View Full Version : A Spaniard from my region, Verónica Gómez de Liaño

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 01:24 PM



https://images.ecestaticos.com/VskexFlSl7WsSphZb5t0NWUBEIM=/175x0:1279x828/1200x900/filters:fill(white):format(jpg)/f.elconfidencial.com%2Foriginal%2F072%2F5d3%2Fb55% 2F0725d3b55fab6cd23f9fcd117c331b23.jpg

07-22-2022, 01:29 PM
Looks quite dark for Britain, subnordic with med influence

07-22-2022, 01:29 PM
Subnordid baskid

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 01:58 PM
Looks quite dark for Britain, subnordic with med influence

Quite dark? she has light eyes and hair, what automatically makes her lighter than milions and millions of British :thumb001:

07-22-2022, 02:04 PM
Quite dark? she has light eyes and hair, what automatically makes her lighter than milions and millions of British :thumb001:

Pa ha ha, in that case Antonio Conte is lighter than millions of British because he has blue eyes and medium brown hair

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 02:06 PM
Pa ha ha, in that case Antonio Conte is lighter than millions of British because he has blue eyes and medium brown hair
And indeed he is, even if he gets a very olive skin colour.

Learn that there are millions and millions of British that are darker than millions and millions of South Europeans :thumb001:

07-22-2022, 02:08 PM

07-22-2022, 02:17 PM
And indeed he is, even if he gets a very olive skin colour.

Learn that there are millions and millions of British that are darker than millions and millions of South Europeans :thumb001:

Naa hes a darkie and millions of Brits see him like that

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 02:22 PM
Naa hes a darkie and millions of Brits see him like that

How is he dark if he is lighter than the millions and millions of British that have brown eyes, brown-black hair or both? :D
Because then, what would these millions of British that see him a a darkie think about their millions of more dark even countrymen?? that they are black directly :rolleyes:

07-22-2022, 02:25 PM
How is he dark if he is lighter than the millions and millions of British that have brown eyes, brown-black hair or both? :D
Because then, what would these millions of British that see him a a darkie think about their millions of more dark even countrymen?? that they are black directly :rolleyes:

Pahahaha, so you say that Paul Mccartney is darker because he has brown eyes and darker hair than Conte, what a bunch of baloney, in that case millions of Afghans and Iranians are lighter because they have light eyes.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 02:52 PM
Pahahaha, so you say that Paul Mccartney is darker because he has brown eyes and darker hair than Conte, what a bunch of baloney, in that case millions of Afghans and Iranians are lighter because they have light eyes.

Have I the fault that light eyes are lighter than non-light eyes? :D

07-22-2022, 02:57 PM
Subnordid + Alpine

07-22-2022, 03:07 PM
Have I the fault that light eyes are lighter than non-light eyes? :D

Well it is an odd way of measuring lightness, i could say that tonnes of Japanese, 10s of millions are lighter than most Spaniards because their skin is pale.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 03:10 PM
Well it is an odd way of measuring lightness, i could say that tonnes of Japanese, 10s of millions are lighter than most Spaniards because their skin is pale.

Did you add all the light skinned Japs to know that or what? :D

07-22-2022, 03:13 PM
Did you add all the light skinned Japs to know that or what? :D

Well there are loads arent they, a mark of their great civilisation

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 03:16 PM
Well there are loads arent they, a mark of their great civilisation

No idea, are they? you are the expert about Japaness, not surprised at all :D

07-22-2022, 03:22 PM
No idea, are they? you are the expert about Japaness, not surprised at all :D

Lol i know enough to know that a lot are light, surely that is what matters, am not into the whole counting who is lighter thing though, this is a forum about Europeans and any thread about Japs will recieve zero interest unless it is the Ainu we are discussing.

07-22-2022, 04:04 PM
Subnordid + Corded/Noric.

07-22-2022, 05:31 PM
Subnordid , oliver109 antoher nevrosis men :picard1:

07-22-2022, 05:33 PM
Liar. Gómez de Liaño is a German surname that comes from Guma and Liaño is a town in Cantabria. Castilians like you are moor-admixed mongrels who cherrypick light individuals of other ethnicities to pass them as their own.

Also she has died hair. Her natural her colour is dark brown:
https://scontent.fbcn7-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/56219801_2283950334988264_571267020151062528_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=HZe1W_Zu0o4AX94hMqK&_nc_ht=scontent.fbcn7-3.fna&oh=00_AT-kK6PGz_CHgeO6udfvdj0i5aee9y7-gXgR855F-_-Dpg&oe=62FF1DCC
Her Spanish friends are a much better representation of the average Spaniard:

You really have to have psychic problems to post this kind of post:coffee:

07-22-2022, 05:35 PM
Liar. Gómez de Liaño is a German surname that comes from Guma and Liaño is a town in Cantabria. Castilians like you are moor-admixed mongrels who cherrypick light individuals of other ethnicities to pass them as their own.

Also she has dyed hair. Her natural her colour is dark brown:
https://scontent.fbcn7-3.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/56219801_2283950334988264_571267020151062528_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=HZe1W_Zu0o4AX94hMqK&_nc_ht=scontent.fbcn7-3.fna&oh=00_AT-kK6PGz_CHgeO6udfvdj0i5aee9y7-gXgR855F-_-Dpg&oe=62FF1DCC
Her Spanish friends are a much better representation of the average Spaniard:

Although her so spanish friend is half chinese

07-22-2022, 06:18 PM
Question: if Spaniards aren't moors then why is France full of starving Spaniards begging for a job such as yourself like it has so many Moroccans, Algerians, etc?

Do you mean that anyone looking for a job immediately becomes a Moor?

Does that also imply that if a Moor finds work, he automatically stops being a Moor?

Gómez de Liaño is a very German surname of course, as German as Rodríguez de la Fuente, Gómez de Segura or Ruiz de Azua . :rolleyes2:

You know, Rodríguez or Ruiz comes from "Son of Roderic" and Roderic is a German name, so Ibáñez should be Russian because is "Son of Ibán=Iván" and Iván is a Russian name. (Actually is just a misreading of Iuan=Juan).

07-22-2022, 06:20 PM
Do you mean that anyone looking for a job immediately becomes a Moor?

Lol, Poles and Hungarians are Moors imo and the fact that they have that they often have the same complexions as Spaniards proves that time and time again.

07-22-2022, 06:28 PM
Lol, Poles and Hungarians are Moors imo and the fact that they have that they often have the same complexions as Spaniards proves that time and time again.

I don't even know why I bother to scold or answer him, his own text already already already points about the stupidity of the person who wrote it.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 09:23 PM
And about the surname you're right but I was mocking Cristiano Viejo's arguments.
Mocking me? juas. You only showed your massive inferiority complex. Something very Catalan I would say.

He defends that Juanfran García García is Basque for example

I just followed your inferior Catalan logic :noidea: You treat people by ethnicity according their surnames. You did in that thread about richest Mexicans, claiming some of them were Basque or even Catalan, jaja xD

07-22-2022, 09:42 PM
is she single and ready to mingle?

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 09:52 PM
Yes, moor, surnames indicate ancestry. In the old world surnames are almost always tied to ethnicity but in the new world it is remote. In the case of the richest Mexicans it is recent though because many are the children and grandchildren of European immigrants.
You should know this since you live in Mexico. Or a you gonna be posting until 5 am again and then pretend you live in Spain? Spending 10 hours a day pretending to be someone else in the internet for an entire decade is what a loser with a massive inferiority complex would do.
Then, Paki, you should agree that Juanfran García García is a Basque living in the Paisos Catalans :thumb001:

07-22-2022, 10:06 PM
Yes, moor, surnames indicate ancestry. In the old world surnames are almost always tied to ethnicity but in the new world it is remote. In the case of the richest Mexicans it is recent though because many are the children and grandchildren of European immigrants.
You should know this since you live in Mexico. Or a you gonna be posting until 5 am again and then pretend you live in Spain? Spending 10 hours a day pretending to be someone else in the internet for an entire decade is what a loser with a massive inferiority complex would do.

Lol, he lives in Spain and to his credit actually knows stuff about Spain though he does confuse me when he tells me stuff like the lightest Spaniards are from Galicia

07-22-2022, 10:06 PM
You can perfectly model a Catalan as a purebred Castilian plus North African and the distances are almost perfect.
I guess moor + moor = Super Moor. Lucky Catalans

Target: Spanish_Cataluna
Distance: 1.4882% / 0.01488247
96.0 Spanish_Burgos
4.0 Canary_Islands_Guanche


Then, Paki, you should agree that Juanfran García García is a Basque living in the Paisos Catalans :thumb001:
If he is from Catalonia, that surname probably comes from the illustrious and only town in the world called Garcia, in Tarragona (Catalonia)

07-22-2022, 10:19 PM
Spanish_Cataluna are only 3 samples one of which is a Castilian immigrant who is closest to Spanish_CyL and Spanish_Burgos is from the northermost of the province bordering the Basque Country. Do I explain to you why you feel the need to manipulate like this?
Garcia in Catalan does not have an accent btw. Stop pretending Spaniards are something else, complexed moors.
Stop pretending that Catalonia is something else, complexed moor


Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 10:23 PM
Lol, he lives in Spain and to his credit actually knows stuff about Spain though he does confuse me when he tells me stuff like the lightest Spaniards are from Galicia
Man it is a fact that Galicians are the lightest Spaniards, everybody know this.

Only a retard of the cathegory of that Catalan would believe I am a sudaca xD

If he is from Catalonia, that surname probably comes from the illustrious and only town in the world called Garcia, in Tarragona (Catalonia)
Very cool story but not. To start is Garcia, not García. And to end:

En cuanto a la población de Garcia, no está claro el origen de este topónimo. «Podría venir del nombre de una persona de la edad media o también de garza, que de hecho es el pájaro protagonista de nuestro escudo», explica Blanca López. Hay expertos que apuntan un posible origen árabe (Garsiia) y otros buscan las raíces en un probable origen preromano.

https://www.diaridetarragona.com/cat-es-mon/un-pequeno-pueblo-catalan-convoca-a-todos-los-garcia-de-espana-20180525-0066-ASDT201805250066#:~:text=%C2%ABPodr%C3%ADa%20venir %20del%20nombre%20de,en%20un%20probable%20origen%2 0preromano.

Taking account that Garcia was reconquered to the Moors in 1153 (lol, much much later than for example Toledo, and only a few decades before than parts of Andalusia :lol:), the Moorish etimology makes sense.

He's active every single day from 1am to 5 am, weekends included. Also he pretends Spaniards are Nordics with a slight tan. Tell me again it is plausible he lives in Soain.

I pretend, he says xD Boy, I dislike Nordicks almost as much as I dislike Catalans :D

07-22-2022, 10:28 PM
Man it is a fact that Galicians are the lightest Spaniards, everybody know this.

Only a retard of the cathegory of that Catalan would believe I am a sudaca xD

Very cool story but not. To start is Garcia, not García. And to end:

En cuanto a la población de Garcia, no está claro el origen de este topónimo. «Podría venir del nombre de una persona de la edad media o también de garza, que de hecho es el pájaro protagonista de nuestro escudo», explica Blanca López. Hay expertos que apuntan un posible origen árabe (Garsiia) y otros buscan las raíces en un probable origen preromano.

https://www.diaridetarragona.com/cat-es-mon/un-pequeno-pueblo-catalan-convoca-a-todos-los-garcia-de-espana-20180525-0066-ASDT201805250066#:~:text=%C2%ABPodr%C3%ADa%20venir %20del%20nombre%20de,en%20un%20probable%20origen%2 0preromano.

Taking account that Garcia was reconquered to the Moors in 1153 (lol, much much later than for example Toledo, and only a few decades before than parts of Andalusia :lol:), the Moorish etimology makes sense.

I pretend, he says xD Boy, I dislike Nordicks almost as much as I dislike Catalans :D

Ok, post a group of Galicians to show their legendary lightness, i posted a few recently and they were indistinguishable from Portuguese and Andalusians.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 10:30 PM
Juanfran García is a Castilian Spaniard like you. He looks like a moor because that's what you are.
You make me cringe when you pretend Spaniards are something else while at the same time pretending that people from other countries are Spaniards. It shows you're ashamed of your own people.

Juanfran García is from Valencia (Paisos Catalans), RETARD. And according YOUR OWN LOGIC he is Basque, yourself stated two posts above that surnames must be related to ethnicity, RETARD :thumb001:

Stop pretending that Catalonia is something else, complexed moor


Qataruña at its finest xD

07-22-2022, 10:34 PM
Ok, post a group of Galicians to show their legendary lightness, i posted a few recently and they were indistinguishable from Portuguese and Andalusians.

Nah, galicia is not the lightest. It is what everyone thinks in Spain but it is far from reality.

Percentage of light eye color in Spain from more to less

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 10:37 PM
Ok, post a group of Galicians to show their legendary lightness, i posted a few recently and they were indistinguishable from Portuguese and Andalusians.
I did many times


Being lighter does not mean this is super visible. As a whole all the Spaniards look very similar.

07-22-2022, 10:37 PM
You're the one coping when your insult is projecting what you are. What's next? That I'm Spanish?

I'm not insulting anyone, stop projecting. I only define you and you are the one who insults me.

07-22-2022, 10:38 PM
Nah, galicia is not the lightest. It is what everyone thinks in Spain but it is far from reality.

Percentage of light eye color in Spain from more to less

I will hazard a bet and say that even Alicante has more central Euro looking people than Galicia, i have never been to the fog and rain drenched northwest of Spain nor would i really wish to go there but many Galician i have known has been on the darker side.

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 10:39 PM
Juanfran García is a Castilian immigrant living in Valencia. You're all starving brown immigrants so the same as Moroccans.
Juanfran García is Castilian only in your inferior Catalan mind.

But even if he was from the very same Valladolid yet he would be Basque ACCORDING YOUR OWN LOGIC :thumb001:

Nah, galicia is not the lightest. It is what everyone thinks in Spain but it is far from reality.

Percentage of light eye color in Spain from more to less

hehehehe, good trolling, Sabino xD

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 10:40 PM
I will hazard a bet and say that even Alicante has more central Euro looking people than Galicia, i have never been to the fog and rain drenched northwest of Spain nor would i really wish to go there but many Galician i have known has been on the darker side.

Juasss... what times those when you claimed people from Alicante looked like Turks :D

07-22-2022, 10:40 PM
Juanfran García is Castilian only in your inferior Catalan mind.

But even if he was from the very same Valladolid yet he would be Basque ACCORDING YOUR OWN LOGIC :thumb001:

hehehehe, good trolling, Sabino xD

Posting facts is now trolling? what has the internet come to these days....

07-22-2022, 10:41 PM
Juasss... what times those when you claimed people from Alicante looked like Turks :D

Thats cos they do, but many Gallegos look even more exotic

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 10:55 PM
Posting facts is now trolling? what has the internet come to these days....
You are right, these are facts. Catalan percentage of light eyes muuuuuuuuch lower than most of the rest of Spain xD

Thats cos they do, but many Gallegos look even more exotic

And this is why you look like a retard and show you are a joke.

07-22-2022, 11:01 PM
You are right, these are facts. Catalan percentage of light eyes muuuuuuuuch lower than most of the rest of Spain xD

And this is why you look like a retard and show you are a joke.

Well who do Spaniards look like more, Hungarians?

Cristiano viejo
07-22-2022, 11:06 PM
Classic childish damage control, classic Spanish.
Answer this: if you're not a moor why do you live in the Basque Country without being Basque. If I'm a moor why I'm not your neighbour?
Being a Qatarlan and living in Badalona is not enough for you?

07-22-2022, 11:07 PM
Classic childish damage control, classic Spanish.
Answer this: if you're not a moor why do you live in the Basque Country without being Basque. If I'm a moor why I'm not your neighbour?

Well, I have no idea why you live in Badalona, ​​one of the most dangerous cities in Spain, instead of being my neighbor. I just pity you but I don't know why the hell I should know why you live in that monstrous city

07-23-2022, 04:25 AM
She doesn't look Spanish. Very rare Southern European with a look like that. She looks Baltic.

07-23-2022, 03:43 PM
Ffs moor, your mother dumped you in a banlieue in the Basque Country like it could have been in a sewage in the outskirts of Marseille. If all your insults toward me are gonna be a projection of who you are: a starving Spanish immigrant living in a poor Spanish ghetto, then you're shooting yourself in the foot. Try not to sound like a self-hating loser.
Don't you have any Catalan-specific insults? You must hold us in very high esteem.

You literally live in a ghetto called badalona and you talk to me about living in ghettos... Can't you see you're projecting a lot? I am not going to insult all the Catalans just because you have a great inferiority complex for living in a ghetto and think that everyone lives like that.
Mention my mother... you look butthurt

07-23-2022, 04:05 PM
C'mon I can come up with many insults for Catalans (I won't tell you any) but if you're gonna go the poor/ghetto/moor way being a Spaniard, you're gonna lose no matter what. Try another angle.

I repeat that I am not insulting the Catalans. You literally live in a ghetto, I'm not saying that Catalonia is a ghetto, but Badalona is one of those ghettos that you criticize so much. Or am I wrong?
It's not about angles. I am literally defining you. Although I must admit that you were very brave saying that you live in Badalona, ​​most would be ashamed

Cristiano viejo
07-23-2022, 04:10 PM
She doesn't look Spanish. Very rare Southern European with a look like that. She looks Baltic.
She is Spanish, how could she not look what she is??

If being Catalan is so bad why do you claim that all Catalans, including those from Andorra and France are Spaniards?
Andalusians are retard like you too (not surprised why most fof Catalans have Andalusian ancestry), yet they are Spaniards. What can I do? :noidea:

If Badalona is so bad why did hundreds of thousands of starving Spaniards, including your own family members, immigrate here and still do?
Ask them and ask to yourself what are you doing living among them.

I have a better theory: according to your own mental frame we're superior to you in every way but you're a complexed loser so try to equal us to your level while pretending this is not your obsession. I mean you're a brown, poor, uneducated immigrant loser so it's normal you feel inferior to everyone else here.
You mad because I despise Catalans?

And what's the problem with Qatar? They're moors like you but rich and successful. You're their failed rape-babies.
They are part of Catalonia. Enjoy them.

For something Southern Catalonia was reconquered much later than even parts of Castilla la Mancha :D

Damião de Góis
07-23-2022, 06:27 PM
Ok, post a group of Galicians to show their legendary lightness, i posted a few recently and they were indistinguishable from Portuguese and Andalusians.

I don't know which spanish region is ligher (not a foreign expert myself), but making conclusions based on one google picture is a very foreign expert thing to do. It really amazes me.

07-23-2022, 06:29 PM
I don't know which spanish region is ligher (not a foreign expert myself), but making conclusions based on one google picture is a very foreign expert thing to do. It really amazes me.

It was about 8 pictures i studied so if you total that to about 500 people from the region you can i think get a pretty good idea about how dark or light they are.

Damião de Góis
07-23-2022, 06:35 PM
It was about 8 pictures i studied so if you total that to about 500 people from the region you can i think get a pretty good idea about how dark or light they are.

You're a real google student. Studying pictures and counting light eyes.

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-23-2022, 06:39 PM
Nah, galicia is not the lightest. It is what everyone thinks in Spain but it is far from reality.

Percentage of light eye color in Spain from more to less

The results appear so bizarre. Aragon 34.4%/34.9% but their neighbors in Catalunya 13.6%/14.5%. Extremadura and Murcia higher than Catalunya?

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-23-2022, 06:43 PM
You're a real google student. Studying pictures and counting light eyes.

There is not one person on this forum that respects Oliver as a poster on phenotypes. I've never seen someone criticized by as many people from different ethnic and political beliefs as himself.

Unfortunately, it's not like being a bad mechanic or plumber. You can't get fired from sucking at this.

07-23-2022, 09:02 PM
Nah, galicia is not the lightest. It is what everyone thinks in Spain but it is far from reality.

Percentage of light eye color in Spain from more to less

Curiously, in the thread that I made of deputies from Extremadura I got 18% of blue/clear eyes coinciding with that data.

The results appear so bizarre. Aragon 34.4%/34.9% but their neighbors in Catalunya 13.6%/14.5%. Extremadura and Murcia higher than Catalunya?

Why so surprised, Galician?

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-23-2022, 09:52 PM
Curiously, in the thread that I made of deputies from Extremadura I got 18% of blue/clear eyes coinciding with that data.

Why so surprised, Galician?

Why ask me a question that you already know the answer? The results are counterintuitive.

07-23-2022, 09:57 PM
Eye color, pigmentation, and hair color in Spain and Portugal are minimal regionally to the point that trying to find differences becomes obsessive. Go to the beach and get a tan guys! I am doing that right now and i'm almost black

Cristiano viejo
07-23-2022, 10:51 PM
Eye color, pigmentation, and hair color in Spain and Portugal are minimal regionally to the point that trying to find differences becomes obsessive. Go to the beach and get a tan guys! I am doing that right now and i'm almost black


07-23-2022, 10:57 PM

have u ever gone to the beach and tried to tan to black like me? It takes a lot of dedication, you have no idea

Cristiano viejo
07-24-2022, 12:26 AM
have u ever gone to the beach and tried to tan to black like me? It takes a lot of dedication, you have no idea
I hate beach and sun combined. When I was 18 or so I went with a friends to Alicante and I burned all the back. I was in bed almost 1 week. Since then I avoid the sun like a vampire. I only get a tan when I walk in roads, mountains and so, because sun in Spain is very difficult to fully avoid.

07-24-2022, 06:22 AM
Why ask me a question that you already know the answer? The results are counterintuitive.

It makes sense when it comes to "Basque influence", light eyes seem to be more common in those areas. Revealing is the difference in light eyes between León and Castilla la Vieja, and Aragón with Catalonia.


The only thing that doesn't fit is the Balearic Islands, maybe there were already Germans at the late 19th century?

07-24-2022, 03:48 PM
From your region and certainly atypical for Spanish.