View Full Version : Classify 2 Hungarian youtubers

08-09-2022, 10:24 PM

08-09-2022, 10:29 PM
turkic looking guy really fully hungarian? his looking more asiatic even for turkey, he resembles me a bit but i guess even more asiatic than me.

08-09-2022, 10:37 PM
Stahlbestie & Italicus.

08-09-2022, 10:44 PM
turkic looking guy really fully hungarian? his looking more asiatic even for turkey, he resembles me a bit but i guess even more asiatic than me.

Yepp, they are both fully Hungarian.

08-09-2022, 10:51 PM
whiter dude looks mainly borreby and slight baltid, right guy is turanid diego mix.

08-09-2022, 11:07 PM
I've come to the conclusion that the look of the face of a human is determined by a very small proportion of the human inter-group variety of DNA. It can easily be not just detached from the majority ancestry DNA but also happen to be strongly influenced by a pronounced minority ancestry proportion DNA. Even 0.1% of the DNA can determine the facial anthropological look. So the only requirement for an European to look "chink" f. i. is that you do have such DNA in the population's genepool. If the chinky-shifted guy is Hungarian then there is no reason to assume that he has notably more East Asian DNA than the other Hungarian.

08-09-2022, 11:28 PM
whiter dude looks mainly borreby and slight baltid, right guy is turanid diego mix.

Second guy looks pretty turkic, but wouldnt agree on borreby and baltid for the first guy. He looks kind of long skulled. Looks British imo.

08-09-2022, 11:30 PM
I've come to the conclusion that the look of the face of a human is determined by a very small proportion of the human inter-group variety of DNA. It can easily be not just detached from the majority ancestry DNA but also happen to be strongly influenced by a pronounced minority ancestry proportion DNA. Even 0.1% of the DNA can determine the facial anthropological look. So the only requirement for an European to look "chink" f. i. is that you do have such DNA in the population's genepool. If the chinky-shifted guy is Hungarian then there is no reason to assume that he has notably more East Asian DNA than the other Hungarian.

I agree, but in most cases phenotype and DNA correlates.

08-09-2022, 11:38 PM
Second guy looks pretty turkic, but wouldnt agree on borreby and baltid for the first guy. He looks kind of long skulled. Looks British imo.

He looks quite British i agree, brunn borreby?

08-10-2022, 01:53 AM
I've come to the conclusion that the look of the face of a human is determined by a very small proportion of the human inter-group variety of DNA. It can easily be not just detached from the majority ancestry DNA but also happen to be strongly influenced by a pronounced minority ancestry proportion DNA. Even 0.1% of the DNA can determine the facial anthropological look. So the only requirement for an European to look "chink" f. i. is that you do have such DNA in the population's genepool. If the chinky-shifted guy is Hungarian then there is no reason to assume that he has notably more East Asian DNA than the other Hungarian.

I agree.
A good example is Robert Deniro genetically is only 25% Italian. As his Father is 50% Italian and his Mother is Irish.

Because he has a look that could easily fit as being Italian he tends to get casted as
an Italian. Many people asscociate him with being Italian.
Lyrics from a pop song about him "Robert Deniro's waiting talking Italian".
However genetically he is about as Italian as Mortimer is Serbian, maybe less.
Which is interesting when you consider that perhaps many Serbs dont accept Mortimer as Serbian.
Do many Italians accept Deniro as Italian (even though he is only genetically 1/4).
I would imagine they do, especially because he is notable and succesful person.
Nations tend to accept people who are mixed as full bloods especially when they are an individual of public success.

08-10-2022, 01:56 AM
double post

08-10-2022, 12:02 PM
I've come to the conclusion that the look of the face of a human is determined by a very small proportion of the human inter-group variety of DNA. It can easily be not just detached from the majority ancestry DNA but also happen to be strongly influenced by a pronounced minority ancestry proportion DNA. Even 0.1% of the DNA can determine the facial anthropological look. So the only requirement for an European to look "chink" f. i. is that you do have such DNA in the population's genepool. If the chinky-shifted guy is Hungarian then there is no reason to assume that he has notably more East Asian DNA than the other Hungarian.

its becacuse "Hungarian" does not mean a lot. Its only a country mixed with various random people, what happens to be Hungarian is a mathematical avearge (55 Farmer 37 Steppe 12 WHG or some shit like this, nobody however looks exactly like that what we would imagine that mixture to look because we are focused too much on artificialities like bodybuild, pigmentation, nose and eye shape.)

Genetic test cant tell 100 % everything either- this is much more true for New Worlders than Europeans but i think Hungarians with that kind of chinky feautures are a good example of that as well- as i said, if he ends up being average Hungarian gentically it does not change that fact. And as Olivero says it- its the chinky eyes, the rest looks like a Italo-Spaniard Diego

08-10-2022, 06:07 PM
Second guy passes as Turkic like Romanian. First IMHO can't: pure CM is extremely uncommon here