View Full Version : Racism killed my soul.

05-15-2022, 11:58 AM
The seeds of hatred in me only harmed myself, not anyone else. When I was little, I loved everyone. Atheism and racism destroyed me. killed that innocent soul inside of me. I want to return to religion again. Racism is neither in Turkish culture nor in Ottoman culture. Western mentalities pumped racism into us. I hope Allah accepts my repentance. Racism has no place in our religion, Islam.

"O people, We created you from a man and a woman. We have divided into nations and tribes for you to meet each other. The most superior of you in the sight of Allah is the most advanced in taqwa."

"Just as your Lord is one, so are your fathers, your religion, and your Prophet. Just as the Arab does not have the superiority of the Novice, [to the non-Arab] the Persian does not have the superiority of the Arab; No nation has superiority over another. Superiority is only with taqwa."

05-15-2022, 12:40 PM
Western mentalities pumped racism into us..
Not only that, there is a lot of internalised racism in that part of the world, unfortunately.

05-15-2022, 03:14 PM
But of course, since you’re a Muslim, you’re fine with religious hatred, with hatred towards miscreants, who deserve to be killed or humiliated (dhimmi status). Islam imposes a strict segregation between Muslims and non-Muslims.

And the Muslim world didn’t need the West to become racist.

Traditional view in the Islamic world, Ibn Khaldun being an extremely influential person, considered to be the father of sociology:


https://books.google.be/books?id=mzTNDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT51&dq=ibn+khaldun+negro+nations&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjoz8Tug433AhUqhv0HHetJDakQ6AF6BAgGEAI#v =onepage&q=ibn%20khaldun%20negro%20nations&f=false

05-15-2022, 03:41 PM

05-15-2022, 04:15 PM
Keep it up bro

Pater Patota
05-15-2022, 05:06 PM
Keep it up bro

Your signature is invalid bro.

Cristiano viejo
05-15-2022, 05:27 PM
If racism killed your soul is just because you are weak.

05-15-2022, 05:34 PM
The seeds of hatred in me only harmed myself, not anyone else. When I was little, I loved everyone. Atheism and racism destroyed me. killed that innocent soul inside of me. I want to return to religion again. Racism is neither in Turkish culture nor in Ottoman culture. Western mentalities pumped racism into us. I hope Allah accepts my repentance. Racism has no place in our religion, Islam.

"O people, We created you from a man and a woman. We have divided into nations and tribes for you to meet each other. The most superior of you in the sight of Allah is the most advanced in taqwa."

"Just as your Lord is one, so are your fathers, your religion, and your Prophet. Just as the Arab does not have the superiority of the Novice, [to the non-Arab] the Persian does not have the superiority of the Arab; No nation has superiority over another. Superiority is only with taqwa."

You were talking in the chatbox about how Europe should be destroyed. And you made a thread claiming Asians are superior to Whites. Get fucked roach. Wait you can't, you're a schizophrenic virgin :lol:

05-16-2022, 10:27 PM
Racism is a made up term by communists.

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05-19-2022, 06:59 AM
I am trying to let some acceptance into my heart

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