View Full Version : More school shootings because no prayer is allowed in schools?

05-29-2022, 01:07 AM
I think it's interesting that ever since they removed God from the school rooms, we have an increase in school shootings over the past decades. I remember even when I was a youngin' and we didn't have outright prayer, but we were allowed to pray if we wished during a "moment of silence". Fast forward 25 years and now they want to remove the pledge of allegiance as well. Well so many more school shootings have happened ever since. They called Christianity "indoctrination" but then those some people teach lgbtq propaganda and critical race theory. These people are militant. Children getting pelleted down into a pool of blood. That's what you get for taking prayer out of our schools.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-29-2022, 01:20 AM
It most probably has more to do with children whose brains are still developing that are taking mood altering SSRI medication. I tutored children for a while in math and I remember this one kid who was on Adderall breaking down over something minor and crying his eyes out. It was really bad. I had never seen anything like it. He later apologized and told me sometimes his medication makes him act that way,

Obviously the above is just my own personal experience with a child that is medicated but often these kids who shoot up schools are taking mood altering drugs and SSRIs are pushed heavily on Americans to give to their children because little Timmy won't sit still.

05-29-2022, 01:33 AM
Besides both above, the Demmedia shares culpability in large part by not condemning the rampaging Floyd riots which told criminals and the mentally unstable that there are no consequences for looting, arson, maiming and murder.

05-29-2022, 01:58 AM
It most probably has more to do with children whose brains are still developing are taking mood altering SSRI medication. I tutored children for a while in math and I remember this one kid who was on Adderall breaking down over something minor and crying his eyes out. It was really bad. I had never seen anything like it. He later apologized and told me sometimes his medication makes him act that way,

Obviously the above is just my own personal experience with a child that is medicated but often these kids who shoot up schools are taking mood altering drugs and SSRIs are pushed heavily on Americans to give to their children because little Timmy won't sit still.

They should look into a correlation between the rise of mass school shootings and the rise of psychotropic drug usage. That would make sense, which means that most politicians won't do it.

05-29-2022, 02:01 AM
It most probably has more to do with children whose brains are still developing are taking mood altering SSRI medication. I tutored children for a while in math and I remember this one kid who was on Adderall breaking down over something minor and crying his eyes out. It was really bad. I had never seen anything like it. He later apologized and told me sometimes his medication makes him act that way,

Obviously the above is just my own personal experience with a child that is medicated but often these kids who shoot up schools are taking mood altering drugs and SSRIs are pushed heavily on Americans to give to their children because little Timmy won't sit still.

It's really bad. A few years ago, my son came to me and expressed how he felt "left out" (basically, because we talk about problems in our household, instead of popping pills) because ALL his friends and other kids he knew were all on SSRI's and he is not. I was shocked, and sure enough 3 of his best friend's moms brought it up to me. Even his girlfriend now just got off of them. Her parents made her take it, but she quit taking them on her own, because it was making her more depressed and not eat. Another one of his friends is on Adderall. The kid doesn't sleep or eat. Isn't Adderall pretty much meth? I feel so bad for them.

05-29-2022, 07:36 PM
Perhaps https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20220529/2e3b7802318a51b52d9ff9181a60d493.jpg

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05-29-2022, 07:39 PM
It's really bad. A few years ago, my son came to me and expressed how he felt "left out" (basically, because we talk about problems in our household, instead of popping pills) because ALL his friends and other kids he knew were all on SSRI's and he is not. I was shocked, and sure enough 3 of his best friend's moms brought it up to me. Even his girlfriend now just got off of them. Her parents made her take it, but she quit taking them on her own, because it was making her more depressed and not eat. Another one of his friends is on Adderall. The kid doesn't sleep or eat. Isn't Adderall pretty much meth? I feel so bad for them.They don't need drugs, they need deliverance.

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06-02-2022, 06:55 PM
They don't need drugs, they need deliverance.

Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk

That's hard with Jesus being banned from schools.

06-02-2022, 07:19 PM
It's really bad. A few years ago, my son came to me and expressed how he felt "left out" (basically, because we talk about problems in our household, instead of popping pills) because ALL his friends and other kids he knew were all on SSRI's and he is not. I was shocked, and sure enough 3 of his best friend's moms brought it up to me. Even his girlfriend now just got off of them. Her parents made her take it, but she quit taking them on her own, because it was making her more depressed and not eat. Another one of his friends is on Adderall. The kid doesn't sleep or eat. Isn't Adderall pretty much meth? I feel so bad for them.

Nah, dishing out Amphetamines to children is perfectly safe. I mean this comes from the same "academics" who also say DNA altering vaccines are the way to go and who performed surgery on toddlers without anaestesia up until the mid 80s because those supposedly dont feel pain.

06-02-2022, 07:32 PM
Nah, dishing out Amphetamines to children is perfectly safe. I mean this comes from the same "academics" who also say DNA altering vaccines are the way to go and who performed surgery on toddlers without anaestesia up until the mid 80s because those supposedly dont feel pain.

I've never heard about the toddlers :( that is horrific.

06-02-2022, 07:46 PM
They should look into a correlation between the rise of mass school shootings and the rise of psychotropic drug usage. That would make sense, which means that most politicians won't do it.

Antidepressant-induced homicides

That antidepressants can cause homicide is beyond doubt.3, 11, 49, 144, 145 We should ignore people who tell us otherwise. Some say that the randomised trials didn’t show this, but the drug companies have a keen interest in hiding if anyone committed homicide while on their drug. Furthermore, homicide caused by drugs is rare, which could also be a reason why we don’t see them in the trials.

As stated earlier, we know what the main mechanism of action is for suicide and homicide, the extreme form of restlessness we call akathisia. There are three strong indications that it is the drug and not some unrecognised fault with the person that leads to these violent actions: They occur for people who by all objective and subjective measures were completely normal before the act, with no precipitating factors; they were preceded by clear symptoms of akathisia; and people returned to their normal personality when they came off the antidepressant.146

Antidepressants are not safe in any age group. There are numerous reports in the literature and on websites that middle-aged and even old people have killed themselves or others after having experienced akathisia. Many of these people were healthy and took the drug for non-disease-related reasons, e.g. for fun, stress, insomnia, being bullied or marital problems.3, 11, 145, 147.


--Doctor Peter Gotszche "Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial"

Peter C. Gøtzsche (born 26 November 1949) is a Danish physician, medical researcher, and former leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is a co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration and has written numerous reviews for the organization. His membership in Cochrane was terminated by its Governing Board of Trustees on 25 September 2018.


06-02-2022, 08:00 PM
Yanks take pills for absolutely ANYTHING. Here, who's into meds are seen as weird and crazy, not the rule at all. Another thing I have witnessed on my trips to that country is that EACH AND EVERY person I have met smoke weed (there must be some exception but I've never met any) regardless of age and besides what apologists might say, it's undeniable that it messes your brain on the long run.

06-02-2022, 08:04 PM
These are not organic events.....waiting until the world is ready to admit this. It’s awfully convenient how these happen whenever the Clinton’s are about to get busted for something...

06-02-2022, 10:48 PM
Yanks take pills for absolutely ANYTHING. Here, who's into meds are seen as weird and crazy, not the rule at all. Another thing I have witnessed on my trips to that country is that EACH AND EVERY person I have met smoke weed (there must be some exception but I've never met any) regardless of age and besides what apologists might say, it's undeniable that it messes your brain on the long run.

One thing is certain. Democrat gun-grabbers could not care less if such drugs play main roles in mass homicides.

06-03-2022, 12:25 PM
One thing is certain. Democrat gun-grabbers could not care less if such drugs play main roles in mass homicides.

You're wrong. They care about everything that gives them an advantage to destroy freedom. Why do you think they keep making and selling them?

06-03-2022, 11:36 PM
You're wrong. They care about everything that gives them an advantage to destroy freedom. Why do you think they keep making and selling them?

I'm not wrong. They just want to grab guns, so they ignore other issues linked to mass shootings, so I'm right.

06-06-2022, 08:12 PM
It's really bad. A few years ago, my son came to me and expressed how he felt "left out" (basically, because we talk about problems in our household, instead of popping pills) because ALL his friends and other kids he knew were all on SSRI's and he is not. I was shocked, and sure enough 3 of his best friend's moms brought it up to me. Even his girlfriend now just got off of them. Her parents made her take it, but she quit taking them on her own, because it was making her more depressed and not eat. Another one of his friends is on Adderall. The kid doesn't sleep or eat. Isn't Adderall pretty much meth? I feel so bad for them.

The chemical structure is exactly the same, and the neurological effects are exactly the same aswell. Someone in the office got overdosed on money, apparently. Stay the fack out of that.

06-09-2022, 12:31 PM
The chemical structure is exactly the same, and the neurological effects are exactly the same aswell. Someone in the office got overdosed on money, apparently. Stay the fack out of that.

Drugs are ALWAYS bad.

06-13-2022, 06:39 AM
Society is to blame for the killings.
They simply can't stand the sick system in which we live anymore.

06-15-2022, 11:59 AM
Society is to blame for the killings.
They simply can't stand the sick system in which we live anymore.

We had MORE guns on the streets in the 1950's A lot of them were military surplus fully-automatic machine guns. We didn't have school shootings.

06-15-2022, 12:24 PM
We had MORE guns on the streets in the 1950's A lot of them were military surplus fully-automatic machine guns. We didn't have school shootings.

We also did not have the bloated DSM-5, neoliberalism and 'newer' more prescribed psych drugs. Also, children were rarely if ever were diagnosed as "mentally ill".
