View Full Version : Does Serbia have more CM phenotypes than central France?

05-12-2022, 08:01 PM
Despite being a long way from the UK Serbia seems to have an excess of Borrebies, Brunns etc, many from there or nearby areas exhibit looks that are very typical for the British isles.

05-12-2022, 08:36 PM
Cm influence can be seen in all Sw Slavs, but its not more than in the West

05-13-2022, 06:39 AM
The majority are I2 which is from the Bastarnae (celtic tribe) that settled in the Carpathian regions. The "forefather" of the I2-Din is actually a male from France on yfull. Legend has it that these men became slaves of the R1a Slavs and to win their freedom they were forced to trek southward with the R1a nobility and defeat the Avars/Bulgars therefore they won their freedoms and the Slav womens that the Avars held captive. They started to breed like rabbits because they were horny af after the wars and that's about it. There must be some truth to it since this is a Serbian result from ftdna.


05-13-2022, 09:02 AM
If alpinid is considered as CM, then no