View Full Version : Does Viktor Orban have Roma origins?

05-20-2022, 04:09 AM
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/283001253_377052394453278_7224672093853573697_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=rIS45sPtD6oAX-EnDK_&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=00_AT_u1Ly4TnrYoRJBH2yXJ-MGcA8fAfKqiZ_ksEWTDDzyEA&oe=628C6423

05-20-2022, 09:04 AM
Does Viktor Orban have Roma origins?

I don't know.

But we can never really know for sure unless we see his DNA result.

As a Roma do you feel he looks part Roma ?

05-20-2022, 09:29 AM




05-20-2022, 10:03 AM
I don't know.

But we can never really know for sure unless we see his DNA result.

As a Roma do you feel he looks part Roma ?

I think it is possible cant decide it by look alone

05-20-2022, 11:12 AM
by his looks alone it's entirely possible. Something like quarter Gypsy would be my guess. But we can't know for sure.

here is a NW Croat who looks eerily similar to Orban, and I doubt he is part Gypsy.

05-20-2022, 12:38 PM
He is quite dark for a Hungarian, would look perfectly typical in Spain except maybe for a few facial features.

05-20-2022, 12:40 PM
He is quite dark for a Hungarian, would look perfectly typical in Spain except maybe for a few facial features.

He doesn't look Spanish at all.

05-20-2022, 12:46 PM
He doesn't look Spanish at all.

Well i did say a few facial features might look off but if Viktor Orban was speaking Spanish in an English city every stranger would assume he would be Spanish.

05-20-2022, 01:06 PM
In his younger pitcures, he really looks Gypsy. In his older age, this is not visable.

There are leftist romours about the Roma ancestry of him (according to this romours, his birth name is Orsós, which are a typical surname among Gypsies).

05-20-2022, 01:15 PM




in the last pic he looks like andrea bocelli

05-20-2022, 01:26 PM
In his younger pitcures, he really looks Gypsy. In his older age, this is not visable.

There are leftist romours about the Roma ancestry of him (according to this romours, his birth name is Orsós, which are a typical surname among Gypsies).

How hypocrite of otherwise pro-minorities, inclusive left.

05-20-2022, 01:35 PM
How hypocrite of otherwise pro-minorities, inclusive left.

Also, they want Arabic immigrants, but their leader (Gyurcsány) was in the goverment he called the Saudi football team as 'terrorists.

Despite, they show themselves to be pro-LGBTQ, Márki-Zay said that the most gays are in the homophobic Fidesz, and he spread romours about the homosexuality of the son of Orbán for political profiteering.

The Hungarian left are not honestly pro-minority, they do it all out of interest.

05-20-2022, 01:43 PM
I was wrong, his mother is definitely a gypsie:


05-20-2022, 01:46 PM
Also, they want Arabic immigrants, but their leader (Gyurcsány) was in the goverment he called the Saudi football team as 'terrorists.

Despite, they show themselves to be pro-LGBTQ, Márki-Zay said that the most gays are in the homophobic Fidesz, and he spread romours about the homosexuality of the son of Orbán for political profiteering.

The Hungarian left are not honestly pro-minority, they do it all out of interest.

The Left do anything what Brussels wants, they hate Orbán and they want to get the power, this is their all "ideology". I remember there was an interview with Slomó Köves jewish rabbi (Orbán supporter) in a leftist youtibe channel, i have never seen such antisemitic comments what the leftists wrote.

05-20-2022, 01:50 PM
The Left do anything what Brussels wants, they hate Orbán and they want to get the power, this is their all "ideology". I remember there was an interview with Slomó Köves jewish rabbi (Orbán supporter) in a leftist youtibe channel, i have never seen such antisemitic comments what the leftists wrote.

Among the colleagues of my dad, the leftist ones have many antigypsy, antisemitic, homophobic and even antimigrant manifestations, but among his right-winger collegues don't have similar comments.

05-20-2022, 01:56 PM
Among the colleagues of my dad, the leftist ones have many antigypsy, antisemitic, homophobic and even antimigrant manifestations, but among his right-winger collegues don't have similar comments.

I think because they are oldschool kádárist commies, the kultur-marxist leftists from Budapest dont say such things.

05-20-2022, 02:16 PM
I think because they are oldschool kádárist commies, the kultur-marxist leftists from Budapest dont say such things.

Yes, possible. My dad working in a factory, so this workplaces are the hotbeds of the working class. This social group was the favourite of Kádár and other commies. These leftist collegues have a proletarian mentality, they like to hate someone at big voice (let it be Orbán, Jews, Gypsies or Gays) and don't have valuable interests.
Remember, the workers and the proletarians are not completly the same!

Unlike the communists, the neomarxists are don't care about the workers, they are the fan of the minorities. I think, there are differences among the leftist voters in the rural and Budapest.

05-20-2022, 03:59 PM
Maybe a little bit after seeing a pic of his mother, but really low I'd say. From an American perspective, Orban seems to be a good leader, and one of the few modern Euro leaders who isn't a cuck. I wish America had a leader like him over Biden lol.

05-20-2022, 04:29 PM
I think he has some gypsy in him. 30-40% probably.

05-20-2022, 04:49 PM
He is quite dark for a Hungarian, would look perfectly typical in Spain except maybe for a few facial features.

He's not ''quite dark' for a Hungarian, more like perfectly average for this ethnicity.


https://www.elte.hu/media/0a/73/a1559b2b0aa62505edae9141bfd6a541440be74f6f70e4c135 1ce094025e/SEK%20di%C3%A1kok%20(2).JPG?v202011191744

05-20-2022, 04:54 PM
Viktor's daughter is more Gypsoid than him, which is odd because if Viktor is gypsy or part gypsy his daughter should be 50% less Gypsy genetically cuz the mother is Hungarian.

05-20-2022, 04:56 PM
I was wrong, his mother is definitely a gypsie:


Very Roma looking woman, but I don't see anything identifiably Gypsy about Viktor Orban himself.

05-20-2022, 04:57 PM
Viktor's daughter is more Gypsoid than him, which is odd because if Viktor is gypsy or part gypsy hisr daughter should be 50% less Gypsy genetically cuz the mother is Hungarian.

Genes sometimes skip a generation or two though. My sister looks a lot like my maternal grandmother when she was young but does not resemble too much our parents. There are phenomena of recombination etc.

One might have genes that are inactive, but given the right environmental factors they'll start kicking in, affecting one's phenotype as well.

05-20-2022, 11:27 PM
After seeing the pic of his Mother I am now more inclined to feel Orban is part Roma.
I would guess he is maybe 25% as his mother by her looks could be at least half Roma.