View Full Version : Classify/pass these Serbs

05-12-2022, 05:08 PM

05-12-2022, 05:38 PM
Not good with Serbs, but it ranges from Kelto sub-nordids (pic #7), to some pontid/ alpinids

05-12-2022, 05:42 PM
Not good with Serbs, but it ranges from Kelto sub-nordids (pic #7), to some pontid/ alpinids

They are members of Dragon Boat team from Belgrade.

05-12-2022, 05:48 PM
Dinarids, Gorids, Pontids, Borrebys and Norids.

Between two Borrebys, the woman is Faelid:

This guy on the left looks very British (Keltic Nordid):

05-12-2022, 05:56 PM
the woman is Faelid:
Video with her (since 0:50)


05-12-2022, 06:03 PM
They are members of Dragon Boat team from Belgrade.

Serbia is an interesting melting pot of phenotypes, it makes sense since you are in the middle of it all.

05-12-2022, 06:16 PM
Video with her (since 0:50)


Btw she has Vojvodinian accent.

05-12-2022, 06:32 PM
Kids members of club.

05-12-2022, 07:54 PM
Dinarids, Gorids, Pontids, Borrebys and Norids.

Between two Borrebys, the woman is Faelid:

This guy on the left looks very British (Keltic Nordid):

You are right, he would not look out of place here at all and neither would the young man on his right that much. Many Serbs do have components that give them a British look like Borrebies, Nordic influence.

05-12-2022, 08:07 PM
60% PIE, 25 Med,15 Mongol.

05-12-2022, 08:31 PM

In most European countries you will see that individuals dealing with sports in average are somewhat shifted towards a nordid type compared to the average of the population.

Coming from a Serbian average this will mean a shift towards Central European.

Simple as that.

05-12-2022, 08:38 PM
In most European countries you will see that individuals dealing with sports in average are somewhat shifted towards a nordid type compared to the average of the population.

Coming from a Serbian average this will mean a shift towards Central European.

Simple as that.

Male athletes here have Dinaric tendencies more than anything.

05-12-2022, 08:46 PM
In most European countries you will see that individuals dealing with sports in average are somewhat shifted towards a nordid type compared to the average of the population.

Coming from a Serbian average this will mean a shift towards Central European.

Simple as that.

Interesting remark. I guess it means ANE+WHG are more athletic than EEF ?

05-12-2022, 08:49 PM
Male athletes here have Dinaric tendencies more than anything.

Does this also apply to non-top athlets, i. e. to the big number of people that just are practising sports, not necessarly even in a competition?

The pics that you posted are in line with what I said. Or do you want to state that the males on the pics are more dinarid than the Serbs in average?

05-12-2022, 08:53 PM
Interesting remark. I guess it means ANE+WHG are more athletic than EEF ?

I've no clear answer to this. It's not necessarly about being a better sportsman. I guess that the nordid type or types with that influence do in average have a bigger mental need for motion and movement and do meet that need in various outdoor activities.

05-12-2022, 09:16 PM
Does this also apply to non-top athlets, i. e. to the big number of people that just are practising sports, not necessarly even in a competition?

The pics that you posted are in line with what I said. Or do you want to state that the males on the pics are more dinarid than the Serbs in average?

I seems top athletes in this region are more often Dinaric shifted than non-top, an examples of top athletes with Dinaric elements:
- Novak Đoković (half Serb, half Croatian) https://www.tennisnet.com/fileadmin/_processed_/1/0/csm_Novak_Djokovic_Basketball_e1372637b0.jpg
- Ognjen Kuzmić (Serb) https://www.nedeljnik.rs/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/profimedia-0390199955.jpg
- Zlatan Ibrahimović (half Bosniak, half Croatian) https://rs.n1info.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/21081522008024-750x500.jpg
- Nikola Mirotić (Montenegrin) https://www.muskimagazin.rs/storage/posts/gallery/2015/Sep/51110/nikola-mirotic-pocepao-srpsku-zastavu.jpg
- Sergej Milinković-Savić (Serb) https://static.mondo.rs/Pictures/950/1689/1088066/jpeg/sergej-milinkovic-savic.jpeg?ts=2021-12-20T13:52:55
- Stefan Savić (Montenegrin) https://portalluca.me/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Stefan-Savic.jpeg
- Ivan Miljković (Serb) https://www.b92.net/news/pics/2016/11/15/981391798582b27082f2e1952606230_orig.jpg
- Dušan Bajević (Serb) https://media.reprezentacija.ba/2019/12/dusan-bajevic-velewz-1-1024x683.jpg

Dinaric influence, predominantly Dinarics and full Dinarics here are more common among men than among women.

05-12-2022, 09:22 PM
I've no clear answer to this. It's not necessarly about being a better sportsman. I guess that the nordid type or types with that influence do in average have a bigger mental need for motion and movement and do meet that need in various outdoor activities.

lol, what about thinking reverse- doing sports, makes you look athletic (what a surprise), like for playing rugby you need a special build- it does not make you more "Cm" by looking buff. If they are lighter than an average group of Serbs idk- but maybe the darkies prefer more popular sports like football or basketball etc. but i saw much more Med-ish types than Nordic ones.

05-12-2022, 09:47 PM
more Western faces than Romanians, also more West Slavic faces as well.

however, less East Slavic types than Romania or Bulgaria.

also less exotic types compared to Romanians

05-12-2022, 09:53 PM
North pontids, borrebys, nordids and subtypes, pontids, i dont really see any dinarids.

05-12-2022, 10:30 PM
North pontids, borrebys, nordids and subtypes, pontids, i dont really see any dinarids.

Dinarids are an endangered species close to extinction. :( Just kidding, but there are true in that. Full Dinarids and predominantly Dinarids in the former Yugoslavia are less common today than few decades ago, and especially than 100-200 years ago. Dinarid influence is still relatively common among males (i agree, not so visible in this set).

05-12-2022, 10:36 PM
more Western faces than Romanians, also more West Slavic faces as well.

however, less East Slavic types than Romania or Bulgaria.

also less exotic types compared to Romanians

They look a lot less homogenous than the Moldovans that were posted recently

05-12-2022, 10:52 PM
Mostly Pontids and Norids and few Balkan Borrebies

05-12-2022, 11:18 PM
Dinarids are an endangered species close to extinction. :( Just kidding, but there are true in that. Full Dinarids and predominantly Dinarids in the former Yugoslavia are less common today than few decades ago, and especially than 100-200 years ago. Dinarid influence is still relatively common among males (i agree, not so visible in this set).
I know that dinarization is still present, to me its just funny that every time someone posts a photo from some Sw Slavic group, people are automatically writing 'dinarid' even if its not there.

What happened in your opinion? Why are they dissapearing?

05-13-2022, 12:15 AM
I know that dinarization is still present, to me its just funny that every time someone posts a photo from some Sw Slavic group, people are automatically writing 'dinarid' even if its not there.
What happened in your opinion? Why are they dissapearing?

I did even the opposite and got lectured by Varda that my sportsmen interpretation was wrong and that athletic Serbs look dinarid if anything. :p

05-13-2022, 12:17 AM
Northern Italy/Central Europe

05-13-2022, 05:17 AM
Not similar to Romanians at all: like in "Croats" posted in other threads they have a local pre-Slavic blond-ish element (coming from both Aryans and local CM) that doesn't fit here at all. Outside SW Slav (their real ethnicity) they pass well as Hungarians (from Hungary) and many of them as ethnic French (over half I'd say). Seeing SW Slavs throughout my entire childhood and Ukrainian refugees lately I'd say latter definitely have more overlap with Romanians...

05-13-2022, 07:52 AM
I know that dinarization is still present, to me its just funny that every time someone posts a photo from some Sw Slavic group, people are automatically writing 'dinarid' even if its not there.

What happened in your opinion? Why are they dissapearing?

I think due to urban way of life. The largest migrations from villages to cities in former Yugoslavia were happened after WW2 because of industrialization, then the share of Dinarics began to decline. As far into the past the was more Dinarids. Way of life and nutrition are different in urban than in rural areas, obviously not suitable for Dinarid type. Rural life in the mountain areas is most suitable for Dinarid type.

05-13-2022, 12:15 PM
This guy on the left looks very British (Keltic Nordid):

I don't do well with group classifications (or some would say, with any classifications :)), but hot damn if the guy on the left doesn't look totally British. I agree with the Hungarian Master.

Gleb Severov
05-13-2022, 02:44 PM
It sounds like a very mixed bag to me. They look like a mix of northern europe with southern europe

05-13-2022, 02:51 PM
This guy on the left looks very British (Keltic Nordid):

Looks a light Perisic to me.

05-13-2022, 03:32 PM
This guy on the left looks very British (Keltic Nordid):

You are right, he would not look out of place here at all and neither would the young man on his right that much. Many Serbs do have components that give them a British look like Borrebies, Nordic influence.

I don't do well with group classifications (or some would say, with any classifications :)), but hot damn if the guy on the left doesn't look totally British. I agree with the Hungarian Master.

Tallest woman in the middle also look British to me.

05-13-2022, 03:57 PM
Tallest woman in the middle also look British to me.

I can see that, but hard to tell for sure without more/closer pictures of her. She might simply be Dinaric, and on the lighter haired/paler skinned end of the spectrum, for the type. I have noticed that these lighter Dinaric types can have a look that is similar to KN.

05-13-2022, 04:05 PM
Few more photos from the club.

05-13-2022, 08:50 PM
I can see that, but hard to tell for sure without more/closer pictures of her. She might simply be Dinaric, and on the lighter haired/paler skinned end of the spectrum, for the type. I have noticed that these lighter Dinaric types can have a look that is similar to KN.

05-13-2022, 09:26 PM

She looks Brit, some sort of corded with dinarid influence

05-13-2022, 09:29 PM
Dinarids, North Pontids, Nordids, Alpines etc. They can fit best in Bosnia and Bulgaria imo.

Tbh except some almost all of them can pass here but that doesn't mean Serbs look like Turks. Turkey is diverse so almost all Balkanites can pass here but not all Turks can pass in Balkans.

05-13-2022, 09:45 PM
Not similar to Romanians at all: like in "Croats" posted in other threads they have a local pre-Slavic blond-ish element that doesn't fit here at all.Seeing SW Slavs throughout my entire childhood and Ukrainian refugees lately I'd say latter definitely have more overlap with Romanians...
I disagree, Ukrainians stand out like sore thumbs among Romanians, our lighter/blond-ish types also look different.

05-14-2022, 12:05 AM
Archetypal Southeast Europeans, alike Iberians but with Eastern instead of Western element.

05-14-2022, 12:16 AM
Video with her (since 0:50)


Btw she has Vojvodinian accent.

I think I can hear a difference from the other two people. Is her accent very strong? And how is it different?

05-14-2022, 07:28 AM
I think I can hear a difference from the other two people. Is her accent very strong? And how is it different?

Her accent is typical for Novi Sad. She live in Belgrade, but obviously came from Novi Sad. In her speech in moments accent and way of speech are clearly Novosadian, and in moments neutral. It's hard to me to me to describe that accent in English, even in Serbian is not simple.
Other two people from the video are without specific accent, their speech is more standard.

05-14-2022, 03:00 PM

05-14-2022, 09:10 PM
more Western faces than Romanians, also more West Slavic faces as well.

however, less East Slavic types than Romania or Bulgaria.

also less exotic types compared to Romanians


05-14-2022, 10:12 PM
60% PIE, 25 Med,15 Mongol.

Are you serious? I don't see anything mongoloid.

05-17-2022, 06:04 PM
A lot of Noric types among them
Best fit maybe Bosnia

05-17-2022, 06:25 PM
Im shocked some of these are serbs. Are they all really serbs or is this just a picture? I'd gues its a cross between Dinarid and Keltic Nordoid.

05-17-2022, 10:02 PM
Im shocked some of these are serbs. Are they all really serbs or is this just a picture? I'd gues its a cross between Dinarid and Keltic Nordoid.

They are real Serbs and members of Dragon Boat club from Belgrade. Their activities from the pictures take place here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Ciganlija

KN can be found among Serbs, but it is rare (Norid is more common).

For example Serbian actor Vladimir Aleksić is KN https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3737911/

Serbian actor Dubravko Jovanović probably as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubravko_Jovanović