View Full Version : EXPERTS OF TA, I INVOKE YOU: North, Central or Southern Spaniards. Group of students

Cristiano viejo
06-16-2022, 04:18 AM
As for specific regions I know it would be impossible you guess it, and since "experts" here like to claim there are super visible differences betwen Northern and Southern Spaniards, I will make easier it: Just say if they are from the north, from the centre or from the south :)

I will be soft with you: just with 5 sucess I will credit you as expert about Spaniards :)














06-16-2022, 11:21 AM
1 is central Spain, too much variation to be southern, 2 is North as i see some English looking kids there, 3 is south i see some berids, 4 is north as the architecture looks a bit French, 5 is north because blondes and alpines, 6 is south 7 is central, 8 is south, 9 is south, 10 is central, 11 is south 12 is south as they look latino, 13 is north.

Cristiano viejo
06-16-2022, 04:24 PM
1 is central Spain, too much variation to be southern, 2 is North as i see some English looking kids there, 3 is south i see some berids, 4 is north as the architecture looks a bit French, 5 is north because blondes and alpines, 6 is south 7 is central, 8 is south, 9 is south, 10 is central, 11 is south 12 is south as they look latino, 13 is north.

4/13 even counting Castilla y León as north just because the students were from Palencia, the most northern part of the region :rolleyes:

You commited some very big mistakes, you said some Basque group is from south, some southern Andalusian from Málaga group from north, etc etc :D

Cristiano viejo
06-16-2022, 05:26 PM
Come on boys, dont be shy, it is very easy : D

Rostos vilmoskörte
06-16-2022, 06:11 PM
Trick thread, all from NA.

06-16-2022, 06:29 PM

06-16-2022, 06:57 PM
4/13 even counting Castilla y León as north just because the students were from Palencia, the most northern part of the region :rolleyes:

You commited some very big mistakes, you said some Basque group is from south, some southern Andalusian from Málaga group from north, etc etc :D

Lol just goes to show that Al Andalus really does begin as soon as you cross the Pyrenees

Cristiano viejo
06-16-2022, 07:13 PM
3/12 if I count Extremadura as South. If not 2/12 :D

Lol just goes to show that Al Andalus really does begin as soon as you cross the Pyrenees

How not? it starts EXACTLY when you cross the Pyrinees, as you yourself took care of making us see

Damião de Góis
06-16-2022, 07:14 PM
I will try the opposite of Mongrel109's guess. If my theory is correct, the opposite of what he says should be closer to the truth. So:

1 is central Spain, too much variation to be southern, 2 is North as i see some English looking kids there, 3 is south i see some berids, 4 is north as the architecture looks a bit French, 5 is north because blondes and alpines, 6 is south 7 is central, 8 is south, 9 is south, 10 is central, 11 is south 12 is south as they look latino, 13 is north.

1- Central
2- South
3- North
4 - South
5 - South
6 - North
7 - Central
8 - North
9 - North
10 - Central
11 - North
12 - North
13 - South

06-16-2022, 08:10 PM
3/12 if I count Extremadura as South. If not 2/12 :D

Extremadura is number 9 right? I confused the flag in the background on the left with that of Andalusia then. :D

Cristiano viejo
06-16-2022, 09:56 PM
I will try the opposite of Mongrel109's guess. If my theory is correct, the opposite of what he says should be closer to the truth. So:

1 is central Spain, too much variation to be southern, 2 is North as i see some English looking kids there, 3 is south i see some berids, 4 is north as the architecture looks a bit French, 5 is north because blondes and alpines, 6 is south 7 is central, 8 is south, 9 is south, 10 is central, 11 is south 12 is south as they look latino, 13 is north.

1- Central
2- South
3- North
4 - South
5 - South
6 - North
7 - Central
8 - North
9 - North
10 - Central
11 - North
12 - North
13 - South
5/12 :D

Extremadura is number 9 right? I confused the flag in the background on the left with that of Andalusia then. :D
What a cheating xDDDDDD I did not notice the flags. Yep, 9 is Extremadura :D

I will reveal soon, people dont want to be expert.

06-17-2022, 07:41 AM
no creo que acierte ni una españa es muy diverso fenotipicamente soy de baleares y soy north atlantid luego mi abuela sevillana parece north atlantid + un poco de Brunn, basicamente que es muy dificli adivinar de que parte de españa es un español

Cristiano viejo
06-17-2022, 11:56 AM
These are their regions:

from Castilla y León, specifically from Palencia. NORTH SPAIN.

from Castilla y León, specifically from Salamanca. CENTRAL SPAIN.

from Castilla la Mancha. CENTRAL SPAIN.

from Navarra. NORTH SPAIN.

from Madrid. CENTRAL SPAIN.

from Catalonia. NORTH SPAIN.

from Catalonia. NORTH SPAIN.

from Vascongadas. NORTH SPAIN.

from Extremadura, specifically from Badajoz. SOUTH SPAIN.

from Cantabria. NORTH SPAIN.

from Galicia. NORTH SPAIN.

from Andalusia, specifically from Málaga. THE SOUTHERNMOST SPAIN.

from Andalusia, specifically from Málaga. THE SOUTHERNMOST SPAIN.

06-17-2022, 06:35 PM
Now I wanna read RMuller again, saying that Basques and Catalans are "much lighter" and Euro looking than the rest of Spaniards. lol

Come on! RMuller, where are you?

Also, my greetings to the bunch of morons from Italic Retards, whenever you lurk on this thread :wave:

06-19-2022, 11:19 AM
they all look the same, it's hard to tell...

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2022, 02:56 PM

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2022, 03:02 PM
It's obvious you cherrypicked a lot posting private schools for some regions and public schools with a majority of immigrants for other regions.[/IMG]

Cool story that shows your incredible Catalan inferiority complex. In any moment I stopped to analyze if these were public or private schools, what a stupidity :pound:

Just to disassemble your fairy tale checking the institute of Madrid I could see it is not private but concerted :thumb001::thumb001::thumb001:, the first set of Catalans are students of Jesuïtes Casp – Col·legi Sagrat Cor, a private school :pound: :pound: :pound: and the second set of Catalans are students of the Escola Maristes Sant Pere Chanel which is concerted :lol: :lol: :lol:

Catalans as aslways liying and inventing, what a surprise :rolleyes:

Mad because your super false narrative of Catalans being lighter is the most hilarious thing one could heard? :D

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2022, 05:07 PM
Are you saying that out of thousands of available pictures you picked such low resolution pics, including one from a private school in the richest neighbourhood of Madrid full of non-Spaniards, just by chance? :eusa_eh:
Richest neighborhood, source your ass.
Private school, source your ass.
Full of non Spaniards, source your ass.

Low resolution pics, :pound:

I fail to understand how selecting photos with plenty of non-natives help with the objective of this thread.
Plenty of non natives, source your ass.

AEveryone knows you always cherrypick because you're ashamed of yourself and your own people so pretend to be something else, and projecting your own inferiority complex on the rest only makes it more pathetic. Being Castilian, the last thing you should care about is wanting to be light.
Dont project, not my fault that you Catalans are darker than Castilians.

AIf you wanted to prove your statments you'd use genetics:

But you can't so all you have left is cherrypicking and lying.
Yet according you people from Gerona are the lightest Spaniards :laugh2:

Liying is saying the school of Madrid is private when is concerted, and the schools of Catalonia are public when one is private and the other concerted :thumb001:

06-19-2022, 05:34 PM
To the delusional Catalan narcissistic with ridiculous pretenses of superiority:

I was in Madrid in my last visit to Spain, and I saw lightish girls (very pale skinned, blondish/chestnut haired, light eyed, etc) with very pan European looks in almost every fucking corner in there. I also was in Barcelona, and the people (talking about white people) that I saw in Barcelona weren't lighter in any way compared to the people I saw in Mallorca and Madrid. Just saying!

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2022, 05:44 PM
Richest neighbourhood
But not a private school like you claimed :thumb001:

RNot representative of native Castilians
Madrid is a mix of all the Spaniards, claiming they are pure Castilians is a great joke, almost as comical as claiming the Madrilenians of that picture are Catalans :pound:

In any case that does not change the fact that Madrilenians are lighter than Catalans.

Low resolution pics because you cherrypicked them:

juas, maybe for you who has to have a century XX pc :pound: great excuse you had :icon_lol:

Genetics don't lie:
And according that you interpret Catalans are lighter?? juas.

Fact based reality vs your inferiority complex.

Inferiority complex is inventing the Catalans of these pictures are not true Catalans "because they sudy in public schools, true Catalans study in private schools", when indeed they study in private schools :pound:

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2022, 05:46 PM
To the delusional Catalan narcissistic with ridiculous pretenses of superiority:

I was in Madrid in my last visit to Spain, and I saw lightish girls (very pale skinned, blondish/chestnut haired, light eyed, etc) with very pan European looks in almost every fucking corner in there.
They were Catalans :laugh2:

Cristiano viejo
06-19-2022, 06:25 PM
Just stop posting Spaniards while saying they're Catalans and posting Catalans while saying they're Spaniards. We're not the same. Your self-hating wannabism makes me cringe.

Such inferiority complex claiming people of Madrid are Catalans and people of Barcelona are Madrilenians :pound:

Dont hide yourself, you insinuate that if you want to find Catalans you should search in private schools and not public (big lie but whatever). Well, I posted a private school and a concerted, not even a single public. Therefore, AND ACCORDING YOURSELF, they are Catalans :thumb001:

Not my fault that they are darker than the rest of Spaniards and specifically than Castilians :thumb001:

And then it came your next excuse, the resolution of the pictures :pound:

06-19-2022, 06:43 PM
To the delusional Catalan narcissistic with ridiculous pretenses of superiority:

I was in Madrid in my last visit to Spain, and I saw lightish girls (very pale skinned, blondish/chestnut haired, light eyed, etc) with very pan European looks in almost every fucking corner in there.

Did you bang them

06-20-2022, 01:31 AM
Why did they delete the posts of the narcissistic Catalan? I was about to respond to his accusations of my lying about having been to Spain, and telling me that I live in a ghetto, when I live in a nice suburb, not in a fucking ghetto as he stupidly assumes.

Cristiano viejo
06-20-2022, 01:35 AM
Why did they delete the posts of the narcissistic Catalan? I was about to respond to his accusations of my lying about having been to Spain, and telling me that I live in a ghetto, when I live in a nice suburb, not in a fucking ghetto as he stupidly assumes.

It seems that when he is banned they also delete his posts...

For sure he is who lies (he invents theories in every thread where he posts), and overall, who lives in a guetto, since Barcelona is one and veeery big :D