View Full Version : Classify Papuan looking man from Eritrea

06-23-2022, 09:57 PM
Proto Ethiopoid? this man probably represents some of the earliest human phenotypes which might have explained his wish to re-inact the out of Africa migration, the guy on the right


06-23-2022, 09:59 PM
He's not Papuan looking, neither any kind of Australoid

06-23-2022, 10:01 PM
He's not Papuan looking.

Some facial features look sort of similar, like the brow ridge for example

06-23-2022, 11:01 PM
I think Ron Perlman looks more Papuan:
https://assets.irinnews.org/s3fs-public/styles/responsive_large/public/images/201005311128240437.jpg?emDrAl1fYiBJ_BZk9Y8pecSQ4MV k0ess&itok=Ds8mXTHW

06-23-2022, 11:08 PM
I think Ron Perlman looks more Papuan:
https://assets.irinnews.org/s3fs-public/styles/responsive_large/public/images/201005311128240437.jpg?emDrAl1fYiBJ_BZk9Y8pecSQ4MV k0ess&itok=Ds8mXTHW

Lol well i think it is hard to define a Papuan morphology as they are fairly diverse but some Ethiopians are said to have Australoid traits,

Ancient type that inhabited the Southwestern Eritrean lowlands prior to the arrival of Ethiopids, and possibly resembles early "Out of Africa" types. Was still common from Kenya to Sudan during historic times. Some individuals may give a pseudo-Australoid impression. Occasionally found in Kunama and Nara, but also Amhara, Tigray-Tigrinya, rarer in Oromo, Beja, and others."

06-23-2022, 11:17 PM
Lol well i think it is hard to define a Papuan morphology as they are fairly diverse but some Ethiopians are said to have Australoid traits,

Ancient type that inhabited the Southwestern Eritrean lowlands prior to the arrival of Ethiopids, and possibly resembles early "Out of Africa" types. Was still common from Kenya to Sudan during historic times. Some individuals may give a pseudo-Australoid impression. Occasionally found in Kunama and Nara, but also Amhara, Tigray-Tigrinya, rarer in Oromo, Beja, and others."

well, there seems to be a Ethiopian native type that seems less influenced by Natufian-Hamitic Mediterranean types, who seem to have very progressive features even very early on- possibly already in the early Mesolithic, so yeah- but Australoids are def. more arhaic than that guy.

06-23-2022, 11:21 PM
well, there seems to be a Ethiopian native type that seems less influenced by Natufian-Hamitic Mediterranean types, who seem to have very progressive features even very early on- possibly already in the early Mesolithic, so yeah- but Australoids are def. more arhaic than that guy.

Coon spoke about the Aborigines being an evolutionary retarded branch whatever that means but according to anthropology the earliest humans in Africa were not as extreme looking as some Australoid types.

06-23-2022, 11:24 PM
The interesting thing about the guy above is that he looks more like a Black man of the conventional type but without as much prognathry or the lower upper head, Bantu influence possible?