View Full Version : Any country in Europe that isn't filled with mass immigration and decent to live in or visit ?

05-05-2022, 01:43 AM
Any country in Europe that hasn't been filled with 3rd world non-white immigrants and where one can live or visit, and where the people are nice and respectful and where the people are free ? Preferably some white people that aren't rude, decent climate, local bio food. The Czech Republic seemed decent when I was there but filled with tourism. And it's neighboring or close to all these Slavic countries like Russia and Poland which I'm not much fan of either. The Balkans isn't good. It's a fucking shit hole most of them and it's filled with Gypsies, Slavs etc, as is most western Europe. Greece has been filled with 3rd world.

Any place where I don't have to see some Nigger or Arab every second I turn my head around ? Seems like leaving Europe is the only option at this point ?
And preferably no Muslims. Willing to learn the language and integrate into the culture.

05-05-2022, 02:30 AM
Non-existent my friend.

05-05-2022, 04:42 AM
The Balkans isn't good. It's a fucking shit hole most of them and it's filled with Gypsies, Slavs etc, as is most western Europe.

Whats wrong with slavs?

05-05-2022, 05:12 AM
Whats wrong with slavs?

Albanian manlet rage

https://sun9-64.userapi.com/s/v1/if2/CANh24RSX-CTF_C_ypKTGEZOK_uJbcvDhhMz76HGwYL65b53_4GiSPPw3Wbg n0FFnmNRpos5QbPVrEJ4P27DJskO.jpg?size=542x155&quality=95&type=album

05-05-2022, 07:45 AM
Whats wrong with slavs?

What is there to like ? They mass migrated to the Balkans and started ethnic conflicts, started conflict in Ukraine etc. Started plenty of wars etc.
Most of their countries are shitholes. If Czechs are considered Slavs, it's probably the only decent Slavic country to live in, and even they hate being called Slavs.

Albanian manlet rage

[IMG]https://sun9-64.userapi.com/s/v1/if2/CANh24RSX-CTF_C_ypKTGEZOK_uJbcvDhhMz76HGwYL65b53_4GiSPPw3Wbg n0FFnmNRpos5QbPVrEJ4P27DJskO.jpg?size=542x155&quality=95&type=albu]

I am not manlet. I am tall actually.

05-05-2022, 10:48 AM
Any country in Europe that hasn't been filled with 3rd world non-white immigrants and where one can live or visit, and where the people are nice and respectful and where the people are free ? Preferably some white people that aren't rude, decent climate, local bio food. The Czech Republic seemed decent when I was there but filled with tourism. And it's neighboring or close to all these Slavic countries like Russia and Poland which I'm not much fan of either. The Balkans isn't good. It's a fucking shit hole most of them and it's filled with Gypsies, Slavs etc, as is most western Europe. Greece has been filled with 3rd world.

Any place where I don't have to see some Nigger or Arab every second I turn my head around ? Seems like leaving Europe is the only option at this point ?
And preferably no Muslims. Willing to learn the language and integrate into the culture.

In general no but there are certain pockets you can enjoy if you're rich.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-05-2022, 03:10 PM
In general no but there are certain pockets you can enjoy if you're rich.

You must not travel much.

You look familar. Are you a previously banned poster? The person you're responding to is also a previously banned poster. You two should bond easily.

05-05-2022, 03:40 PM
You must not travel much.

You look familar. Are you a previously banned poster? The person you're responding to is also a previously banned poster. You two should bond easily.

Are you sure you're not the one with several sockpuppet banned accounts? Because you seem like a toxic individual who only talks trash and the proof is that your contribution to this thread has been this garbage of a post instead of staying on topic and answering OP's question.
So which are those decent countries in Europe not filled with mass migration? You must know it since you travel a lot.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-05-2022, 03:50 PM
Are you sure you're not the one with several sockpuppet banned accounts? Because you seem like a toxic individual who only talks trash and the proof is that your contribution to this thread has been this garbage of a post instead of staying on topic and answering OP's question.
So which are those decent countries in Europe not filled with mass migration? You must know it since you travel a lot.

I'm beloved at this forum.

You're too stupid to understand this is a troll thread against particular people the OP doesn't like. Why do you think he's banned, dummy? The thread isn't about the question.

I'm not interested in educating you any further. Instead of responding to my arguments you give up and then rage like a child and slander.

So enjoy your time until you're banned again (for the 6rh time in 3 weeks).

05-05-2022, 03:58 PM
I'm beloved at this forum.

You're too stupid to understand this is a troll thread against particular people the OP doesn't like. Why do you think he's banned, dummy? The thread isn't about the question.

I'm not interested in educating any further. Instead of responding to my arguments you give up and then rage like a child and slander.

So enjoy your time until you're banned again (for the 6rh time in 3 weeks).

Why would an annoying poster who never makes a valuable contribution be loved? Imo not even your parents love you and this is why you harass people so they give you attention.
You're so ridiculously stupid that you don't answer to OP's question arguing that it is a troll but took the time to criticize my answer to him. Makes no sense.
And I don't know what kind of site is this where an annoying stalker can get random people banned, but if spending time here turns me into a bitter loser like yourself, go ahead and ban me.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-05-2022, 05:23 PM
Why would an annoying poster who never makes a valuable contribution be loved? Imo not even your parents love you and this is why you harass people so they give you attention.
You're so ridiculously stupid that you don't answer to OP's question arguing that it is a troll but took the time to criticize my answer to him. Makes no sense.
And I don't know what kind of site is this where an annoying stalker can get random people banned, but if spending time here turns me into a bitter loser like yourself, go ahead and ban me.

The irony is you calling me toxic and annoying but then again the mentally ill lack self-awareness.

I and the other posters who you whine and cry about approached you respectfully and because you're a mentally ill fanatic your responses were chimpouts and then you play innocent as would be expected from someone with a borderline personality disorder.

Go cry about the forum and then get banned and then come back a 7th time to complain about the forum some more.

You literally have nothing to offer other than chimp outs. You're not knowledgeable about any subject.

But go ahead and continue with your high IQ response to a thread everyone knows is a troll thread. For fuck's sake, if you weren't so ignorant you could have said Finland, for one. Even when weak questions are asked- and wasn't even seriously asked- you fail to say anything intelligent. You don't have to be rich to live in Finland.

05-05-2022, 06:12 PM
The irony is you calling me toxic and annoying but then again the mentally ill lack self-awareness.

I and the other posters who you whine and cry about approached you respectfully and because you're a mentally ill fanatic your responses were chimpouts and then you play innocent as would be expected from someone with a borderline personality disorder.

Go cry about the forum and then get banned and then come back a 7th time to complain about the forum some more.

You literally have nothing to offer other than chimp outs. You're not knowledgeable about any subject.

But go ahead and continue with your high IQ response to a thread everyone knows is a troll thread. For fuck's sake, if you weren't so ignorant you could have said Finland, for one. Even when weak questions are asked- and wasn't even seriously asked- you fail to say anything intelligent. You don't have to be rich to live in Finland.

Who are you and why are you stalking and harassing new members? Leave me alone, freak. If you want my attention just say so but following me around won't make your life less miserable.

Tooting Carmen
05-05-2022, 06:35 PM
Finland, Iceland, Denmark minus Copenhagen, Ireland (both North and South) minus Dublin...

05-05-2022, 06:40 PM

05-05-2022, 06:51 PM
Western Europe is still very livable outside the big cities, there's plenty of quiet smaller towns with decent wealth, good weather, low crime rates, beautiful landscape, if you really want to look for one. including pockets of France, Spain and northern Italy. but even pockets of England, the Netherlands or Germany. or even Denmark or Norway. a few cities to consider in Poland as well, though you said you don't like "Slavs"

05-05-2022, 06:59 PM
Finland seems like one

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-05-2022, 10:34 PM
Who are you and why are you stalking and harassing new members? Leave me alone, freak. If you want my attention just say so but following me around won't make your life less miserable.

You're not a new member. You're a previously banned poster. This is your seventh account in three weeks.