View Full Version : When you think of Colombians, which of these three images comes to mind?

Tooting Carmen
07-01-2022, 11:13 PM
(1) https://i.pinimg.com/736x/80/68/ad/8068ad49751682b122c68f51e1d9aa73--vivo-margaritas.jpg

(2) https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/Pv99wonD7YtCAnCy9gnu9m-1200-80.jpg

(3) https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/120504212509-colombia-former-senator-piedad-cordoba-2-full-169.jpg?quality=100&strip=info

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
07-01-2022, 11:28 PM
"When you think of Colombians..."


07-01-2022, 11:35 PM
3 I guess, But I'm aware of the 3 are possible.

Tooting Carmen
07-01-2022, 11:35 PM
3 I guess, But I'm aware of the 3 are possible.

Most Colombians in Spain are Afro-Colombians?

07-01-2022, 11:43 PM
Most Colombians in Spain are Afro-Colombians?

No idea. Lots of mestizos, trirracials and mulatos from LatAm. But I can't distinguish from what country is each one. Not for te looks nor the accent.

But I suppose there're a lot because there're lots of afros who dont's sound like cubans/dominicans, therefore they must be colombians.

07-01-2022, 11:58 PM
When I think of the Andean parts of Colombia (which encompass a large part of the population of that country, and I am NOT only talking about the Paisa region, but also the eastern mountain range (Cordillera Oriental), which includes Cundinamarca and the Santanderes), I imagine a population mix with a large number of people between white and Euro-mestizo, like the Colombian series "La Reina del Flow" (I think that's what it's called).

When I think of the Colombian Pacific coast and the westernmost parts of the Caribbean coast (from Cartagena to the Panamanian border) I think of a predominantly black to dark triracial population.

When I think of the Colombian Caribbean coast from Santa Marta to the Venezuelan border, I think of a mixed population where there are many triracials to varying degrees, but also many mestizos and some whites.

When I think of the Colombian plains (llanos) I think of a predominantly mestizo population (to varying degrees), although with some triracials. Something not very different from the Venezuelan llanos.

The lowlands of the Magdalena Valley, I presume, are predominantly a mestizo/triacial mix (similar to the Colombian llanos).

I have never been to Colombia, so I only speak from my vague knowledge. If I'm wrong about something, a Colombian can correct me.

07-02-2022, 12:01 AM
All extremes and all I've seen. They lean more towards the 2nd by a hair. I spent most of my time in Cali, nice enough town. Barranquilla? No Sofia Vergaras or Shakiras to be found, but nice enough. Medellin had whiter looking examples, but there was a tiny Indian lady, sat over the asphalt, trying to sell bracelets she made, guessing she wandered in for that alone.

07-02-2022, 12:04 AM
The 3 are extremes imo, I mostly think of harnizos, pred euro triracials and mulattos.

07-02-2022, 12:05 AM
About the same for all three. Also depends where.
Coastal or near Colombia number 3
Most of the Andes 1
The higher indigenous ancestry regions of the Andes and Amazon region. Number 2

Tooting Carmen
07-02-2022, 12:08 AM
The 3 are extremes imo, I mostly think of harnizos, pred euro triracials and mulattos.

Well yes, Colombia is basically like a more Mestizo (and to some extent Black) and less Triracial version of Venezuela.

07-02-2022, 12:19 AM
Well yes, Colombia is basically like a more Mestizo (and to some extent Black) and less Triracial version of Venezuela.

I agree

Tooting Carmen
10-07-2022, 05:31 PM

10-07-2022, 06:44 PM
Definitely #3

#2 I associate him with Peru or Andean countries

#1 would never associate her with Colombia, If I was told she's Latin I'd say Argentina/Uruguay/south Brazil.

10-07-2022, 06:51 PM
"When you think of Colombians..."


Bases, the King of Cocaine

10-07-2022, 06:52 PM
1 and 3 mostly, two is rare

Tooting Carmen
10-07-2022, 06:58 PM
1 and 3 mostly, two is rare

Not that rare for Boyaca (many relatives of mine live there).

Tooting Carmen
03-05-2024, 01:53 PM

03-05-2024, 08:17 PM
3,Soccer players are basically the only colombians that i know besides criminals like Griselda and Escobar.
And many of those soccer players from Colombia look very african.

03-06-2024, 07:07 AM
I voted 2, but somewhere on a continuum between 1 & 2.

03-06-2024, 11:16 AM
None of them.

I've never been to Colombia but I worked with some and they looked Spanish.

edit: The closest one is #1, except none had blue eyes.

03-10-2024, 04:59 PM
The 3 are extremes imo, I mostly think of harnizos, pred euro triracials and mulattos.


03-10-2024, 05:09 PM
