View Full Version : Nordid vs Mediterranid vs Alpinid. Who would you rather be?

black hole
06-18-2022, 09:29 PM

logical job
science, technology
temperament: melancholic/phlegmatic


creative job
art, music
temperament: sanguine/choleric


manual job
farm, mechanic
temperament: phlegmatic/sanguine


06-18-2022, 09:59 PM
Anyone would choose Nordic if given the choice, those who say otherwise are just being dishonest with themselves.

Cristiano viejo
06-18-2022, 10:19 PM
Anyone would choose Nordic if given the choice, those who say otherwise are just being dishonest with themselves.

Sudaca projecting, very typical.

06-18-2022, 10:48 PM
Sudaca projecting, very typical.

Nope, deep down everyone knows it is true. Nordics are the epithome of the caucasoid race.

06-18-2022, 11:40 PM
Medittereanid, of course.

06-18-2022, 11:54 PM

Cristiano viejo
06-18-2022, 11:54 PM
Nope, deep down everyone knows it is true. Nordics are the epithome of the caucasoid race.

You live in a parallel world if you believe everybody would prefer be nordic.
Well, indeed you live in Brazil, a parallel world.

06-19-2022, 01:27 AM
Meds are more passionate and social.
Choleric is silly.

06-19-2022, 01:38 AM
I think those descriptions are too simplistic but I like alpine as it combines both temperaments and I enjoy manual labor.

Assuming everyone wants to be only one thing is too much of projecting. People value different things.

06-19-2022, 08:40 AM
My personality is Med. Alpinids age the best, though.

Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk

06-19-2022, 09:06 AM
I myself am a Med but voted Nordid

06-19-2022, 09:26 AM
Anyone would choose Nordic if given the choice, those who say otherwise are just being dishonest with themselves.

Indeed, I hate myself for not being Nordic. I've never even tasted a pickled herring in my life.... :(

06-19-2022, 09:28 AM
I myself am a Med but voted Nordid

Only thing med about you bro is your scandinavian tan and since you live in Moldova, your salary I bet.

06-19-2022, 09:35 AM
Nordid or Med.

06-19-2022, 09:37 AM
Only thing med about you bro is your scandinavian tan and since you live in Moldova, your salary I bet.

that tanned photo was helped with contrast and saturation over my reddish face at that moment from work in the garden and sun, so it was a bit more than irl xD though I do tan a yellowish orange

06-19-2022, 11:31 AM
most likely alpinid since it's way closer to my phenotype.. and i love manual labor
underrated alpinids are well known as patient, sincere and reliable compared to gloomy depressive nordids and hysterical drama meds :D

06-19-2022, 01:08 PM
no Aryan option?

de Burgh II
06-19-2022, 02:05 PM
Scientific inquiry sounds more interesting. Hence, the Nordid position sounds like a stimulating position.

06-19-2022, 02:35 PM
Anyone would choose Nordic if given the choice, those who say otherwise are just being dishonest with themselves.

I would rather be an Atlantid Pendragon :

In the 20th and 21st centuries the audacity of usurpation continues when the ignorant middle-classes, shopkeepers and their vapid shopkeeper sons, join groups of white supremists who idolise the image of the blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan. This particular genotype, the warrior, who also occupied the middle class or caste, seems naturally to appeal to this middle class today. Unaware of the fact that Aryans had red hair and green eyes, they have, as a result of their lack of education and intelligence, elevated the usurping warrior to the status of a true Aryan king. In reality the blond-haired, blue-eyed ideal, so beloved of the Germans and for good reason, was bred, like your average white racist today, to be fundamentally stupid. A warrior could never have manifest the attributes of Aryan kingship in a million years. Kingship took spirit, wisdom and brains. The blond warrior had none of these qualities, and wasn't bred to have them. In the feudal period the warrior was called a baron. This word stemmed from the earlier Latin word baro, which was in circulation at a time contemporary with the rise of the warrior classes. Baro literally means “thickhead”. It is typical of the racist working and middle classes that they would pick such a figure to emulate. Aryan means wise king, not dumb blond. The adoration by the German National Socialists of the blonde warrior god-king and the assumption ever since by successive generations that he is an Aryan, must have been heavily influenced by the 13th-century Royal Poet, Snorri Sturleson. In his Sayings of Har, he defines a corrupted Scandinavian caste system consisting of Jarls, Carls and Thralls. The Jarls, says Snorri, were blonde, the Carls were red-haired and the Thralls were black-haired. Everywhere else the royal colouring is red and this tradition goes back in the Aryans to Radamanthus, Ariadne and Minos, and through them to Lilith herself. Even Jesus and Magdalene are regularly and invariably portrayed with red hair in the Renaissance masterpieces. A reversal has taken place here where warriors usurped or replaced kings as leaders of the people. The warriors were hired Caucasians, not bloodline Aryans. The upheaval and resultant inequity and iniquity within the caste system occurred when their society’s War Kings legitimately displaced many Aryan queens and kings in times of trouble. They were never to return to their thrones because the conflicts often carried on for decades. Sometimes however, having had a taste of power, treacherous and greedy warrior captains decided they would either go it alone or take over permanently by force of arms. Following this, however, an even more stupid class of people managed to trade and poison their way to the top. And who were they? That's right, the settled warehouse tinkers—the cheating peasants with money who were the ancestors of the upper and middle classes of today. You might think that they were genuine aristocracy because they have inherited titles like Earl or Duke or Lord. What you wouldn't realise is that they only inherited these titles because their ancestors were traders who had had enough money to buy them from Christian kings who were also elevated peasants. And you wonder why the Earth is in such a state? When the world is run by tinkers, as it is now, the tinker mentality leads to everything being seen as having a price tag attached to it. Everything then becomes a “marketable commodity” and its significance or importance becomes linked to its “marketing potential”. We have become so used to such values and the buzz words that accompany them that we no longer see the inherent immorality or dangers implied therein. We now have a situation where profiteers calling themselves “doctors” can visit indigenous peoples, take blood samples and patent those individuals' genes. In effect, it would then be possible for the doctors of the Humano Gene Project to file a complaint in an international court and prosecute those same indigenous populations for the theft of the doctors' patented property. Essentially this is slavery under a different guise, where various ethnic peoples belong to an American Medical Corporation, run by a government-backed elite who are—as Americans—a nation whose leaders have it in their power to destroy the world. The ancient, egalitarianism of the Scythians’ own social order manifested itself in such concepts as the democratic system of voting for Archdruids and PenDragons. The “family”, comprised of the regional divines and princes, would elect both chief priest and high king—sometimes one and the same person—for priests and kings were interchangeable. In many ways this system was replicated in the Saxon Atheling Pool, where prospective rulers were chosen from the most suitable candidates available. (Richard Dufton) -- The Late Prince Nicholas Von Drakenberg "The Dragon Legacy..."

06-19-2022, 02:57 PM
So the Mediterranids create all, the Nordid give theoretical form to what the Mediterranids create, and the Alpinids make it.

Mediterranid is the master race.

I do not want to be any of those categories, I prefer to be in a mixed category where there are people who adapt their temperament and way of acting to each situation to solve it or face it in the best possible way.

And I think I already am in it, because I am Souther European and Spanish.:thumb001:

06-19-2022, 03:00 PM
Alpinid of course. They are the winners of today's knowledge - based society.

06-19-2022, 03:05 PM
Physically I would say 1. nordid, 2. mediterranid and the last alpinid

06-19-2022, 03:11 PM
Anyone would choose Nordic if given the choice, those who say otherwise are just being dishonest with themselves.



Racial Characteristics:

Tedious, clean-living boy scout types, strangers to graffiti and littering, but who are possessed of an odd suicidal mania. Speculation is that they're slowly boring themselves to death. This is certainly the case if their cars and movies are any indication. They eat a lot of fish, and perhaps this is more brain food than their modest cranial endowments can cope with. . In other points they resemble Canadians, though better looking. Not that that's saying much. Maybe they're depressed because they have the silliest sounding language west of the Urals. Or maybe it's that they have the ugliest famous actress of any civilized nation. No use asking them; what with their silly sounding language and ugly actresses, it's almost impossible for them to get anything across to anyone. Swedes fuck a lot, but only in the missionary position

Good Points: They're white.
