View Full Version : Classify Brazilian model Francisco Lachowski

05-17-2022, 12:48 AM
Francisco Lachowski. the other threads were all over the place
Born : 13 May 1991 (age 31 years), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Mom is of Portuguese descent, Dad is Polish
Height 6'3


23andme results
No Amerindian or Turanid bs

05-17-2022, 12:58 AM

05-17-2022, 02:40 AM

05-17-2022, 02:41 AM
Francisco Lachowski. the other threads were all over the place
Born : 13 May 1991 (age 31 years), Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Mom is of Portuguese descent, Dad is Polish
Height 6'3


23andme results

It's from my state capital. (Portuguese, Polish, Italians, Germans and Ukrainians)

No Amerindian or Turanid bs

Turanid? Where do you come from?

05-17-2022, 11:38 AM
It's from my state capital. (Portuguese, Polish, Italians, Germans and Ukrainians)
Turanid? Where do you come from?
Nice. South Brazil seems like a cool place to live with relatively good standard of living compared to other regions

As for the turanid part, I have seen turanid influence mentioned due to his eyes looking a little chinky similar to Turkish actors Çağatay Ulusoy and Burak Özçivit. Maybe holds some truth

05-17-2022, 12:03 PM
Pontid Baltid our eye shape somewhat similar but I'm Turanid I think he's Baltid from Polish side.

05-17-2022, 01:58 PM

05-17-2022, 07:18 PM
Pontid. I can see something Polish shining through when looking at him.

05-18-2022, 01:36 AM
Nice. South Brazil seems like a cool place to live with relatively good standard of living compared to other regions

They are cities founded by immigrants and are more balanced in distribution. This one has the best indices in my state


As for the turanid part, I have seen turanid influence mentioned due to his eyes looking a little chinky similar to Turkish actors Çağatay Ulusoy and Burak Özçivit. Maybe holds some truth

I've seen it in some Ukrainians here

05-18-2022, 02:46 AM
Nice. South Brazil seems like a cool place to live with relatively good standard of living compared to other regions

Yes, South and Southeast Brazil (excluding Rio de Janeiro) are the only good Brazilian regions, with less niggas and Kebabs compared to the other regions.

05-18-2022, 02:56 AM
Cool. I always assumed his mother side of the family was colonial but he scores 99% euro in this test.

Rafael Passoni
05-18-2022, 03:49 AM
He looks my Polish/Itaian friend, but less blond. Really Yummy.
The only problem is his big nose :p.

03-16-2024, 02:58 PM
North Pontid

05-25-2024, 06:31 AM
He looks my Polish/Itaian friend, but less blond. Really Yummy.
The only problem is his big nose :p.

Why is there so many Baltid/Italian people? What’s the connection? Really weird

Rafael Passoni
05-26-2024, 01:44 AM
Why is there so many Baltid/Italian people? What’s the connection? Really weird

I'm not entirely familiar with all the reasons Europeans chose Brazil for their new home, but I can tell you a bit about Italians – there are a whole bunch of factors there. My dentist's family actually originated from Egypt. Her dad was Italian, but he lived in Egypt and married an Armenian refugee before they all immigrated to Brazil. As for my own family, some of them came over with a work contract for farm jobs, but I haven't been able to figure out why the other branch (the Sicilian side) came. On a different note, my cousin is half Lithuanian on her dad's side. He actually came over listed as Polish, but I'm not sure what the story behind that is.
Another part of my family also came over from Gibraltar. They were counted as Spanish, but they actually had part Italian heritage as well. There isn't a whole lot written about this yet, and it's not something you'd typically find in history books. A genealogist could probably give you a more definitive answer, but I'm just sharing my family's story. It's important to remember that the reasons for immigrating varied a lot depending on the family and where they came from. In the south, it was more about settling unpopulated areas, and that goes way back, like 200 years ago (Germans, Italians and so on). In the southeast, it was more about working on cotton farms, and that happened more recently, around 100 years back.
This YouTuber is a genealogist. He has some studies published by the same university I attended, but with a focus on German genealogy: https://www.youtube.com/@Genealogia_e_Historia_Familiar

05-26-2024, 02:20 AM
French/German looking. Doesn't look Polish.

06-12-2024, 07:49 AM
I'm not entirely familiar with all the reasons Europeans chose Brazil for their new home, but I can tell you a bit about Italians – there are a whole bunch of factors there. My dentist's family actually originated from Egypt. Her dad was Italian, but he lived in Egypt and married an Armenian refugee before they all immigrated to Brazil. As for my own family, some of them came over with a work contract for farm jobs, but I haven't been able to figure out why the other branch (the Sicilian side) came. On a different note, my cousin is half Lithuanian on her dad's side. He actually came over listed as Polish, but I'm not sure what the story behind that is.
Another part of my family also came over from Gibraltar. They were counted as Spanish, but they actually had part Italian heritage as well. There isn't a whole lot written about this yet, and it's not something you'd typically find in history books. A genealogist could probably give you a more definitive answer, but I'm just sharing my family's story. It's important to remember that the reasons for immigrating varied a lot depending on the family and where they came from. In the south, it was more about settling unpopulated areas, and that goes way back, like 200 years ago (Germans, Italians and so on). In the southeast, it was more about working on cotton farms, and that happened more recently, around 100 years back.
This YouTuber is a genealogist. He has some studies published by the same university I attended, but with a focus on German genealogy: https://www.youtube.com/@Genealogia_e_Historia_Familiar

Very interesting story Rafael. Thank you for sharing. I will watch the video after I eat my food.

06-12-2024, 07:52 AM
French/German looking. Doesn't look Polish.

What? He looks very Polish. Looks like a Baltid/North Pontid.
Same eye shape as a Baltid, same features and skull shape as a North Pontid.

People saying he’s Amerindian or Turanid are stupid. He looks 0% Amerindian, and Baltids can have chinkish looking eyes from Sibirid influence.

He reminds me of the Solvenian Luka Doncic for some reason. Both have similar eyes.

07-05-2024, 02:56 AM

07-05-2024, 03:21 AM
Lusitanid atque orientalis baltid brasiliensis with minor allemanid-hibernid (major keltid) traits.

09-07-2024, 09:02 PM
Cool. I always assumed his mother side of the family was colonial but he scores 99% euro in this test.