View Full Version : Classify Med looking man from Northern Ireland

07-19-2022, 10:22 AM
I don't know if he has any recent Med ancestors though his name is British but he exhibits a very med look
https://scontent-man2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/259788624_1931524443684013_4418945624163435612_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=jXwNKjbGoBoAX_cv7md&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1.xx&oh=00_AT8v5S3qBDhBnEiVLkRTY-1VR9-y_xzA9FCeaWYkoFH-Ew&oe=62DAB57D

Cristiano viejo
07-19-2022, 01:15 PM
Looks lebanese, georgian, armwnian or so

07-19-2022, 01:26 PM
Looks lebanese, georgian, armwnian or so

Lol he looks Spanish, here is a different pic https://scontent-man2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/40929051_1021947607975039_8082264080313745408_n.jp g?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=WerrGkIU9F8AX9QvmXj&tn=tyCTRxbOrXThh_OL&_nc_ht=scontent-man2-1.xx&oh=00_AT-ZJ3C3mB9AXuBcy3EqUYXmvvevgye02Dbl7wWQvFmP_A&oe=62FA7350

07-19-2022, 01:27 PM
Looks lebanese, georgian, armwnian or so

looks iberian lmao

07-19-2022, 01:35 PM
Classic Med with a protruding nose

Cristiano viejo
07-19-2022, 01:37 PM
looks iberian lmao

Lol he looks Spanish, here is a different pic

No, he does not. I am one and I have not recognized him as part of my ethnicity.

07-19-2022, 01:41 PM
Classic Med with a protruding nose

Thanks, Atlanto med?

07-19-2022, 01:45 PM
Looks an bald Iberian

07-19-2022, 01:49 PM
Thanks, Atlanto med?

just a regular one.

Cristiano viejo
07-19-2022, 01:55 PM
Looks an bald Iberian

No, he does not look like Gixajo at all.

07-19-2022, 02:01 PM

07-19-2022, 04:31 PM
Atlanto-Mediterranean, likely with a broken nose.

To me he looks quite distinctly western because of his seemingly narrow palate hence also looks kinda Northern Irish to me still.

07-19-2022, 04:38 PM
Atlanto-Mediterranean, likely with a broken nose.

how can a broken nose make your nose more protrude? dont fantasize, in many South Euro countries this noses are common, if you exit Europe this becomes almost the rule.

And no, he does not look Irish.

07-19-2022, 05:16 PM
Looks an bald Iberian

Gixajo is a bald Iberian and looks very distincly from this Sandnigger

07-19-2022, 05:19 PM

07-19-2022, 05:25 PM
Looks West Med except the eyes which are more Anatolid. Without knowing he's Northern Irish I'd place him in Spain.

07-19-2022, 05:28 PM
Looks West Med except the eyes which are more Anatolid. Without knowing he's Northern Irish I'd place him in Spain.


07-19-2022, 07:39 PM
Classic Med with a protruding nose

Why are protruding noses so unsightly?

07-19-2022, 08:14 PM
atlantomed or Pontid for east

07-19-2022, 08:36 PM
Gixajo is a bald Iberian and looks very distincly from this Sandnigger

No, he does not look like Gixajo at all.

I am the most famous Iberian bald man on the forum.

You even use me as a reference to define the group of bald Iberians.

There are many types of bald Iberian, I don't think they all look like me.

And just now I look very sandnigger, we are in summer, you know...?

Tooting Carmen
07-19-2022, 08:56 PM

07-19-2022, 09:43 PM
And just now I look very sandnigger, we are in summer, you know...?

sunscreen doesn't help? jajajaja

07-19-2022, 11:52 PM

Cristiano viejo
07-20-2022, 12:00 AM
Looks West Med except the eyes which are more Anatolid. Without knowing he's Northern Irish I'd place him in Spain.
Specifically in Catalonia.

07-20-2022, 12:04 AM
Pan Indo-European phenotype

07-20-2022, 03:00 PM
Specifically in Catalonia.

Maybe in a Spanish immigrant ghetto because he looks like the stereotypic low class Spaniard. Other members from countries with big Spanish immigrant communities such as France and Switzerland will confirm what I'm saying.
But immigrants are everywhere so if we're talking about natives, he fits perfectly in Spain and also in Italy and Portugal.

Cristiano viejo
07-21-2022, 02:53 AM
Maybe in a Spanish immigrant ghetto because he looks like the stereotypic low class Spaniard. Other members from countries with big Spanish immigrant communities such as France and Switzerland will confirm what I'm saying.
But immigrants are everywhere so if we're talking about natives, he fits perfectly in Spain and also in Italy and Portugal.

Rather as a Catalan native, Guardiola type ie a high class Catalan :thumb001: