other people for being dull and incapable. And besides, it is natural for a vulgar man to be violently agitated by the sight of opposition in any form; and in this case envy comes in as the secret cause of his hostility. For it is a matter of daily observation that people take the greatest pleasure in that which satisfies their vanity; and vanity cannot be satisfied without comparison with others. Now, there is nothing of which a man is prouder than of intellectual ability, for it is this that gives him his commanding place in the animal world. It is an exceedingly rash thing to let any one see that you are decidedly superior to him in this respect, and to let other people see it too; because he will then thirst for vengeance, and generally look about for an opportunity of taking it by means of insult, because this is to pass from the sphere of intellect to that of will—and there, all are on an equal footing as regards the feeling of hostility. Hence, while rank and riches may always reckon upon deferential treatment in society, that is something which intellectual ability can never expect; to be ignored is the greatest favor shown to it; and if people notice it at all, it is because they regard it as a piece of impertinence, or else as something to which its possessor has no legitimate right, and upon which he dares to pride himself; and in retaliation and revenge for his conduct, people secretly try and humiliate him in some other way; and if they wait to do this, it is only for a fitting opportunity. A man may be as humble as possible in his demeanor, and yet hardly ever get people to overlook his crime in standing intellectually above them. In the Garden of Roses, Sadi makes the remark:—You should know that foolish people are a hundredfold more averse to meeting the wise than the wise are indisposed for the company of the foolish.

On the other hand, it is a real recommendation to be stupid. For just as warmth is agreeable to the body, so it does the mind good to feel its superiority; and a man will seek company likely to give him this feeling, as instinctively as he will approach the fireplace or walk in the sun if he wants to get warm. But this means that he will be disliked on account of his superiority; and if a man is to be liked, he must really be inferior in point of intellect; and the same thing holds good of a woman in point of beauty. To give proof of real and unfeigned inferiority to some of the people you meet—that is a very difficult business indeed. ---Arthur Schopenhauer



06-13-2022, 10:50 PM
Since you are not a Marxist you should logically be a fan of Schopenhauer :

To show your intelligence and discernment is only an indirect way of reproaching other people for being dull and incapable. And besides, it is natural for a vulgar man to be violently agitated by the sight of opposition in any form; and in this case envy comes in as the secret cause of his hostility. For it is a matter of daily observation that people take the greatest pleasure in that which satisfies their vanity; and vanity cannot be satisfied without comparison with others. Now, there is nothing of which a man is prouder than of intellectual ability, for it is this that gives him his commanding place in the animal world. It is an exceedingly rash thing to let any one see that you are decidedly superior to him in this respect, and to let other people see it too; because he will then thirst for vengeance, and generally look about for an opportunity of taking it by means of insult, because this is to pass from the sphere of intellect to that of will—and there, all are on an equal footing as regards the feeling of hostility. Hence, while rank and riches may always reckon upon deferential treatment in society, that is something which intellectual ability can never expect; to be ignored is the greatest favor shown to it; and if people notice it at all, it is because they regard it as a piece of impertinence, or else as something to which its possessor has no legitimate right, and upon which he dares to pride himself; and in retaliation and revenge for his conduct, people secretly try and humiliate him in some other way; and if they wait to do this, it is only for a fitting opportunity. A man may be as humble as possible in his demeanor, and yet hardly ever get people to overlook his crime in standing intellectually above them. In the Garden of Roses, Sadi makes the remark:—You should know that foolish people are a hundredfold more averse to meeting the wise than the wise are indisposed for the company of the foolish.

On the other hand, it is a real recommendation to be stupid. For just as warmth is agreeable to the body, so it does the mind good to feel its superiority; and a man will seek company likely to give him this feeling, as instinctively as he will approach the fireplace or walk in the sun if he wants to get warm. But this means that he will be disliked on account of his superiority; and if a man is to be liked, he must really be inferior in point of intellect; and the same thing holds good of a woman in point of beauty. To give proof of real and unfeigned inferiority to some of the people you meet—that is a very difficult business indeed. ---Arthur Schopenhauer



I passed the adolescent phase of ideological fervor for Marxism, Liberalism, libertarianism et al.
Once you acquire a certain degree of knowledge you start to view the study of society in a less idealized light.

As i wrote in a previous reply:

It's fine to read, although you seem to lack a general understanding of the evolution of the political and economic thought. You should start by reading "On Politics" by A. Ryan and "History of economic analysis" by J. A. Schumpeter, for example. Only after you should continue by reading the original works, starting from the Classics.
You can't master this subject with a self-made, unacademic way of proceeding.
And before that ( say, during high school) you should have studied ancient Greek and Latin.

-- Znenanmi, 2022.

06-14-2022, 12:37 AM
I passed the adolescent phase of ideological fervor for Marxism, Liberalism, libertarianism et al.
Once you acquire a certain degree of knowledge you start to view the study of society in a less idealized light.

So you are a milquetoast fence sitter and you call that mature ? Schopenhauer is not a German idealist philosopher.

Also, the world is in a deep crisis. War, inequality, suffering and the pandemic have become the new normal for life under capitalism. Yet the ruling class, politicians, and their ideologues in bourgeois academia have proven their inability to even understand the seemingly chaotic world we live in, let alone change it for the better. In all this uncertainty, Marxism stands out as the only method capable of making sense of the turmoil and providing a practical basis to fight for our future.

As i wrote in a previous reply:

It's fine to read, although you seem to lack a general understanding of the evolution of the political and economic thought. You should start by reading "On Politics" by A. Ryan and "History of economic analysis" by J. A. Schumpeter, for example. Only after you should continue by reading the original works, starting from the Classics.
You can't master this subject with a self-made, unacademic way of proceeding.
And before that ( say, during high school) you should have studied ancient Greek and Latin.

-- Znenanmi, 2022.

You are deflecting. Schopenhauer is not liked by Marxists and the two philosophers who are the successors of Kant are Hegel and Schopenhauer while later Marx used Hegel by turning him on his head.

"Egoism [self-interest]… will never be argued out of a person, as little as a cat can be talked out of her inclination for mice.”--Schopenhauer

Marxists do not like Schopenhauer. The Marxist historian Franz Mehring describes Schopenhauer as “the philosopher of the terrified philistines… in his sneaking, selfish, and slandering way the spiritual image of the bourgeoisie which, frightened by the clash of arms, trembling like the aspen, retired to live on its revenues and foreswore the ideals of its epoch like the plague."

It is ok to admit you are ignorant on the subject of philosophy.

06-14-2022, 02:27 AM
So you are a milquetoast fence sitter and you call that mature ? Schopenhauer is not a German idealist philosopher.

Also, the world is in a deep crisis. War, inequality, suffering and the pandemic have become the new normal for life under capitalism. Yet the ruling class, politicians, and their ideologues in bourgeois academia have proven their inability to even understand the seemingly chaotic world we live in, let alone change it for the better. In all this uncertainty, Marxism stands out as the only method capable of making sense of the turmoil and providing a practical basis to fight for our future.

You are deflecting. Schopenhauer is not liked by Marxists and the two philosophers who are the successors of Kant are Hegel and Schopenhauer while later Marx used Hegel by turning him on his head.

"Egoism [self-interest]… will never be argued out of a person, as little as a cat can be talked out of her inclination for mice.”--Schopenhauer

Marxists do not like Schopenhauer. The Marxist historian Franz Mehring describes Schopenhauer as “the philosopher of the terrified philistines… in his sneaking, selfish, and slandering way the spiritual image of the bourgeoisie which, frightened by the clash of arms, trembling like the aspen, retired to live on its revenues and foreswore the ideals of its epoch like the plague."

It is ok to admit you are ignorant on the subject of philosophy.
You're sperging again go take your meds loser.

06-14-2022, 10:22 AM
So you are a milquetoast fence sitter and you call that mature ? Schopenhauer is not a German idealist philosopher.

Also, the world is in a deep crisis. War, inequality, suffering and the pandemic have become the new normal for life under capitalism. Yet the ruling class, politicians, and their ideologues in bourgeois academia have proven their inability to even understand the seemingly chaotic world we live in, let alone change it for the better. In all this uncertainty, Marxism stands out as the only method capable of making sense of the turmoil and providing a practical basis to fight for our future.

You are deflecting. Schopenhauer is not liked by Marxists and the two philosophers who are the successors of Kant are Hegel and Schopenhauer while later Marx used Hegel by turning him on his head.

"Egoism [self-interest]… will never be argued out of a person, as little as a cat can be talked out of her inclination for mice.”--Schopenhauer

Marxists do not like Schopenhauer. The Marxist historian Franz Mehring describes Schopenhauer as “the philosopher of the terrified philistines… in his sneaking, selfish, and slandering way the spiritual image of the bourgeoisie which, frightened by the clash of arms, trembling like the aspen, retired to live on its revenues and foreswore the ideals of its epoch like the plague."

It is ok to admit you are ignorant on the subject of philosophy.

Again, I abstain from having a philosophical debate with you due to your clear lack of a professional academic education on this and related subjects (history of philosophy, philology, theory and history of political thought, theory and history of economic thought, sociology, etc.).

I remember that, a year ago or so, your were enthusiastically copypasting fragments of classic libera thinkers; now you are experiencing a "marxists phase", just like naive adolescents do.
Perhaps in 15 years of professional studies you could reach a resemblance of philosophical maturity. You should restart from scratch: enroll in a high school providing a curriulum on Classics; the modern version of the trivium and quadrivium.

06-14-2022, 04:31 PM
maybe not my favorite member but the most obsessed with me- he also uses my name reversed written- as a bonus. he has a witty humor though

06-14-2022, 05:23 PM
maybe not my favorite member but the most obsessed with me- he also uses my name reversed written- as a bonus. he has a witty humor though

I'm not really that obsessed with you; As you might know, I simply enjoy interacting in a semi-serious, facetous way.

Anyway, I was likely one of your favourite members on another forum.

06-14-2022, 06:23 PM
maybe not my favorite member but the most obsessed with me- he also uses my name reversed written- as a bonus. he has a witty humor though

Btw, my friend, who is your favourite philosopher and political thinker?

06-18-2022, 10:13 PM
Technically Aherne is my favorite member because he is super handsome and I have a precocious crush on him (DO. NOT. TELL. HIM.)
BUTTTTTTTTT I will bestow subsidiary distinctions for being a deep-thinking intellectual and very cultured, appreciating controversy and friction as cultivators of intellectual growth (and that with regards to consciousness as well), and sending me a friend request (as I deserve more friend requests...)

06-20-2022, 08:29 PM
His almost imperceptible presence.

As you might comrehend, I have a life, therefore I can't present pearls of wisdom to this community too often.

06-20-2022, 08:33 PM

I was just memeing, thought you could pick it up, you've failed unfortunately.

I knew, but it was too dull to respond.

06-20-2022, 08:33 PM
Who are you?

Who were you?

06-20-2022, 09:06 PM
Technically Aherne is my favorite member because he is super handsome and I have a precocious crush on him (DO. NOT. TELL. HIM.)
BUTTTTTTTTT I will bestow subsidiary distinctions for being a deep-thinking intellectual and very cultured, appreciating controversy and friction as cultivators of intellectual growth (and that with regards to consciousness as well), and sending me a friend request (as I deserve more friend requests...)

I saw his pictures; I believe i look better than him, although I can't publicly post mine ( i can make an exception privately, to trusted members) since I have at least an internet troll who follows my moves.

Anyways, thanks for having shared your impressions.