View Full Version : Who really cares about women's football?

07-31-2022, 02:13 PM
I see it's headline news. But do people really care about this??

07-31-2022, 02:18 PM
Their husbands and family XD I tried to be entertained but it's really really hard to watch, the level is just really bad. Then it's even more hilarious people claiming equal pay etc.
But I mean why not, it's a game, people most probably just go there for the minor atmosphere, cold beer and just to spend their time somewhere.
Who I can't stand watching or hearing is Megan Rapinoe, I don't know how can anyone let her close to the microphone.

Salty Ears
07-31-2022, 02:48 PM
Any lower division football match better than international high level women's football. I compared in one day at one stadium complex womens eurocup game with national team members (local Zvezda vs norway club or Lyon, dont remember, some two of them) and then match of local men's teams (6 level of football pyramide in the country).

07-31-2022, 03:32 PM
Its not popular in Hungary, unlike the female handball what is i think more popular than male handball.

07-31-2022, 03:34 PM
I care as much about it as I care for paralympics or 4 - 5th division football, its the same level of athleticism and competition, therefore I dont care about it at all.


Salty Ears
07-31-2022, 03:44 PM
Its not popular in Hungary, unlike the female handball what is i think more popular than male handball.

women's handball does not lose so much to men's handball

07-31-2022, 03:44 PM
Not even feminists and SJWs care about female football. I'd care about female football if they would play naked.

07-31-2022, 03:46 PM
In addition to it I also care less about men international football, I do not cheer for Germany anymore as the team has become woke and doesnt include much Germans anymore, the last time I was hyped was when Hungary almost beat us and we all cheered for Hungary after Neuer wore the LGBTQP Badge and they went on their knees before the game like some cheap hookers. Hope Germany will be eliminated in the group stage already.

07-31-2022, 03:46 PM
Not one bit.

Colonel Frank Grimes
07-31-2022, 04:52 PM
My dad watches the games. He says they're less likely to flop than the men.

Jacques de Imbelloni
07-31-2022, 05:21 PM
Their husbands and family XD I tried to be entertained but it's really really hard to watch, the level is just really bad. Then it's even more hilarious people claiming equal pay etc.
But I mean why not, it's a game, people most probably just go there for the minor atmosphere, cold beer and just to spend their time somewhere.
Who I can't stand watching or hearing is Megan Rapinoe, I don't know how can anyone let her close to the microphone.

Husbands! HAHAHA! As if any of them were straight.
This is simply another woke rumble. There are lots of women's sports that are popular: female tennis players, female volleyball squads, swimmers, field hockey, and even boxers. Why do they have to enforce equality in football, the most popular sport in the world? just to put a big fuck you in the men's face.
They want to ruin every space in men's life so they won't form their own gender identity.
And what is more, most of these female players are ugly dickes who want to politize everything about the sport.

Volvado Seja
07-31-2022, 05:23 PM
Not even feminists and SJWs care about female football. I'd care about female football if they would play naked.
