View Full Version : Getting amorous at this year's World Cup could land you in jail for seven years

Tooting Carmen
06-20-2022, 11:37 AM

One night stands and public shows of affection are effectively banned in Qatar, FIFA warns football fans
Fans will have to be on their best behaviour given Qatar's strict laws about sex outside of marriage (posed by models)

Football fans attending the World Cup this year are going to have to watch their step if they begin feeling amorous during the tournament in conservative Qatar, where those caught frolicking with anyone other than their spouse could face seven years in prison.

According to an article in The Star, Frisky football fans have been warned that one-night stands could lead to a lengthy period behind bars. Boozy bunk-ups are effectively banned at the finals, which start in November. Even FIFA officials warn that there will be “no exceptions” to the law. It comes amid growing unease about the possibility of British fans facing severe penalties for “doing everyday things accepted at and after games”.

A UK police source said: “Sex is very much off the menu unless you are coming as husband and wife. There definitely will be no one-night stands at this tournament. "There will be no partying at all really. Everyone needs to keep their heads about them, unless they want to risk being stuck in prison. There is essentially a sex ban in place at this year’s World Cup for the first time ever. Fans need to be prepared.”

Sex outside of marriage and homosexuality are illegal in Qatar and each carries a prison sentence of up to seven years. Although FIFA has said “all are welcome”, there are already reports of hotel bookings being scrutinised – with people with different surnames being prevented from booking and sharing hotel rooms.

One insider said: “The drink and party culture after games, which is the norm in most places, is strictly prohibited, with very strict and scary consequences if you are caught. There is a feeling this could be a very bad tournament indeed for fans.”

Nasser al-Khater, chief executive of the FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar said: “The safety and security of every single fan is of the utmost importance to us. But public displays of affection are frowned upon, it’s not part of our culture – and that goes across the board to everybody.”

The Qatar Supreme Committee for the delivery of the 2022 World Cup also warned of the strict laws in place. It said: “Qatar is a conservative country and public displays of affection are frowned upon regardless of sexual orientation.”

Mansoor Al Ansari, general secretary of the Qatar Football Association, said it was considering banning rainbow flags at games, saying: “You want to demonstrate your view about the LGBTQ+ then demonstrate it in a society where it will be accepted.”

Tooting Carmen
06-20-2022, 11:38 AM
More than anywhere else, the Middle East brings inside me an internal conflict: between the part of me that strongly believes that we should respect and tolerate 'other' cultures and norms and realise that the 'Western' way is not the only way, and the part of me that strongly believes that a certain degree of rights and freedoms are universal and non-negotiable. (For example, while the 'right' to take drugs is indeed highly contestable, and I say this even as someone who supports the legalisation of drugs, nevertheless the right to privacy and to engage in consensual acts with other adults should not be contestable).

Grace O'Malley
06-20-2022, 11:52 AM
Fair enough. While people are there they should behave. This is the Middle East and people will have to adjust for their own wellbeing. It just highlights the hypocrisy of FIFA to hold the World Cup in a place that has bad human rights but people having to behave themselves sexually is not so bad. Not being able to have a drink after the games is going to be difficult for a lot of fans though.

06-20-2022, 11:57 AM
We all know they got the world cup due to corruption. People shouldn’t complain about Qatari laws if they don’t care about the corrupt FIFA.

06-20-2022, 12:41 PM
Yes, everyone let`s show our very best behaviour and respect towards their culture. After all, that`s what arabs always do in Europe too, am i right?

Tooting Carmen
06-20-2022, 12:57 PM
Fair enough. While people are there they should behave. This is the Middle East and people will have to adjust for their own wellbeing. It just highlights the hypocrisy of FIFA to hold the World Cup in a place that has bad human rights but people having to behave themselves sexually is not so bad. Not being able to have a drink after the games is going to be difficult for a lot of fans though.

What do you think of what I wrote just above you?

Tooting Carmen
06-20-2022, 12:58 PM
Yes, everyone let`s show our very best behaviour and respect towards their culture. After all, that`s what arabs always do in Europe too, am i right?

Technical note: the Arabs who behave badly in Europe tend to be mostly North Africans and to an extent Levantines, not really Gulf Arabs.

06-20-2022, 01:49 PM
Traditional values, that some here want to bring back to Europe again.

Tooting Carmen
06-20-2022, 06:07 PM
Traditional values, that some here want to bring back to Europe again.


06-20-2022, 06:23 PM

We deserve what can comes to us, well some deserve it more than others.

06-20-2022, 07:22 PM
If you ask me, they could do every world cup in qatar now if they manage too keep lgbtq and other woke shit out of the games and keep it about sports.

About this specific case? their country, their rules.